
上节我们说到uvm_object_registry #(T),uvm_object_reistry 又继承自uvm_object_wrapper,所以首先,让我们先看看它爹是啥样子的:

// CLASS: uvm_object_wrapper
// The uvm_object_wrapper provides an abstract interface for creating object and
// component proxies. Instances of these lightweight proxies, representing every
// <uvm_object>-based and <uvm_component>-based object available in the test
// environment, are registered with the <uvm_factory>. When the factory is
// called upon to create an object or component, it finds and delegates the
// request to the appropriate proxy.

virtual class uvm_object_wrapper;

  // Function: create_object
  // Creates a new object with the optional ~name~.
  // An object proxy (e.g., <uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname)>) implements this
  // method to create an object of a specific type, T.

  virtual function uvm_object create_object (string name="");
    return null;

  // Function: create_component
  // Creates a new component, passing to its constructor the given ~name~ and
  // ~parent~. A component proxy (e.g. <uvm_component_registry #(T,Tname)>)
  // implements this method to create a component of a specific type, T.

  virtual function uvm_component create_component (string name, 
                                                   uvm_component parent); 
    return null;

  // Function: get_type_name
  // Derived classes implement this method to return the type name of the object
  // created by <create_component> or <create_object>. The factory uses this
  // name when matching against the requested type in name-based lookups.

  pure virtual function string get_type_name();


从代码注释来看,都是虚类,这只是轻量级的代理proxy, 它只负责搭台,具体实现让子类去实现,也就是所在uvm中create class,无非就两种uvm_object 和uvm_componet. 它只有这两个儿子,古人云:儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙做远忧。所以,具体的实现还是让我们进一步去看uvm_object_registry(uvm_register.svh中).


// Group: Usage
// This section describes usage for the uvm_*_registry classes.
// The wrapper classes are used to register lightweight proxies of objects and
// components.
// To register a particular component type, you need only typedef a
// specialization of its proxy class, which is typically done inside the class.
// For example, to register a UVM component of type ~mycomp~
//|  class mycomp extends uvm_component;
//|    typedef uvm_component_registry #(mycomp,"mycomp") type_id;
//|  endclass
// However, because of differences between simulators, it is necessary to use a
// macro to ensure vendor interoperability with factory registration. To
// register a UVM component of type ~mycomp~ in a vendor-independent way, you
// would write instead:
//|  class mycomp extends uvm_component;
//|    `uvm_component_utils(mycomp);
//|    ...
//|  endclass
// The <`uvm_component_utils> macro is for non-parameterized classes. In this
// example, the typedef underlying the macro specifies the ~Tname~
// parameter as "mycomp", and ~mycomp~'s get_type_name() is defined to return 
// the same. With ~Tname~ defined, you can use the factory's name-based methods to
// set overrides and create objects and components of non-parameterized types.
// For parameterized types, the type name changes with each specialization, so
// you cannot specify a ~Tname~ inside a parameterized class and get the behavior
// you want; the same type name string would be registered for all
// specializations of the class! (The factory would produce warnings for each
// specialization beyond the first.) To avoid the warnings and simulator
// interoperability issues with parameterized classes, you must register
// parameterized classes with a different macro.
// For example, to register a UVM component of type driver #(T), you
// would write:
//|  class driver #(type T=int) extends uvm_component;
//|    `uvm_component_param_utils(driver #(T));
//|    ...
//|  endclass
// The <`uvm_component_param_utils> and <`uvm_object_param_utils> macros are used
// to register parameterized classes with the factory. Unlike the non-param
// versions, these macros do not specify the ~Tname~ parameter in the underlying
// uvm_component_registry typedef, and they do not define the get_type_name
// method for the user class. Consequently, you will not be able to use the
// factory's name-based methods for parameterized classes.
// The primary purpose for adding the factory's type-based methods was to
// accommodate registration of parameterized types and eliminate the many sources
// of errors associated with string-based factory usage. Thus, use of name-based
// lookup in <uvm_factory> is no longer recommended.


class uvm_object_registry #(type T=uvm_object, string Tname="<unknown>")
                                        extends uvm_object_wrapper;
  typedef uvm_object_registry #(T,Tname) this_type;

  // Function: create_object
  // Creates an object of type ~T~ and returns it as a handle to a
  // <uvm_object>. This is an override of the method in <uvm_object_wrapper>.
  // It is called by the factory after determining the type of object to create.
  // You should not call this method directly. Call <create> instead.

  virtual function uvm_object create_object(string name="");
    T obj;
    obj = new();
    if (name!="")
    if (name=="") obj = new();
    else obj = new(name);
    return obj;

  const static string type_name = Tname;


  // Function: create
  // Returns an instance of the object type, ~T~, represented by this proxy,
  // subject to any factory overrides based on the context provided by the
  // ~parent~'s full name. The ~contxt~ argument, if supplied, supersedes the
  // ~parent~'s context. The new instance will have the given leaf ~name~,
  // if provided.

  static function T create (string name="", uvm_component parent=null,
                            string contxt="");
    uvm_object obj;
    uvm_coreservice_t cs = uvm_coreservice_t::get();                                                     
    uvm_factory factory=cs.get_factory();
    if (contxt == "" && parent != null)
      contxt = parent.get_full_name();
    obj = factory.create_object_by_type(get(),contxt,name);
    if (!$cast(create, obj)) begin
      string msg;
      msg = {"Factory did not return an object of type '",type_name,
        "'. A component of type '",obj == null ? "null" : obj.get_type_name(),
        "' was returned instead. Name=",name," Parent=",
        parent==null?"null":parent.get_type_name()," contxt=",contxt};
      uvm_report_fatal("FCTTYP", msg, UVM_NONE);

create() 调用factory.create_object_by_type()函数,该函数又调用create_object()

// create_object_by_type
// ---------------------

function uvm_object uvm_default_factory::create_object_by_type (uvm_object_wrapper requested_type,  
                                                        string parent_inst_path="",  
                                                        string name=""); 

  string full_inst_path;

  if (parent_inst_path == "")
    full_inst_path = name;
  else if (name != "")
    full_inst_path = {parent_inst_path,".",name};
    full_inst_path = parent_inst_path;


  requested_type = find_override_by_type(requested_type, full_inst_path);

  return requested_type.create_object(name);









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