

Making the step towards management is a huge challenge. It’s also a great accomplishment.

向管理迈进是一个巨大的挑战。 这也是一项伟大的成就。

As a technical person, most of the focus during our training and start of our career go to individual work and individual performance. Becoming a technical leader can seem daunting.

作为技术人员,在我们的培训和职业生涯开始期间,大部分重点放在个人工作和个人绩效上。 成为技术领导者似乎令人生畏。

The solution to the hardest questions in the world can be found in books. We’ve compiled a list of six great resources for new technical leads. We hope they will make your transition to management smoother.

在书中可以找到世界上最棘手的问题的解决方案。 我们已为新技术线索编制了六种重要资源的清单。 我们希望他们能使您顺利过渡到管理。

1.极端所有权:美国海军海豹突击队如何领导和获胜—乔科·威林克(Jocko Willink) (1. Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy SEALs Lead and Win — by Jocko Willink)

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Jocko Willink was a career US Navy SEAL and Extreme Ownership is an account of the leadership approach of the SEALS, correlated with business principles. The main idea is, unsurprisingly, to take extreme ownership of everything related to your team, product, and mission. Everything needs to take a no-nonsense approach.

乔科·威林克(Jocko Willink)是美国海军海豹突击队的职业, 极端所有权是海豹突击队的领导方式与商业原则的结合。 毫不奇怪,主要想法是对与您的团队,产品和使命相关的所有事物都拥有绝对所有权。 一切都需要采取无聊的方法。

The most important takeaway from this book is to listen to and trust your team. Since you’ve been promoted to a management role, they’re the new experts in your fields — not you. Your new job is to clear their path to success. Different people have different needs to succeed and a manager’s role is to figure out what that is and how to make it happen for them.

本书最重要的收获是听取并信任您的团队。 由于您已经晋升为管理职位,因此他们是您所在领域的新专家,而不是您。 您的新工作是清除他们的成功之路。 不同的人对成功有不同的需求,而经理的角色是弄清楚这是什么以及如何使之实现。

2.打造经理人-朱莉(Julie Zhuo) (2. The Making of a Manager — by Julie Zhuo)

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The Making of a Manager (2019) explores what new managers can do in their first three months and beyond to ensure their team gets excellent results. One of the first things to keep in mind is that if you reached this stage in your career (technical lead), it means that someone believed in you enough to give you this opportunity.

《经理人的形成》 (2019年)探讨了新经理在头三个月及以后的时间里可以做什么,以确保其团队获得出色的业绩。 首先要记住的一件事是,如果您在职业生涯中达到了这个阶段(技术主管),则意味着有人相信您足以给您这次机会。

As Julie Zhuo points out, a new manager always feels like an imposter — out of their depth and unworthy of the role.

正如卓莉(Julie Zhuo)所指出的那样,新经理总是觉得自己像个冒名顶替者-出于他们的深度和不配角色。

At the age of 25, Julie was appointed to manage Facebook’s design team. At first, she believed her job consisted of holding meetings, giving feedback, and figuring out who to promote or fire. She soon realized that this approach was not focused on longterm goals. A few years later, she realized that her job was to ensure that her team worked smoothly together, that everyone in her team was set for personal success, and that everyone felt that they could achieve their career goals.

25岁那年,朱莉被任命为管理Facebook的设计团队。 起初,她认为自己的工作包括召开会议,提供反馈以及弄清楚晋升或解雇的人。 她很快意识到,这种方法并不专注于长期目标。 几年后,她意识到自己的工作是确保团队顺利合作,确保团队中的每个人都为个人成功做好准备,并且每个人都认为自己可以实现自己的职业目标。

With nearly a decade of management experience, Julie now believes that the job of a manager is to achieve improved outcomes from your team.


3.不必在工作中发疯– Jason Fried和David Heinemeier Hansson (3. It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work — by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson)

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It doesn’t have to be crazy at work is that one book among our suggested list that will go against everything you will read and learn from the other resources.


Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson, the co-founders of Basecamp, argue that a successful, profitable company shouldn’t require it’s employees to work crazy hours, forfeit holidays, and live in constant stress. They argue that there’s a calmer way of running a business, where you sacrifice insane short-term growth in favour of sustainable, continuous long-term growth.

Basecamp的联合创始人Jason Fried和David Heinemeier Hansson认为,一个成功,盈利的公司不应该要求其员工疯狂工作,放假,生活在不断的压力中。 他们认为,有一种更平静的经营业务的方式,在这种方式中,您牺牲了疯狂的短期增长以支持可持续的,持续的长期增长。

If there’s anyone who can talk about sustainable growth, it’s these two. Basecamp has been around 21 years (yes — Basecamp was founded in 1999!) and it had $25m in revenue this year, with $0 outside investment and 63 employees.

如果有人可以谈论可持续增长,那就是这两个。 Basecamp已有21年的历史(是的,Basecamp成立于1999年!),今年的收入为2500万美元,外部投资为0美元,拥有63名员工。

One important takeaway from the book is that there’s currently a lot of buzz on social media about the crazy attitude and sacrifices needed to build a successful company. There are slogans in support of this, like “Extreme talent isn’t necessary, but extreme commitment is!” The book recounts a tale about Charles Darwin, the legendary evolutionary scientist, who wrote 19 books during his lifetime and is said to have never worked more than four and a half hours a day. The authors think that the solution to this craziness is “pacifism”: focusing on your own business, not the competition.

这本书的一个重要收获是,目前社交媒体上有很多关于建立成功公司所需的疯狂态度和牺牲的嗡嗡声。 有这样的口号支持这一口号,例如:“没有必要提供极端人才,但有极端的承诺!” 这本书讲述了一个传奇的进化科学家查尔斯·达尔文的故事,他一生中写了19本书,据说一天工作不超过四个半小时。 作者认为解决这种疯狂问题的方法是“和平主义”:专注于自己的事业,而不是竞争。

As a fresh technical lead, it’s your responsibility that your employees have a healthy life-work balance, that their stress levels are not constantly insane (let’s be honest, there’s no entirely stress-free technical job, but the stress can be managed). Your main goal is to protect your employees’ time. “No meetings that can be replaced with an email” is a great rule of thumb for achieving this.

作为新的技术负责人,您的责任是使员工保持健康的生活和工作平衡,确保他们的压力水平不会一直处于疯狂状态(老实说,没有完全没有压力的技术工作,但是可以管理压力)。 您的主要目标是保护员工的时间。 “没有可以用电子邮件代替的会议”是实现此目标的一个很好的经验法则。

4.高产出管理-Andrew S. Grove (4. High Output Management — by Andrew S. Grove)

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High Output Management is a revolutionary book on the transformative power of vision. Andrew Grove is a businessman and the former chairman and CEO of Intel. He played a major role in shaping the company into the world’s largest manufacturer of semiconductors since his appointment as CEO in 1979.

高产出管理是一本有关视觉变革力量的革命性著作。 安德鲁·格罗夫(Andrew Grove)是一位商人,曾是英特尔的前董事长兼首席执行官。 自1979年被任命为首席执行官以来,他在将公司塑造成全球最大的半导体制造商方面发挥了重要作用。

In Andrew’s view, the role of a manager is to identify and solve bottlenecks that prevent their team from achieving maximum efficiency. The solutions available are usually hiring a larger workforce or buying more equipment. This leads to the next key task for a manager, balancing everything cost-effectively.

在安德鲁看来,经理的作用是识别和解决阻碍其团队实现最大效率的瓶颈。 可用的解决方案通常是雇用更多的劳动力或购买更多的设备。 这导致了经理的下一项关键任务,即经济高效地平衡所有事务。

Another great insight from this book is that every manager should pick at least five indicators of the state of the business. These indicators need to be looked at every morning.

本书的另一个重要见解是,每个经理都应至少选择五个业务状况指标。 这些指标需要每天早晨查看。

A final takeaway is that management is a team effort. A manager isn’t rated solely on their skills and achievements but on the performance of their team.

最后要说的是,管理是团队的努力。 不仅要根据经理的技能和成就来评价经理,而且还要根据团队的表现来评价经理。

5.《黑天鹅》(Nassim Nicholas Taleb) (5. The Black Swan — by Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

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The Black Swan explores the nature of what we perceive as random events as well as the logical pitfalls that cause us to miss out on the bigger picture. “Black swans” are events thought to lie outside the realm of possibility, but which happen anyway. Before anyone had ever seen a black swan, people assumed that all swans were white.

《黑天鹅》探讨了我们认为是随机事件的本质,以及导致我们错过大局的逻辑陷阱。 “黑天鹅”是被认为不在可能性范围内的事件,但无论如何都会发生。 在没有人见过黑天鹅之前,人们以为所有天鹅都是白色的。

One takeaway from this book is that, as a manager, you’re faced with challenges you wouldn’t have faced before. As humans, we’re extremely vulnerable to even the most basic of logical fallacies. We tend to have a habit of creating narratives based on what we know of the past. As a manager, you need to break this habit and instead analyze the data in front of you.

这本书的一个收获是,作为一名经理,您面临着以前从未遇到过的挑战。 作为人类,即使是最基本的逻辑谬论,我们也极度脆弱。 我们倾向于养成根据我们对过去的了解进行叙述的习惯。 作为经理,您需要打破这种习惯,而要分析您面前的数据。

6. CIO悖论:应对IT领导精装书的矛盾-作者:玛莎·海勒(Martha Helle) (6. CIO Paradox: Battling the Contradictions of IT Leadership Hardcover — by Martha Helle)

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The CIO Paradox by Martha Helle is probably my favourite of the six books. We can all agree that IT reached its maturity for most businesses, even before pandemic-related lockdowns started and most of our lives moved online. The CIO (or Chief Information Officer) is responsible for bridging the gap between the technical side of the business and the rest. IT is costly, complex, and, for most businesses, absolutely vital.

Martha Helle撰写的CIO悖论可能是我最喜欢的六本书。 我们都可以同意,即使在大流行相关的锁定开始和我们的大部分生活都转移到网上之前,大多数企业的IT都已经成熟。 首席信息官(或首席信息官)负责弥合业务技术方面与其他方面之间的差距。 IT成本高昂,复杂,并且对于大多数企业而言,绝对至关重要。

This book covers a few stories about successful CIOs, but the one I liked most was about Geir Ramleth, the CIO of global engineering at Bechtel. When Ramleth joined Bechtel, he noticed that employees outside IT regarded IT as the barrier that prevented work from getting done. Ramleth went on to merge the 33 different IT helpdesks Bechtel had into a single unit with a universal ticketing system that was available 24/7. In doing just this, Ramleth increased the number of problems solved from 20% to over 65% and brought down the overall IT cost by over 30%.

本书涵盖了一些有关成功的CIO的故事,但我最喜欢的是有关Bechtel全球工程CIO Geir Ramleth的故事。 Ramleth加入Bechtel时,他注意到IT部门以外的员工将IT视为阻碍工作完成的障碍。 Ramleth继续将Bechtel拥有的33个不同的IT服务台合并为一个具有24/7全天候通用票务系统的单元。 通过这样做,Ramleth将解决的问题数量从20%增加到65%以上,并使整体IT成本降低了30%以上。

One great takeaway from this book is that the CIO, and any technical leader, is responsible for maintaining and improving day-to-day operations while also focusing on innovation. But a technical leader must also keep an eye out for opportunities to create a huge difference in the business. Usually, they rely on business intelligence to find such opportunities.

本书的一个重要收获是,CIO和任何技术负责人都负责维护和改善日常运营,同时也注重创新。 但是技术领导者还必须时刻注意创造巨大业务差异的机会。 通常,他们依靠商业智能来找到这种机会。

闭幕 (Closing)

Taking the step towards management is not easy. These books can help you smooth the transition and increase the odds that your team members will follow you as a leader.

迈向管理并不容易。 这些书籍可以帮助您顺利过渡,并增加团队成员跟随您成为领导者的几率。

The recurring theme in all of these books is that once you take this step, you must embrace the fact that you’re no longer the maker. You’re now the enabler. Your higher purpose is to ensure that the makers working for you have the best shot at leveling up their career and fulfilling their goals.

所有这些书中反复出现的主题是,一旦您采取了这一步骤,就必须接受不再是制造者这一事实。 您现在是推动者。 您的更高目标是确保为您工作的制造商在提升职业水平和实现目标方面拥有最佳视野。



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