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教程:验证从 Azure Data Box Disk 上传的数据Tutorial: Verify data upload from Azure Data Box Disk



这是本系列的最后一个教程:部署 Azure Data Box Disk。This is the last tutorial of the series: Deploy Azure Data Box Disk. 本教程的内容:In this tutorial, you will learn about:

验证 Azure 中的数据上传Verify data upload to Azure

从 Data Box 磁盘中擦除数据Erasure of data from Data Box Disk


Before you begin, make sure that you have completed the Tutorial: Return Azure Data Box Disk.

验证 Azure 中的数据上传Verify data upload to Azure

承运人提取磁盘后,门户中的订单状态将更新为“已提货”。Once the disks are picked up by your carrier, the order status in the portal updates to Picked up. 此外还会显示一个跟踪 ID。A tracking ID is also displayed.


当 Microsoft 接收和扫描磁盘时,作业状态将更新为“已接收”。When Microsoft receives and scans the disk, job status is updated to Received.


将磁盘连接到 Azure 数据中心的服务器后,会自动复制数据。The data automatically gets copied once the disks are connected to a server in the Azure datacenter. 根据数据大小,复制操作可能需要几小时到几天的时间才能完成。Depending upon the data size, the copy operation may take a few hours to days to complete. 可以在门户中监视复制作业的进度。You can monitor the copy job progress in the portal.

复制完成后,订单状态将更新为“已完成”。Once the copy is complete, order status updates to Completed.


如果复制完成但出现错误,请参阅排查上传错误。If the copy completes with errors, see troubleshoot upload errors.

从源中删除数据之前,请确认数据已存储在存储帐户中。Verify that your data is in the storage account(s) before you delete it from the source. 你的数据可位于:Your data can be in:

Azure 存储帐户。Your Azure Storage account(s). 将数据复制到 Data Box 时,会根据类型将数据将上传到 Azure 存储帐户中的以下路径之一。When you copy the data to Data Box, depending on the type, the data is uploaded to one of the following paths in your Azure Storage account.

对于块 blob 和页 blob: block blobs and page blobs:

对于 Azure 文件: Azure Files:

或者,可以转到 Azure 门户中的 Azure 存储帐户并从那里导航。Alternatively, you can go to your Azure storage account in Azure portal and navigate from there.

托管磁盘资源组。Your managed disk resource group(s). 创建托管磁盘时,VHD 作为页 blob 进行上传,然后转换为托管磁盘。When creating managed disks, the VHDs are uploaded as page blobs and then converted to managed disks. 托管磁盘会附加到在创建排序时指定的资源组上。The managed disks are attached to the resource groups specified at the time of order creation.

如果在 Azure 中成功复制到托管磁盘,则可转到 Azure 门户中的“订单详细信息”,记下为托管磁盘指定的资源组。If your copy to managed disks in Azure was successful, you can go to the Order details in the Azure portal and make a note of the resource group specified for managed disks.


转到所记录的资源组,并找到你的托管磁盘。Go to the noted resource group and locate your managed disks.



如果在数据复制过程中页 blob 未成功转换为托管磁盘,它会保留在存储帐户中,你需要为存储付费。If a page blob isn't successfully converted to a managed disk during a data copy, it stays in the storage account and you're charged for storage.

如果复制了 VHDX 或动态/差异 VHD,则 VHDX/VHD 会作为块 blob 上传到临时存储帐户。If you copied a VHDX, or a dynamic/differencing VHD, then the VHDX/VHD is uploaded to the staging storage account as a block blob. 请转到临时存储帐户 > Blob,然后选择响应的容器 - StandardSSD、StandardHDD 或 PremiumSSD。Go to your staging Storage account > Blobs and then select the appropriate container - StandardSSD, StandardHDD, or PremiumSSD. VHDX/VHD 应会在临时存储帐户中显示为块 blob。The VHDX/VHDs should show up as block blobs in your staging storage account.

验证 Azure 中的数据上传Verify data upload to Azure

将数据上传到 Azure 后,从源中删除数据之前,请确认数据已存储在存储帐户中。After the data is uploaded to Azure, verify that your data is in the storage account(s) before you delete it from the source. 你的数据可位于:Your data can be in:

Azure 存储帐户。Your Azure Storage account(s). 将数据复制到 Data Box 时,会根据类型将数据将上传到 Azure 存储帐户中的以下路径之一。When you copy the data to Data Box, depending on the type, the data is uploaded to one of the following paths in your Azure Storage account.

对于块 blob 和页 blob: block blobs and page blobs:

对于 Azure 文件存储: Azure Files:

托管磁盘资源组。Your managed disk resource group(s). 创建托管磁盘时,会将 VHD 作为页 Blob 上传,然后将其转换为托管磁盘。When creating managed disks, the VHDs are uploaded as page blobs and then converted to managed disks. 托管磁盘会附加到在创建排序时指定的资源组上。The managed disks are attached to the resource groups specified at the time of order creation.

若要验证数据是否已上传到 Azure,请执行以下步骤:To verify that the data has uploaded into Azure, take the following steps:

转到与磁盘订单关联的存储帐户。Go to the storage account associated with your disk order.

转到“Blob 服务”>“浏览 Blob”。Go to Blob service > Browse blobs. 此时会显示容器列表。The list of containers is presented. 在存储帐户中,将创建与 BlockBlob 和 PageBlob 文件夹下的子文件夹同名的容器。Corresponding to the subfolder that you created under BlockBlob and PageBlob folders, containers with the same name are created in your storage account.

如果文件夹名称不符合 Azure 命名约定,则无法将数据上传到 Azure。If the folder names do not conform to Azure naming conventions, then the data upload to Azure will fail.

若要验证是否已加载整个数据集,请使用 Microsoft Azure 存储资源管理器。To verify that the entire dataset has loaded, use Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer. 附加对应于 Data Box Disk 订单的存储帐户,然后查看 Blob 容器列表。Attach the storage account corresponding to the Data Box Disk order and then look at the list of blob containers. 选择容器,然后依次单击“...更多”、“文件夹统计信息”。Select a container, click …More and then click Folder statistics. “活动”窗格中会显示该文件夹的统计信息,包括 Blob 数目和 Blob 总大小。In the Activities pane, the statistics for that folder including the number of blobs and the total blob size is displayed. 以字节表示的 Blob 总大小应与数据集大小匹配。The total blob size in bytes should match the size of the dataset.


从 Data Box 磁盘中擦除数据Erasure of data from Data Box Disk

上传到 Azure 完成后,Data Box Disk 将根据 NIST SP 800-88 标准擦除其磁盘上的数据。Once the upload to Azure is complete, the Data Box Disk erases the data on its disks as per the NIST SP 800-88 standard.

后续步骤Next steps

本教程介绍了有关 Azure Data Box 磁盘的主题,例如:In this tutorial, you learned about Azure Data Box Disk topics such as:

验证 Azure 中的数据上传Verify data upload to Azure

从 Data Box 磁盘中擦除数据Erasure of data from Data Box Disk

转到下一篇操作指南,了解如何通过 Azure 门户管理 Data Box 磁盘。Advance to the next how-to to learn how to manage Data Box Disk via the Azure portal.





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