
#include <algorithm>
 #include "ivector/agglomerative-clustering.h"
 namespace kaldi {
 void AgglomerativeClusterer::Cluster() {
   KALDI_VLOG(2) << "Initializing cluster assignments.";
   KALDI_VLOG(2) << "Clustering...";
   // This is the main algorithm loop. It moves through the queue merging
   // clusters until a stopping criterion has been reached.
   while (num_clusters_ > min_clust_ && !queue_.empty()) {
     std::pair<BaseFloat, std::pair<uint16, uint16> > pr = queue_.top();
     int32 i = (int32) pr.second.first, j = (int32) pr.second.second;
     // check to make sure clusters have not already been merged
     if ((active_clusters_.find(i) != active_clusters_.end()) &&
         (active_clusters_.find(j) != active_clusters_.end()))
       MergeClusters(i, j);
   std::vector<int32> new_assignments(num_points_);
   int32 label_id = 0;
   std::set<int32>::iterator it;
   // Iterate through the clusters and assign all utterances within the cluster
   // an ID label unique to the cluster. This is the final output and frees up
   // the cluster memory accordingly.
   for (it = active_clusters_.begin(); it != active_clusters_.end(); ++it) {
     AhcCluster *cluster = clusters_map_[*it];
     std::vector<int32>::iterator utt_it;
     for (utt_it = cluster->utt_ids.begin();
          utt_it != cluster->utt_ids.end(); ++utt_it)
       new_assignments[*utt_it] = label_id;
     delete cluster;
 BaseFloat AgglomerativeClusterer::GetCost(int32 i, int32 j) {
   if (i < j)
     return cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(i, j)];
     return cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(j, i)];
 void AgglomerativeClusterer::Initialize() {
   KALDI_ASSERT(num_clusters_ != 0);
   for (int32 i = 0; i < num_points_; i++) {
     // create an initial cluster of size 1 for each point
     std::vector<int32> ids;
     AhcCluster *c = new AhcCluster(++count_, -1, -1, ids);
     clusters_map_[count_] = c;
     // propagate the queue with all pairs from the cost matrix
     for (int32 j = i+1; j < num_clusters_; j++) {
       BaseFloat cost = costs_(i,j);
       cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(i+1, j+1)] = cost;
       if (cost <= thresh_)
 void AgglomerativeClusterer::MergeClusters(int32 i, int32 j) {
   AhcCluster *clust1 = clusters_map_[i];
   AhcCluster *clust2 = clusters_map_[j];
   // For memory efficiency, the first cluster is updated to contain the new
   // merged cluster information, and the second cluster is later deleted.
   clust1->id = ++count_;
   clust1->parent1 = i;
   clust1->parent2 = j;
   clust1->size += clust2->size;
   clust1->utt_ids.insert(clust1->utt_ids.end(), clust2->utt_ids.begin(),
   // Remove the merged clusters from the list of active clusters.
   // Update the queue with all the new costs involving the new cluster
   std::set<int32>::iterator it;
   for (it = active_clusters_.begin(); it != active_clusters_.end(); ++it) {
     // The new cost is the sum of the costs of the new cluster's parents
     BaseFloat new_cost = GetCost(*it, i) + GetCost(*it, j);
     cluster_cost_map_[std::make_pair(*it, count_)] = new_cost;
     BaseFloat norm = clust1->size * (clusters_map_[*it])->size;
     if (new_cost / norm <= thresh_)
       queue_.push(std::make_pair(new_cost / norm,
   clusters_map_[count_] = clust1;
   delete clust2;
 void AgglomerativeCluster(
     const Matrix<BaseFloat> &costs,
     BaseFloat thresh,
     int32 min_clust,
     std::vector<int32> *assignments_out) {
   KALDI_ASSERT(min_clust >= 0);
   AgglomerativeClusterer ac(costs, thresh, min_clust, assignments_out);

ivector-extractor.cc File Reference

#include <vector>
#include "ivector/ivector-extractor.h"
#include "util/kaldi-thread.h"

Include dependency graph for ivector-extractor.cc:

 #include <vector>
 #include <mutex>
 #include "base/kaldi-common.h"
 #include "matrix/matrix-lib.h"
 #include "gmm/model-common.h"
 #include "gmm/diag-gmm.h"
 #include "gmm/full-gmm.h"
 #include "itf/options-itf.h"
 #include "util/common-utils.h"
 #include "hmm/posterior.h"
 namespace kaldi {
 // Note, throughout this file we use SGMM-type notation because
 // that's what I'm comfortable with.
 // Dimensions:
 //  D is the feature dim (e.g. D = 60)
 //  I is the number of Gaussians (e.g. I = 2048)
 //  S is the ivector dim (e.g. S = 400)
 // Options for estimating iVectors, during both training and test.  Note: the
 // "acoustic_weight" is not read by any class declared in this header; it has to
 // be applied by calling IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats::Scale() before
 // obtaining the iVector.
 // The same is true of max_count: it has to be applied by programs themselves
 // e.g. see ../ivectorbin/ivector-extract.cc.
 struct IvectorEstimationOptions {
   double acoustic_weight;
   double max_count;
   IvectorEstimationOptions(): acoustic_weight(1.0), max_count(0.0) {}
   void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
     opts->Register("acoustic-weight", &acoustic_weight,
                    "Weight on part of auxf that involves the data (e.g. 0.2); "
                    "if this weight is small, the prior will have more effect.");
     opts->Register("max-count", &max_count,
                    "Maximum frame count (affects prior scaling): if >0, the prior "
                    "term will be scaled up after the frame count exceeds this "
                    "value.  Note that this count is considered after posterior "
                    "scaling (e.g. --acoustic-weight option, or scale argument to "
                    "scale-post), so you would normally use a cutoff 10 times "
                    "smaller than the corresponding number of frames.");
 class IvectorExtractor;
 class IvectorExtractorComputeDerivedVarsClass;
 class IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats {
   IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats(int32 num_gauss, int32 feat_dim,
                                  bool need_2nd_order_stats):
       gamma_(num_gauss), X_(num_gauss, feat_dim) {
     if (need_2nd_order_stats) {
       for (int32 i = 0; i < num_gauss; i++)
   void AccStats(const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feats,
                 const Posterior &post);
   void Scale(double scale); // Used to apply acoustic scale.
   double NumFrames() { return gamma_.Sum(); }
   friend class IvectorExtractor;
   friend class IvectorExtractorStats;
   Vector<double> gamma_; // zeroth-order stats (summed posteriors), dimension [I]
   Matrix<double> X_; // first-order stats, dimension [I][D]
   std::vector<SpMatrix<double> > S_; // 2nd-order stats, dimension [I][D][D], if
                                      // required.
 struct IvectorExtractorOptions {
   int ivector_dim;
   int num_iters;
   bool use_weights;
   IvectorExtractorOptions(): ivector_dim(400), num_iters(2),
                              use_weights(true) { }
   void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
     opts->Register("num-iters", &num_iters, "Number of iterations in "
                    "iVector estimation (>1 needed due to weights)");
     opts->Register("ivector-dim", &ivector_dim, "Dimension of iVector");
     opts->Register("use-weights", &use_weights, "If true, regress the "
                    "log-weights on the iVector");
 // Forward declaration.  This class is used together with IvectorExtractor to
 // compute iVectors in an online way, so we can update the estimate efficiently
 // as we add frames.
 class OnlineIvectorEstimationStats;
 // Caution: the IvectorExtractor is not the only thing required to get an
 // ivector.  We also need to get posteriors from a GMM, typically a FullGmm.
 // Typically these will be obtained in a process that involves using a DiagGmm
 // for Gaussian selection, followed by getting posteriors from the FullGmm.  To
 // keep track of these, we keep them all in the same directory,
 // e.g. final.{ubm,dubm,ie}.
 class IvectorExtractor {
   friend class IvectorExtractorStats;
   friend class OnlineIvectorEstimationStats;
   IvectorExtractor(): prior_offset_(0.0) { }
       const IvectorExtractorOptions &opts,
       const FullGmm &fgmm);
   void GetIvectorDistribution(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
       VectorBase<double> *mean,
       SpMatrix<double> *var) const;
   double PriorOffset() const { return prior_offset_; }
   double GetAuxf(const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
                  const VectorBase<double> &mean,
                  const SpMatrix<double> *var = NULL) const;
   double GetAcousticAuxf(const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
                          const VectorBase<double> &mean,
                          const SpMatrix<double> *var = NULL) const;
   double GetPriorAuxf(const VectorBase<double> &mean,
                          const SpMatrix<double> *var = NULL) const;
   double GetAcousticAuxfVariance(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats) const;
   double GetAcousticAuxfMean(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
       const VectorBase<double> &mean,
       const SpMatrix<double> *var = NULL) const;
   double GetAcousticAuxfGconst(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats) const;
   double GetAcousticAuxfWeight(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
       const VectorBase<double> &mean,
       const SpMatrix<double> *var = NULL) const;
   void GetIvectorDistMean(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
       VectorBase<double> *linear,
       SpMatrix<double> *quadratic) const;
   void GetIvectorDistPrior(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
       VectorBase<double> *linear,
       SpMatrix<double> *quadratic) const;
   void GetIvectorDistWeight(
       const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
       const VectorBase<double> &mean,
       VectorBase<double> *linear,
       SpMatrix<double> *quadratic) const;
   // Note: the function GetStats no longer exists due to code refactoring.
   // Instead of this->GetStats(feats, posterior, &utt_stats), call
   // utt_stats.AccStats(feats, posterior).
   int32 FeatDim() const;
   int32 IvectorDim() const;
   int32 NumGauss() const;
   bool IvectorDependentWeights() const { return w_.NumRows() != 0; }
   void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
   void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
   // Note: we allow the default assignment and copy operators
   // because they do what we want.
   void ComputeDerivedVars();
   void ComputeDerivedVars(int32 i);
   friend class IvectorExtractorComputeDerivedVarsClass;
   // Imagine we'll project the iVectors with transformation T, so apply T^{-1}
   // where necessary to keep the model equivalent.  Used to keep unit variance
   // (like prior re-estimation).
   void TransformIvectors(const MatrixBase<double> &T,
                          double new_prior_offset);
   Matrix<double> w_;
   Vector<double> w_vec_;
   std::vector<Matrix<double> > M_;
   std::vector<SpMatrix<double> > Sigma_inv_;
   double prior_offset_;
   // Below are *derived variables* that can be computed from the
   // variables above.
   Vector<double> gconsts_;
   Matrix<double> U_;
   std::vector<Matrix<double> > Sigma_inv_M_;
   // var <-- quadratic_term^{-1}, but done carefully, first flooring eigenvalues
   // of quadratic_term to 1.0, which mathematically is the least they can be,
   // due to the prior term.
   static void InvertWithFlooring(const SpMatrix<double> &quadratic_term,
                                  SpMatrix<double> *var);
 class OnlineIvectorEstimationStats {
   // Search above for max_count to see an explanation; if nonzero, it will
   // put a higher weight on the prior (vs. the stats) once the count passes
   // that value.
   OnlineIvectorEstimationStats(int32 ivector_dim,
                                BaseFloat prior_offset,
                                BaseFloat max_count);
   OnlineIvectorEstimationStats(const OnlineIvectorEstimationStats &other);
   // Accumulate stats for one frame.
   void AccStats(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                 const VectorBase<BaseFloat> &feature,
                 const std::vector<std::pair<int32, BaseFloat> > &gauss_post);
   // Accumulate stats for a sequence (or collection) of frames.
   void AccStats(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                 const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &features,
                 const std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int32, BaseFloat> > > &gauss_post);
   int32 IvectorDim() const { return linear_term_.Dim(); }
   void GetIvector(int32 num_cg_iters,
                   VectorBase<double> *ivector) const;
   double NumFrames() const { return num_frames_; }
   double PriorOffset() const { return prior_offset_; }
   double ObjfChange(const VectorBase<double> &ivector) const;
   double Count() const { return num_frames_; }
   void Scale(double scale);
   void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
   void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary);
   // Override the default assignment operator
   inline OnlineIvectorEstimationStats &operator=(const OnlineIvectorEstimationStats &other) {
     this->prior_offset_ = other.prior_offset_;
     this->max_count_ = other.max_count_;
     this->num_frames_ = other.num_frames_;
     return *this;
   double Objf(const VectorBase<double> &ivector) const;
   double DefaultObjf() const;
   friend class IvectorExtractor;
   double prior_offset_;
   double max_count_;
   double num_frames_;  // num frames (weighted, if applicable).
   SpMatrix<double> quadratic_term_;
   Vector<double> linear_term_;
 // This code obtains periodically (for each "ivector_period" frames, e.g. 10
 // frames), an estimate of the iVector including all frames up to that point.
 // This emulates what you could do in an online/streaming algorithm; its use is
 // for neural network training in a way that's matched to online decoding.
 // [note: I don't believe we are currently using the program,
 // ivector-extract-online.cc, that calls this function, in any of the scripts.].
 // Caution: this program outputs the raw iVectors, where the first component
 // will generally be very positive.  You probably want to subtract PriorOffset()
 // from the first element of each row of the output before writing it out.
 // For num_cg_iters, we suggest 15.  It can be a positive number (more -> more
 // exact, less -> faster), or if it's negative it will do the optimization
 // exactly each time which is slower.
 // It returns the objective function improvement per frame from the "default" iVector to
 // the last iVector estimated.
 double EstimateIvectorsOnline(
     const Matrix<BaseFloat> &feats,
     const Posterior &post,
     const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
     int32 ivector_period,
     int32 num_cg_iters,
     BaseFloat max_count,
     Matrix<BaseFloat> *ivectors);
 struct IvectorExtractorStatsOptions {
   bool update_variances;
   bool compute_auxf;
   int32 num_samples_for_weights;
   int cache_size;
   IvectorExtractorStatsOptions(): update_variances(true),
                          cache_size(100) { }
   void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
     opts->Register("update-variances", &update_variances, "If true, update the "
                    "Gaussian variances");
     opts->Register("compute-auxf", &compute_auxf, "If true, compute the "
                    "auxiliary functions on training data; can be used to "
                    "debug and check convergence.");
     opts->Register("num-samples-for-weights", &num_samples_for_weights,
                    "Number of samples from iVector distribution to use "
                    "for accumulating stats for weight update.  Must be >1");
     opts->Register("cache-size", &cache_size, "Size of an internal "
                    "cache (not critical, only affects speed/memory)");
 struct IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions {
   double variance_floor_factor;
   double gaussian_min_count;
   int32 num_threads;
   bool diagonalize;
   IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions(): variance_floor_factor(0.1),
                                        diagonalize(true) { }
   void Register(OptionsItf *opts) {
     opts->Register("variance-floor-factor", &variance_floor_factor,
                    "Factor that determines variance flooring (we floor each covar "
                    "to this times global average covariance");
     opts->Register("gaussian-min-count", &gaussian_min_count,
                    "Minimum total count per Gaussian, below which we refuse to "
                    "update any associated parameters.");
     opts->Register("diagonalize", &diagonalize,
                    "If true, diagonalize the quadratic term in the "
                    "objective function. This reorders the ivector dimensions"
                    "from most to least important.");
 class IvectorExtractorUpdateProjectionClass;
 class IvectorExtractorUpdateWeightClass;
 class IvectorExtractorStats {
   friend class IvectorExtractor;
   IvectorExtractorStats(): tot_auxf_(0.0), R_num_cached_(0), num_ivectors_(0) { }
   IvectorExtractorStats(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                         const IvectorExtractorStatsOptions &stats_opts);
   void Add(const IvectorExtractorStats &other);
   void AccStatsForUtterance(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                             const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feats,
                             const Posterior &post);
   // This version (intended mainly for testing) works out the Gaussian
   // posteriors from the model.  Returns total log-like for feats, given
   // unadapted fgmm.  You'd want to add Gaussian pruning and preselection using
   // the diagonal, GMM, for speed, if you used this outside testing code.
   double AccStatsForUtterance(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                               const MatrixBase<BaseFloat> &feats,
                               const FullGmm &fgmm);
   void Read(std::istream &is, bool binary, bool add = false);
   void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary); // non-const version; relates to cache.
   // const version of Write; may use extra memory if we have stuff cached
   void Write(std::ostream &os, bool binary) const;
   double Update(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                 IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   double AuxfPerFrame() { return tot_auxf_ / gamma_.Sum(); }
   void IvectorVarianceDiagnostic(const IvectorExtractor &extractor);
   // Copy constructor.
   explicit IvectorExtractorStats (const IvectorExtractorStats &other);
   friend class IvectorExtractorUpdateProjectionClass;
   friend class IvectorExtractorUpdateWeightClass;
   // This is called by AccStatsForUtterance
   void CommitStatsForUtterance(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                                const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats);
   void CommitStatsForM(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                        const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
                        const VectorBase<double> &ivec_mean,
                        const SpMatrix<double> &ivec_var);
   void FlushCache();
   void CommitStatsForSigma(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                            const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats);
   void CommitStatsForWPoint(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                             const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
                             const VectorBase<double> &ivector,
                             double weight);
   void CommitStatsForW(const IvectorExtractor &extractor,
                        const IvectorExtractorUtteranceStats &utt_stats,
                        const VectorBase<double> &ivec_mean,
                        const SpMatrix<double> &ivec_var);
   void CommitStatsForPrior(const VectorBase<double> &ivec_mean,
                            const SpMatrix<double> &ivec_var);
   // Updates M.  Returns the objf improvement per frame.
   double UpdateProjections(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                            IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   // This internally called function returns the objf improvement
   // for this Gaussian index.  Updates one M.
   double UpdateProjection(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                           int32 gaussian,
                           IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   // Updates the weight projections.  Returns the objf improvement per
   // frame.
   double UpdateWeights(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                        IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   // Updates the weight projection for one Gaussian index.  Returns the objf
   // improvement for this index.
   double UpdateWeight(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                       int32 gaussian,
                       IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   // Returns the objf improvement per frame.
   double UpdateVariances(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                          IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   // Updates the prior; returns obj improvement per frame.
   double UpdatePrior(const IvectorExtractorEstimationOptions &opts,
                      IvectorExtractor *extractor) const;
   // Called from UpdatePrior, separating out some code that
   // computes likelihood changes.
   double PriorDiagnostics(double old_prior_offset) const;
   void CheckDims(const IvectorExtractor &extractor) const;
   IvectorExtractorStatsOptions config_; 
   double tot_auxf_;
   std::mutex gamma_Y_lock_;
   Vector<double> gamma_;
   std::vector<Matrix<double> > Y_;
   std::mutex R_lock_;
   Matrix<double> R_;
   std::mutex R_cache_lock_;
   int32 R_num_cached_;
   Matrix<double> R_gamma_cache_;
   Matrix<double> R_ivec_scatter_cache_;
   std::mutex weight_stats_lock_;
   Matrix<double> Q_;
   Matrix<double> G_;
   std::mutex variance_stats_lock_;
   std::vector< SpMatrix<double> > S_;
   std::mutex prior_stats_lock_;
   double num_ivectors_;
   Vector<double> ivector_sum_;
   SpMatrix<double> ivector_scatter_;
   void GetOrthogonalIvectorTransform(const SubMatrix<double> &T,
                                      IvectorExtractor *extractor,
                                      Matrix<double> *A) const;
   IvectorExtractorStats &operator = (const IvectorExtractorStats &other);  // Disallow.
 }  // namespace kaldi

































































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MSR Identity Toolbox: A Matlab Toolbox for Speaker Recognition Research Version 1.0 Seyed Omid Sadjadi, Malcolm Slaney, and Larry Heck Microsoft Research, Conversational Systems Research Center (CSRC) s.omid.sadjadi@gmail.com, {mslaney,larry.heck}@microsoft.com This report serves as a user manual for the tools available in the Microsoft Research (MSR) Identity Toolbox. This toolbox contains a collection of Matlab tools and routines that can be used for research and development in speaker recognition. It provides researchers with a test bed for developing new front-end and back-end techniques, allowing replicable evaluation of new advancements. It will also help newcomers in the field by lowering the “barrier to entry”, enabling them to quickly build baseline systems for their experiments. Although the focus of this toolbox is on speaker recognition, it can also be used for other speech related applications such as language, dialect and accent identification. In recent years, the design of robust and effective speaker recognition algorithms has attracted significant research effort from academic and commercial institutions. Speaker recognition has evolved substantially over the past 40 years; from discrete vector quantization (VQ) based systems to adapted Gaussian mixture model (GMM) solutions, and more recently to factor analysis based Eigenvoice (i-vector) frameworks. The Identity Toolbox provides tools that implement both the conventional GMM-UBM and state-of-the-art i-vector based speaker recognition strategies. A speaker recognition system includes two primary components: a front-end and a back-end. The front-end transforms acoustic waveforms into more compact and less redundant representations called acoustic features. Cepstral features are most often used for speaker recognition. It is practical to only retain the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions of the waveform, therefore there is also a need for a speech activity detector (SAD) in the fr
SSA-LSSVM(Sequential Subspace Analysis based Least Squares Support Vector Machines)是一种基于顺序子空间分析的最小二乘支持向量机算法。以下是对其源码的简要解释。 SSA-LSSVM源码主要包含以下几个模块: 1. 数据预处理:源码中首先进行数据的预处理,包括加载数据、数据清洗、特征提取等。这一步骤的目的是将原始数据转化为机器学习算法能够处理的形式。 2. 子空间分析:SSA-LSSVM使用子空间分析方法对数据进行降维和特征选择,从而减少数据维度、提取最相关的特征。 3. 模型训练:在SSA-LSSVM源码中,通过最小二乘支持向量机算法来训练模型。该算法基于支持向量机,通过最小化损失函数来学习数据的模式和规律。 4. 参数选择:在模型训练过程中,需要选择适当的参数。SSA-LSSVM源码中通常使用交叉验证等方法来选择最优的参数组合,以获得最佳的模型性能。 5. 模型评估:SSA-LSSVM源码中还包含对训练得到的模型进行评估的功能。通过评估模型在新数据上的预测准确率、召回率、F1值等指标,来评估模型的性能。 SSA-LSSVM算法通过子空间分析和最小二乘支持向量机相结合,能够在降低数据维度的同时保持较高的模型准确率。源码中实现了该算法的各个步骤,并提供了参数选择和模型评估的功能。通过学习源码,可以了解SSA-LSSVM算法的具体实现方式,并根据实际问题进行调整和优化。


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