drone jenkins_将CI从Jenkins转移到Drone

drone jenkins

For a long time, we have been using Jenkins to do the CI without too much thought into it, it’s free, it has a decent UI and seemingly largest community. Look no further, right?

长期以来,我们一直在使用Jenkins进行CI,而没有花太多时间思考,它是免费的,它具有不错的UI和看似最大的社区。 看起来不远吧?

As our codebase gets increasingly complex, the CI process becomes much harder to maintain as each bit of code ask for its own code-sitter, testing, reporting, archiving, etc, especially with our mono-repository architecture which includes various modules written in different languages which need to be built with their own toolchains.


动机 (Motivation)

Some pain points off the top of my head:


1. Environment variables.


Many building tasks rely on some environment variables to work properly, whenever I see some errors related to them, I’d check the host machine’s value and Jenkins’s, compare and update them, call task manager to restart the process to have it take effect. Yeah, it reminds me of the good old memory of window 98.

许多构建任务依赖于某些环境变量才能正常工作,每当我看到与它们相关的一些错误时,我都会检查主机的值和Jenkins的值,进行比较和更新,并调用任务管理器以重新启动该过程以使其生效。 是的,这让我想起了Windows 98的美好回忆。

2. Deep navigation


I know Jenkins is an all-powerful CI product, it makes sense to take some time and effort to pick it up, but it is just frustrating to get lost among all those pages, tabs, and controls.


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3. Wild plugins


Each plugin has its own UI components, documentation, and issues, you have to go to the community for help quite often.


4. Migration of Jenkins configuration


The CI building process can never be too quick from the developers’ point of view. Before we go for any other alternative products, we tried to move the server to a more powerful PC, but the migration of Jenkin’s configuration did not turn out to be a happy memory.

从开发人员的角度来看,CI的构建过程永远不会太快。 在我们寻求其他替代产品之前,我们曾尝试将服务器移至功能更强大的PC上,但是Jenkin的配置迁移并没有使人高兴。

I’ve tried to look for some export/import button, configuration file, or something like that expecting to do it with some simple clicks, but the reality remains cruel, I followed the instruments from its documentation to back up and restore its home folder before ended up opening two browser tabs and comparing the configuration items I can possibly remember before different errors tease me for under-estimating the task.


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5. Parallel execution


  • how to make some steps run in parallel

  • how do I make sure they are actually running in parallel


The journey of reading through its documentation and fumbling with the parallelization only make me realize the idea of leaving them running in serial is not that bad.


冒险 (Adventure)

One day we came across Drone which claims to be a CI for busy devs, that sounds cool, I am always very busy, at least act in a very busy way to keep my job during this coronavirus pandemic.


To begin with, you need some basic understanding of docker or container before jumping on this wagon. The relationship between image and container is sort of like that between executable and process, one is static file while the other is a dynamic running thing. Multiple containers created with the same image are guaranteed to have the exactly same environment (I mean runtime libraries, commands, etc, not the IP, hostname of course).

首先,您需要对docker或容器有一些基本的了解,然后再跳入这辆马车。 映像和容器之间的关系有点像可执行文件和进程之间的关系 ,一个是静态文件,另一个是动态运行的东西。 确保使用同一映像创建的多个容器具有完全相同的环境(我的意思是运行时库,命令等,当然不是IP,主机名)。

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服务器 (Server)

The whole product is designed around the concept of containers, even the Drone server itself is distributed as a lightweight Docker image. The image is self-contained and does not have any external dependencies.

整个产品都是围绕容器的概念设计的,甚至Drone服务器本身也以轻量级Docker映像的形式分发。 该映像是独立的,没有任何外部依赖性。

The server container can be started with the below command. The container is configured through environment variables.

可以使用以下命令启动服务器容器。 容器是通过环境变量配置的。

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亚军 (Runner)

Drone runners poll the server for workloads to execute.


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管道 (Pipeline)

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It’s just a simple YAML file.


Your configuration could have multiple pipelines, one pipeline has multiple steps which have a sequence of commands to meet your needs.


Every step runs in an isolated container created with the image you specified, so you do not have to worry about any environment-related surprises anymore. Drone automatically creates a temporary volume, known as your workspace, where it clones your repository. The workspace is the current working directory for each step in your pipeline.

每个步骤都在使用您指定的映像创建的隔离容器中运行 ,因此您不必再担心与环境有关的任何意外情况。 无人机会自动创建一个临时卷,称为您的工作区 ,在其中克隆您的存储库。 工作空间是管道中每个步骤的当前工作目录。

Pipeline steps are executed sequentially by default. You can optionally describe your build steps as a directed acyclic graph using the depends_on. In the above example we fan-out to execute the first two steps in parallel, and then once complete, we fan-in to execute the final step.

管道步骤默认情况下按顺序执行。 您可以选择使用depends_on将构建步骤描述为有向无环图 。 在上面的示例中,我们扇形展开以并行执行前两个步骤,然后完成后,我们扇形展开以执行最后一步。

With first-class container support and simple parallel syntax, one cannot help but design them to run in parallel to squeeze every drop of juice as possible. You can easily track the running status in the following UI section.

借助一流的容器支持和简单的并行语法,人们不得不将它们设计为并行运行以尽可能地榨取每一滴果汁。 您可以在以下UI部分中轻松跟踪运行状态。

用户界面 (User interface)

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job running status

As shown in the image above, there are two pipelines for this commit, js-code-coverage, and CSharp-code-coverage, each has its own steps.


dev and test pipelines are running in parallel
dev and test pipelines are running in parallel

本地制作奖金 (Local-build Bonus)

With Jenkins, you cannot know the final result without submitting it to the server and going for at least one cup of coffee, this is not the case anymore with Drone as it comes with a command-line to run a local build. Just imagine how much confidence and proudness it brings to you if you never break anything, I mean, in public.

使用Jenkins,如果不将最终结果提交到服务器并至少喝一杯咖啡,就无法知道最终结果,对于Drone而言,情况已不再如此,因为它附带了用于运行本地版本的命令行 。 试想一下,如果您从未在公开场合破坏任何事物,它将带给您多少信心和自豪感。

So you can make any silly mistake on your own PC and see the result in a relatively short while.


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This subcommand executes a local build.

突出 (Highlight)

All environment variables and plugin configuration are saved in the pipeline YAML file which makes it easy to maintain.


Simple enough UIs without too much information


Easy parallelization, boosted with the first-class container support


Local build and fast feedback


If you are really into programming the CI steps instead of using a declarative YAML file, Drone has something for you too, please check out the Jsonnet, a javascript-like data templating language to generate config data.

如果您真的想编写CI步骤而不是使用声明性的YAML文件,那么Drone也会为您提供一些帮助,请查看Jsonnet (一种类似于javascript的数据模板语言,以生成配置数据)。

已知的问题 (Known issues)

It’s hard to search for a history commit on its dashboard, no search box, no paging.


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If something wrong happens to either the Drone itself or GitHub, Drone server might miss out on some builds, and users cannot trigger a re-build without calling its API endpoints or checking in some other code.


结论 (Conclusion)

We are very happy with the decision of moving to Drone. It makes CI not as heavy as before and helps us make the full use of container technology, saving more hairs to pull out in the future.

我们对搬到Drone的决定感到非常满意。 它使CI不再像以前那么沉重,并帮助我们充分利用了容器技术,从而节省了更多的毛发供将来使用。

翻译自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/moving-ci-from-jenkins-to-drone-deaf7b773583

drone jenkins

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