volo拉丁语_[拉丁语] 间接话语 Oratio Obliqua


其不定式的主语使用宾格而非主格.Frater cecidit.

His brother fell; 但 —

Narrat fratrem cecidisse.

He reports that his brother fell.

该结构常用于 (a) 动词 feeling, knowing, thinking, believing, saying (verba sentiendi et declarandi)后;Sentimus calere ignem.

> We perceive-by-our-senses that fire is hot.

Hostes adesse dixit.

> He said that the enemy was near.

Fratrem tuum fortem esse intellego.

> I perceive that your brother is a brave man.

Rem ita se habere video.

> I see that the fact is so.

Respondit se esse iturum.

> He answered that he would go.

及 (b) 如 it is certain, manifest, true等表达后:Manifestum est nivem esse albam.

> It is plain that snow is white.

Constat Romam non sine labors conditam fuisse.

> It is agreed that Rome was not built without toil.


(a) 避免在动词或短语 sentiendi vel declarandi后使用 quod 或 ut 表示 that.禁止说: Scio quod erras.I know that you are wrong;

应该说 Te errare scio.

(b.) 英语陈述或意见可插入 he said, he thought 等等.You were, he said, mistaken.

You were absent, he thought from Rome.

He is, it is plain, quite mad.

拉丁语禁止这种结构. 须 — 并非 “tu, dixit, errasti” 而是 “te errare dixit;” 并非 "Roma, credidit, aberas," 而是 "Roma te abesse credidit."

动词Say+否定词 翻译为 nego.He says that he is not ready.

> Se paratum esse negat.

He said he would never do this.

> Se hoc unquam esse facturum negavit.

He says he has done nothing.

> Negat se quidquam fecisse.

直接话语 (Oratio recta) 中常常省略的代词在 Oratio obliqua 必须补全.Currit, (he) runs.

> Se currere ait.

尽管与主句动词主语一致, 也要用se.Hoc se fecisse negat.

> He says that he (himself) did not do this.

Eum 或 illum 用于另一个ta.



现在时不定式用于同时事件Se in Asia esse dixit.

>He said that was in Asia.

(When? —at the time of his speaking.)

完成时不定式用于先前事件Se in Asia fuisse dixit.

He said that he had been, or was in Asia.

(When? —at some time earlier than that at which he was speaking.)

未来时不定式 (-rus带esse, fore, fuisse)He says that he will go;

> Se iturum esse or fore dicit.

He said that he would go;

> Se iturum esse or fore dixit.

He says or said that he would have gone.

> Se iturum fuisse dicit or dixit.


部分 verba sentiendi et declarandi 有特殊结构.

如涉及未来时间的 sperare (to hope), promittere 或 polliceri (to promise), recipere (to engage or undertake), minari (to threaten), jurare (to swear), 以及类似动词, 使用未来时不定式.

Obs. 英语它们被视为情态动词, 结合现在时不定式; 在拉丁语, 有时英语亦然, 它们用作讨论未来事物的动词.

英语说 he hopes to live, 也说 he hopes that he will live; 拉丁语后者是规则结构.Sperat plerumque adolescens diu se victurum (esse)to live a long time.

Hoc se facturum esse minatus est.

> He threatened to do this.

N.B.— spero 后的动词 posse常常是现在时不定式.Hoc se facere posse sperat.

> He hopes to be able to do this.

对于没有未来分词的主动态动词, 及被动态动词, 使用 fore ut+虚拟式作为该结构的代替.Spero fore ut deleatur Carthago.

> I hope that Carthage will be annihilated.

Speravit fore ut id sibi contingeret.

> He hoped that this would fall to his lot.

Obs. fore ut 后的动词时态依赖动词 hoping, etc 的时态; 现在时后完成时, 未来时后现在时; 过去时后未完成时.

Simulare(to pretend) 后必须给出代词的宾格.Se furere simulat.

>He pretends to be mad.

Simulo 用于假装不存在之事物的人; Dissimulo 用于尝试掩盖存在之事物的人.Quae non sunt simulo; quae sunt, ea dissimulantur.

Verba declarandi 结构的例外是 inquam, inquit. 常引用确实用过的话语, 其永远不在句首.Domum, inquit, redibo.

> “I will,” says he, "return home."

Domum se rediturum esse dicit or ait.

> He will, he says, return home.

因此常用于 Oratio recta;


(a) 一些动词如 commanding及 wishing, 特别是 jubeo, volo, cupio, prohibeo.

(b) 表达 joy, sorrow, indignation, wonder, etc. 的动词Milites abire jussit.

> He ordered the soldiers to go away.

Te incolumem rediisse gaudeo.

> I rejoice that you have returned in safety.


参考^复合不定式 esse 常省略





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