
住处家里的装饰do you live in a house or a flat
i live in a two bedroom flat with my family
i live in a flat with my roommates
i live in a flat
which is on the fifth sixth seventh floor of a block of flats
which is your favorite room in your flat
my favorite room is the living room
it's spacious and bright
it's where my family
and i unwind and have fun together or entertain our guests
my favorite room is my bedroom it's not big
but it's cozy and quiet i decorated it all by myself
my favorite room is the kitchen
because it's practical and well organized
i enjoy cooking in the kitchen for my family or guests
there any things that you would like to change about your flat
i'd like to have a balcony and a bigger living room our living
room is quite small
and we don't have a balcony at the moment
do you like to decorate rooms with mirrors
yes i do the rooms in my flat are quite small
i like to use mirrors to decorate them
so that they feel larger than they really are
what do you like about the area
that you live in
i like its location
because the area is close to public transport
a park and a variety of shops and restaurants
i also like the strong sense of community in the area
most of my neighbors are friendly and helpful
are there any things that you don't like about the area
i don't like the noise level in the area it can be quite noisy
especially in the afternoon and at weekends
which is annoying
and distracting another thing that i don't like
is there are not enough sports facilities in the area
would you prefer to live in a city or in the countryside
if you could choose
i would prefer to live in a city
public transport in urban areas is more convenient and reliable
also cities offer a wide
variety of leisure facilities
such as shopping centers
museums and sports centers
so living in a city
would be more enjoyable than living in the countryside
changes would you like to see in your city i would like
to see more sports facilities
including swimming pools and basket courts in my city
and i would like to see more green space
such as community parks
would you like to move to another city in the future
yes in the future
i'd like to move to a city with a milder climate
clean air and more reliable public transport
no i'm quite happy living in it's a clean and safe city
and it has efficient and reliable public transport
it is also where my parents and most of my friends live
what types of public transport can be found in your city
a variety of public transport can be found in my city
such as buses
taxis and the underground
they are efficient and reliable
do you like to take public transport
yes i do because it's safe
convenient and reliable it's also more eco friendly than driving
no i don't because public transport in my city is inconvenient
and unreliable
and is almost always crowded and uncomfortable
how often do you take a taxi
i take a taxi at least a few times a week i usually take a taxi
when i'm in a hurry to get somewhere
i only take a taxi a few times
a year i take a taxi only when buses are not available
do you prefer to take a taxi or take the underground
i prefer to take the underground
because it's much cheaper than taking a taxi
it is also more eco friendly
and is a good way to avoid traffic congestion
i prefer to take a taxi
because the underground tends to be very crowded
a taxi is much more comfortable
what are the advantages of cycling to work or school
the main advantage is that cycling to work
or school is eco friendly
and helps us reduce our carbon footprint
cycling is also cheaper than driving and faster than walking
do you like cycling
yes i do
because cycling can improve my balance and coordination
it's a good way to burn calories as well
do you have a driving license
i do and i always have my driving license with me when driving
i don't have a driving license yet i'm still learning to drive
and i'm not confident about my driving skills
do you like the idea of robots
driving our cars
yes i do
because robots don't get tired like humans i suppose driving
especially long distance
driving would be much safer if cars were controlled by robots
do you prefer to study alone or with others
i prefer to study alone
so that i can concentrate
better and think more
studying with others tends to be distracting
do you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon
i prefer to study in the morning because i
feel refreshed after a good night's sleep
it helps me concentrate better and think more clearly
are there any skills that you want to learn
driving skills
public speaking skills
money management skills
cooking skills
playing a musical instrument
do you think it's important to learn a foreign language
people who have foreign language skills
have a competitive edge in the job market
learning a foreign language can also help us make more friends
would you like to learn another foreign language
yes i'd like to learn French
so that i can read French novels in the original
and watch French films without having to read the subtitles
i plan to visit next year i'd like to learn
so that i can communicate with the locals in their language
a friend of mine as from i'd like to learn
so that we can communicate better
it can expand my knowledge about the culture
do you think it's important for children to learn maths
yes it's important
because math skills can help them better
understand science and technology
studying maths can also improve their problem solving skills
do you prefer to use a calculator
when you do maths it depends
i prefer to do maths in my head or on paper
and not to use a calculator
when i only need to do simple basic calculations
but i tend to use a calculator when i feel the calculations are
do you have a number that is special to you
yes sixteen is a special number to me because it's the day on
which i was born i believe it's my lucky number
are you good at remembering numbers
no i'm not good at it remembering numbers especially
long numbers is always a challenge for me
yes i'm good at remembering numbers
i can easily remember phone numbers
including those i've only heard once
what are some good ways to remember long numbers
i suppose the best way is to break long numbers
into shorter parts
so that they become easier to remember creating connections
between the long numbers that you want to remember
and the things that you are
familiar with is also a good way to remember long numbers
do you think it is important for children to study science
yes it is really important
studying science can help them better understand the world
around them it can improve their problem
solving skills as well
do you like history
yes i do
because it helps me better understand social change
it's also fun and fascinating
sometimes i feel that reading history
books is like going on a journey into the past
do you like watching historical tv dramas
yes i do they're fun and relaxing
they also helped me gain knowledge about historical events
and historical figures
no i don't like watching historical tv dramas
because they tend to distort history they are entertaining
but very few of them are based on historical facts
do you concentrate better in the morning or in the evening
i concentrate better in the morning
because i feel refreshed after a good night's sleep by contrast
i tend to feel sleepy and unfocused in the evening
i concentrate better in the evening
because i'm free from distractions
everything feels quiet and peaceful in the evening
what are some ways to improve memory
having a balanced diet is a good way to improve memory
because it can help the brain work more efficiently
playing outdoor sports and keeping a regular sleep
schedule are also good ways to improve memory
why do some people forget things easily
the main reason is that they suffer from stress
and anxiety lack of sleep
is also a common reason for forgetting things easily
why do elderly people forget things more
easily than younger people
it's a natural process
elderly people tend to be more forgetful
due to the aging of the brain
what are some good ways to improve sleep
i suppose the best way to
improve sleep is to keep a regular sleep schedule
doing some light exercise or listening to soft music
before going to bed
can also help to improve sleep
do you take a nap after lunch on weekdays
i'm usually too busy to take a nap after lunch
but at weekends sometimes i take a nap after lunch
because it makes me feel more energetic in the afternoon
what do you do when you stay up late
i tend to stay up late to play video games
sometimes i also stay up late to chat with my friends
on social media
how do you feel when you stayed up late the night before
i feel tired and sleepy
and i tend to find it difficult to concentrate
do you remember your dreams
i usually don't but if i wake up during a dream
i tend to remember it
do you prefer a long brake or several short brakes
i prefer several short brakes
because they make me feel more energetic and motivated
i can have a cup of coffee
or go for a short walk and get some fresh air
what do you usually do
when you feel tired
i usually listen to music or have a hot shower when i feel tired
and sometimes i take a nap
which makes me feel more energetic
what do you usually do when you feel bored
i usually chat with my friends on social media when i feel bored
sometimes i also play video games or go to the cinema
do you like fruit and vegetables
yes i'm fond of fruit and vegetables
such as pears
tomatoes and cucumbers
they are tasty
and they improve my health
because they're a good source of vitamins and fiber
do you like eating fish
i do it's tasty and low fat it's also a good source of protein
no i don't like the smell of fish it makes me feel sick
how often do you eat out
i eat out only once or twice a month
most of the time i eat at home
because it's cheaper and healthier
i eat out at least a few times
a week i have a busy lifestyle
so i tend to eat out when i don't have time to cook
sometimes i eat out with friends
which is also a good way to socialize
why do people eat out
some people like
myself eat out to save time
others eat out
because restaurants offer a variety of food choices
or they like to socialize in restaurants
what are the differences between restaurant food
and home cooked food
restaurant food tends to taste better than home cooked food
but it usually contains too much fat
salt or sugar by contrast
home cooked food is healthier and more nutritious
but it's not as tasty as restaurant food
do you think children should learn to cook
i suppose they should because cooking is an important life skill
it can make children more independent children
who know how to cook are also more
likely to have a healthy diet
do you like watching cookery programs on tv
yes i do
because they can help me improve my cooking skills
i like watching them
also because many tv chefs have a good sense of humor
and they teach people to cook healthy meals
no i don't like watching cookery programs on tv
because most of the advice from tv chefs is not practical
watching their programs is a waste of time
外国食品have you ever tried any foreign food
French fries
do you drink water only when you are thirsty
no i drink water regularly during the day
i suppose it's important to stay hydrated
which can improve my health and boost my immune system
how often do you drink coffee
i drink coffee once in
a while coffee makes me feel energetic
but i suppose drinking it often may make me addicted to it
do you think having breakfast is important
yes it's really important
because having breakfast makes us feel energetic in the morning
a healthy breakfast can also improve memory and concentration
when do you usually eat snacks
i usually eat snacks in the mid afternoon
between two pm and three pm eating snacks in the mid afternoon
makes me feel energetic sometimes
i also eat snacks after working out
i eat snacks when i feel hungry between meals
i also eat snacks while watching tv or watching a film
what are some kinds of baked food
that people enjoy in your country
well cakes are always baked and they are
very popular in my country and bread
which is also quite popular in my country
is usually baked in the oven as well
do you like sweet food
yes i do
because it helps me reduce stress
it's also a good source of energy
no i don't because it's bad for my teeth
and i'm trying to lose weight so
i don't like food that is high in calories
do you like chocolate
yes i'm fond of its taste and texture
it also makes me feel energetic
i particularly like dark chocolate
because it goes well with coffee or tea
how often do you see your neighbors
i see my neighbors at least three or four times
a week i usually see them
when i leave home for work in the morning
sometimes i also see them
when i get home in the evening
how well do you know your neighbors
i know them quite well
my neighbors are friendly
and helpful they're also polite and respect my privacy
do you prefer older people or younger people as neighbors
i prefer older people as neighbors
because they tend to be quiet and polite
they can be very helpful as well
i prefer younger people as neighbors
because they tend to be more sociable
it's easier for me
to communicate with them than older neighbors
how can we help our neighbors
we can accept parcels for our neighbors when they're not at home
and we can share information with new neighbors about the area
that we live in
which can be very helpful to them
what problems
do you sometimes have with your neighbors
the main problem is noise
such as loud music or tv
another problem is that some of my neighbors drop litter
which shows they don't care about the community
do you think it is important to do volunteer work
definitely we can give back to society by doing volunteer work
it's a good way to socialize and make new friends
how do you feel when you see people dropping litter
their behavior makes me feel upset they're selfish
and don't care about the environment sometimes
i pick up others litter
but i don't always have the time to do that
what are some common types of noise in your city
the most common types of noise in my city are traffic
noise including honking and construction
noise loud music is also very common in my city
how do you feel when you're in a crowded place
i'm quite sociable
so i tend to feel comfortable when i'm in a crowded place
i tend to feel a bit nervous when i'm in a crowded place
specially when the place is crowded with people i don't know
what are important qualities for friends to have
i suppose the most important quality for friends to have
is honesty because we can't trust people
who tell lies a good sense of humor
is also an important quality for friends to have
how do you usually keep in touch with friends
who live far away
i often chat with them on social media
sometimes i also share photos and videos with them
do you usually spend your birthday with your family
or with your friends
i usually spend my birthday with my friends
because my family live in another city
my friends usually throw a birthday party for me
which is nice and thoughtful
i tend to spend my birthday with my family
we usually have my birthday dinner in a nice restaurant
and then go to the cinema
独处访客do you like to spend time alone
i'm quite sociable and i have many friends
but i try to spend at least a few minutes every day alone
so i can concentrate on my own tasks and avoid distractions
do you often have visitors
yes my friends often visit me at home
i enjoy catching up with them and cooking for them
what are the qualities that good teachers
have good teachers know their subject well and enjoy sharing
their knowledge with their students
they are also very patient and have a good sense of humor
do you think it's better
for students to have teachers or to teach themselves
in my opinion
students can learn more efficiently with teachers
guidance at the same time
teachers should encourage their students to think independently
what do you think is
the best thing about being a teenager
the best thing about being a teenager
is probably the opportunity to explore new things
they are encouraged to explore things
that they are not familiar with
and learn through mistakes
would you like to be a celebrity
yes i'd like to
because being a celebrity
would give me a strong sense of achievement
and i would be able to socialize
and make friends with many other celebrities
which would be fun and exciting
no being a celebrity
would mean losing my privacy and having paparazzi
following me around
i don't think i would enjoy this kind of lifestyle
at what age do you think people are the happiest
i think people are the happiest in their sixties
most people who are in their sixties have retired
and they are still generally healthy
so they have a lot of free time to do what they enjoy
who do you get advice from your parents or your friends
it depends on the kind of advice
i need i usually get advice from my parents about things
like my diet and lifestyle
but i talk to my friends when i need advice about shopping
or entertainment
what are some decisions that most people in your country need
to make nowadays
there are many decisions that we need to make
including career decisions
lifestyle decisions and financial decisions
for example we often need to decide
whether we should buy things that we like
or save our money for the future
what do you like to discuss with your friends
i like to discuss a variety of topics
with my friends such as films
music and food
sometimes we also discuss tv programs that we enjoy watching
what did you like to talk about
with your friends as a child as a child
i liked to talk about popular toys
and animations with my friends
they were things we were really into
do you change your opinion often
i can't say i change my opinions often
but i always try to keep an open mind
and i respect different opinions
no i'm not a person who changes opinions easily in fact
sometimes i can be quite stubborn
you think festivals are important to us
definitely festivals are times for celebration
and they bring us joy
and happiness many traditional festivals are also an important
part of our heritage
do do you usually spend your birthday with your parents
or with your friends
i tend to spend my birthday with my friends
because my parents live in another city
my friends usually throw a birthday party for me
which is really kind and thoughtful
i tend to spend my birthday with my family
we usually have my birthday dinner in a nice restaurant
and then go to the cinema
do you think it's important to celebrate our birthdays
yes it's really important
because there are landmarks in our lives
and it's fun and exciting to celebrate our birthdays
with people who really care about us
what's the most important birthday for people in your country
i suppose it's the eighteenth birthday in my country
a child is considered to become an adult when he
or she turns eighteen
what types of parties do people have in your country
in my country
the most common types of parties are birthday parties
and new year's parties graduation parties are also quite common
do you think parties are important
yes they're important
because we have parties to celebrate special occasions
in our lives such as birthdays
new year's Eve or weddings
we can also have fun socialize and make new friends at parties
where are weddings usually held in your country
i've not been to many weddings
but in my country
most weddings are probably held in hotels or restaurants
what types of presents
do people give at weddings in your country
wedding guests usually give hongbao
which are red envelopes with money inside
it's also quite common to give wine as a present
do you like looking for presents for your friends
yes i enjoy looking for presents for them
i try to find presents
that are unique and match their interests
have you ever bought an expensive present for someone yes
i bought a tablet for my father as a birthday present last year
it was a nice surprise for him
and he loved it
what kinds of things do people collect in your country
some people collect stamps
coins or postcards others collect more expensive things
such as jewelry or works of art
why do you think people collect things
some people collect things
as a hobby that they enjoy others collect things
as an investment
they only collect
what they believe will be worth more in the future
how often do you go to the cinema
i go to the cinema at least once
or twice a month it's a good way to unwind
i go to the cinema only a few times
a year i usually watch films on tv or online
what types of films are popular in your country
comedies are very popular
because they make people laugh and help people reduce stress
sci fi films are also very popular
because they encourage imagination
and help people gain knowledge about science
do you prefer to watch films alone or with friends
i prefer to watch films alone
so that i can concentrate on the films
watching them with friends can be distracting
i prefer watching films with friends
we don't talk during the films
we enjoy discussing the films after watching them
do you prefer to watch a film in the cinema or at home
i prefer to watch a film in the Cinema
because a cinema screen is much larger than a tv screen
and the sound quality in the cinema is better
it also feels special
to share the experience of watching a film
with many other viewers
i prefer to watch a film at home
because it's cheaper and more convenient
and i just don't like sitting in a crowded place
with many strangers
would you like to be in a film
no i'm not good at acting
and i would feel nervous in front of a movie camera
do people in your country like international film stars
yes many Hollywood
and Korean film stars are quite popular in my country actually
some of them have appeared in Chinese films
what types of tv shows are popular in your country
talent shows are very popular these days
because they're fun and exciting
tv drama series are also quite popular
because they are relaxing
do you like watching cookery programs on tv
yes i do
because they can help me improve my cooking skills
i like watching them also
because many tv chefs have a good sense of humor
and they teach people to cook healthy meals
no i don't like watching cookery programs on tv
because most of the advice from tv chefs is not practical
watching their programs is a waste of time
do you like watching sports on tv
i enjoy watching team sports
like football and basketball on tv
because it's fun and exciting
but i don't like watching individual sports such as skiing on tv
do you prefer to watch tv alone or with your family
i prefer to watch
tv with my family
especially when there is a tv program
that we all like
it feels great to share the experience as a family
and unwind together
i prefer to watch tv alone
so that i can decide what to watch watching
tv alone also helps me concentrate on the tv program
do you think children should be encouraged to watch tv
it depends on what they watch
i suppose
children should be encouraged to watch educational programs
they can help children gain knowledge about a variety of topics
on the other hand
parents should limit the time
that their children spend on entertainment programs
do you think school art lessons are important
yes they're important
because art activities like drawing and painting
can encourage imagination
and make children more creative
school art lessons
can also help children gain knowledge about art history
and famous artists
no not really art skills
such as drawing and painting skills are not essential skills
that most children will need for adult life
they can study art in their free time
if they want to
do you like visiting art galleries
yes i do
because they offer a variety of art exhibitions
they help me gain knowledge about artists and their styles
they also offer many hands on art activities
that encourage imagination
no i don't like visiting art galleries
because i don't know much about art
i tend to feel sleepy and bored
while visiting an art gallery
do you like taking photos
yes i enjoy using my mobile phone camera
to capture special moments in life
and it's fun to share my photos with my family and friends
do you take photos with a camera or with your mobile phone
i take photos with my mobile phone because i carry it everywhere
i go and it's very easy
and convenient to share the photos with my family and friends
what types of photos do you like taking
i like taking photos of anything that i find interesting
but my favorite types are photos of natural scenery or wildlife
i enjoy taking photos of famous landmarks
interesting people and nice food
i'm fond of taking photos of my family and friends
and i enjoy sharing the photos with them
where do you keep your photos
i take photos with my mobile phone
so i keep them on my mobile phone
which can save time but if a photo is really special
i'll probably print it out and put it in a photo frame
when you visit other places
do you take photos or buy postcards
i used to buy postcards
but these days
i prefer to take photos and share them with my friends
because it's a better way to share
my experience with my friends
do you think different colors can change our moods
yes i suppose they can for instance
bright colors like red and orange
make us feel energetic
while dark colors such as brown and dark blue
make us feel calm and soft colors
including light
green and light gray make us feel peaceful and relaxed
do you like making
things by hand yes
i do i enjoy making things like Valentine's Day cards
and Christmas cards by hand
my friends really like the cards that i make
no i don't like making things by hand
i tend to be quite clumsy with my hands
do you think children should learn to make things by hand
at school
yes i suppose they should because it can make them more creative
it can also improve their concentration and hand eye
no i don't think making things by hand
is an essential skill
that most children will need for adult life
they can learn this skill from their parents
if they want to learn it
do you read newspapers
these days i tend to get news on the internet
but i still enjoy reading the culture section
and the entertainment section of some newspapers
how do you usually get news
i usually get news from news websites
because they offer the latest news
and they are quite reliable sometimes
i also get news from social media
which are you more interested in local news or international
i'm more interested in local news
because it's important
for me to stay up to date on local events
these are things that really have an effect on my daily life
i'm more interested in international news
because it tells me what is happening around the world also
a good source of knowledge about politics
science culture and many other fields
do you think newspapers will disappear in the future
i suppose fewer people will read newspapers in the future
but i don't think newspapers will disappear completely
because there will still be people who like reading newspapers
while enjoying their coffee or tea
do you like reading magazines
yes i do
because they're a good source of information
the articles in magazines
tend to have more details than the articles in newspapers
or on the internet
the colorful pictures in magazines also make them enjoyable
do you think it's important that children read
regularly definitely reading
regularly can expand their vocabulary
and develop their language skills
it can also encourage imagination and improve concentration
how often do you read
i read almost every day
i enjoy reading newspapers in the morning and reading novels
and magazines at night before i go to bed
do you usually read books for leisure or for work purposes
i usually read books for leisure i enjoy reading novels
history books and biographies in my free time
i usually read books to gather information
for my research projects
the books that i read are not really fun
but i find them very helpful
do you prefer to buy books or borrow books from a library
i prefer to buy books so
that i can keep them for as long as i want
i can also take notes in the books because i own them
i prefer to borrow books from a library to save money
libraries also offer a wide
variety of books than bookshops
which do you prefer printed books or e books
i prefer e books
because they help to reduce the use of paper and save trees
e books are also easier to carry around
and take up less space than printed books
i prefer printed books
because reading on paper is more comfortable
and enjoyable than reading on a screen
i also find it easier to concentrate
while reading on paper
which do you prefer to use pens or pencils
i prefer to use pens
because things that are written with pens
last longer than things that are written with pencils and pens
don't need sharpening
i prefer to use pencils
i can easily erase it when i make a mistake
do you prefer to use paper dictionaries
or electronic dictionaries
i prefer to use electronic dictionaries
because they are easier to carry around
it's also much easier to look up words
with an electronic dictionary
than in a paper dictionary
i prefer to use paper dictionaries
because they offer more information about words
than electronic dictionaries
looking up words in a paper dictionary is also more interesting
it feels like a process of exploration
do you prefer to use paper maps or electronic maps
i prefer to use electronic maps
because they are easier to carry around
searching for a place with an electronic map
is also easier than on a paper map
do you like watching the advertisements on tv
yes i do
because they are creative and entertaining
they also provide useful information about new products
no i don't like watching advertisements on tv
because they interrupt tv programs
and many of them promote unhealthy food
such as fast food and unhealthy snacks
some advertisements on tv
even provide misleading information about products
do you think advertisements are important
yes they are really important
because they tell us about the choices
that we have as consumers and companies
rely on advertisements to promote their products
互联网计算机do you think the Internet is important
yes the Internet plays a key role in our lives
because it can help us find information quickly and easily
we can also watch videos
listen to music and socialize on the Internet
how often do you use the internet
i use the internet every day
i check my emails and my social media accounts
early in the morning
and i often watch videos
listen to music
and chat with my friends on the internet at night
what do you use your computer
for i use my computer for a variety of things
such as doing research
watching videos
listening to music and writing emails sometimes
i also play games on my computer
what are some problems that using computers
may cause the main problem
is people tend to develop an inactive lifestyle
if they spend too much time on their computers
another problem is our personal information may be stolen
if our computers are infected with viruses
do you prefer to write by hand or type on a computer
it depends on the situation
i usually prefer to type on a computer
because typing is faster than writing by hand
and i can copy paste or save what i have typed on a computer
but when i need to take notes or make a shopping list
i prefer to write them by hand
which do you think are better for communicating with others
emails or handwritten letters
it depends on the situation
emails are usually better
because they arrive immediately
but i suppose handwritten letters are better
when we want to express
love or appreciation
because handwritten letters
feel more personal than emails
do you prefer to send a text message or make a phone call
it depends on the situation
i usually prefer to send a text message
because it's faster and cheaper than making a phone call
but when i need to have a long conversation
or when i need to talk about an urgent matter
i prefer to make a phone call
which are more popular among mobile phone users in your country
mobile apps or websites mobile
apps are more popular in my country
it's easier and more convenient to use mobile apps
than to browse websites well
designed mobile apps also perform tasks faster than websites
what are some benefits of playing video games
i suppose the main benefit
is that playing video games can improve hand eye coordination
some video games also help players improve their problem
solving skills and teamwork skills
机器人do you like robots that can do the housework
yes i do
because they are easy to use and easy to store
and they can help us save time and energy
do you like the idea of robots
driving our cars
that's a good idea
because robots don't get tired like humans i suppose driving
especially long distance
driving would be much safer if cars were controlled by robots
what types of music
do you like
my favorite type of music is classical music
because it makes me feel
calm and relaxed i'm also fond of r and b
or rhythm and blues because listening to it
helps me reduce stress
what's the difference between the music
that you like listening to nowadays
and the music that you liked listening to
as a child
as a child i was fond of listening
to happy and energetic music nowadays
i like listening to music that is calm and relaxing
do you prefer to buy music
cds or download music from the internet
i prefer to download music from the internet
so that i can have a wider variety of music to choose from
it's also more convenient than buying cds from music shops
do you think children should learn to play a musical instrument
definitely playing a musical instrument
like the piano or guitar is a great way
for children to express themselves
learning to play a musical instrument
can also improve their memory and concentration
do you like singing
yes i'm really into singing
and i often go to karaoke bars with my friends
it's a great way to reduce stress
no i don't like singing i can't even carry a tune
do you prefer to listen to pop stars
albums or to go to their concerts
i prefer to go to their concerts
so that i can experience their music firsthand
and i can share the experience with many others
who also love their music
i prefer to listen to their albums
because concert tickets tend to be very expensive
pop concerts are also quite noisy
which can be distracting
do you like dancing
yes i do
because it can improve my balance and coordination
it's also a good way to socialize and make new friends
no i don't like dancing
because i don't have a good sense of rhythm i feel awkward
when i dance
what kinds of shops are there in the area you live in
do you often shop online
yes i do
because shopping online helps me save time
and avoid the crowds in shops
it's also easier to compare prices online
do you like buying clothes or shoes online
no i don't when i buy clothes or shoes
i want to know whether they fit me well
or whether they are comfortable or not
but i can't try on clothes
or shoes online
do you like buying jewelry online
i don't because i can't tell whether a piece of jewelry is good
or not just by looking at its photos online
i prefer buying jewelry in a jewelry shop
where i can see it and try it on before
i make up my mind
what are the differences between street markets and supermarkets
there are many stalls in street markets
and we can usually bargain in street markets
by contrast supermarkets have tall shelves
and things are sold at fixed prices in supermarkets
do you think it's important
for people to save some of their money
yes it's important
because it can help us deal with unexpected problems in life
such as accidents or illnesses
and it's a good habit that can make us feel financially secure
do you think parents should teach their children to save money
yes i suppose they should because saving money is a good habit
it can also help children develop a sense of responsibility
do you wear different clothes for different occasions
most of the time
i wear casual clothes that make me feel comfortable and relaxed
such as jeans
a sweater or a t shirt but for very formal occasions
such as job interviews
i wear a business suit
are clothing fashions important to you
no i don't follow clothing trends
i like to wear clothes that fit me well
and make me comfortable
i suppose i have my own clothing style
do you like to buy expensive clothes
no i'm not interested in expensive designer clothes
and i don't copy what celebrities wear
i like to buy average priced
clothes that are practical and comfortable
do you like to buy clothes online
no i don't when i buy clothes
i want to know whether they fit me well
or whether they are comfortable or not
but i can't try on clothes online
what is your favorite item of clothing
i would say my favorite item of clothing is my leather jacket
it fits me well
and makes me feel comfortable and confident
my friends also like it
what's the difference between clothes
that young people like to wear
and clothes that elderly people like to wear
we suppose
the main difference is young people like to wear clothes
that make them look more attractive
while elderly people like to wear
clothes that are practical and comfortable
are genes popular in your country
yes genes are very popular in my country
because they're practical and comfortable
they are also very durable
do you like to buy expensive shoes
no i don't when i buy shoes
i look for comfort and convenience
i like to buy average priced shoes that fit me well
and make me feel comfortable
do you think people wear hats for practical reasons
or as fashionable items
i suppose most people wear hats for practical reasons
such as protecting themselves from the sun or wind
on the other hand
there are some people who like to wear fashionable hats
because they think fashionable hats
can make them more attractive
why do people wear Jewelry
some people wear Jewelry
because they think it makes them look more attractive
or elegant others wear Jewelry
because the Jewelry has a special meaning to them for example
it may be a present from a family member
how often do you wear jewelry
i always wear it was given to me by my parents
as a birthday present
i wear jewelry
such as a ring or a bracelet at least a few times a month
it makes me feel more confident
only a few times
a year i wear it for special occasions like parties
what type of jewelry
do you like best earrings
wedding ring
graduation ring
do you like buying jewelry online
i don't because i can't tell whether a piece of jewelry is good
or not
why do some people wear perfume
i suppose some people wear perfume
because it makes them feel more confident in public places
they also feel that wearing perfume
can make themselves more attractive
what's your favorite hairstyle
swept back hair
layered hair
pony tail
braid bun
shoulder length hair
do you prefer old buildings or new buildings
i prefer old buildings
because they look more attractive
new buildings tend to look the same or very similar
i would say many of them lack character
i prefer new buildings
because they are safer and easier to maintain old buildings
look attractive
but they are not as safe as new buildings
and they are usually expensive to maintain
do you think old buildings are important
yes they're really important
because they show us how people lived in the past
and help us better understand our history and culture
many old buildings are also famous landmarks
they attract tourists and contribute to the economy
what types of museums can be found in your country
a variety of museums can be found in my country
such as history museums
science and technology museums and art museums
children's museums can also be found in some cities
do you like visiting museums
yes i do
because their exhibitions are a good
source of knowledge and information
many museums also offer hands on activities
that are interesting
and enjoyable
do you think museums are important
yes they're very important
because they help us gain knowledge about history culture
technology and many other aspects of life
they also offer many hands on
activities that are fun and relaxing
do you think it's a good idea for museums to sell souvenirs
yes i suppose it's a good idea
because the souvenirs can help visitors better
understand the exhibitions
and museums can use the profit from their gift
shops to increase their collections
do you think libraries are important
definitely libraries offer a wide variety of books
which are a good source of knowledge and information
旅馆how often do you stay in hotels
at least a few times a year
i usually stay in hotels when i travel
what are the advantages of staying in a hotel
the main advantage is hotels offer
safe and convenient accommodation
many hotels also offer a variety of amenities
such as restaurants and swimming pools
do you think it's important to be polite to others
yes it's important
because being polite is a virtue
it shows that we have respect for others
it also shows that we're thoughtful and responsible
why is it important to be punctual
it's important
because being punctual
shows that we have respect for others
it also shows that we can manage our time well
and we're responsible and reliable
are you a patient person
well i suppose
i am i can usually stay calm when i have to wait for someone
or when i'm in a stressful situation
do you think parents should encourage their children
to share things with friends
yes i guess
they should because
it can help their children understand the importance
of cooperation
and fairness it can also help their children develop
a sense of responsibility
what kinds of things make you laugh i laugh a lot when i watch
comedies in the cinema or on tv
funny jokes that i hear from my family
members or my friends also make me laugh
do you like making others laugh
yes i enjoy making others laugh by sharing
jokes or funny things that have happened to me with them
it's a good way to socialize and make new friends
do you think it's important for us to laugh
yes it's really important
because laughter can improve our health
it helps us unwind and can boost the immune system
do you think time management skills are important
yes time management skills are very important
because they help us become more organized
people who have good time management skills can work or study
more efficiently
are you good at managing your time
yes i usually manage my time quite well
i make daily schedules and concentrate on one task at a time
no unfortunately
i'm not good at managing my time
i like to put things off until the last minute
so i often find it difficult to complete my tasks on time
what is the hardest thing about making a plan
i would say the hardest thing is to make it practical
many plans sound good
but they are not practical
do you often do things in a hurry
well i'm not good at making plans or managing my time
so i often do things in a hurry
no i don't i like to plan ahead of time and start early
so i usually have plenty of time to get things done
what's your daily routine
my typical day is like
i get up at around 7 am have breakfast
and then check my emails
and my social media accounts i go to work at 8 30 am
and get home in the early evening after dinner
i watch tv browse the internet
or listen to music i usually go to bed at around 11 pm
what do you like doing in your free time
i'm really into outdoor activities
such as jogging and cycling
i also enjoy hanging out with my friends in a cafe
or going to the cinema with them
are you tidier at home or at work
i would say i'm tidier at work
because that makes me more efficient and organized
i'm more relaxed at home than at work
so i don't always try to be tidy at home
do you think men and women should share the housework equally
definitely these days
most women work full time just like men
so it's fair that men and women share the housework equally
and couples who share the housework equally are more
likely to have a happy marriage
do you think
children should help their parents with the housework
yes i suppose
they should because they can learn important life skills
such as cleaning
and cooking by helping their parents with a housework
it can also help children develop a sense of responsibility
天气what's your favorite type of weather
my favorite type of weather is sunny and bright weather
because it makes me feel energetic
and it's perfect for outdoor activities
such as jogging
cycling and hiking
do you think the weather affects
how you feel
yes i suppose it does for example
sunny weather makes me feel energetic
while cloudy or rainy weather makes me feel a bit sleepy
would you like to have the same type of weather all year round
no i would prefer to have a variety of weather
and four distinct seasons
because they would be more interesting and enjoyable
i'd like to see the change of colors of leaves and flowers
and to do different outdoor activities in different seasons
do you prefer sunny days or rainy days
i prefer sunny days
because sunshine makes me feel energetic
i enjoy doing outdoor activities on sunny days
such as jogging and cycling
i prefer rainy days i like the sound of raindrops
falling on the ground
it makes me feel calm and relaxed
do you know any technology that uses sunshine
yes i would say it's very common these days
for example solar powered calculators
and solar water heaters are quite popular
and some companies are working on solar powered cars
do you like rain
i like light rain
because its relaxing and walking in light
rain is fun and pleasant
but i don't like heavy rain
because it makes driving difficult or even dangerous
季节what's your favorite season
my favorite season is spring
because everything feels fresh in spring in my country
most flowers also bloom in spring
my favorite season is summer
the weather in summer is perfect for outdoor activities
such as camping and having picnics
my favorite season is autumn
because it's the most colorful season of the year
and the weather tends to be mild and pleasant in autumn
my favorite season is
winter because i'm really into winter sports
such as skating and skiing
and the snow in winter
makes everything look so pure and peaceful
do the seasons affect our behavior
yes they do for example
we tend to be less active in winter than in other seasons
and we tend to dress
more casually in summer than in other seasons
what is your favorite sport
my favorite sport is football
it's fun and exciting
and it's a team sport
so it's a good way to socialize and make new friends
my favorite sport is swimming
it makes me feel energetic and helps me reduce stress
it also improves my balance and coordination
do you like watching sports on tv
i enjoy watching team sports
like football and basketball on tv because it's fun and exciting
but i don't like watching individual sports such as skiing on tv
do you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports
i prefer outdoor sports
such as football and tennis i can enjoy the sun and fresh air
while playing these sports
i prefer indoor sports
like swimming and badminton
because they are not affected by the weather
i can do indoor sports all year round
do you prefer individual sports or team sports
i prefer individual sports
such as running and swimming they can improve by concentration
and make me feel more confident
i prefer team sports
like football or volleyball and basketball
playing team sports is a good way to socialize
and make new friends
do you like outdoor activities
i love outdoor activities
such as jogging
cycling and hiking they make me feel energetic
and i can enjoy the sun and fresh air
while doing these activities
how often do you
exercise i exercise almost every day
because it helps me reduce stress
it also improves my concentration
and makes me feel more energetic
do you like walking
yes i do
and i try to walk at least 30 minutes a day
it improves my health
and it can help me reduce stress as well
what do you think
should be done to improve the experience of walking in cities
i think pavements should be widened
and there should be more zebra
crossings on the main roads in cities
which can help pedestrians cross the roads more safely
do you like running
yes i do
because it makes me feel energetic
it's also a good way to lose weight
no i don't like running
because it's very tiring
i suppose walking is a better form of exercise than running
do you like cycling
definitely cycling improves my balance and coordination
it's also a good way to burn calories
what's your favorite water sport
my favorite water sport is swimming
it helps me reduce stress and makes me feel energetic
it can also improve my balance own coordination
my favorite water sport is rowing
it can improve my balance and coordination
it's also a good way to build up muscles
where do you swim
i usually swim in our community swimming pool
it's close to my home and is well maintained
i usually swim in our community sports center
the indoor swimming pool in the center
is clean and well maintained
did you learn to swim when you were a child
yes i learned to swim at around at first
i felt nervous and even a bit afraid
but then after some practice
i became quite good at it
no i didn't i didn't learn to swim until the age of
are there any water sports
you would like to try in the future yes
i'd like to try surfing water
skiing and scuba diving in the future
they look like fun and exciting sports
but i suppose they're also quite challenging
and will take a lot of practice to learn
游戏玩具what kinds of games are popular in your country
video games are very popular
these days
especially among young people and some traditional games
such as Chinese chess are still quite popular
do do you think it is important for children to
play outdoor games
yes it is very important
because outdoor games can help children develop
an active lifestyle
children who often play outdoor games
also tend to sleep better at night
do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games
it depends on the weather i usually prefer to play outdoor games
because they are a good form of exercise
but i prefer to play indoor games when it rains
or when it's windy outside
i prefer to play outdoor games
because playing outdoor games is a good form of exercise
and i can enjoy the sun and fresh air
while playing outdoor games
i prefer to play indoor games like board games and card games
because they can help me improve concentration
and they are not affected by the weather
what was your favorite toy
as a child as a child
my favorite toy was i spent a lot of time playing with it
do you like traveling
yes i do
it can help me reduce stress and recharge my batteries traveling
also helps me gain new knowledge and make new friends
do you prefer traveling alone or with a group of people
i prefer traveling with a group of people
because it's safer and cheaper than traveling alone
it's also a good way to make new friends
and share experiences with them
i prefer traveling alone
because it is more relaxing
and gives me more freedom traveling alone
also gives me more time to explore local attractions
and interact with the locals
what kinds of souvenirs do tourists buy in your country
they buy a variety of souvenirs
such as t shirts
toys and jewelry stamps and postcards are also popular souvenirs
do you think it's important for us to go on holiday
yes it's important for us to go on holiday at least
once or twice a year
it's a good way to reduce stress and recharge our batteries
do you think there should be more public holidays
yes that's probably a good idea
many people travel on public holidays
and they can spend money on transport
accommodation and entertainment
which can contribute to the economy
definitely for example
teachers day should become a public holiday
it would be a great way to honor
teachers contribution to society
when you travel
do you prefer to stay at a hotel
that has a beautiful view honestly
that's not an important factor for me when choosing a hotel
i usually don't spend much time in the hotel room when i travel
do you like to take photos of beautiful scenery
i love taking pictures of beautiful scenery like beaches
islands or mountains
and i enjoy sharing the photos with my family and friends
would you like to live near the sea
yes i'd like to
i would be able to spend a lot of my free time on the beach
the view of the sea and the sea
and the sound of the waves would be very enjoyable and relaxing
would you like to live on an island
not really the cost of living would be quite high
and i would feel bored very soon
but i'd like to go on holiday on an island
河流湖泊why do some people like to live near rivers
lakes or the sea
i suppose they prefer a view of water and living near rivers
lakes or the sea
means they can have fun on the beach or go swimming whenever
they want to
what are the functions of rivers and lakes nowadays
there are still popular places for a variety of leisure
activities like swimming
fishing and rowing
they are also an important source of fresh water
some rivers are used for the transport of goods as well
do you wish to own a boat yes
i do because i love boating
i feel totally free when i'm out on the water
i can enjoy the sun and fresh air
as well as the sound of water splashing around the boat
i don't because the maintenance of a boat would be a lot of work
i wouldn't even be able to find a place to store a boat
why do people go fishing
some people go fishing to enjoy nature and reduce stress
or maybe just to spend time
with friends others go fishing to catch fish for a meal
and there are professional fishermen
who rely on fishing to make a living
公园游乐园do you like parks
definitely they help me get closer to nature
i can breathe the fresh air and hear the birds chirping
when i'm in a park
what do you do in parks
i often exercise in parks like jogging or cycling
sometimes i also hang out with my friends in parks
why are parks an important
part of a city parks offer a lot of green space
there are places
where we can breathe fresh air exercise and learn about nature
what do you usually do in amusement parks
i do a variety of things in amusement parks
but my favorite activities in amusement parks are riding
a roller coaster and watching circus shows
树森林do you think trees are important to us
yes they're really important
trees produce oxygen and absorb dirty air
they also make streets and parks look more attractive
and provide shade in summer
do you know how to plant a tree
community park
dig a hole in the ground
put the tree in the hole
push back the soil
press the soil firmly
do you think forests are important to us
forests are the main source of wood
they help us tackle global warming
家中植物花do you have plants in your home
yes i have some plants in the living room
looking after them is quite
easy and enjoyable
do any flowers have a special meaning in your country
some flowers have a special meaning in my country for example
the peony is a symbol of wealth and prosperity
while the plum flower represents hard work and courage
do people give flowers as presents in your country
yes it is very common to give flowers as presents in my country
for example many people give flowers on special occasions
like Valentine's Day or wedding anniversaries
which do you think are better real flowers or plastic flowers
it depends on the situation
real flowers look better and their fragrance is very attractive
so they're better for special occasions
like Valentine's Day or wedding anniversaries
but when we just need some flowers to decorate our homes
plastic flowers are probably better
because they are cheaper and last longer
天空看星星do you often look at the sky
yes i do
because i enjoy watching the different shapes that the clouds
make and at night looking at the moon and the stars in the sky
makes me feel calm and relaxed
i don't look at the sky very often
but sometimes i look at the clouds in the sky to see
if it's likely to rain
do you think the sky looks more beautiful
during the day or at night
i would say the sky looks more beautiful at night
especially when the sky is clear
and it's filled with stars it looks calm and peaceful
but very lively at the same time because of the stars
what are the best places for stargazing
the best places for stargazing
are probably the places that are far from city lights
and where the air is clean
for example remote mountains and beaches
are perfect for stargazing
how can we protect wild animals
i think governments need to create more nature reserves
and schools should educate students about endangered species
do you think Zoos are important
yes they're very important
because they have programs that help to save endangered species
and they help visitors gain knowledge about wild animals
visiting a Zoo is also fun and enjoyable
especially for children
宠物养鱼鸟类昆虫why do some people keep pets
i suppose pets can help them reduce stress and loneliness
they tend to think of their pets as friends or family members
why do some people keep fish as pets
i guess they keep fishers pets
because fish are quiet and don't cause distractions
i guess they keep fishers pets
because fish are colorful and interesting to watch
they're also easier to take care of than most other pets
what kinds of birds can you see in your city
i often see sparrows in my city sometimes i also see pigeons
do you think we should protect birds
they play an important role in the ecosystem that we live
for example birds eat harmful insects
which helps to protect plants
do birds have a special meaning in your country
yes some birds have a special meaning in my country for example
the magpie represents good luck and success
while the crane is a symbol of long life and good health
do you think insects are helpful to us
well some insects are quite helpful to us for example
bees make honey
while butterflies
pollinate flowers on the other hand i would say many insects
such as flies and mosquitoes are useless or even harmful

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