我有下面的代码,我想把金属的值按降序排序,我可以用金属的名称来调用它们的每个编号。我给它起的名字。例如,如果我想调用铂金的价值,我可以使用“每巴白金价值“请注意,我有自己的对象,名为RIT_object,我可以将每个参数的类型放入类中,正如您在代码中看到的那样from rit_object import * # rit_object class
class Metal(rit_object):
Represents a single metal type, composed of:
:slot name (str): The name of the metal
:slot totalBars (int): The total number of bars
:slot weightPerBar (int): The weight of a single bar
:slot valuePerBar (int): The value of a single bar
:slot valuePerWeight (float): The value per weight of the metal
:slot barsTaken (int): The number of bars added to the satchel
__slots__ = ( 'name' , 'totalBars' , 'valuePerBar' , 'weightPerBar' , 'barsTaken' )
_types = ( str , int , int, int, float, int )
def createMetal(name, totalBars, weightPerBar, valuePerBar):
Create and return a new Metal object.
:param name (str): The name of the metal
:param totalBars (int): The total number of bars
:param weightPerBar (int): The weight of a single bar
:param valuePerBar (int): The value of a single bar
:return: A newly initialized Metal object
:rtype: Metal
platinum = Metal("platinum", 1, 1000, 6, 0)
gold = Metal("gold", 1, 750, 5, 0)
rhodium = Metal("rhodium", 1, 500, 5, 0)
silver = Metal("silver", 1, 400, 4, 0)
def sortMetalsByValuePerBar(metals):
Sort the metals by value per bar using insertion sort. The list of
metals is modified in place to be ordered by value per bar.
:param metals (list of Metal): The list of metals
:return: None
:rtype: NoneType