

Caveat: If you are in a marketing organization driving marketing campaigns, you should totally use UTM codes. For example, this post from Lee Hurst begs marketers to start using more UTM codes.

警告 :如果您在负责行销活动的行销组织中,则应完全使用UTM代码 。 例如, Lee Hurst的 这篇帖子恳求营销人员开始使用更多的UTM代码。

So why shouldn’t you use UTM codes?


人工过滤 (Human filtering)

Every time we dive into social media (email, reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, …) our brains drown in a sea of information overload. We are in this site to find interesting links, but our brains have had to develop quick strategies to separate real content from ads.

每当我们进入社交媒体(电子邮件,reddit,Twitter,LinkedIn,Facebook等)时,我们的大脑就会淹没在信息过载的海洋中。 我们在此站点中找到有趣的链接,但是我们的大脑不得不制定快速的策略以将真实内容与广告分开。

Which of these links would you rather click on?


  1. https://www.elisbwbar.com/


  2. https://www.elisbwbar.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic&utm_content=main&utm_campaign=listing


  3. https://bit.ly/3fQQMAW


The answer is clear: The first one looks like a link that a friend would send to me. The second one looks like a link I would find on an email campaign. The third one tells me nothing, and will probably remain un-clicked.

答案很明确:第一个看起来像是朋友会发送给我的链接。 第二个看起来像是我在电子邮件广告系列中找到的链接。 第三个告诉我什么,并且可能会保持未单击状态。

These 3 links go to the same place, but the first looks way more trust-worthy than the rest.


机器学习过滤 (Machine learning filtering)

A savvy internet expert will quickly counter: “People don’t need to see the links, you can hide URLs behind text”.

精明的互联网专家会Swift反驳:“人们无需查看链接,您可以将URL隐藏在文本后面 ”。

That’s true — and there will be people that click on a link without first snooping into what URL is hidden behind. But not all filtering is done by human brains. Computers try hard to filter authentic links from noise for you.

没错-会有人点击链接而没有先窥探后面隐藏的URL。 但并非所有过滤都是由人脑完成的。 计算机努力为您过滤掉噪音中的真实链接

Take email, reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook: They all try to surface links that are interesting to you, while filtering out spam. They all use machine learning to look at a link and score how interesting it might be to you. All of these ML models have been fed millions of annotated links, and all of these models have learned: If the link has an UTM code or if the link goes through an URL shortener, the probability of spam is much higher.

以电子邮件,reddit,Twitter,LinkedIn和Facebook为例:它们都在过滤掉垃圾邮件的同时尝试显示您感兴趣的链接。 他们都使用机器学习来查看链接,并为您评估链接的有趣程度。 所有这些ML模型都已经获得了数百万条带注释的链接,并且所有这些模型都了解到: 如果该链接具有UTM代码,或者如果该链接通过URL缩短器,则垃圾邮件的可能性就更高

我们来看一些数据 (Let’s look at some data)

For example, on reddit.com/r/programming during a given month 491 links had a score>5. Only one of these links had utm codes embedded:

例如,在给定月份的reddit.com/r/programming上 ,有491个链接的得分大于5。 这些链接中只有一个嵌入了utm代码:

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/r/programming links don’t use utm codes (except 1 of 491)
/ r / programming链接不使用utm代码(491个中的1个除外)

Same on Hacker News: Looking at all the links with score>5 during 2020 so far, only a very small proportion of them have UTM codes embedded:

同样在Hacker News上:到目前为止,查看所有得分大于5的链接,其中只有很小一部分嵌入了UTM代码:

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Hacker News links don’t use utm codes (except 49 of 36,170)

What about shorteners? 260 bitly URLs have been submitted to Hacker News this year, and their average score is 0:

那起酥油呢? 今年有260个URL提交给Hacker News,平均得分为0:

Image for post
Bitly links on Hacker News get an average score of 0

查询 (Queries)

SELECT fhoffa.x.median(ARRAY_AGG(score)) median_score, url LIKE '%utm%' with_utm, COUNT(*) c
FROM `fh-bigquery.reddit_posts.2019_08`
WHERE score > 5
AND url>''
AND subreddit='programming'
GROUP BY 2;SELECT fhoffa.x.median(ARRAY_AGG(score)) median_score, url LIKE '%utm%' with_utm, COUNT(*) c
FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full`
AND score > 5
AND url>''
GROUP BY 2;SELECT ROUND(AVG(score)-1,1) avg_score, url LIKE '%bit.ly%' is_bitly, COUNT(*) c
FROM `bigquery-public-data.hacker_news.full`
-- AND score > 5
AND url>''
LIMIT 1000

UTM代码使重新共享内容变得更加困难 (UTM codes make it harder to re-share your content)

Whenever I want to re-share an interesting link, I do so. But the link I got has UTM codes, now I have to work harder: Before sharing said link, I will need to clean it up, and remove al the UTM noise from it. Even more, if re-sharers don’t remove the existing UTMs, then all your analytics will become messed up with the wrong attribution.

每当我想重新分享有趣的链接时,我都会这样做。 但是我获得的链接具有UTM代码,现在我必须更加努力:在共享所述链接之前,我需要清理它,并从其中消除UTM噪音。 更重要的是,如果再共享者不删除现有的UTM,那么您所有的分析都将被错误的归因所困扰。

If you want top social media influencers to naturally share your links, help them do so with minimum effort. They know their shares will be more successful without UTM codes, so help them by giving them clean links.

如果您希望顶尖的社交媒体影响者自然地分享您的链接,请帮助他们以最小的努力。 他们知道,如果没有UTM代码,他们的股份将更加成功,因此请给他们提供干净的链接来帮助他们。

酥油违反规定 (Shorteners are against the rules)

On Medium, their rules:


To prevent fraud and abuse, you must, you may not: Include shortened URLs in your posts.


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Medium rules agains shorteners. You may not “include shortened URLs in your posts”.
中规则矩。 您不得“在帖子中包含缩短的URL”。

In fact, one of my friends was recently banned from Medium. The only flaggable behavior we found on their posts was the use of bitly links.

实际上,我的一位朋友最近被禁止使用Medium。 我们在他们的帖子中发现的唯一可鄙行为是使用位链接。

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“Account suspended. Error 410. This account is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules”. If you use link shorteners on Medium, this might happen to you too.
“帐户已被暂停。 错误410。此帐户正在接受调查或被发现违反了中型规则”。 如果在Medium上使用链接缩短器,您也可能会遇到这种情况。

This because URL shorteners are commonly used by spammers and abusers.


Quora seems to have similar policies (friends have had their content removed). And also people have strong negative reactions to UTM links. For example:

Quora似乎有类似的政策(朋友的内容已删除)。 人们也对UTM链接产生强烈的负面React 。 例如:

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综上所述 (In summary)

  • If you are driving marketing campaigns, use UTM codes.

  • If you are engaging in human-to-human conversations, don’t use UTM codes.

  • To avoid your links getting tagged as spam, don’t use URL shorteners or UTM tags.

  • To measure results without UTM codes… well, that’s for a future post.


想要更多? (Want more?)

I’m Felipe Hoffa, a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud. Follow me on @felipehoffa, find my previous posts on medium.com/@hoffa, and all about BigQuery on reddit.com/r/bigquery.

我是Felipe Hoffa,Google Cloud的开发倡导者。 跟随我的@felipehoffa ,发现我以前的帖子上medium.com/@hoffa ,以及所有有关的BigQuery上reddit.com/r/bigquery

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/real-people-dont-use-utm-codes-30e6c12ea60


### 回答1: 以下是一个将 WGS 坐标系换为 UTM 坐标系的 VB 代码示例: ``` Private Sub WGS2UTM(ByVal lat As Double, ByVal lon As Double, ByRef zone As Integer, ByRef easting As Double, ByRef northing As Double) ' Constants Dim a As Double, f As Double, k As Double a = 6378137 ' WGS 84 semi-major axis f = 1 / 298.257223563 ' WGS 84 flattening k = .9996 ' UTM scale factor at the equator ' Compute intermediate values Dim b As Double, e As Double, e2 As Double, e4 As Double, e6 As Double, e8 As Double b = a * (1 - f) ' WGS 84 semi-minor axis e2 = (a ^ 2 - b ^ 2) / a ^ 2 ' Eccentricity squared e = Sqr(e2) ' Eccentricity e4 = e2 ^ 2 e6 = e2 ^ 3 e8 = e2 ^ 4 ' Compute zone number zone = Int((lon + 180) / 6) + 1 ' Compute central meridian Dim cm As Double cm = (zone - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3 ' Convert latitude and longitude to radians Dim phi As Double, lambda As Double phi = lat * Pi / 180 lambda = lon * Pi / 180 ' Compute meridian distance Dim M As Double M = a * ((1 - e2 / 4 - 3 * e4 / 64 - 5 * e6 / 256) * phi - (3 * e2 / 8 + 3 * e4 / 32 + 45 * e6 / 1024) * Sin(2 * phi) + (15 * e4 / 256 + 45 * e6 / 1024) * Sin(4 * phi) - (35 * e6 / 3072) * Sin(6 * phi)) ' Compute radius of curvature in the prime vertical Dim N As Double N = a / Sqr(1 - e2 * Sin(phi) ^ 2) ' Compute transverse mercator parameters Dim T As Double, C As Double, A As Double, M As Double T = Tan(phi) ^ 2 C = e2 / (1 - e2) * Cos(phi) ^ 2 A = (lambda - cm) * Cos(phi) M = a * ((1 - e2 / 4 - 3 * e4 / 64 - 5 * e6 / 256) * phi - (3 * e2 / 8 + 3 * e4 / 32 + 45 * e6 / 1024) * Sin(2 * phi) + (15 * e4 / 256 + 45 * e6 / 1024) * Sin(4 * phi) - (35 * e6 / 3072) * Sin(6 * phi)) ' Compute easting and northing easting = k * N * (A + (1 - T + C) * A ^ 3 / 6 + (5 - 18 * T + T ^ 2 + 72 * C - 58 * e2) * A ^ 5 / 120) northing = k * (M - M + N * Tan(phi) * (A ^ 2 / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C ^ 2) * A ^ 4 / 24 + (61 - 58 * T + T ^ 2 + 600 * C - 330 * e2) * A ^ 6 / 720)) ' Add false easting and northing easting = easting + 500000 If lat < Then northing = northing + 10000000 End If End Sub ``` 这段代码可以将给定的经纬度坐标换为 UTM 坐标系下的东北坐标。其中,输入参数为经度和纬度,输出参数为所在 UTM 带号、东向坐标和北向坐标。 ### 回答2: WGSUTM是一种将地理坐标从WGS84(World Geodetic System 1984)换为UTM(Universal Transverse Mercator)的常见需求。在VB代码中,可以使用数学库中的相关函数来实现此换。 首先,我们需要明确WGS坐标的经纬度和UTM坐标的东北方向。WGS坐标由经度和纬度表示,而UTM坐标由一个东北方向和一个区域表示。 在VB代码中,我们可以使用以下公式将WGS坐标换为UTM坐标: 1. 使用大地主题反算公式将经纬度换为大地平面坐标; 2. 将大地平面坐标换为UTM坐标。 例如,以下是一个简单的VB代码示例,将WGS坐标换为UTM坐标: ```vb ' 引入所需的命名空间和库 Imports System Imports ProjNet Imports ProjNet.CoordinateSystems Imports ProjNet.CoordinateSystems.Transformations ' 定义WGS坐标和UTM坐标 Dim wgsCoordinate As New GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate(-122.4194, 37.7749) ' WGS坐标为旧金山市的经纬度 Dim utmCoordinate As GeoAPI.Geometries.Coordinate ' UTM坐标 ' 定义WGS84UTM投影 Dim wgs84 As ICoordinateSystem = GeographicCoordinateSystem.WGS84 Dim utm As IProjectedCoordinateSystem = ProjectedCoordinateSystem.WGS84_UTM(10, True) ' 创建坐标换器 Dim transformFactory As New CoordinateTransformationFactory() Dim transformer As ICoordinateTransformation = transformFactory.CreateFromCoordinateSystems(wgs84, utm) ' 将WGS坐标换为UTM坐标 utmCoordinate = transformer.MathTransform.Transform(wgsCoordinate) ' 打印换结果 Console.WriteLine("WGS Coordinate: " & wgsCoordinate.ToString()) Console.WriteLine("UTM Coordinate: " & utmCoordinate.ToString()) ``` 上述代码使用ProjNet库中的ProjNet.CoordinateSystems和ProjNet.CoordinateSystems.Transformations命名空间,定义了WGS坐标和UTM坐标,并创建了坐标换器。最后,通过调用MathTransform.Transform方法,将WGS坐标换为UTM坐标。 以上就是一个简单的VB代码示例,用于将WGS坐标换为UTM坐标。您可以根据特定的需求进行定制和优化。




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