

经验与建议 (Experience & Advice)

Income generation is a topic that has become more relevant than ever due to the number of professionals getting laid off from companies that can no longer keep up with difficulties brought on by the coronavirus pandemic.

我 ncome生成是一个主题,变得比以往更具相关性,由于公司从被解雇的专业人员数量,可以不再跟上由冠状病毒大流行带来的困难。

Even without the pandemic, ‘income generation’ was (and still is) a trending topic amongst students, professionals, entrepreneurs…basically everyone.

即使没有大流行,“创收”也是(现在仍然 )是学生,专业人士,企业家……基本上每个人中的一个热门话题。

作为机器学习从业人员,我在本文中特别关注的是经过验证的方法,您可以使用这些方法来产生主收入或副收入。 (What I specifically focus on in this article are proven methods that you, as a machine learning practitioner can use to generate either a main or side income stream.)

Don’t worry I won’t bore you with inspirational quotes or sell you dreams of six-figure income streams.


Personal accounts and experiences are proven to be more impactful and relatable, so in this article, you’ll find that I share my personal experiences with methods that currently provide me with an income stream.


Here are methods of obtaining income I’ll be covering: Career, Medium, Consultancy, Email list, YouTube etc.


1.中📑 (1. Medium 📑)

Let’s start with an obvious income generating method.


The first article I wrote on Medium was back in 2017. Back then, I was oblivious to the fact that you could earn some form of income on Medium.


Fast forward to 2020.


Now writing on Medium provides me with a small amount of income to supplement earnings from my career.


As you may or may not know, I write articles that are artificial intelligence and machine learning related. Some of my articles are advice pieces such as this article, but largely I write technical articles, here’s an example.

也许您不知道,我写的文章与人工智能和机器学习有关。 我的一些文章是一些建议性文章,例如本文,但是我主要撰写技术文章,这里有一个例子

My initial reasons for writing on Medium were:


  • Creating a form of portfolio

  • Reinforcing my learning through teaching


Now my reasons for writing on Medium has expanded to include:


  • Creating a personal brand

  • Educating individuals on machine learning and computer vision topics

  • Building a side income


让我们谈谈数字。 💲 (Let’s talk numbers. 💲 💲 💲)

It’s probably important that I mention that writing on Medium won’t create a substantial sum of income within the first month or even the first year.


To provide you with a clearer picture, in June only 5.7% of writers earned over $100.

为了向您提供更清晰的图片,6月只有5.7%的作家收入超过$ 100。

Image for post
June Medium Writer Earning Salary

Some writers earn enough income from Medium to make it a full-time job, and you can become one of these writers, or at least part of the small percentage that earn over $100.


Personally, in 2020 I’ve earned $3,374.19 so far from my Medium articles. In the past seven months, I’ve written at least 2–3 articles a week.

就个人而言,到2020年为止,我的中型文章收入为$ 3,374.19。 在过去的七个月中,我每周至少撰写2-3篇文章。

The hours and effort I put into writing on Medium could probably earn you 3x more in some other career or income-generating method.


Writing on Medium can be said to be a long term investment. More importantly, you have to couple the monetary benefits with other incentives, or you probably might quit very early on.

在Medium上写作可以说是一项长期投资。 更重要的是,您必须将金钱利益与其他激励措施结合起来,否则您可能很早就退出。

动作🔥🔥🔥 (Action 🔥🔥🔥)

  1. Sign up to the Medium Partner Program


  2. Write quality articles on an AI or ML related topic you are knowledgable in


  3. Submit articles to top Medium publication


  4. Repeat step 2 and 3


2.职业💼 (2. Career 💼)

Image for post
Photo by True Agency on Unsplash
True AgencyUnsplash拍摄的照片

One of the best and proven methods of generating an income stream as a machine learning practitioner is to get a job that requires your specific skill set.


Below is a list of common job roles machine learning practitioners typically undertake:


  • Data Scientist


  • Machine Learning Engineer


  • Natural Language Processing Engineer


  • Computer Vision Engineer ( → Me)


  • Machine Learning Researcher


让我们谈谈数字。 💲 (Let’s talk numbers. 💲 💲 💲)

I’m based in the United Kingdom, and over on this part of the world the average salary for a Machine Learning Researcher for the period backdating six months from the 3rd of April 2020 is £57,500.

我的工作地点在英国,在世界这部分地区,自2020年4月3日起六个月的时间里, 机器学习研究员的平均工资为 57,500英镑。

The average salary for a Machine Learning Engineer for the same period is £68,750.

同期机器学习工程师的平均工资为 68,750英镑。

Over in the US, the average salary for ML Engineers is approximately $125,000.

在美国, 机器学习工程师的平均工资 大约是$ 125,000。

According to results from payscale, the average ML Engineer role in India pays an average ₹691,892. I also recently came across a resourceful Medium article that contained statistical information on the Data Science job market over in India.

根据薪资表的结果,印度的ML工程师角色平均支付₹691,892 最近,我还看到了一篇颇有见地的中型文章,其中包含有关印度数据科学工作市场的统计信息

动作🔥🔥🔥 (Action 🔥🔥🔥)

The demand for machine learning practitioners has increased year on year, and even with the recent pandemic firms are still eager to hire skilled Data Scientists and Machine learning engineers.


To make the most of this opportunity in 2020 and secure a job within machine learning, I would recommend matching up your current skills with the required skills within a job posting.


Go onto job sites and identify positions where you are a good match. If you lack some skills, identify the skills and create a strategy to gain experience within the required skills.

转到工作现场 ,找出适合的职位。 如果您缺乏某些技能,请确定技能并制定策略以在所需技能中获得经验。

Some employers don’t mind if you lack in some of the desired skills, as long as you portray eagerness to learn and have the core skills and expertise they require.


3.咨询ancy (3. Consultancy 👥)

Some machine learning practitioners have expertise and skills that are highly sought after. There are individuals, companies and organizations out there that are seeking machine learning consultants or contractors that can aid in activities such as:

一些机器学习从业者具有广受欢迎的专业知识和技能。 那里有一些个人,公司和组织正在寻求机器学习顾问或承包商,以协助开展以下活动:

  • Defining the AI strategy of a company


  • Implementing AI strategy within company products


  • Build AI/ML teams

    建立AI / ML团队

  • Provide advice on considerations in regards to AI developments


  • …and plenty more


Contractors and Consultants are individuals that act as an individual operating entity that is separate to the company that they are currently hired by.


Consultants/Contractors usually have their own limited company and are paid based on hourly rates, or day rates.


The main caveat of consultancy is that the duration of a job is set. Some machine learning engineers are hired to drive an AI initiative within an organization for six months to a year. And a lot of them are compensated handsomely.

咨询的主要警告是确定工作的持续时间。 雇用了一些机器学习工程师来在组织内推动AI计划六个月到一年。 其中许多人得到了丰厚的报酬。

Other consultancy or contract-based roles could last days, weekends or even hours.


Personally, I’ve acted as a consultant on a couple of occasions:


  • Providing guidance on deep learning and computer vision techniques for unique problems


  • Technical author of a ‘yet to be released’ Computer vision book.


让我们谈谈数字。 💲 (Let’s talk numbers. 💲 💲 💲)

The income I’ve made from my consultancy gigs is not a life-changing sum of money. However, the financial upside and potential of becoming an expert machine learning consultant or contractor are still appealing.

我从咨询工作中获得的收入并不是改变人生的总金额。 但是,财务上的吸引力和成为专家机器学习顾问或承包商的潜力仍然很有吸引力。

According to data from ITJobsWatch, the median daily rate of a contract machine learning engineer is £525, and the top 90% earn £700+ per day.


For the average machine learning consultant/contractor that equates to approximately £126,000 per annum.


That’s a pretty nifty yearly earning.


动作🔥🔥🔥 (Action 🔥🔥🔥)

Becoming a consultant or contractor is no easy feat.


You have to be the very best within your respective field and perhaps will have to be well connected than the average person.


Most machine learning consultant and contractors have skills and expertise that are within the top 5% of their profession. Clients expect contractors and consultant to typically have at least 8–10 years of experience underneath their belt.

大多数机器学习顾问和承包商的技能和专长都在其职业的前5%之内。 客户期望承包商和顾问在他们的安全带下通常至少有8-10年的经验。

Like I said, no easy feat.


But the steps to becoming a consultant/contractor are rather straight forward.


The actions for you to take are simple:


  1. Become a top machine learning practitioner


  2. Have years of relevant professional experience


One method of gaining consulting clients is to leverage your network, another way of gaining consulting/contracting client is by signing up to platforms such as Fiverr and Upwork. These are marketplaces for freelancers to provide services to companies or individuals.

一种获得咨询客户的方法是利用您的网络,另一种获得咨询/合同客户的方法是通过注册诸如FiverrUpwork之类的平台。 这些是自由职业者为公司或个人提供服务的市场。

The methods of generating income as a machine learning practitioner that I’ve presented to you so far are methods that I myself have tried and currently utilising to make a living.


The following methods that are listed onwards are utilized by other successful income earners.


I am currently building out a strategy of generating income from methods I inlcude below.


4.建立电子邮件列表📪 (4. Building an Email List 📪)

I’ve known about email lists for a while now, and I’m subscribed to a few individuals email listing.


Having your email within an email list means you are providing a gateway of frequent communication between yourself and whosoever’s list you are subscribing to.


The subscription content tends to be newsletters that are sent out frequently. You could receive a newsletter daily or monthly.

订阅内容往往是经常发送的新闻通讯。 您可以每天或每月收到时事通讯。

Although I’ve known about email lists for a while, I haven’t always realized their potential to be monetized.


After spending some time researching methods in which email lists can be monetised, I was able to compile key findings and include them below:


  • Selling a product: You could sell machine learning courses or tech devices to your audience.


  • Affiliate links: A lot of machine learning practitioners purchase books on platforms such as Amazon. Amazon has a decent affiliate program that is easy to set up. In effect, you could earn a portion of referred book sales.

    会员链接 :许多机器学习从业者在诸如Amazon之类的平台上购买书籍。 亚马逊有一个易于建立的体面会员计划。 实际上,您可以赚取一部分推荐图书的销售。

  • Selling ad space: If you build an email list with 6,000+ individuals, then you potentially have a valuable social net worth. You can monetize advertisement space within your newsletters.

    出售广告空间 :如果您建立一个包含6,000多个个人的电子邮件列表,那么您就有潜在的宝贵社交资产。 您可以通过时事通讯中的广告空间获利。

  • Charging for premium content: Providing exclusive content at a reasonable price has always been a method of generating income. By building an email list, you have a direct audience to promote premium content to. Premium content come in many shape and sizes; it could be exclusive information or in-depth courses.

    收费优质内容:以合理的价格提供独家内容一直是​​创收的一种方法。 通过建立电子邮件列表,您可以直接将优质内容推广到其中。 优质内容具有多种形状和大小。 它可以是专有信息或深度课程。

让我们谈谈数字。 💲 (Let’s talk numbers. 💲 💲 💲)

I haven’t monetized my email list, so I can’t provide you with first account detail of income potential.


Success with an email list is driven by several factors that can be subjective.


Nonetheless, there are several success stories on the internet of individuals generating four-figure monthly revenue and in some cases, six-figures. Some of the potential and upside to creating a high income generating email list is based on the niche and industry that’s targeted.

但是,个人互联网上有一些成功案例,每个月产生四位数的收入,在某些情况下还产生了六位数的收入。 创建高收入电子邮件列表的一些潜力和上行空间取决于目标市场和行业。

I want to provide some official stats here, but unfortunately, the world of revenue through email lists is filled with individual selling marketing and sales courses and providing income figures that are not necessarily verifiable.


动作🔥🔥🔥 (Action 🔥🔥🔥)

The first step to generating income from email lists and newsletter is to have content that people are willing to subscribe to.


For example, in my newsletter, I provide subscribers with the following:

例如,在我的时事通讯中 ,我向订户提供以下内容:

  • Links to my Medium articles, which include article friend links so that non-Medium members get access to my articles behind the Medium paywall


  • Links to other articles that provide current and relevant information within the artificial intelligence and machine learning industry


  • Links to interesting AI/ML YouTube content that I believe are worth sharing.

    链接到我认为值得分享的有趣的AI / ML YouTube内容。

  • Links to new machine learning research papers and more.


Content is king.


Once you are sure you have content that individuals will be more than happy to subscribe to, then you can build your email listing subscription form through service such as MailChimp, ConvertKit etc.


5. YouTube📺 (5. YouTube 📺)

This is the last income-generating method for machine learning practitioners I’ll be including in this article.


Generating video content on YouTube has provided thousands of people with an additional income stream, and many have made YouTube content generation their full-time job.


Tech-based YouYube channels are quite popular, especially channels that focus on education and tutorials.


Personally, I’m subscribed to channels such as Two Minutes Paper, Daniel Bourke, Sentdex, Deep Lizard, 3Blue1Brown, Yannic Kilcher, Abhishek Thakur etc.

就个人而言,我订阅了诸如《 两分钟报》 ,《 丹尼尔·伯克》Sentdex ,《 深蜥蜴》 ,《 3Blue1Brown》 ,《 Yannic Kilcher》 ,《 阿比舍克· 塔库尔》频道

I have no indication how lucrative the earning of the listed channels above are.


Still, one thing I can say is that the channel owners above did not start on YouTube with the sole intention of generating income or some form of revenue.


Generating income on YouTube is similar to Medium in the sense that you have to create quality and consistent content to generate some form of income. In most cases, YouTube channels don’t make any stable form of income for a while.

在YouTube上产生收入与中型相似,因为您必须创建高质量和一致的内容才能产生某种形式的收入。 在大多数情况下,YouTube频道暂时不会产生任何稳定的收入形式。

让我们谈谈💲 (Let’s talk 💲 💲 💲)

YouTube channels generate income through the portion of ad revenue that YouTube shares with the channel owners. There are strict criteria that channels have to meet before videos become eligible for monetization.

YouTube频道通过YouTube与频道所有者分享的广告收入部分来产生收入。 在使视频有资格获利之前,必须满足严格的标准

But once they do, the sky is the limit.


Now to provide some arbitrary income potential figures, I used a ‘YouTube Money Calculator’ from Influencermarketingbub to estimate the total earning of a few machine learning practitioners’ channels.

我们提供一些任意的收入潜力的数字,我用从“YouTube的货币计算器” Influencermarketingbub估计一些机器学习从业者的渠道总收入。

Do take note that these figures are simply estimation provided by a tool that has no direct association YouTube platform.


Let’s start arguably one of the most popular YouTube channels that focuses on AI topics.


Lex Fridman’s YouTube channel is a gold mine and the majority of his videos are interviews with highly reputable individuals in AI or related fields.

Lex Fridman的YouTube频道是一座金矿,他的大部分视频都是对AI或相关领域知名人士的采访。

According to the calculator, his channel earns $229 per video and has earned a total of $106, 677. These estimated earnings figures are impressive.


The next two estimated earing are of YouTubers Yannic Kilcher and Abhishek Thakur. These are two machine learning practitioners that are equally respected in their own rights.

YouTube频道的Yannic Kilcher和Abhishek Thakur预计将获得另外两个收入。 这是两位机器学习从业者,他们在自己的权利中同样受到尊重。

动作🔥🔥🔥 (Action 🔥🔥🔥)

  1. Create a YouTube Channel

  2. Upload quality machine learning-based content

  3. Repeat step 2 until internet fame.


你做到了最后 (You Made It To The End)

Most of the earning generating strategies presented in this article require a lot of time of effort even to notice minimal income potential.


You probably have only to pick one or two to ensure that you give enough energy to a method to realize its earning potential.


To be able to stick to any of the income generations for the long run, I would highly recommend finding an incentive besides monetary gain. Some of the individuals in the top percentile of the mentioned income generation methods did not notice any substantial earning for years.

为了能够长期坚持任何一代人的收入,我强烈建议除货币收益外还寻求一种激励措施 。 在提到的创收方法中,处于最高百分位的一些人多年来没有发现任何可观的收入。

To put it bluntly, be ready for the long game.


Below is a summary of ways machine learning practitioners can generate income in 2020 (and beyond):


  1. Career

  2. Medium

  3. Consultancy / Contracting

  4. Email list

  5. YouTube


There are other notable income-generating methods such as: releasing and selling video courses, writing and self-publishing books and even selling machine learning applications.


The best advice I’ve probably received when it comes to income generation is to pick a method and just start.

关于创收,我可能已经收到的最好建议是选择一种方法, 刚开始

来自我的更多 (More From Me)

在我的文章发表时,您可以得到通知的一种方法是在Medium上关注我(One way you can get notified of my articles when they are published is by following me on Medium.)

另一种方法是通过注册我的每周时事通讯 ,其中将包含文章和与机器学习有关的内容。 (Another method is through signing up for my weekly newsletter that will contain articles and machine learning related content.)

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/5-ways-a-machine-learning-practioner-can-generate-income-in-2020-and-beyond-2f541db5f25f






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