

Have you ever asked a question on the internet (on Twitter, Reddit, Stack Overflow) just to have it completely ignored?

您是否曾经在互联网上问过一个问题(在Twitter,Reddit,Stack Overflow上)只是完全忽略了它?

Lately, I have received many questions about cybersecurity via email and Twitter DMs. And honestly, I am guilty of ignoring quite a few of them. The unfortunate truth is that there are a lot of people online asking technical questions and a much smaller number of people answering questions. When it comes down to it, there is simply not enough time to answer every question in detail.

最近,我通过电子邮件和Twitter DM收到了许多有关网络安全的问题。 老实说,我无视其中许多罪状。 不幸的事实是,在线上有很多人问技术问题,而回答问题的人要少得多。 归根结底,根本没有足够的时间来详细回答每个问题。

However, there are things you can do to help people help you on the internet. This is a PSA on how to ask better questions.

但是,您可以做一些事情来帮助人们在互联网上为您提供帮助。 这是有关如何提出更好问题的PSA。

在问之前 (Before You Ask)

First, before you ask, consider if the question is even worth asking! There are two types of questions that you should not ask:

首先,在问之前,先考虑一下这个问题是否值得一问! 有两种类型的问题,你应该问:

  1. Questions that have already been answered

  2. Questions you can try to answer yourself


Has the question already been answered somewhere else? Can the question be answered by a simple Google search? If so, you will save yourself a lot of time by simply not reposting the question again. For example, here are a few questions that you should not be asking on the internet because they can be answered with a quick Google search:

问题已经在其他地方回答了吗? 可以通过简单的Google搜索回答问题吗? 如果是这样,您只需不重新发送问题即可节省很多时间。 例如,以下是您不应该在互联网上提出的一些问题,因为可以通过快速的Google搜索来回答这些问题:

  • How can I become a pentester/developer/hacker?

  • How do I install Python on my computer?

  • How do I find the JavaScript source code of a website?


You can find tons of blog posts, webpages, and guides on the internet already answering these questions. And chances are, you will find something there that answers your specific question.

您可以在Internet上找到大量回答这些问题的博客文章,网页和指南。 很有可能,您会在那找到一些可以回答您特定问题的东西。

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Do your research before asking! After all, no one likes to be treated as a human Google search engine online.

在询问之前做一下研究! 毕竟,没有人喜欢被视为在线上的人类Google搜索引擎。

Next, consider if you can answer your own question. Questions that fall into this category include:

接下来,考虑您是否可以回答自己的问题。 属于此类的问题包括:

  • I ran into this error. How can I resolve it?

    我遇到了这个错误。 我该如何解决?
  • What is wrong with this piece of code?

  • How can I implement X in Y language without Z?


Sometimes, these questions can be avoided if you stick with the problem longer. The path of learning a new skill, building a piece of software, or debugging a script is never straightforward. But you will learn the most by struggling a bit and figuring things out by yourself. You can always ask after you’ve exhausted all the possible solutions you can think of!

有时,如果您坚持更长的时间,这些问题可以避免。 学习新技能,构建软件或调试脚本的路径从来都不是那么简单。 但是,您将通过挣扎和自己解决问题来学习最多。 在用尽所有可能的解决方案后,您始终可以提出疑问!

如何提问 (How to Ask Questions)

Now it’s time to make the ask. Once you’ve determined that asking is necessary, how do you make people want to answer your question?

现在是时候提出要求了。 一旦确定了提问的必要性,您如何使人们想回答您的问题?

In a few words, make it easy to help you. Let’s say you want to post this question: “Help! I got a KeyError in Python. What should I do?”

简而言之,助您一臂之力。 假设您要发布此问题:“帮助! 我在Python中遇到了KeyError 。 我该怎么办?”

Consider what will go into answering your question. The answerer would have to figure out:

考虑将如何回答您的问题。 回答者必须弄清楚:

  • What you are trying to accomplish in your program

  • Why you are getting the KeyError


  • Which solutions you have tried


The answerer will have to make assumptions and ask lots of follow-up questions. That takes up a lot of time and patience! And it will cause most people to simply choose not to answer your question!

回答者将不得不做出假设并提出很多后续问题。 那会花费很多时间和耐心! 这会使大多数人选择不回答您的问题!

To help people help you, you have to learn to ask better questions. The goal is to reduce the amount of time it’s going to take to understand and answer your question.

为了帮助人们帮助您,您必须学会提出更好的问题。 目的是减少理解和回答您的问题所需的时间。

Explain your question in detail. What are you trying to accomplish? What have you tried? And what is tripping you up? For example, this is a better question to ask:

详细说明您的问题。 你想达到什么目的? 你尝试了什么? 到底是什么让您绊倒? 例如,这是一个更好的问题:

In my Python program, I am trying to determine if a key-value pair exists in a dictionary. This is the code:

在我的Python程序中,我试图确定字典中是否存在键值对。 这是代码:

However, when I enter a “key” that is not in the dictionary, the program will give me a KeyError. I noticed that this happens when the key is not in the dictionary. But my question is, how should I handle this so that the program does not stop execution when an unknown “key” is entered? Is there an elegant way of doing this?

但是,当我输入不在词典中的“键”时,程序将给我一个KeyError 。 我注意到当键不在字典中时会发生这种情况。 但是我的问题是,当输入一个未知的“键”时,如何处理该程序,以便程序不会停止执行? 是否有一种优雅的方法?

The more thought-out and detailed your question is, the easier it will be for others to help you.


In summary, be nice, be considerate, and make it easy to help you. The easier you are to help, the more people will be willing to jump in and answer your questions!

总而言之,要友善,体贴并容易为您提供帮助。 您越容易提供帮助,就会有更多的人愿意加入并回答您的问题!

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/how-not-to-ask-questions-on-the-internet-72dd30e273a7


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