addedvarplot(X,y,num,inmodel) displays
an added variable plot using the predictive terms in X,
the response values in y, the added term in column num of X,
and the model with current terms specified by inmodel. X is
an n-by-p matrix of n observations
of p predictive terms. y is
vector of n response values. num is
a scalar index specifying the column of X with
the term to be added. inmodel is a logical vector
of p elements specifying the columns of X in
the current model. By default, all elements of inmodel are false.
addedvarplot automatically includes a constant
term in all models. Do not enter a column of 1s directly into X.
addedvarplot(X,y,num,inmodel,stats) uses
the stats output from the stepwisefit function
to improve the efficiency of repeated calls to addedvarplot.
Otherwise, this syntax is equivalent to the previous syntax.
addedvarplot(ax,___) creates the plot in the axes
specified by ax instead of the current axes (gca). The option ax can precede any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes. For more information on creating an
Axes object, see axes and gca.
Added variable plots are used to determine the unique effect of adding a new term to a
multilinear model. The plot shows the relationship between the part of the response
unexplained by terms already in the model and the part of the new term unexplained by terms
already in the model. The “unexplained” parts are measured by the residuals of
the respective regressions. A scatter of the residuals from the two regressions forms the
added variable plot. In addition to the scatter of residuals, the plot produced by
addedvarplot shows 95% confidence intervals on predictions from the
fitted line. The slope of the fitted line is the coefficient that the new term would have if
it were added to the model with terms inmodel. For more details, see Added Variable Plot.
Added variable plots are sometimes known as partial regression
leverage plots.