

I’ve recently reflected on my experiences as an interviewee in software engineering. As I trace through each interview, I have learned and improved. I’d like to share these learnings with a diagram I’d built from my last search and highlight the significant bits.

我最近反思了自己作为软件工程受访者的经历。 当我跟踪每次面试时,我已经学习并有所进步。 我想与我从上次搜索中构建的图表分享这些经验,并突出显示重要的部分。

练习角色扮演 (Practice Role-Playing)

My most impactful learning is the value of practicing weekly with a friend. What I learned is that interviewing is a muscle. Finding a study buddy helped simulate real interview situations. This practice had a tangible improvement in offers. But even more so is that after securing a new job, we continue to practice once a week for an hour to be sharp at the interview skill, share stories, and continue to build a healthy relationship.

我最有影响力的学习是每周与朋友一起练习的价值。 我了解到,面试是一种肌肉。 寻找一个研究伙伴有助于模拟真实的采访情况 。 这种做法在报价方面有明显的改善。 但是,更重要的是,在找到一份新工作之后,我们继续每周练习一次,每小时一小时,以精通面试技巧,分享故事并继续建立健康的关系。

与招聘合作 (Partnering with Recruiting)

I found success in partnering with recruiting as I went through the pipelines. Being courteous, providing feedback, and asking what to expect had better outcomes. Being honest about my position in my search, expectations, and asking informed questions was an advantage.

在筹备过程中,我发现了与招聘合作的成功。 有礼貌,提供反馈并询问期望得到更好的结果。 对自己在搜索,期望和询问知情中的立场保持诚实是一个优势。

最佳月份开始搜索 (Optimal Months to Start a Search)

My personal experience interviewing revealed that starting a search during particular months increased job opportunities and initial responses. These optimal months were January, April, and September. It became evident that these proceeded vacation times from typical holidays and breaks — where companies come back and advance their talent searches.

我的个人经历采访显示,在特定月份开始搜索会增加工作机会和初步React。 这些最佳月份是一月,四月和九月。 很明显,这些假期是从典型的假期和休息时间开始的,这些时间是公司回来并推进其人才搜寻的时间。

反馈很少 (Feedback is Rare)

Interview loops do not provide direct feedback on performance. The rejection was frequent, and my approach was to guess what had happened and improve that performance. For example, — if a story wasn’t on the tip of my tongue, I thought about the situation and formulated an impactful answer.

采访循环不提供有关性能的直接反馈。 拒绝是经常发生的,我的方法是猜测发生了什么并提高性能。 例如,-如果故事不是我的舌尖,我会考虑这种情况并提出有意义的答案。

问题改善个人资料 (Questions Improve Profile)

Since feedback is rare, each question asked was an opportunity to improve my professional profile. These include the resume, social profile, and other mediums. Each item found gaps in my profile that I did not highlight as an essential experience or an outcome. By fortifying these skills and results, I appeared comprehensive over time — because I failed to highlight experiences finally extracted through interviewing.

由于反馈很少,因此提出的每个问题都是提高我的专业水平的机会。 这些包括简历,社交形象和其他媒介。 每个项目都在我的个人资料中发现了一些空白,这些空白我没有作为基本经验或结果来强调。 通过强化这些技能和结果,我逐渐表现出全面的能力-因为我未能强调通过访谈最终获得的经验。

保湿技巧 (Hydrating Skillsets)

Since software engineering is diverse with different skillsets, technical questions are also an opportunity to learn. If a technology came up where I did not have working experience, I would build cursory knowledge by setting aside time to learn.

由于软件工程的技能各不相同,因此技术问题也是学习的机会。 如果出现了我没有工作经验的技术,我将通过留出时间来学习一些粗略的知识。

期待技术变化 (Expect Technical Variations)

The technical interviews required knowledge of data types and operations. More importantly, some exercises were pair based, solving a problem together. Finally, I encountered three variations of system design. The three types included building something from requirements, debugging a mal-performing system, and talking through a system established by the team and discussing tradeoffs.

技术面试需要了解数据类型和操作。 更重要的是,一些练习是基于配对的,共同解决问题。 最后,我遇到了系统设计的三个变体。 这三种类型包括根据需求构建内容,调试性能不佳的系统以及通过团队建立的系统进行对话并讨论权衡。

坚持下去 (Keeping at it)

Interviewing is tough because you, as a candidate, are being judged for a role. There were times where I’d had disagreed with the outcome. There were times I completely bombed and felt humiliated days after the interview. By thinking objectively on my performance and persevering through difficulty were skills that driven me to succeed. Keep at it! 🎉

面试很难,因为作为候选人的你被评选为角色。 有时候我会不同意结果。 有时候我在采访后几天就遭到轰炸,感到羞辱。 客观地思考我的表现并坚持不懈的技巧是促使我成功的技能。 继续吧! 🎉

结论 (Conclusion)

My approach to finding the next opportunity is to understand the system meta. The result is the diagram above. By improving how I communicated my experience concisely, I achieved offers. While there is no formula to interview well, I hope that my experience and this diagram may help with your upcoming interviews.

我寻找下一个机会的方法是了解系统 。 结果是上面的图。 通过改善我简洁地交流经验的方式,我实现了报价。 虽然没有很好的面试方法,但我希望我的经验和这张图可以为您即将进行的面试提供帮助。

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/the-one-about-software-engineering-interviewing-6f126e3a3171






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