31、NGS 常用分析软件



1. Mapping
  • BFAST: A fast and accurate tool for mapping of short reads to reference sequences.

  • BWA: A fast light-weighted tool that aligns short nucleotide sequences to a sequence database.

  • Bowtie: An ultrafast, memory-efficient short read aligner.

  • ELAND: A very fast alignment algorithms from Illumina company.

  • MAQ: A software that builds mapping assemblies from short reads generated by the next-generation sequencing machines.

  • SHRiMP: A software package for aligning genomic reads against a target genome.

  • SOAP: A tool package that provides full solution to next generation sequencing data analysis (including a alignment tool SOAPaligner/soap2 etc).

  • SOLiD bioscope: A software package that is designed specifically to optimize the accuracy of the ABI SOLiD colorspace data.

  • SWIFT: A software collection for fast index-based sequence comparison.

  • TopHat: A spliced read mapper for RNA-Seq.

2. SNV Detection
  • CASAVA: The internal assembler and variant caller Illumina company utilized.

  • GATK: A multiple-sample, technology-aware SNV and indel caller.

  • JointSNVMix: A probabilistic model for detection of somatic mutations in normal/tumour pair.

  • SAMtools: A set of utilities for post-processing alignments in the SAM format, such as indexing, variant caller and alignment viewer.

  • SNVMix: A tool for SNV calling based on probabilistic binomial mixture model.

  • SOAPsnp: A tool for identifying SNVs by Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI).

  • Strelka: A tool for somatic small-variant calling from sequenced tumor-normal sample pairs.

  • SomaticSniper: A program to identify SNVs that are different between tumor and normal sample.

  • VarScan: A platform-independent, technology-independent software tool for identifying SNVs, indels, and CNVs in massively parallel sequencing of individual and pooled samples.

3. Indel Detection
  • Dindel: A program for calling small indels from short-read sequence data from Illumina platform.

  • Pindel: A tool for identifying indels and structural variants at single-based resolution from next-generation sequence data.

  • SplazerS: A tool for detecting genomic indel variants with exact breakpoints in single- and paired-end sequencing.

4. Structural Variation Detection
  • BreakDancer: A tool for detecting five types of SVs (insertions, deletions, inversions, inter- and intra-chromosomal translocations) from next generation paired-end sequencing reads.

  • CREST: A software that uses the soft-clipped reads to directly map the breakpoints of SVs.
  • GASV: A tool for identifying and comparing structural variants by computing intersections of breakpoint regions.

  • HYDRA: A tool for detecting structural variants in both unique and duplicated genomic regions.

  • PEMer: A software package for detecting SVs from paired-end reads.

  • R453Plus1Toolbox: An R/Bioconductor package for the analysis of Roche 454 sequencing data.

  • SVMerge: A tool for SVs analysis by integrating calls from several existing SV callers.

  • SVDetect: A tool for identifying structural variations from paired-end/mate pair data.

  • VariationHunter: An tool for identifying structural variations from paired-end WGS data.

5. Copy Number Variation Detection
  • CBS: An R package for detecting CNVs using sequencing data.

  • CMDS: A population-based method for recurrent CNVs analysis from multiple samples.

  • CNAseg: A tool for Identifying CNVs in cancer from NGS data.

  • cnvHMM: A tool for CNVs analysis using Hidden Markov algorithm.

  • CNVnator: A tool for CNV discovery and genotyping from depth of read mapping.

  • FREEC: A tool for control-free CNVs detection using deep-sequencing data.

  • RDXplorer: A tool for CNVs detection in whole human genome sequence data using read depth coverage.

  • SegSeq: A tool for detecting CNVs from short sequence reads.

  • VarScan: A platform-independent, technology-independent software tool for identifying SNVs, indels, and CNVs in massively parallel sequencing of individual and pooled samples.

6. Annotation
  • ANNOVAR: An efficient software tool to use update-to-date information to functionally annotate genetic variants detected from diverse genomes.

  • BreakSeq: A pipeline for annotation, classification and analysis of SVs at single nucleotide resolution.

  • Seattle Seq: An server that provides annotation of SNVs.

7. Data Visualization
  • Avadis: A software for visualizing and analyzing RNA-Seq data.

  • CIRCOS: A software package for visualizing genomic events.

  • IGV: A high-performance visualization tool for interactive exploration of next-generation sequencing data.

  • Pairoscope: A software package for generating diagrams indicating the relationship of paired end sequencing reads, is most useful for visualizing translocations.

  • UCSC Genome Browser: A genome browser that provide precise access to sequence and annotation data for any genomic region of specific interest.
8. Fusion Gene Detection
  • Avadis: A software for visualizing and analyzing RNA-Seq data.

  • CIRCOS: A software package for visualizing genomic events.

  • IGV: A high-performance visualization tool for interactive exploration of next-generation sequencing data.

  • Pairoscope: A software package for generating diagrams indicating the relationship of paired end sequencing reads, is most useful for visualizing translocations.

  • UCSC Genome Browser: A genome browser that provide precise access to sequence and annotation data for any genomic region of specific interest.



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GNSS数据质量检验是指对全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收到的定位数据进行分析评估,以确定其准确性和可靠性。为了进行数据质量检验,常使用一些软件工具来处理和分析GNSS数据。以下是一些常用的GNSS数据质量检验软件: 1. RTKLIB:RTKLIB 是一个开源的GNSS数据处理软件包,它提供了一系列的算法和工具,用于处理和分析GNSS观测数据。该软件支持多种GNSS接收机和数据格式,可以进行单点定位、差分定位、实时定位等处理。 2. GAGE:GAGE(GNSS Analysis and Positioning Software)是美国国家大地测量局(NGS)开发的一款软件,用于处理和分析GNSS数据。它可以从原始观测数据中计算位置、速度等信息,还提供了精密定位、静态相对定位、动态相对定位等功能。 3. Bernese:Bernese 是瑞士伯尔尼大学开发的一款GNSS数据处理软件,广泛应用于精密测量和地球物理研究领域。它支持多种GNSS导航系统和观测数据格式,可以进行高精度的单点定位、动态相对定位、精密基线解算等处理。 4. TEQC:TEQC(Translation, Estimation, and Quality Control)是一款由美国国家地球物理数据中心(NGDC)开发的软件工具,用于GNSS数据质量控制和转换。它可以处理和分析GNSS观测数据,进行数据格式转换、质量评估、异常检测等操作。 这些软件工具都具有丰富的功能和灵活的数据处理能力,可以帮助用户对GNSS数据进行质量检验和分析,提高其定位结果的准确性和可靠性。用户可以根据自己的需求选择适合的软件进行使用。




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