
Editor’s Note: The use of face recognition technology in policing has been a long-standing subject of concern, even more-so now after the murder of George Floyd and the demonstrations that have followed. In this article, Mike Loukides, VP of Content Strategy at O’Reilly Media, reviews how companies and cities have addressed these concerns, as well as ways in which individuals can mitigate face recognition technology or even use it to increase accountability. We’d love to hear from you about what you think about this piece.

编者注: 在警务中使用人脸识别技术一直是一个长期存在的问题,尤其是在乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀及随后的示威游行之后。 在本文中,O'Reilly Media内容策略副总裁Mike Loukides回顾了公司和城市如何解决这些问题,以及个人减轻面部识别技术甚至使用其增强责任感的方式。 我们很乐意听到您对您对此作品的看法。

Largely on the impetus of the Black Lives Matter movement, the public’s response to the murder of George Floyd, and the subsequent demonstrations, we’ve seen increased concern about the use of facial identification in policing.

在很大程度上,黑人生活问题运动的推动力,公众对乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀的React以及随后的示威游行,使人们越来越关注在警务中使用面部识别的问题。

First, in a highly publicized wave of announcements, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon have announced that they will not sell face recognition technology to police forces. IBM’s announcement went the furthest; they’re withdrawing from face recognition research and product development. Amazon’s statement was much more limited; they’re putting a one-year moratorium on the police use of their Rekognition product, and hoping that Congress will pass regulation on the use of face recognition in the meantime.

首先,在广为人知的公告浪潮中,IBM,微软和亚马逊宣布将不向警察出售面部识别技术。 IBM的公告最远。 他们正在从面部识别研究和产品开发中退出 。 亚马逊的声明更为有限。 他们将暂停使用警方的Rekognition产品, 为期一年 ,并希望国会同时通过有关使用面部识别的法规。

These statements are fine, as far as they go. As many point out, Amazon and Microsoft are just passing the buck to Congress, which isn’t likely to do anything substantial. (As far as I know, Amazon is still partnering with local police forces on their Ring smart lock, which includes a camera.) And, as others have pointed out, IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon are not the most important companies that supply face recognition technology to law enforcement. That’s dominated by a number of less prominent companies, of which the most visible are Palantir and Clearview AI. I suspect the executives at those companies are smiling; perhaps IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon aren’t the most important players, but their departure (even if only temporary) means that there’s less competition.

这些陈述就目前而言还不错。 正如许多人指出的那样,亚马逊和微软只是将钱推给了国会,这不太可能做任何实质性的事情。 (据我所知,亚马逊仍在与他们的Ring智能锁 (包括摄像头)合作,与当地警察合作。)而且,正如其他人指出的那样,IBM,微软和亚马逊并不是最重要的公司。认识执法技术。 这由许多不太知名的公司主导,其中最明显的是Palantir和Clearview AI。 我怀疑那些公司的高管在微笑。 也许IBM,Microsoft和Amazon不是最重要的参与者,但是他们的离开(即使只是暂时的)也意味着竞争较少。

So, much as I approve companies pulling back from products that are used unethically, we also have to be clear about what this actually accomplishes: not much. Other companies that are less concerned about ethics will fill the gap.

因此,正如我批准公司从不道德使用的产品中撤回一样,我们还必须清楚其实际成就:不多。 其他不太关注道德的公司将填补这一空白。

Another response is increased efforts within cities to ban the use of face recognition technologies by police. That trend, of course, isn’t new; San Francisco, Oakland, Boston, and a number of other cities have instituted such bans. Accuracy is an issue — not just for people of color, but for anyone. London’s police chief is on record as saying that he’s “completely comfortable” with the use of face recognition technology, despite their department’s 98% false positive rate. I’ve seen similar statements, and similar false positive rates, from other departments.

另一个应对措施是城市内加大力度,禁止警察使用面部识别技术。 当然,这种趋势并不新鲜。 旧金山,奥克兰,波士顿和许多其他城市已经颁布了此类禁令。 准确性是一个问题-不仅对于有色人种,而且对于任何人。 伦敦的警察局长在记录中说,尽管他们部门的假阳性率为98% ,但他对面部识别技术的使用“完全满意”。 我从其他部门看到类似的陈述和类似的误报率。

We’ve also seen the first known case of a person falsely arrested because of face recognition. “First known case” is extremely important in this context; the victim only found out that he was targeted by face recognition because he overheard a conversation between police officers. We need to ask: how many people have already been arrested, imprisoned, and even convicted on the basis of incorrect face recognition? I am sure that number isn’t zero, and I suspect it is shockingly large.

我们还看到了第一个已知的因面部识别错误被捕的案件。 在这种情况下,“第一个已知病例”极为重要; 受害人只是发现他是人脸识别的目标,因为他听见了警官之间的谈话。 我们需要问:由于不正确的面部识别,已经有多少人被逮捕,监禁甚至定罪了? 我确定这个数字不为零,而且我怀疑这个数字太大了。

City-wide bans on the use of face recognition by police are a step in the right direction; statewide and national legislation would be better; but I think we have to ask the harder question. Given that police response to the protests over George Floyd’s murder has revealed that, in many cities, law enforcement is essentially lawless, will these regulations have any effect? Or will they just be ignored? My guess is “ignored.”

全市禁止警察使用面部识别是朝着正确方向迈出的一步; 全州和国家立法会更好; 但是我认为我们必须提出更棘手的问题。 鉴于警方对乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)谋杀案抗议活动的回应表明,在许多城市,执法工作基本上是不合法的,这些规定会产生影响吗? 还是会被忽略? 我的猜测是“无视”。

That brings me to my point: given that companies backing off from sales of face recognition products, and local regulation of the use of these products, are praiseworthy but unlikely to be effective, what other response is possible? How do we shift the balance of power between surveillors and surveillees? What can be done to subvert these systems?

这使我明白了:鉴于那些从面部识别产品销售中退缩的公司以及这些产品使用的本地法规值得称赞,但不太可能有效,还有什么其他React可能呢? 我们如何改变监视者和监视者之间的力量平衡? 可以做什么来破坏这些系统?

There are two kinds of responses. First, the use of extreme fashion. CVDazzle is one site that shows how fashion can be used to defeat face detection. There are others, such as Juggalo makeup. If you don’t like these rather extreme looks, remember that researchers have shown that even a few altered pixels can defeat image recognition, changing a stop sign into something else. Can a simple “birthmark,” applied with a felt-tip pen or lipstick, defeat face recognition? I have not read anything about this specifically, but I would bet that it can. Facemasks themselves provide good protection from face ID, and COVID-19 is not going away any time soon.

响应有两种。 首先,使用极端时尚。 CVDazzle是一个网站,展示了如何使用时尚来击败面部检测。 还有其他一些,例如Juggalo化妆 。 如果您不喜欢这些极端的外观,请记住研究人员已经表明,即使改变一些像素也会破坏图像识别,将停车标志更改为其他符号。 用毡尖的笔或口红涂上简单的“胎记”会否破坏人脸识别能力? 我没有专门阅读任何有关此的内容,但我敢打赌可以。 面罩本身可提供良好的保护,防止人脸ID,并且COVID-19不会很快消失。

The problem with these techniques (particularly my birthmark suggestion) is that you don’t know what technology is being used for face recognition, and useful adversarial techniques depend highly on the specific face recognition model. The CVDazzle site states clearly that it’s designs have only been tested against one algorithm (and one that is now relatively old.) Juggalo makeup doesn’t alter basic facial structure. Fake birthmarks would depend on very specific vulnerabilities in the face recognition algorithms. Even with facemasks, there has been research on reconstructing images of faces when you only have an image of the ears.

这些技术(尤其是我的胎记建议)的问题在于您不知道将哪种技术用于面部识别,而有用的对抗技术高度依赖于特定的面部识别模型。 CVDazzle网站清楚地表明,其设计仅针对一种算法(而现在相对较旧)进行了测试。Juggalo妆容不会改变基本的面部结构。 假胎记将取决于人脸识别算法中非常具体的漏洞。 即使使用口罩,也已经进行了有关在只有耳朵的图像的情况下重建面部图像的研究。

Many vendors (including Adobe and YouTube) have provided tools for blurring faces in photos and videos. Stanford has just released a new web app that detects all the faces in the picture and blocks them out. Anyone who is at a demonstration and wants to take photographs should use these.

许多供应商(包括Adobe和YouTube)都提供了用于模糊照片和视频中人脸的工具。 斯坦福大学刚刚发布了一个新的网络应用程序 ,该应用程序可以检测图片中的所有面Kong并将其遮挡。 任何在示威活动中想要拍照的人都应该使用这些照片。

But we shouldn’t limit ourselves to defense. In many cities, police refused to identify themselves; in Washington DC, an army of federal agents appeared, wearing no identification or insignia. And similar incognito armies have recently appeared in Portland, Oregon and other cities. Face recognition works both ways, and I bet that most of the software you’d need to construct a face recognition platform is open source. Would it be possible to create a tool for identifying violent police officers and bringing them to justice? Indeed, human rights groups are already using AI: there’s an important initiative to use AI to document war crimes in Yemen. If it’s difficult or impossible to limit the use of facial recognition by those in power, the answer may well be to give these tools to the public to increase accountability–much as David Brin suggested many years ago in his prescient book about privacy, The Transparent Society.

但是我们不应该局限于防御。 在许多城市,警察拒绝身份证明。 在华盛顿特区, 一支由联邦特工组成军队出现了,没有身份证明或徽章。 最近在波特兰,俄勒冈州和其他城市也出现了类似的隐姓埋名的军队。 人脸识别可以双向工作,我敢打赌,构建人脸识别平台所需的大多数软件都是开源的。 是否有可能创建一种工具,以识别暴力警察并将其绳之以法? 确实,人权组织已经在使用AI: 在也门,有一项重要的举措可以使用AI记录战争罪 。 如果很难或不可能限制当权者对面部识别的使用,答案很可能是将这些工具提供给公众,以增强责任感-正如戴维·布林(David Brin)多年前在他关于隐私的有远见的书《透明》中所建议的那样。社会。

Technology “solutionism” won’t solve the problem of abuse — whether that’s abuse of technology itself, or more plain old physical abuse. But we shouldn’t naively think that regulation will put technology back into some mythical “box.” Face recognition isn’t going away. That being the case, people interested in justice need to understand it, experiment with ways to deflect it, and perhaps even to start using it.

技术“解决主义”不会解决滥用问题-不管是技术本身的滥用,还是更普通的旧式物理滥用。 但是,我们不应该天真地认为监管会将技术放回神话般的“盒子”中。 人脸识别并不会消失。 在这种情况下,对正义感兴趣的人们需要理解它,尝试使其变形的方法,甚至可能开始使用它。

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Mike Loukides is Vice President of Content Strategy for O’Reilly Media, Inc. He’s edited many highly regarded books on technical subjects that don’t involve Windows programming. He’s particularly interested in programming languages, Unix and what passes for Unix these days, and system and network administration. Mike is the author of System Performance Tuning and a coauthor of Unix Power Tools. Most recently, he’s been writing about data and artificial intelligence, ethics, the future of programming, and whatever else seems interesting. He’s also a pianist, a ham radio operator, and a lover of birds.

Mike Loukides是O'Reilly Media,Inc.内容策略副总裁。他编辑了许多备受推崇的书籍,涉及与Windows编程无关的技术主题。 他对编程语言,Unix以及当今Unix的发展以及系统和网络管理特别感兴趣。 Mike是 System Performance Tuning 的作者,也是 Unix Power Tools 的合著者 最近,他一直在撰写有关数据和人工智能,伦理学,编程的未来以及任何其他有趣的文章。 他还是钢琴家,业余无线电广播员和鸟类爱好者。

翻译自: https://medium.com/oreillymedia/ai-protests-and-justice-ecb54d1ab0a9

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