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翻译 java前端后段_前端的建筑模式后端

java前端后段它是什么?(What is it?)The backends-for-frontends architectural pattern describes a world in which each client application has its own server-side component— a backend for a particular frontend. 后...

2020-10-16 14:12:19 328

翻译 软件工程师论云_软件工程师的控制论指南

软件工程师论云重点(Top highlight)Before ‘cyber’ was a prefix for everything internet and computers, it was how mathematicians were going to conquer the world.在“网络”成为所有互联网和计算机的前缀之前,这就是数学家征服世界的方式。I first encoun...

2020-10-16 14:03:00 277

翻译 天蓝色函数使用docker compose表示本地运行天蓝色函数

Every time I join a new project, I try not to rely too much on external environments when building and running the software that I’m working on. Most of the time, a DEV or CI environment is overrated ...

2020-10-14 03:33:34 231

翻译 詹金斯搭建_使用詹金斯动态节点的ci cd管道

詹金斯搭建In this article, I will demonstrate how to setup Docker Containers as Jenkins Dynamic Node. Also, we gonna see how to deploy our HTML Websites dynamically in Kubernetes using Jenkins CI/CD (Conti...

2020-09-18 16:16:54 284

翻译 抗议与正义

Editor’s Note: The use of face recognition technology in policing has been a long-standing subject of concern, even more-so now after the murder of George Floyd and the demonstrations that have follow...

2020-09-07 03:23:59 160

翻译 qos cbs_我在CBS Interactive担任视频软件工程师实习生的夏天

qos cbsCBSi的生活| 视频处理团队(Life at CBSi | Video Processing Team)I was extremely excited when I was accepted into the CBS Interactive (CBSi) summer internship program. The program recently secured a pla...

2020-09-07 03:14:43 310

翻译 将dialogflow和vonage SMS API添加到烧瓶应用程序

Dialogflow is a natural language understanding (NLU) platform provided by Google. It is used to design and integrate conversational user interfaces into mobile and web apps, devices, bots, and interac...

2020-09-07 03:04:42 229

翻译 充分利用 cpu_如何充分利用云

充分利用 cpuOver the years, building and testing software that runs on physical servers has become the status quo. The database is the most important part of the application. Usually, it’s the only depend...

2020-09-07 02:54:38 562

翻译 如何成为嵌入式软件工程师_如何成为软件工程师

如何成为嵌入式软件工程师I sometimes tell folks that I learned to program because I wanted to become a tech entrepreneur and knew how difficult it was to find good developers. I discovered along the way that this ...

2020-09-07 02:43:40 280

翻译 pymysql使用_使用pymysql的AWS Lambda与RDS

pymysql使用In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a Lambda function which queries data from your RDS database using the pymysql library. 在本教程中,我将向您展示如何创建Lambda函数,该函数使用pymysql库从RDS数据库查询数据。 1. ...

2020-09-07 02:34:26 630

翻译 卡夫卡详解_如何宣传卡夫卡

卡夫卡详解Imagine you are a senior engineer working in a company that’s running its tech stack on top of AWS. Your tech organization is probably using a variety of AWS services including some messaging ser...

2020-09-07 02:24:39 206

翻译 具有lambda和fargate的事件驱动的容器

TLDR (TLDR)Serverless containers provisioned by Fargate and triggered by Lambda good. PyODBC deployed on Lambda bad. Use Fargate for long-running jobs or jobs that are well supported as containers a...

2020-09-07 02:14:59 238

翻译 aws big data_AWS Data Wrangler简化了与AWS Data相关服务的熊猫集成

aws big dataEnterprise organisations are utilising cloud services to build data lakes, warehouses and automated ETL pipelines. In AWS Cloud, data lakes are built on top of Amazon S3 due to its durabil...

2020-09-07 02:04:30 256

翻译 mvc 到微服务_从学生的角度来看MVC到微服务

mvc 到微服务What is the Microservice Architecture? 什么是微服务架构? We have probably all heard of microservices before, but what does that really mean? Microservice architecture is a type of distributed system....

2020-09-07 01:54:47 1218

翻译 salesforce 模块_使用自定义javascript模块作为salesforce组织中的静态资源

salesforce 模块This tutorial will walk you through integrating your custom JavaScript modules with Salesforce Lightning Web Components and use them in Salesforce Orgs. 本教程将引导您逐步将自定义JavaScript模块与Salesfor...

2020-09-07 01:44:16 517

翻译 一个带有redis的简单主动被动集群实现

We, as developers, want our applications to be up all the time. This is actually a common mission where redundancy and horizontal scalability is in place; so we have just decided to distribute the sam...

2020-09-07 01:35:01 123

翻译 移动web优先使用内核_通过移动优先方法充分利用Web应用程序的动机,从而摆脱了...

移动web优先使用内核Recent media consumption & trends reveal that 90% of their mobile time is spent in apps, and only 10% browsing the rest of the internet. But the user base of a specific product may be r...

2020-09-04 23:42:35 253

翻译 rds迁移到本地服务器_优化您的rds mysql到gcp cloudsql的迁移

rds迁移到本地服务器MySQL replication is one of the simplest replication methods that we ever experienced. We have done so many MySQL migrations across multiple Cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, and Azure. In AWS...

2020-09-04 23:32:46 301

翻译 mongodb atlas_将您的Go服务与mongodb Atlas连接

mongodb atlas 前言 (Preface)Many say Golang (or just Go) is a very good choice for developing a service for the cloud infrastructure. And that is mostly true. If you have a stateful service that requir...

2020-09-04 23:22:34 157

翻译 正则表达式 示例_通过3个示例使正则表达式对初学者而言并不那么令人恐惧

正则表达式 示例When I went to Flatiron School, I was learning all sorts of brand new things about coding/programming. There were a lot of foreign concepts I had to tackle and figure out both on my own and w...

2020-09-04 23:03:48 213

翻译 准入控制_Kubernetes动态准入控制示例

准入控制A walk-through of creating a webhook for Kubernetes dynamic admission control. 创建用于Kubernetes动态准入控制的Webhook的演练。 The code illustrated in this article is available for download. 本文中说明的代码可以下载 。 Wha...

2020-09-04 22:53:08 837

翻译 aws 数据库迁移_使用AWS进行数据库迁移

aws 数据库迁移The Agenda of this blog is to understand the different aspects of Data Migration. This blog will also try to illustrate a basic question “Why move your legacy database(s).. ?” 该博客的议程旨在了解数据迁移的...

2020-09-04 22:42:16 2105

翻译 与邮递员进行烟雾测试无服务器api

I’m a huge fan of serverless, but one of the areas that’s still a bit tougher with it is testing. While you can mock an API call to a function, it’s not quite as easy to test an API endpoint as I’d ex...

2020-09-04 22:32:48 129

翻译 aws延迟测试_aws放大ci cd code lint端到端测试

aws延迟测试After my first approach to AWS Amplify, I want to deal with the implementation of source code linters and end-to-end tests with Cypress, obviously automated in the AWS Amplify CI/CD pipeline. L...

2020-09-04 22:22:03 473

翻译 scrum 角色_产品负责人是Scrum中最容易被误解的角色

scrum 角色Scrum is all about creating products of the highest value in complex product environments. Here’s why: Scrum致力于在复杂的产品环境中创造最高价值的产品。 原因如下: “In today’s fast-paced, fiercely competitive world of ...

2020-09-04 22:11:57 817

翻译 使用您已有的工具进行快速的实时细粒度监控

As Engineers, we often find it necessary to have real-time, accurate, and granular timings of our code. These are useful for optimizing data processing, general monitoring, incident response, and many...

2020-09-02 04:47:54 399

翻译 wordpress 数据库_在Wordpress中管理您的数据层

wordpress 数据库Managing your data layer is key for your success. In this post, we will review how to handle that using the popular WordPress CMS.管理数据层是成功的关键。 在这篇文章中,我们将回顾如何使用流行的WordPress CMS处理该问题。A com...

2020-09-02 04:37:26 134

翻译 azure服务器_无服务器测试驱动器使用python协调Azure函数

azure服务器One of the top trends in cloud computing is serverless computing, which allows organizations to access powerful cloud services through code without managing the underlying infrastructure. This...

2020-09-02 04:27:14 252

翻译 黑马前端气温案例_黑马指标使用吞吐量的案例

黑马前端气温案例I’ve not come across many teams that use, let alone know that much about throughput. For the most part, velocity rules the roost when it comes to capacity planning, however, throughput can be ...

2020-09-02 04:17:51 121

翻译 保护 ssl证书配置 安全_哎呀,超过限制后我如何ssl保护我的网站安全

保护 ssl证书配置 安全…and before the waiting period was over ……在等待期结束之前 Let’s Encrypt is “A nonprofit Certificate Authority providing TLS certificates to 225 million websites. 让我们加密就是“非营利性证书颁发机构,为2.25亿个网站提供T...

2020-09-02 04:07:10 909

翻译 初学者linux系统推荐_初学者推荐系统

初学者linux系统推荐Why do we need a recommendation system ? 为什么我们需要一个推荐系统? Let us take the simplest and the most relatable example of E-commerce giant Amazon. When we shop at Amazon it usually gives us the o...

2020-09-02 03:56:43 458

翻译 为大数据构建用户界面

In the modern world, data has become one of the most valuable commodities available. Companies collectively spend billions sourcing, shaping and analysing it. 在现代世界中,数据已成为可用的最有价值的商品之一。 公司共同花费数十亿美元进行采购...

2020-09-02 03:46:04 327

翻译 github动作的官方AWS

I am a sucker for CI/CD pipelines. I pretty much build those out before I build any other project, to be honest. Ever since Github came out with workflow and actions I have been all over it! 我是CI / CD...

2020-09-02 03:36:15 100



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