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翻译 pytorch 生成模型_在pytorch上编写您的第一个生成对抗网络模型

pytorch 生成模型Detailed instructions for constructing generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) using the example of two models implemented using the PyTorch deep learning framework. 使用通过PyTorch深度学习框...

2020-10-14 11:42:29 4371

翻译 数据探索性分析_电影探索性数据分析

数据探索性分析As a part of the Flatiron School bootcamp requirements, we are required to complete a project at the end of each learning module that demonstrates our ability to apply what we’ve learned. 作为Fla...

2020-10-14 11:31:51 665

翻译 open cv roi提取_使用pytesseract open cv从扫描的pdf中提取文本

open cv roi提取The process of extracting information from a digital copy of invoice can be a tricky task. There are various tools that are available in the market that can be used to perform this task. ...

2020-10-14 11:21:01 527

翻译 c#中的反射的高级语法_Kubernetes第3部分中的seccomp新语法以及一些高级主题

c#中的反射的高级语法On this part I want to cover a few isolated points that hopefully together would give a bit more depth to your seccomp knowledge. 在这一部分中,我想介绍一些孤立的观点,希望它们在一起可以使您对seccomp的知识有更多的了解。 Seccomp ...

2020-09-30 08:22:07 255

翻译 数据科学学习心得_如何快速学习数据科学

数据科学学习心得Learning R can take a lot of time. But while it’s impossible to become an expert overnight, there are plenty of things you can do to speed up the learning process. I’ve put together some recom...

2020-09-30 08:12:44 643

翻译 jone_jone的元编程网格和标签

jone one (Hone.jl)Last time we left off on the work with Hone.jl, a modular, object-oriented graphing library that uses meta-programming to provide an extendable platform, we had run into quite a lar...

2020-09-30 08:03:21 176

翻译 bigquery_bigquery关键概念

bigqueryThis is the part 5 of the series, Modernising a Data Platform and BigQuery concepts. In this part and next few parts, we will discuss about some of the key concepts of BigQuery for Data wareho...

2020-09-30 07:52:57 1055

翻译 Portainer管理Docker的简单方法

There are still a lot of Developers and IT Professionals that have no experience with Docker. My personal experience is they think Docker is complex and challenging to manage. 仍然有许多没有Docker经验的开发人员和IT专...

2020-09-17 02:30:37 4888

翻译 在另一个线程中以python发送电子邮件

动机 (Motivation)Sending emails may seem to be a simple task. But there is some complicated stuff to consider: 发送电子邮件似乎是一个简单的任务。 但是有一些复杂的事情要考虑: An email should be sent in a parallel thread, so it doe...

2020-09-17 02:20:16 441

翻译 逐步指南,将数据加载到bigquery中

In this Part 6 of the series, “Modernisation of a Data Platform”, we would be focussing a little more on BigQuery’s key concepts which are essential for designing a DWH. 在本系列的第6部分“数据平台的现代化”中,我们将重点关注Bi...

2020-09-17 02:11:12 765

翻译 graphviz和cc预处理器的协同作用

This article tells how to make Graphviz graphs drawing easy and faster by using C preprocessor. 本文介绍如何通过使用C预处理程序使Graphviz图形绘制变得容易和快捷。 The key point is that the dot graph language that Graphviz (graph...

2020-09-17 02:01:35 78

翻译 用Ruby计算组合的算法

背景 (Background)When I learned to code, I hadn’t slept in a math classroom in 14 years. 当我学会编码的时候,我已经有14年没睡在数学教室了。 I studied philosophy and taught courses on Symbolic Logic. I can talk about deducti...

2020-09-17 01:50:37 300

翻译 如何从master更改git default分支

Recently, there are many suggestions about renaming the default branch master to some other name. This was mainly due to the master-slave metaphor. 最近,有许多关于将默认分支主机重命名为其他名称的建议。 这主要是由于主从比喻。 There is ev...

2020-09-17 01:41:32 4242

翻译 树莓派gpio和python入门

介绍 (Introduction)A Rasberry Pi (RPi) is a low cost mini computer and has the size of a credit card. It is a great solution for hobby and home projects (and some commercial, too) because it has vario...

2020-09-17 01:31:04 368

翻译 rails5 创建项目_rails项目以及如何创建怪物

rails5 创建项目So here we are at the Rails Project stage, it feels like only yesterday I was doing simple addition programming and being wowed by it. Now I am making 11 model monsters with multiple has_ma...

2020-09-17 01:21:35 128

翻译 研究生怎么研究算法_不再研究算法

研究生怎么研究算法 遗产 (Legacy)Thirty years ago a software development interview meant standing at a whiteboard holding a marker pen and writing some hyper-optimized screaming fast code representing an algorit...

2020-09-17 01:11:25 175

翻译 quarkus和influxdb入门,以从粒子设备第1部分中获取传感器数据

Deciding which programming language and framework to use for your next backend application is not trivial. There are a lot of variables involved in the process. What is the learning curve of a new fra...

2020-09-17 01:01:29 349

翻译 在kubernetes mongo express ui上设置的mongodb副本

This post is the basic guide on installing the MongoDB replica set and providing a UI access to it on a Kubernetes cluster. 这篇文章是有关安装MongoDB副本集并在Kubernetes集群上提供对它的UI访问的基本指南。 I assume that you are alr...

2020-09-09 09:05:18 131

翻译 javascript对c或c有多快

Which technology should be chosen for performance critical applications? How does Node, .NET Core, or Electron compare to native applications? 性能关键型应用应选择哪种技术? Node,.NET Core或Electron与本地应用程序相比如何? Diff...

2020-09-09 08:44:40 212

翻译 dart编程语言_五分钟即可完成Dart编程语言

dart编程语言Dart is primarily known as the programming language for Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop apps from a single codebase. It’s optimized for bui...

2020-09-09 08:24:32 397

翻译 使用可触摸的方式使您的custompainter绘画栩栩如生

Despite the humongous number of builtin widgets provided by the flutter library, we often find ourselves delving into : 尽管flutter库提供了大量内置的小部件,但我们经常发现自己在研究: Creating complex widgets filled with domain...

2020-09-07 08:27:03 260

翻译 数据库设计示例_示例中设计关系数据库

数据库设计示例 > 前言 (› Preface)Several years ago I was a junior developer with high ambitions to create web apps. Once I got an idea to analyze all money that I spend to understand my expenses better. I ...

2020-09-07 08:17:47 298

翻译 如何在一台机器上高效并行化dask数据帧计算

Threads, Processes, Cluster — What to choose when 线程,进程,群集-何时选择 In the previous story, we had a deep dive into the dask dataframes. We saw how they are lazy and will perform computations only when fo...

2020-09-07 08:07:02 163

翻译 设计图案协同作用,探索装饰图案

In this article I am going to talk about the Decorator Design Pattern. 在本文中,我将讨论装饰器 设计模式 。 More specifically, I will present some combinations of the Decorator pattern with other Design Patterns in o...

2020-09-07 07:57:13 110

翻译 sql vs nosql_初学者参考sql vs nosql

sql vs nosqlMany new developers wonder what the difference is between SQL and NoSQL. The subjects come up often in theoretical discussions and systems design interview preparation. 许多新开发人员想知道SQL和NoSQL...

2020-09-07 07:35:41 206

翻译 python进程池使用案例_使用python监控少于50行的covid案例

python进程池使用案例The world is slowly recovering from the pandemic. The borders are opening. You start thinking about traveling to another country. However, you don’t want to rush into the country where CO...

2020-09-07 07:26:05 139

翻译 selenium捕获提示_如何在Selenium中捕获屏幕截图

selenium捕获提示Capturing screenshots is essential to find out if your web-application is rendering seamlessly, and where it's failing if not. 捕获屏幕截图对于确定您的Web应用程序是否正在无缝渲染以及在哪里失败是至关重要的。 Traditionally, tes...

2020-09-07 07:16:27 3273

翻译 使用docker在Windows中构建黑客工具

Something that I have struggled with in the past as a software developer turned penetration tester is the fact that I use two operating systems on a daily basis, and this sometimes causes friction in ...

2020-09-07 07:05:44 207

翻译 numpy数组操作_numpy数组

numpy数组操作Topics covered in this post 这篇文章涵盖的主题 What is an array object? 什么是数组对象? Array Terminologies 阵列术语 Uses of array objects 数组对象的使用 Creating array objects with numpy 用numpy创建数组对象 Basic array oper...

2020-09-07 06:56:34 601

翻译 blazor 项目无法调试_blazor服务器项目2

blazor 项目无法调试CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) are features that must be present in an application that uses a database. In the previous article, we discussed how to perform CRUD operations for a si...

2020-09-07 06:25:41 572

翻译 数据可视化 t-sne_使用word2vector和t sne进行文本数据预处理

数据可视化 t-sneMulti-class classification to predict the Phrases from the sentences of the movie review given user in the sentiment scale of 0–4. 多类分类,根据用户评分为0–4的电影评论句子来预测短语。 Introduction 介绍 With the gr...

2020-09-07 06:15:16 895

翻译 有趣的python typosquatting不赚钱

by William Bengtson | @__muscles 威廉·本格森 | @__肌肉 Two years ago a few colleagues (shoutout to helloarbit, travismcpeak, and coffeetocode) and I were talking about supply chain attacks which led to this...

2020-09-07 06:04:33 438

翻译 数据结构单向链表线性结构_线性数据结构链表为何以及如何解释

数据结构单向链表线性结构Imagine you have gone to a crowded place, say to a k-pop concert with your friends and you don’t have any electronics or compass with you. 想象您去了一个拥挤的地方,与您的朋友一起参加一场韩流音乐会,而您却没有任何电子设备或指南针。 N...

2020-09-07 05:25:16 191

翻译 在应用程序开发中,下一个大问题将变得扑朔迷离

That’s a genuine question, believe it or not, and I almost find it surprising myself, asking it. There is no denying, having been a JavaScript-based developer for quite a long time now, I had my momen...

2020-09-07 05:15:20 835

翻译 r语言抓取nba数据_抓取NBA数据比迈克尔·乔丹酷吗

r语言抓取nba数据 介绍 (Introduction)This summer I picked up a new hobby of following the NBA, as a data enthusiast, I wanted to understand how this season of NBA was different on paper from the previous ones...

2020-09-04 20:19:45 309

翻译 地堡中的光照问题_扑扑和火力地堡的更新

地堡中的光照问题 重点 (Top highlight)Flutter is more than just an engine, a set of widgets, and some tools; it also includes a large ecosystem of packages to add functionality to your apps beyond what comes out...

2020-09-04 20:09:22 470

翻译 python字节流串联_python中的串联和重复

python字节流串联 Python中的串联和重复: (Concatenation and Repetition in Python:)In python, concatenations and repetitions are supported by sequence data types both mutable(list) and immutable(tuple, strings). Se...

2020-09-04 19:58:47 649

翻译 testng 数据驱动_testng数据提供者如何使其每次工作

testng 数据驱动Summary: The point of this article is to understand how to succeed at passing data to classes via .xlsx file. 简介:本文的重点是了解如何成功通过.xlsx文件将数据传递给类。 The DataProviders in TestNG are another way t...

2020-09-04 19:37:43 101

翻译 8位样式CSS

Frameworks help us build a different style or functionality for our products with ease. And thanks to them we don’t need to re-invent the wheel. Not long ago I have come across a CSS framework so-call...

2020-09-04 19:06:00 166

翻译 带遥测的汽车仪表

App instrumentation generally involves significant manual effort, with application code invoking logging/metrics/tracing SDKs when something interesting happens. This is useful, but not without its ch...

2020-09-04 18:55:06 221



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