暗黑破坏神 用什么 开发的_软件开发中最具破坏性的五种态度

暗黑破坏神 用什么 开发的

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Based on my years of professional software development, I regard these five attitudes to be the most damaging to your growth.


Let’s get right into it.


1 “I only want to code at work”

1 “我只想在工作中编码”

If you only took up programming to earn a fat check $$, then you’ll have a hard time.


Sure, you’ll likely earn some good cash, but I’m certain you’ll burn out quickly. Just skimming over the plethora of new JavaScript libraries exhausts me — even though it has stabilized over the last few years.

当然,您可能会赚到一些钱,但是我敢肯定,您很快就会筋疲力尽。 掠过过多的新JavaScript库会让我精疲力尽-尽管在最近几年中它已经稳定下来。

You need to treat programming as more than just work.


Programming is much more of a professional hobby than a regular job. Simply clocking in at 8 am and out at 4 pm won’t cut it. To truly develop your skills, you’ll need to have a passion for programming. You need to find problem-solving fun and to love challenges — even when it requires you to banging your head against the keyboard for many hours straight.

编程比常规工作更是一种职业爱好。 只需在上午8点进站并在下午4点进站就不会削减费用。 要真正发展技能,您需要对编程充满热情。 您需要找到解决问题的乐趣并热爱挑战,即使这需要您连续数小时将头撞在键盘上也是如此。

Great programmers are curious and feel an itch that needs scratching.


2 “Is there a tutorial about that?”

2 “有关于它的教程吗?”

We’ve all been there. Watching (or reading) one tutorial after another. You’ve probably even watched 10 different tutorials on the same topic just to get different perspectives.

我们都去过那里。 观看(或阅读)一个教程。 您甚至可能已经看过同一主题的10个不同的教程,只是为了获得不同的见解。

The thing is, at some point, you’ll need to stop watching tutorials and go try things out for yourself. You’re not developing your analytical and problem-solving skills by having another person guide you every step of the way.

问题是,在某个时候,您将需要停止观看教程,并亲自尝试一下。 您并没有通过让其他人来指导您的每一步来发展您的分析和解决问题的能力。

Instead, try to read documentation and source code from projects that are doing something you want to learn. Also, go read others’ opinions regarding something. It’ll be immensely more valuable to you than a step-by-step guide.

相反,尝试从正在做您想学习的项目的项目中阅读文档和源代码。 另外,请阅读他人对某事的意见。 与逐步指南相比,它对您来说更有价值。

3 “I need to learn a lot of languages”

3 “我需要学习很多语言”

This line of thought was popularized in the book “The Pragmatic Programmer”. No. You don’t need to learn a new language every year.

这种思想在“实用程序员”一书中得到了普及。 不。您不需要每年都学习一门新语言。

Learning a programming language is in many ways similar to learning a regular language.


To master a language, you’ll need to understand its context, culture, and people. Simply getting acquainted with the words (keywords) and grammar (syntax) doesn’t mean you know a language.

要掌握一种语言,您需要了解其上下文,文化和人。 仅仅熟悉单词(关键字)和语法(语法)并不意味着您知道一种语言。

For some time, I too wanted to learn lots of different languages and thought any good programmer must know an arbitrary number of languages.


What I found was that I never really got to understand each language’s “culture”. I could write a web application in PHP, Java, C# .NET, JavaScript, and Python. But I was always lacking a deeper understanding of why things were done in certain ways.

我发现我从来没有真正了解每种语言的“文化”。 我可以用PHP,Java,C#.NET,JavaScript和Python编写Web应用程序。 但是我总是对为什么以某些方式完成事情缺乏更深入的了解。

Focusing on one back-end, front-end, and database language is completely fine. I’m sure you’ll become a better programmer by doing this. Learning one language well typically allows you to easily transition into a new one.

完全专注于一种后端,前端和数据库语言。 我相信通过这样做,您将成为更好的程序员。 良好地学习一种语言通常可以使您轻松过渡到一种新语言。

Also, each language has enough depth and applicable areas for you to be occupied for quite some time anyway.


4 “It’s not my job”

4 “这不是我的工作”

This is exactly the kind of thinking that’ll constrain your growth to a great extend. In multiple ways.

正是这种想法会极大地限制您的成长。 有多种方式。

It’s an attitude that’ll get you pigeon-holed and eventually become a career-killer. You’ll get known as the person who only wants to do certain tasks which in turn limits your exposure to new experiences.

这种态度会让您信服,最终成为职业杀手。 您会被称为只想完成某些任务的人,这反过来又会限制您接触新经验的机会。

You’re at risk if you find yourself repeatedly saying things like:


“The person who wrote this code should fix it”


“I didn’t write this — so I don’t need to fix that glaring bug that’s staring me right in the face”


“I don’t do front-end, ask [person’s name], he might be able to help you”


5 “I want to build it myself”

5 “我想自己建造”

Okay, I get it. You took a programming job to build cool stuff. Not to just use what others have already built.

知道了 您从事了一项编程工作来构建出色的东西。 不只是使用别人已经建立的东西。

But when you’re on a client project and the deadline is approaching, you simply don’t have time to fiddle around with building your own linear regression package, which entails taking into account all the edge cases and whatnot.


Just import that damn package from npm or NuGet and get on with it.


If you want to develop your skills, you’d try to build a similar package at home after work, in your spare time. On the job, you’ll often need to compromise and use what’s already built and tested by others.

如果您想发展自己的技能,可以尝试在业余时间在家下班后构建类似的软件包。 在工作中,您通常需要妥协并使用他人已经构建和测试的内容。

What do you think are some of the worst attitudes in software development?


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Nicklas Millard is a software development engineer in one of the fastest-growing banks, building mission-critical financial services infrastructure.

Nicklas Millard是发展最快的银行之一的软件开发工程师,负责构建关键任务金融服务基础架构。

Previously, he was a Big4 Senior Tech Consultant developing software for commercial clients and government institutions.


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翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/five-damaging-attitudes-in-software-development-71552d1d6e50

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