工业机器人演示码垛和卸垛_Intelligrated 在 PACK EXPO 2017 展会中全面展示了机器人码垛和卸垛功能...

Intelligrated在PACK EXPO 2017上展示其全面的机器人码垛和卸垛能力,提供从单源的集成解决方案,包括定制的末端工具和软件,适用于多种操作需求。作为认证的机器人集成商,Intelligrated提供Alvey机器人解决方案,与Motoman、FANUC和KUKA等制造商的机器人手臂兼容,确保灵活性和可靠性。

Single-source solutions leverage robotics, auxiliary systems to handle variety of operational demands reliably and efficiently

(LAS VEGAS: Sept. 26, 2017)— At booth #C-3906 at PACK EXPO 2017, Intelligrated®(www.intelligrated.com) highlights comprehensive robotic palletizing and depalletizing capabilities, combining technical expertise, application experience and integration support built around unique operational requirements.

Intelligrated is recognized as a certified robot integrator by the Robotic Industries Association, offering complete Alvey® robotic solutions and auxiliary systems, including case and pallet conveyor, sorters and other equipment for seamless integration and reliable performance. Systems come with integrated software and controls, for easy training and daily use, and PLC-based IntelliGen™palletizing software for simple adjustment of patterns and load configuration. Intelligrated offers a variety of end-of-arm tooling designed for the specifics of each application and tested with actual customer product for exceptional reliability. This range of software and tooling delivers the product handling flexibility operations demand and is compatible with a choice of robotic arms from multiple manufacturers, including Motoman, FANUC and KUKA.

Robotic palletizing solutions build stable pallet loads for wholesale distribution or retail replenishment, with advanced functionality like mixed-load pallets and labels-out configuration for store display.

Full-layer depalletizingsolutions leverage specialized end-of-arm tooling, a layer separator table, kicker-roller, v-belt skew conveyor, unscrambler and takeaway conveyor – all designed and built in-house, to unload full pallet layers, singulate individual cases and transport to downstream processes.

Robotic unitizing solutions build pallet loads not on pallets, but directly onto conveyor or slip sheets, a practice common in manufacturing operations serving a variety of international markets or handling empty containers.

Stack-and-wrap robotic palletizingsolutions incrementally stretch wrap pallet loads as each layer is built to secure unstable or difficult-to-handle loads by integrating palletizing and stretch wrapping, and utilizing a single control system.

“The broad expertise and experience of Intelligrated, from robotics to auxiliary material handling systems, offers a compelling combination for any company looking to improve processes with robotics,” says Matt Wicks, vice president, product development, manufacturing systems. “This gives end-users the confidence to leverage these increasingly advanced systems to overcome complex challenges facing their operations, whether it be specialized needs, limited space, expanding inventories or other demands.”

For sales and marketing information, contact Tracy Niehaus, marketing manager, Intelligrated, by phone at 513.881.5239 or by email at tracy.niehaus@intelligrated.com.

For media information, contact Dan Gauss, public relations, Koroberi, by phone at 202.588.0393 or by email at dan@koroberi.com.


About Intelligrated

Intelligrated, now part of Honeywell, is a leading North American-based, single-source provider of intelligent automated material handling solutions that drive fulfillment productivity for retailers, manufacturers and logistics providers around the world. Through a broad portfolio of automation equipment, software, service and support, Intelligrated solutions give businesses a competitive edge and optimize operational performance through increased flexibility, efficiency and accuracy.

Intelligrated designs, manufactures, integrates and installs complete material handling automation solutions including conveyor, IntelliSort®sortation, Alvey® palletizers and robotics, and automated storage and retrieval systems – all managed by advanced machine controls and software. Intelligrated Software offers warehouse execution systems, a scalable suite of software that manages the entire fulfillment process, including equipment, labor and business intelligence, integrated with voice- and light-directed picking and putting technologies.

From concept to integration to lifecycle support services, Intelligrated delivers dependable, sustained distribution and fulfillment success, and maximum return on investment. Intelligrated backs every project with 24X7 multilingual technical support and access to lifecycle service through a network of national, regional and local service centers. For more updates, follow us on Twitter @Intelligrated.

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### 回答1: kuka机器人培训学院为学习者提供了关于码垛和拆程序的培训课程。码垛是将物料或货物按照特定的方式堆放在托盘或货架上的过程,而拆则是将已经堆放好的物料或货物进行解开或取出的过程。 在码垛的课程,学习者会学习如何使用kuka机器人编写相关程序,使机器人能够根据指示自动将物料堆放到指定的位置。学习者将学习如何设置机器人的坐标系和工具坐标系,以确保机器人的准确操作。此外,学习者还会学习如何使用传感器和视觉系统来检测和定位物料,以便机器人能够正确地进行码垛操作。 在拆的课程,学习者将学习如何编写程序,使机器人能够按照特定的方式解开或取出已经堆放好的物料。学习者将学习如何设置机器人的路径规划和避障功能,以确保机器人能够准确且安全地进行拆操作。同时,学习者还会学习如何使用传感器和视觉系统来检测和定位已经堆放好的物料,以便机器人能够精确地进行拆操作。 通过kuka机器人培训学院的码垛和拆程序培训,学习者将获得实际的编程技能和操作经验,能够灵活应用于生产线或仓库等领域。同时,这些课程还将提供实际案例和实操训练,以帮助学习者更好地理解和掌握相关技术。 ### 回答2: KUKA机器人培训学院是专门培训机器人应用技术的学院,其涵盖了码垛和拆程序的培训内容。 首先,我们来讲解码垛程序。在码垛过程机器人需要根据预设的堆码规则和产品参数,将产品从输送线上取出,并按照指定的方式进行叠放。在学院的培训,学员将学习如何使用KUKA机器人的编程软件,在机器人控制柜上编写程序,以实现自动化的码垛任务。学员会了解机器人的坐标系和运动规划原理,学习如何通过编程控制机器人的关节运动、末端执行器的运动,以及各种传感器的使用和数据处理等。 其次,拆程序是指机器人将堆放在一起的物品逐个取出并重新摆放的过程。在拆过程机器人需要根据预设的规则和堆码结构,使用合适的工具将产品从堆码拿出并安全地放置在指定位置。在这部分培训,学员将学习如何分析堆码的结构和特点,了解KUKA机器人的运动学和动力学,以及如何编写适应各种拆任务的程序。 通过KUKA机器人培训学院的码垛和拆程序培训,学员将能够掌握机器人编程的基本原理和技巧,具备独立进行码垛和拆任务的能力。同时,学员还将学习到如何进行机器人的工艺优化和故障排除,提高生产线的效率和稳定性。KUKA机器人培训学院致力于培养高水平的机器人应用专业人才,提供实际操作和案例学习,培养学员的实战能力。 ### 回答3: kuka机器人培训学院为学员提供了关于码垛和拆的培训课程。在码垛程序培训,学员将学习如何使用kuka机器人将物品按照指定的规则和模式堆放起来。这需要学员了解物品的尺寸、重量、堆放方式等信息,并且编写相应的程序来实现自动化的码垛操作。 在码垛程序的培训,学员将学习如何使用kuka机器人编程语言来创建逻辑流程,以及如何使用kuka机器人的示教器来创建相应的动作序列。学员将接触到一些常见的码垛算法,例如贪心算法和遗传算法,并且学习如何根据具体情况进行选择和调整。 对于拆程序的培训,学员将学习如何使用kuka机器人将已堆放的物品进行拆。学员需要了解拆操作的规则和流程,并且使用kuka机器人的编程语言和示教器来创建相应的程序。与码垛程序类似,拆程序也需要学员选择和调整相应的算法,并且根据具体情况进行更改。 在kuka机器人培训学院的码垛和拆程序课程,学员将通过理论知识学习和实际操作训练相结合的方式来提高他们的技能水平。学员将有机会模拟真实的工作场景,并且通过解决实际问题来加深对码垛和拆程序的理解和掌握。通过这些培训,学员将掌握kuka机器人的操作和编程技术,并且为未来在相关领域的工作做好准备。




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