

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work at Lyft? What a remote internship looks like? I’ve been getting lots of questions, and I’m here to share my experiences from my Lyft summer 2020 internship.

您是否想过在Lyft工作会怎样? 远程实习是什么样的? 我遇到了很多问题,我在这里分享我在Lyft 2020年夏季实习中的经验。

This summer, I had the opportunity to complete an 8-week internship at Lyft. Towards the end of my internship, I spoke on the Intern AMA webinar to share about my experience with ~250 prospective interns. Alongside 3 other Lyfterns (Lyft interns!), we covered topics such as company culture, application process, mentorship, and more.

今年夏天,我有机会在Lyft完成了为期8周的实习。 在实习即将结束时,我在Intern AMA网络研讨会上发表了讲话,与约250名潜在实习生分享了我的经验。 除了3个其他Lyfterns(Lyft实习生!)以外,我们还讨论了诸如公司文化,申请流程,指导等主题。

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Lyft Intern AMA Webinar
Lyft Intern AMA网络研讨会

After the webinar, I received many LinkedIn messages with follow-up questions and coffee chat requests. I was happy to answer the questions, as I was just in their shoes applying for internships last year. I started seeing common themes between the questions I received. So, I decided to consolidate my answers here for students who didn’t attend the Webinar. I collected questions through a LinkedIn post, and I will make my best attempt to address them here!

网络研讨会结束后,我收到了许多LinkedIn消息,包括后续问题和咖啡聊天请求。 我很高兴回答这些问题,因为去年我正坐在他们的鞋子里申请实习。 我开始看到我收到的问题之间的共同主题。 因此,我决定在这里合并针对未参加网络研讨会的学生的答案。 我通过LinkedIn帖子收集了问题,我将尽最大努力在这里解决!

你的实习情况如何? (How was your internship?)

I really enjoyed my experience! I took ownership of projects, grew as a front-end developer, and connected with my manager and mentor. My team is based in San Francisco and I worked from Vancouver due to COVID. Despite working remotely, the quality of the internship was the same as any of my past internships. We were offered a thorough onboarding process, intern events to connect with other interns, and “lunch & learn”s to ask questions to executives, such as Lyft’s co-founders, Logan Green and John Zimmer.

我真的很喜欢我的经历! 我拥有项目所有权,成长为前端开发人员,并与我的经理和导师保持联系。 我的团队位于旧金山,由于COVID,我在温哥华工作。 尽管工作很遥远,但是实习的质量和我过去的实习都是一样的。 我们为我们提供了全面的入职流程,与其他实习生联系的实习活动,以及“午餐与学习”向高管提出问题,例如Lyft的联合创始人Logan Green和John Zimmer。

My favorite part of my internship was my autonomy. Instead of being handed a project, my manager reached out prior to the internship with a list of potential ideas. I had a say in what I wanted to learn and picked one that aligned with my goals. In my project, I was encouraged to make architectural and design decisions and propose ideas outside the scope. My manager’s manager even shared my work with the head of our organization! My experience was not a one-off case — all the interns work on projects with direct business impact.

我实习中最喜欢的部分是自治。 在实习之前,我的经理没有交给任何项目,而是提供了一系列潜在想法。 我在要学习的内容中有发言权,并选择了与我的目标相符的内容。 在我的项目中,我被鼓励做出建筑和设计决策并在范围之外提出想法。 我的经理的经理甚至与我的组织负责人分享了我的工作! 我的经历不是一次性的案例,而是所有实习生都从事对业务有直接影响的项目

远程实习感觉如何? (How was it like to intern remotely?)

Working in the office offers the automatic face-time that remote work just can’t equate. Without the chit-chats by our desks, in the elevator, or the snack bar (where I visit often), you have total control over how closely connected you are with your coworkers. You can choose to only have work-related interactions, or you can participate in existing events or suggest new ideas to bring people together. I personally like to get to know my coworkers, so I made a conscious effort to set up coffee chats, host a birthday party call and ask my manager to introduce me to new people.

在办公室工作可提供远程工作无法匹敌的自动面对面时间。 没有我们办公桌旁的闲聊,电梯或小吃店(我经常去的地方),您可以完全控制自己与同事之间的紧密联系。 您可以选择只进行与工作相关的互动,也可以参加现有活动或提出新想法将人们召集在一起。 我个人想结识我的同事,所以我有意识地进行了咖啡聊天,主持生日聚会并请我的经理向我介绍新朋友

The same applies to communicating with your mentor and manager. In person, every question feels casual because my mentor is one shoulder-tap away. In contrast (while it’s all in my head), I felt like I was shooting a question all the way across the border to San Francisco. I quickly overcame this friction during my first week and reminded myself that mentors were there to answer questions, and by unblocking myself early I could accomplish more.

与导师和经理的沟通也是如此。 就我个人而言,每个问题都让我感到很随意,因为我的导师距离我的肩膀一口之遥。 相反,(这全在我的脑海中),我觉得我一直在向旧金山边境接送一个问题。 在第一周,我Swift克服了这种摩擦,并提醒自己, 导师在那里回答问题,并且通过早日疏通自己,我可以完成更多工作。

What I found most helpful was to have a daily morning stand-up dedicated to my project with just my mentor and manager. This is separate from the team stand-up, where I shared the high-level summary of my progress. Instead, the project-specific sync served as a platform to dive into details, adjust timeline, and maintain clear visibility of my work. It was a great avenue to resolve blockers and provided organic opportunities to raise questions.

我发现最有帮助的是每天早上与我的导师和经理一起为我的项目做起立。 这与团队的立场是分开的,在团队的立场上,我分享了我的进度的概要。 相反,特定于项目的同步充当了深入细节,调整时间表并保持工作清晰可见性的平台。 这是解决障碍的好途径,并提供了提出问题的有机机会。

A common side effect of remote work is the struggle of work-life separation. I picked up a new hobby to make tech-themed food and have been having lots of fun with it (think of breadboard, spaghetti code, spam filters, and other puns). Check it out at my Twitter account @DevDaphne to see more!

远程工作的常见副作用是工作与生活分离的斗争。 我选择了一个新的爱好来制作以科技为主题的食品,并从中获得了很多乐趣(例如面包板,意大利面代码,垃圾邮件过滤器和其他双关语)。 在我的Twitter帐户@DevDaphne上查看更多信息!

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指导方式如何? (How was the mentorship?)

Every intern has a dedicated mentor, or someone on the team who is there to answer questions and support our growth. I had a 1:1 meeting with my mentor every week, where we reflected on what I learned, exchanged feedback, and created action items for the next week. My mentor was helpful, gave clear explanations, and encouraged me to take my learning to the next step. He was open to have conversations to align our expectations and break down my objective into digestible bits. Most importantly, I felt supported throughout the internship.

每个实习生都有专门的导师,或者团队中的某个人在那里回答问题并支持我们的成长。 每周我都会与导师进行1:1的会面,在那里我们反思所学到的知识,交换反馈意见,并为下周创建行动项目 。 我的导师很乐于助人,给出了明确的解释,并鼓励我将自己的学习应用于下一步。 他乐于进行对话以调整我们的期望,并将我的目标分解为可消化的部分。 最重要的是,我在整个实习期间都感到支持。

I came into the internship with an open-ended goal to hone in my front-end skills. To work towards it incrementally, my mentor and I came up with a list of specific skills during my first week, such as “using React Hooks” and “writing Jest tests”. We revisited them during our 1:1s to check off the practiced skills or look for tasks they could be incorporated into. We were able to pinpoint tasks that were context-heavy and set aside time for pair programming.

我参加实习时的目标是开放性,以磨练我的前端技能。 为了逐步实现这一目标,我的导师和我在第一周想出了一些具体技能,例如“ 使用React Hooks ”和“ 编写Jest测试 ”。 我们在1:1期间重新检查了他们,以核实所练习的技能或寻找可以纳入的任务。 我们能够查明上下文相关的任务,并为配对编程留出时间

Mentorship is an integral part of Lyft culture, which was evident by the elaborate mentorship structure laid out for all interns and new hires. We were provided with documents detailing expectations from mentors and mentees, a template to fill out the aforementioned objective list, auto-generated progress reports, midterm and final evaluation surveys, and check-in calls from a recruiter. Not having to build the mentorship foundation from the ground-up gave us the bandwidth to build on top and get creative with our preferences.

导师制是Lyft文化不可或缺的一部分,这适用于所有实习生和新员工的精心设计的导师制结构。 我们收到的文件详细说明了导师和受训者的期望,填写上述目标清单的模板,自动生成的进度报告,中期和最终评估调查以及招聘人员的签到电话。 不必从头开始建立导师制基础,这使我们有足够的带宽来建立基础,并根据自己的喜好发挥创意。

您为什么选择在前端工作? (Why did you choose to work on front-end?)

I was an Android intern at Yelp and Shopify. I enjoy Android development and can see myself doing it long-term. I enjoy the Android community and the challenges to containerize the code into a small screen. However, I explicitly expressed to my manager that I wanted to focus on something new.

我曾在Yelp和Shopify担任Android实习生。 我喜欢Android开发,并且可以长期从事。 我喜欢Android社区,也喜欢将代码打包到小屏幕中所面临的挑战。 但是,我明确地向经理表示,我想专注于新事物。

Why’s that?


A past mentor told me about the idea of the T-shaped developer, someone with the breath of knowledge but also deep knowledge in a select topic. One of my coworkers at Yelp truly exemplified this idea, as he switched to Android after years of back-end development. He was adept in bringing developers from different stacks together, built reusable architecture, and tracked down bugs across multiple platforms.

一位前导师向我介绍了T形开发人员的想法,他既有知识呼吸又对选定的主题有深入的了解 。 我在Yelp的一位同事真正体现了这一想法,因为他经过多年的后端开发后转而使用Android。 他擅长将来自不同堆栈的开发人员聚集在一起,构建可重用的体系结构,并跟踪多个平台上的错误。

I see the value of specializing in a stack and becoming a domain expert in a particular field, which is my plan after graduation. I believe that diversifying my experience can help me speak everyone’s language. I had worked with the front-end in previous projects, but I knew there was so much more to learn. Instead of closing my options to Android, I took the chance to try something different in my last internship at Lyft.

我看到了专注于堆栈并成为特定领域的领域专家的价值,这是我毕业后的计划。 我相信, 丰富自己的经验可以帮助我讲每个人的语言 。 我在以前的项目中曾与前端一起工作,但我知道还有很多东西要学习。 我没有关闭对Android的选择,而是利用了在Lyft的上一次实习中尝试不同的尝试。

你干什么了 (What did you work on?)

I worked on “RiderWeb”, or Lyft on the web. It’s a brand new third platform of Lyft’s business in addition to the iOS and Android apps. The web app allows riders who can’t or prefer not to use mobile apps to check ride prices without logging in and book rides without installing.

我曾在“ RiderWeb”或Web上的Lyft上工作 。 除了iOS和Android应用程序外,它还是Lyft业务的全新第三平台。 该网络应用程序使无法或不愿使用移动应用程序的骑手无需登录即可查看骑行价格,无需安装即可预订骑行。

The first version was launched a few months ago and includes the main booking flow. My project was to integrate core features missing from RiderWeb, such as coupons, shortcuts, payment methods, and dark mode. These projects, written with React and TypeScript, were fun and challenging to work on. I got to transform data from server, translate UI from mobile to web, and build maintainable infrastructure for other features to build on. Along the way, I picked up on other tasks including adding A/B testing support using Lyft’s in-house experimentation framework. If you’re interested to check out RiderWeb, head to

第一个版本于几个月前发布,其中包含主要的预订流程。 我的项目是整合RiderWeb缺少的核心功能,例如优惠券,快捷方式,付款方式和黑暗模式。 这些用React和TypeScript编写的项目很有趣,而且工作难度很大。 我必须从服务器转换数据,将UI从移动设备转换为Web,并为其他功能构建可维护的基础架构。 在此过程中,我完成了其他任务,包括使用Lyft的内部实验框架添加A / B测试支持。 如果您有兴趣查看RiderWeb,请前往

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从Android切换到Web开发面临着哪些挑战? (What challenges did you face switching from Android to web development?)

My main challenge was the lack of muscle memory. I was used to Kotlin, so it took some time to become familiar with TypeScript syntax. I had a TypeScript syntax cheatsheet open in a tab at all times. I didn’t want to force Kotlin coding styles for the sake of completing tasks quickly. Just like a direct Google translation, I wouldn’t be leveraging features specific to TypeScript and the code wouldn’t be as readable for other developers. I took the time to read documents knowing that it would reduce the total development time long-term.

我的主要挑战是缺乏肌肉记忆力。 我习惯了Kotlin,所以花了一些时间来熟悉TypeScript语法。 我一直在选项卡中打开TypeScript语法备忘单我不想为了快速完成任务而强迫Kotlin编码风格。 就像直接进行Google翻译一样,我不会利用TypeScript特有的功能,并且代码对其他开发人员也不会那么可读。 我花了一些时间阅读文档,知道这将减少长期的总开发时间。

The theories behind Android and front-end web development also differ. In Android, it’s uncommon to see data being shared. The screens are responsible for fetching their own data and the fragment gets destroyed when transitioning to another screen. In React, data can be passed downward and put into props and context. It’s a whole different way of thinking about the data and I had to throw all my intuition out the window.

Android和前端Web开发背后的理论也有所不同。 在Android中,很少见到数据被共享。 这些屏幕负责获取自己的数据,并且在转换到另一个屏幕时,碎片会被销毁。 在React中,数据可以向下传递并放入属性和上下文中。 这是一种完全不同的数据思考方式,我不得不将所有直觉都抛在脑后。

作为加拿大实习生,感觉如何? (What is it like working as a Canadian intern?)

I was in the same time zone with my team, so no adjustments were needed. However, we did have people in the Eastern time zone on the team. They started working 3 hours early and ended work early, and we just planned our meetings accordingly. We had a Slack channel for Canadian interns where we exchanged information about payroll and holidays and hung out.

我和团队位于同一时区,因此无需进行任何调整。 但是,我们确实在团队的东部时区设有人员。 他们提前3个小时开始工作,并提前结束工作,因此我们只计划了会议。 我们为加拿大实习生提供了一个Slack频道,我们在这里交换了有关薪资和假期的信息并进行了环聊。

长时间编码对您有用吗? (What works for you when coding for long periods of time?)

The environment differs from person to person, so optimize your set-up by trying things out! When I sit at my desk for a prolonged period of time, my energy level drops and my legs fall asleep. (yes, I’m only 23.) Standing desks are expensive, so as a university student, I made a makeshift standing desk by putting a box underneath my laptop. It has helped in facilitating my full-body circulation.

环境因人而异,因此请尝试一下优化您的设置 ! 当我长时间坐在办公桌旁时,我的精力下降,双腿入睡。 (是的,我只有23岁。)站立式办公桌很贵,所以作为一名大学生,我通过在笔记本电脑下面放一个盒子制作了一个临时的站立式办公桌。 它有助于促进我的全身循环。

To avoid burnouts, I highly recommend switching between tasks and changing things up periodically. I like to work on the balcony or bike to an empty park. The change of scenery helped me overcome my stir-craziness after being in the same space 24/7. I was able to give my mentor a mini Vancouver tour too! If this is not an option, it’s the mindset and mentality that need to change. Having distinct hours or space set for work and home can help your brain unplug so you can recharge for the next day.

为避免倦怠,我强烈建议在任务之间进行切换并定期进行更改。 我喜欢在阳台上工作或骑自行车去一个空的公园。 在同一个24/7空间中,风景的变化帮助我克服了疯狂的疯狂。 我也能够给我的导师一次迷你温哥华之旅! 如果这不是一个选择,那就是思维方式和心态需要改变。 为工作和回家设置不同的时间或空间可以帮助您的大脑拔掉电源,以便第二天可以充电。

您每天如何保持动力? (How do you stay motivated every day?)

Tea and knowing that I could play Animal Crossing after work. (That was a few months ago though, I’m Animal Crossing’d out at the moment.)

喝茶,知道我下班后可以玩动物穿越。 (不过那是几个月前,我现在是动物穿越)。

The Lyft university team put together daily lunch video calls and placed interns into small groups of “families” to compete with each other in Slack challenges and Family Feud tournaments. Socializing is part of the culture and taking some time off helped me regain my focus when I jumped back to work. It’s motivating to start my day knowing I’ll be seeing my coworkers.

Lyft大学团队每天进行午餐视频通话,并将实习生分成小组的“家庭”,以便在Slack挑战赛和Family Feud锦标赛中相互竞争。 社交活动是文化的一部分,抽出一些时间可以使我重新回到工作岗位时重新集中精力。 知道我会见我的同事,这开始了我的一天。

结论 (Conclusion)

Lyft provides the opportunities for interns to work on impactful and visible projects under strong mentorship structures. What you get out of an internship is up to you, and this is especially true in a remote internship. You’ll need to understand your working style, experiment with ways to maximize productivity, and establish habits to sustain long-term.

Lyft为实习生提供了在强大的指导结构下开展有影响力的可见项目的机会。 从实习中得到的一切取决于您自己,在远程实习中尤其如此。 您需要了解自己的工作方式,尝试使生产率最大化的方法,并养成长期维持的习惯

To learn more about the internship program, head to Lyft’s career page. If you’re interested in my past experiences or have any follow-up questions, visit my website or LinkedIn!

要了解有关实习计划的更多信息,请访问Lyft的职业页面 。 如果您对我过去的经历感兴趣或有任何后续问题,请访问我的网站LinkedIn

I hope this blogpost was helpful, and best of luck wherever you are :)




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