
For those of you who have read a few of my articles, you will know by know that I’m a fan of Prime Video. Their original content is definitely note worthy but I tune in for their oldies content such as House. During an episode, one of the doctors said if only the blood sample was examine by human eyes, they would have figured out what was wrong with the patient sooner, rather than trying a million different treatment before realizing it was a parasite problem.This got me to thinking. How accurate is this depiction in real life?

对于那些阅读了我的一些文章的人,您将知道我是Prime Video的粉丝。 他们的原始内容绝对值得一提,但我会喜欢他们的老歌内容,例如House。 在一次发作中,一位医生说,如果只用肉眼检查血样,他们会早点弄清楚病人出了什么问题,而不是尝试一百万种不同的治疗方法才意识到这是一个寄生虫问题。我要思考。 这种描述在现实生活中的准确性如何?

Earlier this year, I had a similar experience where I went to the hospital for a simple sore throat and fever. You would think it was simple but I've learned the hard way that doctors often push for the most complicated and outlandish reason as to why a person is ill rather than the simple one that is literally in front of their eyes. So there I was, high fever and all being admitted to the hospital for 3 whole days. In those three days, I managed to loose five pounds since my throat hurt so bad I couldn’t eat anything. I kept telling my doctor, the nurses, the doctor on call, the person who brought me my medicine that they are giving me every single medicine under the sun to keep my fever at bay except one, a medicine to cure my sore throat. I was unheeded of course being a civilian and not having gone to medical school for a decade like these fine physicians. Finally on the second day I snapped and I firmly told my doctor “I’ve been telling you since day one that my throat hurt! Until now you keep focusing on my fever which is a symptom of my throat issue without actually trying to heal my throat. If you heal my throat inflammation, then my body would not be having a fever trying to kill whatever bacteria or virus is in there”. I guess the effect of having a woman in her pajamas sweating with a husky voice did the trick, my doctor prescribed me antibiotics for my throat and the next day I felt so much better.

今年早些时候,我也有类似的经历,我去了医院,因喉咙发烧简单。 您可能会认为这很简单,但是我已经了解到,医生常常会以一种艰难的方式来推动人们应对疾病的最复杂,最古怪的原因,而不是眼前的简单疾病。 当时我发烧,全部住院了整整3天。 在那三天里,由于嗓子疼得很厉害,我什么也吃不下,所以我设法减轻了五磅。 我不停地告诉我的医生,护士,值班医生,给我带来药物的人,他们正在给我每一种药物,以防止发烧,但一种药物可以治愈我的喉咙痛。 我当然是平民,没有被听见,也没有像这些优秀的医生那样去医学院十年了。 终于在第二天,我突然响起,我坚定地告诉我的医生:“从第一天开始,我就一直告诉你我的喉咙很痛! 到现在为止,您一直专注于发烧,这是我的喉咙问题的征兆,而实际上并没有试图治愈我的喉咙。 如果您治愈了我的喉咙发炎,那么我的身体就不会发烧,试图杀死那里的细菌或病毒。” 我想让女人穿着睡衣以沙哑的嗓子出汗的效果可以解决问题,我的医生为我开了我喉咙的抗生素处方,第二天我感觉好多了。

At first I didn’t think anything of this until I saw that episode of House. Then all of the sudden everything clicked. This explained so much why my illness was not being properly treated for days. And why despite numerous expensive blood tests everything came back negative and why, at the end of my stay, when I was being discharged, I was given the exact medicine that I was allergic to, while still wearing my allergy bracelet from the hospital that had the name of the medicine I was allergic to. The only thing that can make sense of all of this wasn’t excessive sheer incompetence. It was because my doctor relied to heavily on machines and AI for my diagnosis. My lab work most likely went through a machine for screening and results. Not only that, my diagnosis was probably put through some sort of machine where I’m sure the course of medication was clearly plotted out, this would explain why despite me repeating to several staff what medication I was allergic to, I was still given the medication I’m allergic to take home. It was only after I re-alerted the nurse of my allergy, I was then given another medication.

起初,直到我看到《 House》的那一集,我什么都没想到。 然后突然所有的一切都点击了。 这充分解释了为什么我的疾病好几天都没有得到适当的治疗。 为什么尽管进行了大量昂贵的血液检查,但一切都变得阴性,为什么在我出院后,出院时,我仍得到了我过敏的确切药物,同时仍戴着来自医院的过敏手镯我过敏的药物名称。 可以理解所有这些的唯一事情并不是过度的无能。 这是因为我的医生非常依赖机器和AI进行诊断。 我的实验室工作很可能是通过一台机器进行筛选和结果的。 不仅如此,我的诊断很可能是通过某种机器进行的,我确信可以清楚地规划出药物的使用过程,这可以解释为什么尽管我向几名员工重复了我对什么药物过敏的药物,但我仍然得到了我要带回家的药物过敏。 直到我重新给护士过敏后,我才接受另一种药物治疗。

I was still given the medication I’m allergic to take home, while still wearing my allergy bracelet from the hospital that had the name of the medicine I was allergic to.

仍然给我过敏的药物回家 ,同时仍戴着从医院过敏的手镯,名字叫我过敏的药物。

This horrific ordeal made me realized that the advancement of technology is not making people’s lives better, it’s actually putting all of us in more danger since manual diagnosis and logical thinking are no longer part of the treatment equation. Lab tests are highly computerized. Machines and apps are now able to be used to diagnose your symptoms and give suggestions on what illnesses you have and what course of treatment is best for that illness.

这场可怕的磨难使我意识到,技术的进步并不能使人们的生活变得更好,这实际上使我们所有人面临更大的危险,因为手动诊断和逻辑思维不再是治疗方程式的一部分。 实验室测试高度计算机化。 机器和应用程序现在可以用来诊断症状,并针对您所患的疾病以及最适合该疾病的治疗方法提供建议。

Doctors seem to have been lulled by technology that they are now doing the bare minimum. What is going on with today’s medical professionals? Are medical professionals relying too much on technology? I’m a firm believer that sometimes the best answer is the simplest answer. If a patient comes to you with symptoms of sore throat and not being able to swallow then she has a high fever, odds are she really does have a sore throat. If the simple treatment doesn’t work, then move on to the next stage. Nobody should be using a nuclear bomb to kill an ant in your backyard.

医生似乎对技术感到无所适从,因为他们现在只做最小的工作。 今天的医疗专业人员怎么了? 医疗专业人员是否过多依赖技术? 我坚信有时最好的答案是最简单的答案。 如果患者因喉咙痛而无法吞咽的症状来到您身边,则说明她发高烧,很可能是她确实喉咙痛。 如果简单的处理方法无效,请继续进行下一个阶段。 没有人应该使用核弹杀死后院的蚂蚁。

This is why we should not depend on technology when it comes to the survival of the human race, there are limits to AI. The hint is in the first letter A which stands for Artificial. This means artificial intelligence can only calculate, process and predict based on information that has been give previously on an incident which has occurred. According to this article from Harvard University, Artificial Intelligence in medicine is indeed limited. Despite the fact that today, AI algorithms are dependent on in everyday life, many things happen for the first time, best example of this is the COVID-19 pandemic, which is similar to the Spanish Flu and yet more deadly. Viruses, microbes and bacteria keep evolving, we can’t rely on past learning to cure future illnesses because mother nature apparently is a comedienne and never repeats the same joke twice. Which is why in the field of medicine, the human brain is the best defense and offense that humanity has. We have been given the gift of free thought, intelligence and creativity which is beyond the capability of any machine or artificial intelligence. So if doctors today are leaning towards technology to diagnose and treat the majority of illnesses, then mankind truly is doomed.

这就是为什么在人类生存方面我们不应该依赖技术,因为人工智能存在局限性。 提示位于人造字母的第一个字母A中。 这意味着人工智能只能基于先前针对已发生的事件提供的信息进行计算,处理和预测 。 根据哈佛大学的这篇文章 ,医学上的人工智能确实是有限的。 尽管今天的事实是,人工智能算法依赖于日常生活,但还是有很多事情是第一次发生,其中最好的例子就是COVID-19大流行,这与西班牙流感相似,但更致命。 病毒,微生物和细菌在不断发展,我们不能依靠过去的知识来治愈未来的疾病,因为自然母亲显然是喜剧演员,而且从来不会重复两次相同的笑话。 这就是为什么在医学领域,人脑是人类拥有的最佳防御和进攻。 我们被赋予了自由思考,智慧和创造力的礼物,这是任何机器或人工智能所无法企及的。 因此,如果当今的医生倾向于使用技术来诊断和治疗大多数疾病,那么人类确实注定要失败。

翻译自: https://medium.com/the-innovation/how-ai-is-affecting-the-way-doctors-treat-patients-dbeb1a7596a2

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