matlab cfardetector,Perform CFAR detection



Starting in R2016b, instead of using the step method

to perform the operation defined by the System object™, you can

call the object with arguments, as if it were a function. For example, y

= step(obj,x) and y = obj(x) perform

equivalent operations.

Y = step(H,X,cutidx) performs CFAR detection on specified elements of the

input data, X. X can either be a real-valued

M-by-1 column vector or a real-valued

M-by-N matrix. cutidx is a

length-D vector of indices specifying the input elements or cells under test

(CUT) on which to perform detection processing. When X is a vector,

cutidx specifies the element. When X is a matrix,

cutidx specifies the row of the element. The same index applies to all

columns of the matrix. Detection is performed independently along each column of

X for the indices specified in cutidx. You can

specify the input arguments as single or double precision.

The output argument Y contains detection results. The format of

Y depends on the OutputFormat property.

When OutputFormat is 'Cut result',

Y is a D-by-1 vector or a

D-by-N matrix containing logical detection results.

D is the length of cutidx and N is

the number of columns of X. The rows of Y correspond

to the rows in cutidx. For each row, Y contains

1 in a column if there is a detection in the corresponding column of

X. Otherwise, Y contains a


When OutputFormat is 'Detection report',

Y is a 1-by-L vector or a

2-by-L matrix containing detections indices. L is the

number of detections found in the input data. When X is a column vector,

Y contains the index for each detection in X. When

X is a matrix, Y contains the row and column

indices of each detection in X. Each column of Y has

the form [detrow;detcol]. When the NumDetectionsSource

property is set to 'Property', L equals the value of the

NumDetections property. If the number of actual detections is less than

this value, columns without detections are set to NaN.

The size of the first dimension of the input matrix can vary to

simulate a changing signal length. A size change can occur, for example, in the case of a pulse

waveform with variable pulse repetition frequency.

[Y,th] = step(___) also returns

the detection threshold, th, applied to detected

cells under test.

When OutputFormat is 'CUT

result', th returns the detection threshold

whenever an element of Y is 1 and NaN whenever

an element of Y is 0. th has

the same size as Y.

When OutputFormat is 'Detection

index', th returns a detection threshold

for each corresponding detection in Y. When the NumDetectionsSource property

is set to 'Property', L equals

the value of the NumDetections property. If the

number of actual detections is less than this value, columns without

detections are set to NaN.

To enable this syntax, set the ThresholdOutputPort property

to true.

[Y,noise] = step(___) also

returns the estimated noise power, noise, for

each detected cell under test in X.

When OutputFormat is 'CUT

result', noise returns a noise power

estimate when Y is 1 and NaN whenever Y is

zero. noise has the same size as Y.

When OutputFormat is 'Detection

index', noise returns a noise power

estimate for each corresponding detection in Y.

When the NumDetectionsSource property is set

to 'Property', L equals the

value of the NumDetections property. If the number

of actual detections is less than this value, columns without detections

are set to NaN.

To enable this syntax, set the NoisePowerOutputPort property

to true.

Y = step(H,X,cutidx,thfac), in addition,

specifies thfac as the threshold factor used

to calculate the detection threshold. thfac must

be a positive scalar. To enable this syntax, set the ThresholdFactor property

to 'Input port'.

You can combine optional input and output arguments when their

enabling properties are set. Optional inputs and outputs must be listed

in the same order as the order of the enabling properties. For example, [Y,TH,N]

= step(H,X,cutidx,thfac).


The object performs an initialization the first time the object is executed. This

initialization locks nontunable properties

and input specifications, such as dimensions, complexity, and data type of the input data.

If you change a nontunable property or an input specification, the System object issues an error. To change nontunable properties or inputs, you must first

call the release method to unlock the object.





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


