



AI Programming Resources

PC AI - Logic Programming
PC AI - Artificial Intelligence
Computational Logic

ILOG, Inc.
IBM - ILOG is now part of IBM
University of Washington: Constraint-Based Systems
UW Constraint-Based Systems
Declarative Systems & Software Engineering (DSSE) Group
Dependable Systems & Software Engineering Research Group
Extreme Software
Price Request
Topics in Information Processing 2CS24: Declarative Languages
2cs24 Declarative
Constraint Logic Programming

Catalog of compilers: CLP(R)

comp.lang.functional FAQ

Mondrian's E-Cigs
John McCarthy
John McCarthy
Screamer Tool Repository

Lisp Resources

Successful Lisp
Mercury Project

The Miranda Programming Language
The Miranda Programming Language
Mozart Programming System

Oz Programming System
The Oz Programming System
Logic Programming Associates
Welcome to LPA
Cetus Links: Prolog

The Scheme Programming Language
The Scheme Programming Language

Welcome to schemers.org!
CMU Scheme Repository



comp.speech WWW Site [UK] - Information on speech technology products and soft

comp.speech WWW site
Computational Semiotics and Fuzzy Linguistics

Computational Semiotics
Computational Semiotics
Grammar Formalisms

Grammatical Inference
Homepage of the Grammatical Inference Community
LINGUIST List virtual library

"String Searching Algorithms" Book

AGFL Grammar Work Lab
The AGFL Grammar Work Lab
Natural Language Software Registry


Neural Networks Tutorial Review

Image Compression with Neural Networks

Backpropagator's Review
Backpropagator's Review
Bibliographies on Neural Networks

Intelligent Motion Control with an Artificial Cerebellum
Russell Smith
Kernel Machines
Some Neural Networks Research Organizations

Neural Network Modeling in Vision Research

Neural Networks and Machine Learning
UofT Machine Learning
Neural Application Software
Image & Video identification, visual search software for Quality Control, Product ID, Tag-less ID, website image search engine, and video surveillance
Neural Network Toolbox for MATLAB

Netlab Software

Kunama Systems Limited


AI Tutorial Review

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research

The Turing Test and Intelligence

AI Resources


AI Programming Resources

Some AI Research Organizations


Introduction to Expert Systems

Berkeley Expert System Technology lab

Jess, the Expert System Shell for the Java Platform

CLIPS: A Tool for Building Expert Systems

FuzzyCLIPS - Fuzzy Work(Expert System)

Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems at Acquired Intelligence


Computer program designed to solve standard American crosswords

GEOMET Technologies, Inc.

ExpLore Reasoning Systems: Business rule and expert system


Knowledge Representation

Knowledge Discovery In Databases: Tools and techniques

Resource Description Framework (RDF) Schema Specification 1.0 ,W3C Candidate R

ecommendation 27 March 2000

W3C Resource Description Framework Resource Description Framework (RDF), the W

3C Standard for knowledge representation on the Web

Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF)- Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF), a DARP

A project based format for exchanging pieces of knowledge bases

Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery

AI Knowledge-Based Systems

Knowledge Representation Resources


Machine Learning Tutorial

Reinforcement Learning:An Introduction

The Journal of Machine Learning Research

Online Machine Learning Resources

Machine Learning at AAAI

Active Logic - inference engine that incorporates a history of their reasoning

as they run

Machine Learning in Games

Machine Learning Group

Knowledge Acquisition for Expert Systems at Acquired Intelligence


China Robotics Web Sites

Robot Science & Technology - magazine

Mobile Robotics Research Group, Edinburgh University

robort topics and links

Arnold goal to design a system of multiple robots, that are individually auton

omous and can team up to cooperatively perform tasks.

Modular Reconfigurable Robotics - research project from Xerox PARC to design s

mall, autonomous robots that can be reconfigured and linked together to achiev

e different goals.

Polypod - modular, reconfigurable robot that walks, rolls, and crawls

Australia's Telerobot on the Web

RoboCup: The Robot World Cup


Intelligent Agent Tutorial Review

A Perspective on Software Agents Research

Intelligent Agents: Theory and Practice

Software Agents: An Overview

Mobile Agents and the Future of the Internet

Intelligent Agent Resource


Proof Theory as an Alternative to Model Theory


Mathematical Reasoning Group

Description of the HOL Theorem Proving System


Software, Theorem Provers

Inductive Theorem Prover INKA 4.0



Mechanized Reasoning Systems

International Journal of Approximate Reasoning

Case-Based Reasoning

David J.C. MacKay: Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms

Exploring the Labyrinth of the Mind

TMYCIN: Medical Reasoning System

Reasoning about Computational Resource Allocation

Qualitative Reasoning Research at UT Austin

Qualitative Reasoning Group, Northwestern University

Formal Reasoning Group

Case-Based Reasoning

Integrated Reasoning Group Overview


Pattern Recognition Tutorial

Pattern Recognition for HCI

RailwayBridge: Medical Applications for Pattern Classifiers

Bayesian motion estimation and segmentation

Facial Expression Home Page

Keith Price Bibliography Annotated Computer Vision Bibliography:

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Pattern Recognition Information

Department of Cognitive and Neural Systems at Boston University

Attrasoft Neural Network Application Software
Image & Video identification, visual search software for Quality Control, Product ID, Tag-less ID, website image search engine, and video surveillance
optical recognition objectives


Computers, Games and the Real World

Machine Learning in Games

How Machines have Learned to Play Othello
Amit's Thoughts on Path-Finding

Game AI

Journal & Book Publications on Othello Programs


Project: Von Neumann


READY: User-Oriented Resource-Adaptivity

Algorithms for Adaptive Sampling Designs

Complex Adaptive Systems

Intelligent Motion Control with an Artificial Cerebellum
Russell Smith
Piranha and Adaptive Parallelism

The Adaptive Technology Resource Centre

Adaptive Environments Center, Inc.
Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation

Complex Adaptive Systems Research


Rule-Based Systems

Rule-Based Systems Overview

Constraints and Rule-based Systems

Rule-Based Systems: Mechanisms and Efficiency

Principles and Practice in Verifying Rule-Based Systems

Improving O & M Problem Diagnosis with Rule-Based Computer Systems

V, V&T of New Technology: Rule-Based Systems

The Myth of Modularity In Rule-Based Sys'I'tems for Reasoning With Uncertainty

Rule-Based Diagnostic Systems

A Software Engineering Methodology for Rule-based Systems

Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems: Introduction and New Directions (Boo

k) 2001

Building Rule-Based Systems (Course)

Machine Learning: Rule-Based Systems

Neural Fuzzy Systems with Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems

Production Systems for Rule-Based Programming

On the Expressiveness of Rule-Based Systems for Reasoning with Uncertainty

Decision Trees and Rule-Based Systems

Mycin - Rule-Based Systems

Parallel Rule-Based Systems

Rule-Based Systems - A Core Technology of Expert Systems

Using Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems To Evaluatem Overall Financial Performance of G


Automatic Design of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems

Rule-Based Data Mining (RBDM)

Experiments in Knowledge Refinement for a Large Rule-Based System

Validation of Intelligence in Large Rule-Based Systems with Common Sense

Uncertain Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Systems for Wireless Communications

CLIPS Rule-Based Language

Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems

Rule-based Expert Systems for Information Retrieval

Implementing Rule-Based Online Expert Systems

Feasibility of General Purpose Rule-Based MT Systems

Optimization Of Real-Time Rule-Based Expert Systems

Rule-Based Intrusion Detection

Set-Oriented Constructs for Rule-Based Systems


Neural Application Software
Image & Video identification, visual search software for Quality Control, Product ID, Tag-less ID, website image search engine, and video surveillance
License Plate and Container Recognition

Prime Time Freeware for AI

The MatterHorn Materials Discovery Database

Dendral and Congen

Applications of AI in Education

Artificial Intelligence Systems in Routine Clinical Use.

TMYCIN: Medical Reasoning System

GEOMET Technologies, Inc.

Tactical guidance system for military aircraft
亚马逊,搜索 人工智能 ,把评分高的买几本,然后不懂的地方google,google出来的结果还不懂,继续搜索。。。。。一直把这个学科和你自己的知识之间的空缺补起来。重点在兴趣,千万千万不用尝试 从头读到尾,兴趣第一,不懂就google。

How to land a job in machine learning area?
1. Learn trendy platforms like TF, shit with it, and put "your work" on github.
2. Make submissions to some easy problems on Kaggle.
3. Take a Machine Learning course (random online stuff suffices. Come on, it's the 互联网时代, who will take actual college courses?)
4. (Pretend to) Implement some trendy algorithms in newly published papers (steal others' repositories for your github)
5. Make a submission to an intermediate problem in Kaggle.
6. 3 months without any prerequisite.
7. No college degrees. Seriously, a monkey can do it. You don't even need a high school degree.

-- Adopted from the original version of Google.
【作者】 张昺华
【新浪微博】 张昺华--sky
【twitter】 @sky2030_
【facebook】 张昺华 zhangbinghua
当然!如果您想学习人工智能,我有以下一些建议供您参考: 1. 基础数学和统计学:人工智能领域涉及到许多数学和统计概念,如线性代数、概率论和统计学。建议您先打牢这些基础知识。 2. 编程语言:掌握编程语言是学习人工智能的必备技能。Python 是人工智能领域最常用的编程语言,建议您先学习和熟悉 Python。 3. 机器学习基础:机器学习人工智能的重要组成部分。您可以从学习机器学习的基本概念和算法开始,了解监督学习、无监督学习和强化学习等。 4. 深度学习:深度学习是一种机器学习的分支,它模仿人脑神经网络的工作原理。学习深度学习可以帮助您理解和应用神经网络、卷积神经网络和循环神经网络等算法。 5. 实践项目:参与实际的人工智能项目可以帮助您应用所学知识并加深理解。尝试解决现实世界的问题,或者参与开源项目,都是很好的学习机会。 6. 学习资源:有很多在线学习资源可以帮助您学习人工智能,如在线课程、教程、书籍和论文。选择适合您的学习方式和水平的资源进行学习。 7. 社区和交流:加入人工智能领域的社区和论坛,与其他学习者和专业人士交流经验和知识。这将帮助您扩展人脉并获得更多学习资源和机会。 记住,人工智能是一个快速发展的领域,持续学习和实践是非常重要的。祝您在学习人工智能的道路上取得成功!




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