

As discussed in my previous post, technical writers are a vital part of any team. They focus on creating documentation that helps users experience the product more autonomously. However, as also discussed in that same post, regardless of having technical writers, engineers/developers still need to write documentation for more technical audiences.

正如我之前的文章所讨论的那样 ,技术作家是任何团队的重要组成部分。 他们专注于创建文档,以帮助用户更加自主地体验产品。 但是,正如同一篇文章中所讨论的,无论有没有技术作家,工程师/开发人员仍然需要为更多的技术读者编写文档。

At Feedzai, we have technical audiences, such as support teams who specialize in configuring the end-users’ product. Although not being a client per se, these support teams are usually the first users of the product and are the ones that are in direct contact with our actual clients. So they must have all the tools to show the product’s quality to our clients.

在Feedzai,我们拥有技术受众,例如专门配置最终用户产品的支持团队。 尽管本身不是客户,但这些支持团队通常是产品的第一批用户,并且是与我们的实际客户直接联系的人。 因此,他们必须拥有所有工具来向我们的客户展示产品的质量。

A few months ago, I started working with one of Feedzai’s product teams. After a few weeks of working with this team, I realized that our engineering team received daily requests from the support teams to help them configure the product’s different features.

几个月前,我开始与Feedzai的一个产品团队合作。 与该团队合作数周后,我意识到我们的工程团队每天都会收到支持团队的要求,以帮助他们配置产品的不同功能。

Why don’t they use our documentation? Everything they need should be there, right?

他们为什么不使用我们的文档? 他们需要的一切都应该在那里,对不对?

It should, but it wasn’t. This product’s documentation was more significant and complex than the documentation that I had seen while working with other teams. Also, this particular product team hadn’t had a full-time technical writer for a few months. Naturally, the documentation got a bit out of control. In some cases, there were undocumented or partially documented features. Some elements had complete documentation, but it was in the wrong place; no one could find it. Others were documented in a way that made it hard for the support teams to follow.

应该,但是不是。 该产品的文档比我在与其他团队合作时看到的文档更为重要和复杂。 而且,这个特定的产品团队几个月来都没有专职技术作家。 自然,文档有些失控了。 在某些情况下,存在未记录或部分记录的功能。 有些元素具有完整的文档,但是放在错误的位置。 没有人能找到它。 其他文档的记录方式使支持团队难以跟进。

How can we create documentation that is useful to the support teams?


After informal talks with the engineers, I sent them a short survey to help me understand the issues they faced when creating documentation for the support teams. The survey had these questions:

与工程师进行非正式对话后,我给他们做了简短的调查,以帮助我了解他们在为支持团队创建文档时遇到的问题。 该调查存在以下问题:

  1. What are your difficulties when you need to produce documentation?

  2. (Regarding the revision from the TW) Does it give you the necessary info to improve your documentation?

  3. Is there anything that you think could help you produce better documentation?


The results were clear:


  • 72.7% said that they didn’t know where to put the documentation.

  • 27.3 % said that they didn’t know what content needs documentation.


Taking these results into account, the answer was obvious.


We need better guidelines.


Feedzai has 500+ employees. This means that we have a lot of engineers spread across different teams, products, and regions. To have equally efficient and consistent work pipelines, we have a lot of guidelines and policies for various processes. Consequently, when I started this guideline, I didn’t want it to be another complex document that no one really wanted to use. This new document needed to be simple and straightforward.

Feedzai拥有500多名员工。 这意味着我们有很多工程师,分布在不同的团队,产品和地区。 为了拥有同样高效和一致的工作流程,我们为各种流程制定了许多指导方针和政策。 因此,当我开始使用该指南时,我并不希望它成为另一个没人真正想要使用的复杂文档。 这个新文档必须简单明了。

Based on the survey results, I divided the document into four sections:


  • Who should create specific documentation? For example, what documentation should be created by engineers vs technical writers?

    谁应该创建特定的文档? 例如,工程师与技术作家应创建哪些文档?

  • When should the documentation be created? We looked to specify the key moments when documentation should be updated.

    文档应何时创建? 我们试图指定 文档更新的关键时刻。

  • How should the documentation be organized? The checklist provided examples of the most common developments and where they should be documented.

    文件应如何组织? 该清单提供了最常见的事例以及应在何处记录的示例。

  • How should items be documented? We explained how to document each of the sections and deliverables by specifying what each section should and shouldn’t include, and by adding some good examples from the existing documentation.

    应该如何记录项目? 我们通过指定每个部分应包括和不应该包括的内容,并通过在现有文档中添加一些良好的示例来说明如何记录每个部分和可交付成果。

This way, engineers could use the table of contents to go directly to the section they needed without going through the entire document.


Creating this document turned out to be even more useful than we initially thought as it allowed us to discover inconsistencies in our current documentation, which led to useful team discussions within the TW team.


After a few weeks, we reached a version that we could share with one of the engineering teams. Since they are the ones who will use it, we want their feedback for an interactive process that leads to the document being continuously improved. Ultimately, we want to know if the document indeed helps us improve the documentation delivered to support teams.

几个星期后,我们达到了可以与其中一个工程团队共享的版本。 由于他们是使用它的人,因此我们希望他们提供反馈意见以进行交互,从而使文档得到不断改进。 最终,我们想知道该文档是否确实有助于我们改善交付给支持团队的文档。

Once we receive their feedback, the next step will be to understand how we can extend this initiative to other engineering teams across Feedzai by answering questions such as:


  • Who is the target audience for their documentation?

  • Does their audience have any other specific needs?

  • Does the team have different documentation deliverables?

  • Does the team have the same documentation deliverables but with a different purpose?

  • What do their engineers feel when they need to produce documentation?


After answering these questions, the focus is to extend the document so that it covers all the relevant cases.


To sum up, if you are working closely with engineers, always remember that they are not technical writers and usually don’t like to produce documentation. Make sure that they are part of the process, and help them succeed. That’ll pave the way for a happy team, and consequently, a happy customer.

总而言之,如果您与工程师紧密合作,请始终记住他们不是技术作家,并且通常不喜欢编写文档。 确保它们是过程的一部分,并帮助他们成功。 这将为一个快乐的团队以及一个快乐的客户铺平道路。

翻译自: https://medium.com/feedzaitech/how-to-help-engineers-produce-technical-documentation-c9d990febbb7


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当面试售前售后技术支持工程师时,以下是一些常见的面试题及其答案: 1. 请介绍一下你的技术支持经验。 答:我有X年的技术支持经验,曾在ABC公司担任售前/售后技术支持工程师。我负责解答客户的技术问题,提供产品演示和培训,处理客户投诉,并与研发团队合作解决技术难题。 2. 你在处理客户问题时的方法是什么? 答:我首先会倾听客户的问题,并确保我完全理解他们的需求。然后,我会提供清晰的解释和指导,帮助他们解决问题。如果问题超出了我的能力范围,我会及时寻求内部团队的支持,并确保客户得到满意的解决方案。 3. 你如何处理与客户之间的冲突或投诉? 答:在处理冲突或投诉时,我会保持冷静和专业。首先,我会倾听客户的不满,并向他们表达歉意。然后,我会积极寻找解决方案,并与客户合作找到双方都满意的解决办法。如果需要,我会及时向上级汇报,并确保问题得到妥善解决。 4. 你如何与团队合作解决技术难题? 答:在面对技术难题时,我会主动与团队成员进行沟通和协作。我们会共同分析问题,并提出不同的解决方案。我会积极参与讨论,并提供自己的观点和建议。通过团队合作,我们能够更快地找到解决方案,并确保客户得到及时的支持。 5. 你如何保持对新技术的学习和更新? 答:我非常重视对新技术的学习和更新。我会定期阅读相关的技术文档和行业资讯,参加培训课程和研讨会。我也会积极参与技术社区,与其他专业人士交流和分享经验。通过不断学习和更新,我能够为客户提供最新的技术支持。


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