Computer vision - low-level vision
Convolution in image processing (图像处理中的卷积)
- Basic concept
H(k,l) 是掩膜(又称模板或核),是一个权重的矩阵(类似于一小部分图像)。
You can imagine that sliding the mask across the input image, filling in the values for the output (filtered) image as you go.
Alternatively, you can imagine the mask replicated at every pixel location in the output image, and the results generated in parallel (like the Difference of Gaussian filters in the retina).
- Method
For each image pixel in turn:- Centre the rotated mask over that pixel
- Multiply each mask element by the corresponding image pixel value
- Sum these products and write answer in corresponding pixel location in the output image
- 首先先将旋转后的掩膜对准要处理的像素中心
- 将掩膜里每个元素核对应图像中的每个像素点的值相乘
- 将这些点乘的结果相加,将结果写在输出图像对应的像素点)
In the same way, the final filtered image is shown as follows,
How to solve the problem that the mask falls off the image in the image boundaries?
- Two most common:
- pad the input image with zeros (in the example above).
- make the output image smaller than the input image (red area in example below). i.e. only apply mask at locations on the input image where it does not fall off the edge.
- 给输入图像周围补零[如上个例子中所展示的一样]。
- 使得输出图像比输入图像的大小小一些[下图中红色区域就是输出图像]。也就是说,只在放置掩膜时,都可以在输入图像中找到掩膜元素对应的值的位置输出结果)。
Masks as point-spread functions:
Convolving a mask with a simple image that has just an isolated white dot on a black background, the output will be the mask itself shifted by the row and column numbers of the isolated pixel in the input.
An ordinary image can be thought of as a combination of such points - one for each pixel. So the result of a convolution can be thought of as a superimposition of masks, each one weighted by the grey-level of an image pixel.
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Masks as templates:
The convolution output is a maximum when large values in the input get multiplied by large values in the mask. This means that convolution masks respond most strongly to image features that resemble the rotated mask.
The rotated mask is like a template which is scanned across the image to find image features that match that template.
- Masks examples