方向向量转欧拉角,将2 3D点转换为方向向量再转换为欧拉角

Here's essentially my problem. Also maybe I am not familiar enough with Euler angles and what I'm attempting to do is not possible.

I have 2 points in 3d space.

p1 (1,2,3)

p2 (4,5,6)

In order to get the unit vectors for these two points I'm doing this basically.

var productX = (position.X2 - position.X1);

var productY = (position.Y2 - position.Y1);

var productZ = (position.Z2 - position.Z1);

var normalizedTotal = Math.sqrt(productX * productX + productY * productY + productZ * productZ);

var unitVectorX, unitVectorY, unitVectorZ;

if(normalizedTotal == 0)


unitVectorX = productX;

unitVectorY = productY;

unitVectorZ = productZ;




unitVectorX = productX / normalizedTotal;

unitVectorY = productY / normalizedTotal;

unitVectorZ = productZ / normalizedTotal;


So now I have a unit vector x y z for these 2 3d points.

I'm attempting now to convert from directional vector to euler angle. Is this possible. What am I missing here as I can't find any good resource on how to do this.

Thanks for the help.

Sometimes a picture helps.


maybe this will give a better example of what i'm trying to solve for.

Given 2 points, I have determined a midpoint, length, and now i'm trying to figure out hte angles to set so that the cylinder is correctly oriented around the x,y,z axis. I think I need to figure out all 3 angles not just 1 and 2 is that correct? I think the euler angles from a directional vector bit through you off.


What you want is a transformation from Cartesian coordinates of the vector

v = (v_x, v_y, v_z)

to the spherical coordinates r, ψ and θ where

v = ( r*COS(ψ)*COS(θ), r*SIN(θ), r*SIN(ψ)*COS(θ) )

This is done with the following equations

r = SQRT(v_x^2+v_y^2+v_z^2)

TAN(ψ) = (v_z)/(v_x)

TAN(θ) = (v_y)/(v_x^2+v_z^2)

To get the angles ψ and θ, use the ATAN2(dy,dx) function as in

ψ = ATAN2(v_z, v_x)

θ = ATAN2(v_y, SQRT(v_x^2+v_z^2))

Now that you have the along direction vector

j = ( COS(ψ)*COS(θ), SIN(θ), SIN(ψ)*COS(θ) )

you can get the two perpendicular vectors from

i = ( SIN(ψ), 0, -COS(ψ) )

k = ( COS(ψ)*SIN(θ), -COS(θ), SIN(ψ)*SIN(θ) )

These three vectors make up the columns of the 3×3 rotation matrix

| SIN(ψ) COS(ψ)*COS(θ) COS(ψ)*SIN(θ) |

E =[i j k] = | 0 SIN(θ) -COS(θ) |

| -COS(ψ) SIN(ψ)*COS(θ) SIN(ψ)*SIN(θ) |

In terms of Euler angles the above is equivalent to

E = RY(π/2-ψ)*RX(π/2-θ)


Two points p_1=(3,2,3) and p_2=(5,6,4) define the vector

v = (5,6,4) - (3,2,3) = (2,4,1)

NOTE: I am using the notation of v[i] for the i-th element of the vector, as in v[1]=2 above. This is neither like C, Python which is zero based, nor like VB, FORTRAN or MATLAB which uses parens () for the index.

Using the expressions above you get

r = √(2^2+4^2+1^2) = √21

TAN(ψ) = 1/2

TAN(θ) = 4/√(2^2+1^2) = 4/√5

ψ = ATAN2(1,2) = 0.463647

θ = ATAN2(4,√5) = 1.061057

Now to find the direction vectors

j = ( COS(ψ)*COS(θ), SIN(θ), SIN(ψ)*COS(θ) ) = (0.4364, 0.87287, 0.21822 )

i = ( SIN(ψ), 0, -COS(ψ) ) = (0.44721, 0, -0.89443 )

k = ( COS(ψ)*SIN(θ), -COS(θ), SIN(ψ)*SIN(θ) ) = (0.78072, -0.48795, 0.39036)

Put the direction vectors as columns of the local to world coordinate transformation (rotation)

E[1,1] = i[1] E[1,2] = j[1] E[1,3] = k[1]

E[2,1] = i[2] E[2,2] = j[2] E[2,3] = k[2]

E[3,1] = i[3] E[3,2] = j[3] E[3,3] = k[3]

| 0.447213595499957 0.436435780471984 0.780720058358826 |

| |

E = | 0 0.872871560943969 -0.487950036474266 |

| |

| -0.894427190999915 0.218217890235992 0.390360029179413 |

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在Python中,将方向向量转换为四元数或者欧拉角可以通过使用合适的数学库来实现。 首先,我们需要导入相应的数学库,例如numpy或者scipy库。 如果要将方向向量转换为四元数,可以使用欧拉角来创建四元数。首先,根据方向向量计算出欧拉角。然后,根据欧拉角的值,使用欧拉角到四元数的转换公式将其转换为四元数表示。 如果要将方向向量转换欧拉角,可以直接根据方向向量的坐标值计算出对应的欧拉角。 以下是一个将方向向量转换为四元数的示例代码: ```python import numpy as np def direction_vector_to_quaternion(direction_vector): # 计算欧拉角 pitch = np.arctan2(direction_vector[1], np.sqrt(direction_vector[0]**2 + direction_vector[2]**2)) yaw = np.arctan2(-direction_vector[0], direction_vector[2]) # 将欧拉角转换为四元数 cy = np.cos(yaw * 0.5) sy = np.sin(yaw * 0.5) cp = np.cos(pitch * 0.5) sp = np.sin(pitch * 0.5) w = cy * cp x = cy * sp y = sy * cp z = -sy * sp return np.array([w, x, y, z]) # 例子:将方向向量(1, 0, 0)转换为四元数 direction_vector = np.array([1, 0, 0]) quaternion = direction_vector_to_quaternion(direction_vector) print(quaternion) ``` 这段代码首先计算了方向向量(1, 0, 0)对应的欧拉角,然后使用欧拉角到四元数的转换公式将其转换为四元数。 你也可以根据需要进行相应的修改来适应不同的方向向量和四元数的表示。 同样地,如果你想将方向向量转换欧拉角,则可以直接使用方向向量的坐标值计算出对应的欧拉角。 希望以上信息对你有所帮助!


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