


【填空题】思维导图由 英国大脑基金会总裁,被誉为 的英国的 东尼 . 博赞发明 , 并在全世界各 领域广泛使用。





【简答题】常见的OFFICE 2010套件包括哪些常用软件?

【多选题】5.我国古代天文学的主要成就主要体现在( )


【其它】操作题: 请阅读一本书籍,用思维导图绘制图书笔记。

【多选题】19世纪末20世纪初飘在物理学晴朗上空的“两朵乌云”是( )

【简答题】When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican

Republic, he knew only a few words of English. Education soon became a_____1_____. I

couldn’t understand anything,” he said. He ____2____ from his teachers, came home in tears,

and thought about dropping out. Then Mrs. Malave, a

bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science

in his ____3____Spanish. “She helped me

stay smart while teaching me English,” he said. Given the

chance to demonstrate his ability, he ___4____ confidence and began to succeed

in school. Today,

he is a ____5____doctor, runs his

own clinic, and works with several hospitals. Every day, he uses the language

and academic skills he ____6____through bilingual education to treat his patients. Roberto’s

story is just one of ____7____ success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most____8____ way

both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically.

In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students____9____ outperform

their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif., implemented bilingual

education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average

and college ____10____rates of

more than 90%.In El Paso, bilingual education programs have helped raise

student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.



What’s the purpose of many young people’s writing letters to the author? A) To consult him for how to be a qualified

employee. B) To make friends with him. C) To ask him for some advice on how to get

a satisfactory job. D) To ask him for some advice on how to

grow up. 2. What’s the author’s opinion of

reading in getting a job? A) Reading is very useful in getting a job. B) Reading is essential in finding a job. C) Reading is not for any career, but for enjoyment. D) Reading is neither interesting nor helpful for our future job. 3. Why does the author think

students should get either a first or a fourth degree? A) Because the first-class degree can help us find a better job. B) Because the fourth-class degree can prove our ability in study. C) Because the second and third-class degrees are more time consuming. D) Because the students with a first-class degree think so. 4.

Why does the author list so many writers’ names in Paragraph 6? A) To tell readers that he has read many

works, so he is very thoughtful. B) To show all these writers can help

people grow minds and bring happiness of reading. C) To show us that these writers help him

get a third-class degree in University of Bristol. D) To make a comparison among these

writers. 5. The author gives us an example

of some educational establishments’ specializing in courses that look like a short-cut to a fashionable job. What’s the author’s tone in it? A) Optimistic. B) Pessimistic. C) Ironic. D) Subjective.



【判断题】应用思维导图法思考事情时,由于充分发挥了 左 脑的色彩、图像、想象力等思维功能与 右 脑的逻辑、顺序等功能,使得创意如同天上的云彩般有着无限的变化,同时又具有可行性。

【多选题】20世纪初“物理学革命”诞生的两大理论成果是( )


【填空题】营养学是 ,营养学是 。


【填空题】已知一个二阶常系数线性齐次微分方程的特征根是 ,则此微分方程的通解为





【单选题】3.郭守进经过两百多次的测量,最终确定一个回归年的长度为( )




【计算题】一根铜导线长L=2000m,截面积为S= ,导线的电阻是多少?(铜的电阻率ρ=1.75× Ω·m)若将它截成等长的两段,每段的电阻是多少?若将它拉长为原来的2倍,电阻又将是多少?

【多选题】4.我国古代天文学的成就大体可归纳为几个方面( )

【填空题】已知一个三阶常系数线性齐次微分方程的特征根 ,则方程的通解为

【判断题】阶线性齐次微分方程解的朗斯基行列式 在区间 上某一点为零,则在整个区间 上恒为零.


【计算题】则求m ,n 的值

【单选题】思维导图是一种图像式思维的工具及一种利用图像式 思考的辅助工具,有很多别名,下面哪项不是它的别名。 又称脑图、心智地图、脑力激荡图、灵感触发图、概念地图、树状图、树枝图或思维地图 。





【判断题】级数 是收敛的。


【填空题】绘制思维导图时颜色种类一般大于 ,小于 。

【计算题】某公司加权平均投资利润率为18%,其所属A投资中心的经营资产平均余额为400万元,利润为100万元。现该投资中心有一投资项目,投资额为50万元,预计投资利润率为20%。若该公司要求的最低投资报酬率为其加权平均投资利润率。 要求: (1)如果不考虑投资项目,计算A投资中心目前的投资利润率; (2)如果按投资利润率来衡量,A投资中心是否愿意接受这一投资项目? (3)计算投资项目的剩余收益; (4)如果按剩余收益来衡量,A投资中心应否接受这一投资项目?

【单选题】“人类环境”这个概念是在1972年联合国人类环境会议上被提出的,它是指以( )为中心、为主体的外部世界。









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