

Any developer who has done greenfield development will tell you it’s the best way to write code. No existing system to maintain, no antiquated patterns or languages you have to deal with, and no constraints (within reason). Greenfield development is an easy, unobtrusive way to code, but at the same time, it is incredibly difficult to scope and deliver.

任何完成未开发项目的开发人员都会告诉您这是编写代码的最佳方法。 无需维护现有系统,无需处理过时的模式或语言,也无需限制(在合理范围内)。 绿地开发是一种简单,简单的编码方式,但同时,它的范围和交付也异常困难。

In case you are unfamiliar with the term, greenfield development simply means building something new from scratch. You are uninhibited by legacy systems and have nothing but possibilities in front of you.

如果您不熟悉该术语,那么未开发的领域只是意味着从头开始构建新的东西。 您不受遗留系统的束缚,并且面前没有其他选择。

If developers had their way, we’d likely never see a new piece of software again. Their tendency is to continue adding features until the product is “done.” Spoiler alert: Software is never done.

如果开发人员按照自己的方式行事,我们可能再也不会看到新的软件了。 他们的趋势是继续添加功能,直到产品“完成”为止。 剧透警报:软件从未完成。

So how do you pare down your feature set and get your app in the hands of customers in the quickest way possible?


There are three things you must have before pushing your application to production.


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Photo by chris panas on Unsplash.
克里斯·帕纳斯 ( Chris panas)Unsplash拍摄

1.安全性 (1. Security)

Security means a lot of things to a lot of people. When it comes to getting a greenfield product out the door, it really means one thing: Prevent your data from being publicly accessible.

安全对很多人来说意味着很多事情。 当要推出新产品时,这实际上意味着一件事:防止数据公开访问。

Take the time to lock down your databases and data storage mechanisms. The last thing you want is a Capital One situation that compromises your whole operation. If you require a login to your app, make sure it’s secure. There are standards out there like Auth0 that provide easy mechanisms to keep your site safe.

花时间锁定数据库和数据存储机制。 您想要的最后一件事是危及您的整个运营的“ 资本一号”情况 。 如果您需要登录到您的应用程序,请确保它是安全的。 像Auth0这样的标准可以提供简单的机制来保护您的网站安全。

The most important thing you can do is give your users the confidence that their data and information is safe.


If you use cloud services like AWS, they provide fast and easy ways to secure your databases and data storage. Through IAM, you can swiftly prevent an open connection to files, data, and even endpoints.

如果您使用像AWS这样的云服务,它们将提供快速简便的方法来保护数据库和数据存储。 通过IAM,您可以Swift阻止与文件,数据甚至端点的开放连接。

Think about it this way: You wouldn’t live in a house without locks on the doors, would you?


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Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash.
Ross SneddonUnsplash上的 照片

2.解决业务问题 (2. Solve the Business Problem)

Yes, it sounds obvious. But trust me: If you’ve never done greenfield development, this is harder than it sounds. Not for the reasons you’d expect, though.

是的,听起来很明显。 但是请相信我:如果您从未进行过绿地开发,这比听起来要难。 但是,并非出于您期望的原因。

When building a new product, you must build it up horizontally layer by layer. This means you have to get it working end to end before you start adding extra features. Get the happy path working to solve the business problem. Then take another pass at it and add some features that improve the experience end to end. Then do it again. And again. And again.

构建新产品时,必须逐层水平构建。 这意味着在开始添加其他功能之前,您必须使其端到端工作。 获得解决业务问题的快乐途径。 然后再进行一次尝试,并添加一些功能以端到端改善体验。 然后再做一次。 然后再次。 然后再次。

Let’s take an example. Say you have a food ordering app. People visit your site, look at a menu, put items from that menu on an order, pay, then you fulfill the order.

让我们举个例子。 假设您有一个食品订购应用程序。 人们访问您的网站,查看菜单,将菜单中的项目放入订单,付款,然后您完成了该订单。

To solve the business problem, you need to provide a way to do all four of those things. No matter how rudimentarily you solve it, you must be able to fulfill an order that your customer places.

为了解决业务问题,您需要提供一种方法来完成所有这四个事情。 不管您多么简单地解决它,您都必须能够完成客户所下的订单。

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Photo by Levi Elizaga on Unsplash.
Levi ElizagaUnsplash上的 照片

A common hangup with developers is that they will stick to one area and continue to add feature after feature indefinitely. If you aren’t careful, you could end up with a menu in your app where you can search through, add favorites, see how many times you’ve ordered something, and rename items all before you have the ability to actually place an order.

与开发人员的共同困扰是,他们将坚持一个区域并继续无限期地添加功能。 如果您不小心,可能会在应用程序中找到一个菜单,在其中可以搜索,添加收藏夹,查看已订购商品的次数以及重命名所有商品,然后才能实际下订单。

The minimum that needs to be done is to display a static list of text, but instead, you have a gold-plated menu with titanium trim and no way to order.


When talking with your team, here are some common phrases to listen for to make sure you don’t add extra features before you need them:


  • “Wouldn’t it be cool if…”

  • “It would just take, like, two hours…”

  • “Yeah, but if we did it this way…”


Your goal when building a new app is to get it to your customers as quickly as possible, get feedback, and enhance the experience. You’ll never get that invaluable feedback if you keep adding features instead of getting the app in the hands of your customer.

构建新应用程序时,您的目标是尽快将其提供给客户,获得反馈并增强体验。 如果您继续添加功能而不是将应用程序掌握在客户手中,您将永远无法获得宝贵的反馈。

Always remember to K.I.S.S (Keep It Stupid Simple).

永远记得亲吻( 保持愚蠢简单 )。

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Photo by Tim van der Kuip on Unsplash.
Tim Van der Kuip摄Unsplash

3.开放的支持渠道 (3. Open Support Channels)

As stated earlier, your primary objective when building a new app is to get feedback from your customers. You want to build what they want and satisfy the market need.

如前所述,构建新应用程序时的主要目标是获得客户的反馈。 您想要建立他们想要的并满足市场需求的产品。

If you have locked down your app with the right security, solved the business problem, and pushed to production but have no means to get that feedback… you’ve lost.


There’s no way for you to enhance the experience based on what the customer actually needs. You’re flying blind. You need to provide a way to get that feedback. Luckily, you have options.

您无法根据客户的实际需求来增强体验。 你飞瞎了。 您需要提供一种获取反馈的方法。 幸运的是,您可以选择。

支持线 (Support lines)

A simple way to get feedback is to have someone manning the phones to field calls when they come in. Record the questions people ask about how to do something and figure out a way to make that experience better.


帮助邮件 (Help emails)

Can’t afford someone being on the phone all the time? Put a feedback/help form on your site. Let the users fill out an email describing their problem and you can get back to them when you’re available. This way, you also have a means of receiving positive feedback that you can use for testimonials!

负担不起有人一直在打电话吗? 在您的网站上放置反馈/帮助表格。 让用户填写一封描述他们的问题的电子邮件,您可以在有空时给他们回复。 这样,您还可以接收可用于推荐的正面反馈!

用户测试 (User testing)

There’s always the option of doing focused user testing. Get on the phone with some of your customers and have them use the application while you watch. Ask guided questions about what they would expect to happen and if they feel like anything is missing.

始终可以进行集中的用户测试。 与一些客户通话,让他们在观看时使用该应用程序。 询问有关他们将要发生的事情以及是否感觉缺少任何东西的指导性问题。

Prioritize the feedback you hear most often. Address the needs of the many. After you make some changes, do it again. Plan for iteration.

优先安排您最常听到的反馈。 解决了许多需求。 进行一些更改后,请重新进行。 计划迭代。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you can remember the three S’s (Secure, Simple, and Support), you will set yourself up for quick success in greenfield development.


Give your users confidence they won’t get hacked. Provide them with an experience early with the promise of enhanced features and improved UX over time. Offer ways to reach out and provide valuable feedback.

让您的用户放心,他们不会被黑客入侵。 尽早为他们提供体验,并有望带来增强的功能和改进的用户体验。 提供联系方式并提供有价值的反馈。

Greenfield development doesn’t have to be hard. It all comes down to how you execute. Plan to iterate, solve the problem, go to market, profit!

绿地开发不一定要艰苦。 一切都取决于您如何执行。 计划迭代,解决问题,进入市场,赢利!







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