Matlab数据类型及转换(Matlab data type and conversion)
Matlab数据类型及转换(Matlab data type and conversion)
Matlab data type and conversion (2011-05-1615:10:59)
Label: miscellaneous: memos
In Matlab, there are 15 basic data types, mainly integer, floating point, logic, character, date and time, structure array, cell array, and function handle.
1. Integral type: (int8; uint8; int16; uint16; int32; uint32; int64; uint64) returns the maximum and minimum value of the class integer by intmax (class) and intmin (class) function, such as intmax (' int8 ') = 127;
Floating-point Numbers: REALMAX (' double ') and REALMAX (' single ') respectively return the maximum value of double-precision floating-point and single-precision floating-point, and REALMIN (' double ') and REALMIN (' single ') respectively return the minimum values of double-precision floating-point an