
本文详细介绍了ZYNQ FPGA通过UART远程加载程序的步骤,包括UART交互流程和QSPI读写函数设计。ZYNQ在上电后通过UART与PC机进行数据交互,实现程序的更新、写入和校验。同时,展示了UART的初始化、发送和接收函数,以及QSPI的初始化、擦除和写入函数,为ZYNQ的远程更新提供了完整流程。


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  1. 开启PC机加载程序,等待任务机发送加载信号;

  2. ZYNQ上电后第一时间给UART发送加载信号0xee,随后监测UART上的回应信号;

  3. PC机监测UART上的加载信号,若是0xee,则发送回应信号0xab,表示PC机做好了进入加载的准备,若不是0xee则不会发送回应信号;

  4. ZYNQ收到回应信息0xab以后,进入加载流程,发送获取长度指令信号0xcc给PC机;

  5. PC机监测UART上的获取长度指令信号,若是0xcc,则发送数据总包数n给PC机(长度=128*n);

  6. ZQNY收到数据长度数据后,发送应答信号0xaa给PC机,表示接收到数据长度了;

  7. PC机监测UART上的应答信号,接收到应答信号0xaa后,PC机进入发送数据流程,监测ZYNQ的准备好接收数据信号0xdd;

  8. ZYNQ接收完数据长度以后,发送准备好接收数据信号0xdd给PC机;

  9. PC机监测UART上的准备好接收数据信号0xdd,收到准备好信号0xdd信号以后,发送一包数据(128byte)给ZYNQ,发送完了以后又监测准备好信号0xdd,然后又发送一包数据(128byte)给ZYNQ,往复循环,直到数据包发送完,发送完数据后监测数据接收完信号0xbb;

  10. ZYNQ接收完数据后,发送接收完信号0xbb给PC机;

  11. PC机监测数据接收完信号0xbb;收到接收完信号0xbb后,数据交互流程完成,ZYNQ监测FLASH写入操作完成信号;

  12. ZYNQ将接收到的数据写入到FLASH,写入完了以后发送FLASH写入操作完成信号0xaf给PC机;

  13. PC机监测到接收完成信号0xaf后,提示用户写flash操作完成;进入到监测FLASH数据校验阶段;

  14. ZYNQ写完flash后,将对应数据从flash中读出来做校验,校验成功则发送校验完成信号0xcf给PC机,若校验失败则发送失败信号0xef给PC机;

  15. PC机监测到校验完成信号或者校验失败信号后提示用户校验完成,整个加载程序完成。




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  1. 通过uart设备ID找到对应的外设信息;

  2. 填充uart外设寄存器基地址和一些相关信息;

  3. uart外设自检;

  4. 配置uart的fifo的触发等级;

  5. 使能uart外设;


void Init_Uart(void)


   XUartPs_Config *UartConifgPtr;

   s32 temp;

   //find device

UartConifgPtr = XUartPs_LookupConfig (XPAR_PS7_UART_1_DEVICE_ID);

   //config xuartps data struct

XUartPs_CfgInitialize(&Uart_1,UartConifgPtr, UartConifgPtr->BaseAddress);

   //self test

   temp = XUartPs_SelfTest(&Uart_1);

   if(temp != XST_SUCCESS)




// XUartPs_SetDataFormat(&Uart_1,XUARTPS_FORMAT_EVEN_PARITY);

   //set uart fifo level


   //uart enable





u8 Uart_RecvByte(void)


u8 byte = 0;

while((((XUartPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET)) & 0x02) == 0x02));

byte = XUartPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_FIFO_OFFSET);

return byte;




void Uart_SendByte(u8 byte)


while((((XUartPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET)) & 0x10) == 0x10));




  1. 通过qspi设备ID找到对应的外设信息;

  2. 填充qspi外设寄存器基地址和一些相关信息;

  3. Qspi外设自检;

  4. 配置qspi的工作模式;

  5. 配置qspi的工作频率;

  6. 配置qspi的为从设备选择;


void Init_Qspi(void)


XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;

//find device

QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(XPAR_XQSPIPS_0_DEVICE_ID);

//config XQspiPs data struct QspiInstance

XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(&QspiInstance, QspiConfig,QspiConfig->BaseAddress);

//self test


//set qspi option


//set qspi clk

XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(&QspiInstance, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

//set slave select of qspi




  1. 根据需要写入数据的大小判断需要整片擦除还是扇区擦除;

  2. 通过qspi接口将写使能命令写入到flash;

  3. 通过qspi接口将写命令和需要擦除的flash地址以及数据发送到flash;

  4. 等待数据的传输完成;


void FlashErase(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount)


   u8 WriteEnableCmd = { WRITE_ENABLE_CMD };

   u8 ReadStatusCmd[] = { READ_STATUS_CMD, 0 };  /* must send 2 bytes */

   u8 FlashStatus[2];

   int Sector;

   /** If erase size is same as the total size of the flash, use bulk erase command    */

   if (ByteCount == (NUM_SECTORS * SECTOR_SIZE)) {


        * Send the write enable command to the FLASH so that it can be

        * written to, this needs to be sent as a seperate transfer

        * before the erase


 XQspiPs_PolledTransfer (QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,



        * Setup the bulk erase command


       WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = BULK_ERASE_CMD;


        * Send the bulk erase command; no receive buffer is specified

        * since there is nothing to receive


       XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, NULL,



        * Wait for the erase command to the FLASH to be completed


       while (1) {


            * Poll the status register of the device to determine

            * when it completes, by sending a read status command

            * and receiving the status byte


           XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd,




            * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop

            * waiting; if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is

            * read from the device and this loop never exits, the

            * device slave select is possibly incorrect such that

            * the device status is not being read


           if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {







    * If the erase size is less than the total size of the flash, use

    * sector erase command


   for (Sector = 0; Sector < ((ByteCount / SECTOR_SIZE) + 1); Sector++) {


        * Send the write enable command to the SEEPOM so that it can be

        * written to, this needs to be sent as a seperate transfer

        * before the write


       XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,



        * Setup the write command with the specified address and data

        * for the FLASH


       WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = SEC_ERASE_CMD;

       WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address >> 16);

       WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address >> 8);

       WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address & 0xFF);


        * Send the sector erase command and address; no receive buffer

        * is specified since there is nothing to receive


       XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, NULL,



        * Wait for the sector erse command to the FLASH to be completed


       while (1) {


            * Poll the status register of the device to determine

            * when it completes, by sending a read status command

            * and receiving the status byte


           XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd,




            * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop

            * waiting, if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is

            * read from the device and this loop never exits, the

            * device slave select is possibly incorrect such that

            * the device status is not being read


           if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {




       Address += SECTOR_SIZE;




  1. 通过qspi接口将写使能发送给flash;

  2. 通过qspi接口将写命令和需要写入数据的flash地址以及数据发送到flash;

  3. 等待数据传输完成;


void FlashWrite(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 Command)


   u8 WriteEnableCmd = { WRITE_ENABLE_CMD };

   u8 ReadStatusCmd[] = { READ_STATUS_CMD, 0 };  /* must send 2 bytes */

   u8 FlashStatus[2];


    * Send the write enable command to the FLASH so that it can be

    * written to, this needs to be sent as a seperate transfer before

    * the write


   XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,



    * Setup the write command with the specified address and data for the

    * FLASH


   WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = Command;

   WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

   WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF00) >> 8);

   WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address & 0xFF);


    * Send the write command, address, and data to the FLASH to be

    * written, no receive buffer is specified since there is nothing to

    * receive


   XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, NULL,

               ByteCount + OVERHEAD_SIZE);


    * Wait for the write command to the FLASH to be completed, it takes

    * some time for the data to be written


   while (1) {


        * Poll the status register of the FLASH to determine when it

        * completes, by sending a read status command and receiving the

        * status byte


       XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd, FlashStatus,



        * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop waiting,

        * if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is read from the

        * device and this loop never exits, the device slave select is

        * possibly incorrect such that the device status is not being

        * read


       if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {






  1. 判断读指令是普通读指令还是其他的读指令;

  2. 根据判断使用对应的读指令,将对应指令和flash写入到flash,并根据需要读多少个数据,写入对应个无效数据到flash,以获取flash中对应地址的数据;


void FlashRead(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 Command)



   * Setup the write command with the specified address and data for the

   * FLASH


  WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = Command;

  WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

  WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF00) >> 8);

  WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address & 0xFF);

  if ((Command == FAST_READ_CMD) || (Command == DUAL_READ_CMD) ||

      (Command == QUAD_READ_CMD)) {

      ByteCount += DUMMY_SIZE;



   * Send the read command to the FLASH to read the specified number

   * of bytes from the FLASH, send the read command and address and

   * receive the specified number of bytes of data in the data buffer


  XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer,

             ByteCount + OVERHEAD_SIZE);



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 * uart_flash.c


#include "xuartps.h"

#include "xil_types.h"

#include "xparameters.h" /* SDK generated parameters */

#include "xqspips.h"        /* QSPI device driver */



#define HEAD_LEN 2 

XUartPs Uart_1;

XUartPs *InstancePtr = &Uart_1;

int Data_Len = 0;

int Len_Count = 0;

int Data_Count = 0;

u8 Uart_ReadBuffer[128];

u8 Uart_WriteBuffer[128];

u8 ReadCMD[10];

u8 WriteHeadLen[HEAD_LEN] = {0xcc,0x55};

u8 WriteLenOver[HEAD_LEN] = {0xaa,0x55};

u8 WriteHeadData[HEAD_LEN] = {0xdd,0x55};

u8 WriteDataOver[HEAD_LEN] = {0xbb,0x55};

u8 WritePowerOn[HEAD_LEN] = {0xee,0x55};

u8 Uart_RecvByte(void);

void Uart_SendByte(u8 byte);

int Uart_SendBuffer(u8 *buff,int length);

void Init_Uart(void);

int find_Head(u8 *src,u8 *dst,u8 length);

void delay(u32 count);

#define USER_DDR_BASE_ADDR 0x3e000000





#define WRITE_STATUS_CMD  0x01

#define WRITE_CMD           0x02

#define READ_CMD             0x03

#define WRITE_DISABLE_CMD       0x04

#define READ_STATUS_CMD           0x05

#define WRITE_ENABLE_CMD 0x06

#define FAST_READ_CMD         0x0B

#define DUAL_READ_CMD               0x3B

#define QUAD_READ_CMD              0x6B

#define BULK_ERASE_CMD             0xC7

#define SEC_ERASE_CMD         0xD8

#define READ_ID                  0x9F

#define COMMAND_OFFSET            0 /* FLASH instruction */

#define ADDRESS_1_OFFSET    1 /* MSB byte of address to read or write */

#define ADDRESS_2_OFFSET    2 /* Middle byte of address to read or write */

#define ADDRESS_3_OFFSET    3 /* LSB byte of address to read or write */

#define DATA_OFFSET         4 /* Start of Data for Read/Write */

#define DUMMY_OFFSET          4 /* Dummy byte offset for fast, dual and quadreads */

#define DUMMY_SIZE         1 /* Number of dummy bytes for fast, dual andquad reads */

#define RD_ID_SIZE             4 /* Read ID command + 3 bytes ID response */

#define BULK_ERASE_SIZE              1 /* Bulk Erase command size */

#define SEC_ERASE_SIZE          4 /* Sector Erase command + Sector address */

#define OVERHEAD_SIZE          4

#define SECTOR_SIZE          0x10000

#define NUM_SECTORS              0x100

#define NUM_PAGES            0x10000

#define PAGE_SIZE        256

#define PAGE_COUNT          16

#define TEST_ADDRESS             0x00000000//0x00055000

#define UNIQUE_VALUE            0x05

#define MAX_DATA              PAGE_COUNT * PAGE_SIZE

void Init_Qspi(void);

void FlashErase(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount);

void FlashWrite(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 Command);

void FlashRead(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 Command);

int FlashReadID(void);

XQspiPs QspiInstance;

unsigned int Flash_Address = 0x000000;


u8 WriteBuffer[PAGE_SIZE + DATA_OFFSET];


int main(void)


      int recv_count = 0,i = 0,j = 0,verify_flag = 0;

      u8 tt;



      // recv start signal


      //1 send power on to pc



      //recv power on ack

      ReadCMD[0] = Uart_RecvByte();


      //2,ack right goto load

      if(ReadCMD[0] == 0xab)


             //3,send get data_len to pc



             //4,recv length



                    if(Len_Count > 1)


                           //5,send len tran over to pc


                           //6,data_len option

                           Data_Len |= ReadCMD[0] << 8;

                           Data_Len |= ReadCMD[1];



                    ReadCMD[Len_Count] = Uart_RecvByte();



             //7,sent get data to pc




                    //send over data

                    if(Data_Count >= Data_Len)


                           // send data over to pc




                    // send get data to pc




                           //get data to buffer

                           Uart_ReadBuffer[recv_count] = Uart_RecvByte();

                           if(recv_count >= 127)






                    recv_count = 0;

                    //write ddr3

                    for(i = 0,DDR_Base_Addr = USER_DDR_BASE_ADDR + Data_Count * 128;i < 128;i++,DDR_Base_Addr++)


                           *(unsigned int *)DDR_Base_Addr = Uart_ReadBuffer[i];




             //flash program

             Flash_Address = 0x000000;

             DDR_Base_Addr = USER_DDR_BASE_ADDR;


             FlashErase(&QspiInstance,0x000000, Data_Len * 128);

             //write flash

             for(i = 0;i < (Data_Len * 128 / PAGE_SIZE + 1);i++)


                    for(j = 0;j < PAGE_SIZE;j++)


                           WriteBuffer[j + 4] = *(unsigned int *)(DDR_Base_Addr +  PAGE_SIZE * i + j);


                    FlashWrite(&QspiInstance, Flash_Address,PAGE_SIZE,WRITE_CMD);

                    Flash_Address += PAGE_SIZE;



             //verify Data

             Flash_Address = 0x000000;

             DDR_Base_Addr = USER_DDR_BASE_ADDR;

             for(i = 0;i < (Data_Len * 128 / PAGE_SIZE + 1);i++)


                   FlashRead(&QspiInstance, Flash_Address,PAGE_SIZE,READ_CMD);

                    Flash_Address += PAGE_SIZE;

                    for(j = 0;j < PAGE_SIZE;j++)


                           tt = *(unsigned int *)(DDR_Base_Addr +  PAGE_SIZE * i + j);

                           if(ReadBuffer[j + 4] == tt)


                                  verify_flag = 0;




                                  verify_flag = 1;




             if(verify_flag == 1)














             print("author:660 dz!!\r\n");






      return 0;


void Init_Uart(void)


      XUartPs_Config *UartConifgPtr;

      s32 temp;

      //find device

     UartConifgPtr = XUartPs_LookupConfig(XPAR_PS7_UART_1_DEVICE_ID);

      //config xuartps data struct

      XUartPs_CfgInitialize(&Uart_1,UartConifgPtr, UartConifgPtr->BaseAddress);

      //self test

      temp = XUartPs_SelfTest(&Uart_1);

      if(temp != XST_SUCCESS)




//    XUartPs_SetDataFormat(&Uart_1,XUARTPS_FORMAT_EVEN_PARITY);

      //set uart fifo level


      //uart enable



u8 Uart_RecvByte(void)


      u8 byte = 0;

while((((XUartPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET)) & 0x02) == 0x02));

      byte = XUartPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_FIFO_OFFSET);

      return byte;


void Uart_SendByte(u8 byte)


while((((XUartPs_ReadReg(InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress,XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET)) & 0x10) == 0x10));



int Uart_SendBuffer(u8 *buff,int length)


      int i = 0;

      for(i = 0;i < length;i++)




      return i;


int find_Head(u8 *src,u8 *dst,u8 length)


      int i = 0,ret = 0;

      for(i = 0;i < length - 1;i++)


             if((src[i] == dst[0]) && (src[i + 1] == dst[1]))


                    ret = 1;



      return ret;


void delay(u32 count)


      unsigned int i = 0;

      for(i = 0;i < count;i++)



void Init_Qspi(void)


      XQspiPs_Config *QspiConfig;

      //find device

      QspiConfig = XQspiPs_LookupConfig(XPAR_XQSPIPS_0_DEVICE_ID);

      //config XQspiPs data struct QspiInstance

      XQspiPs_CfgInitialize(&QspiInstance, QspiConfig,QspiConfig->BaseAddress);

      //self test


      //set qspi option


      //set qspi clk

      XQspiPs_SetClkPrescaler(&QspiInstance, XQSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8);

      //set slave select of qspi



void FlashErase(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount)


      u8 WriteEnableCmd = { WRITE_ENABLE_CMD };

      u8 ReadStatusCmd[] = { READ_STATUS_CMD, 0 };  /* must send 2 bytes */

      u8 FlashStatus[2];

      int Sector;


       * If erase size is same as the total size of the flash, use bulk erase

       * command


      if (ByteCount == (NUM_SECTORS * SECTOR_SIZE)) {


              * Send the write enable command to the FLASH so that it can be

              * written to, this needs to be sent as a seperate transfer

              * before the erase


             XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,



              * Setup the bulk erase command


             WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = BULK_ERASE_CMD;


              * Send the bulk erase command; no receive buffer is specified

              * since there is nothing to receive


             XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, NULL,



              * Wait for the erase command to the FLASH to be completed


             while (1) {


                     * Poll the status register of the device to determine

                     * when it completes, by sending a read status command

                     * and receiving the status byte


                    XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd,




                     * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop

                     * waiting; if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is

                     * read from the device and this loop never exits, the

                     * device slave select is possibly incorrect such that

                     * the device status is not being read


                    if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {







       * If the erase size is less than the total size of the flash, use

       * sector erase command


      for (Sector = 0; Sector < ((ByteCount / SECTOR_SIZE) + 1); Sector++) {


              * Send the write enable command to the SEEPOM so that it can be

              * written to, this needs to be sent as a seperate transfer

              * before the write


             XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,



              * Setup the write command with the specified address and data

              * for the FLASH


             WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = SEC_ERASE_CMD;

             WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address >> 16);

             WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address >> 8);

             WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address & 0xFF);


              * Send the sector erase command and address; no receive buffer

              * is specified since there is nothing to receive


             XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, NULL,



              * Wait for the sector erse command to the FLASH to be completed


             while (1) {


                     * Poll the status register of the device to determine

                     * when it completes, by sending a read status command

                     * and receiving the status byte


                    XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd,




                     * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop

                     * waiting, if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is

                     * read from the device and this loop never exits, the

                     * device slave select is possibly incorrect such that

                     * the device status is not being read


                    if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {




             Address += SECTOR_SIZE;



void FlashWrite(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 Command)


      u8 WriteEnableCmd = { WRITE_ENABLE_CMD };

      u8 ReadStatusCmd[] = { READ_STATUS_CMD, 0 };  /* must send 2 bytes */

      u8 FlashStatus[2];


       * Send the write enable command to the FLASH so that it can be

       * written to, this needs to be sent as a seperate transfer before

       * the write


      XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, &WriteEnableCmd, NULL,



       * Setup the write command with the specified address and data for the

       * FLASH


      WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = Command;

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF00) >> 8);

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address & 0xFF);


       * Send the write command, address, and data to the FLASH to be

       * written, no receive buffer is specified since there is nothing to

       * receive


      XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, NULL,

                           ByteCount + OVERHEAD_SIZE);


       * Wait for the write command to the FLASH to be completed, it takes

       * some time for the data to be written


      while (1) {


              * Poll the status register of the FLASH to determine when it

              * completes, by sending a read status command and receiving the

              * status byte


             XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, ReadStatusCmd, FlashStatus,



              * If the status indicates the write is done, then stop waiting,

              * if a value of 0xFF in the status byte is read from the

              * device and this loop never exits, the device slave select is

              * possibly incorrect such that the device status is not being

              * read


             if ((FlashStatus[1] & 0x01) == 0) {





void FlashRead(XQspiPs *QspiPtr, u32 Address, u32 ByteCount, u8 Command)



       * Setup the write command with the specified address and data for the

       * FLASH


      WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = Command;

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF0000) >> 16);

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = (u8)((Address & 0xFF00) >> 8);

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = (u8)(Address & 0xFF);

      if ((Command == FAST_READ_CMD) || (Command == DUAL_READ_CMD) ||

          (Command == QUAD_READ_CMD)) {

             ByteCount += DUMMY_SIZE;



       * Send the read command to the FLASH to read the specified number

       * of bytes from the FLASH, send the read command and address and

       * receive the specified number of bytes of data in the data buffer


      XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(QspiPtr, WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer,

                           ByteCount + OVERHEAD_SIZE);


int FlashReadID(void)


      int Status;


       * Read ID in Auto mode.


      WriteBuffer[COMMAND_OFFSET]   = READ_ID;

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_1_OFFSET] = 0x23;          /* 3 dummy bytes */

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_2_OFFSET] = 0x08;

      WriteBuffer[ADDRESS_3_OFFSET] = 0x09;

      Status = XQspiPs_PolledTransfer(&QspiInstance, WriteBuffer, ReadBuffer,RD_ID_SIZE);

      if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {

             return XST_FAILURE;


      return XST_SUCCESS;









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