Example code of a simple RNN, GRU, LSTM on the MNIST dataset.
# Imports
import torch
import torchvision # torch package for vision related things
import torch.nn.functional as F # Parameterless functions, like (some) activation functions
import torchvision.datasets as datasets # Standard datasets
import torchvision.transforms as transforms # Transformations we can perform on our dataset for augmentation
from torch import optim # For optimizers like SGD, Adam, etc.
from torch import nn # All neural network modules
from import DataLoader # Gives easier dataset managment by creating mini batches etc.
from tqdm import tqdm # For a nice progress bar!
# Set device
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# Hyperparameters
input_size = 28
hidden_size = 256
num_layers = 2
num_classes = 10
sequence_length = 28
learning_rate = 0.005
batch_size = 64
num_epochs = 3
Recurrent neural network (many-to-one)
class RNN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_classes):
super(RNN, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.rnn = nn.RNN(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=True)
# N×time_seq×features
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size * sequence_length, num_classes)
def forward(self, x):
# Set initial hidden and cell states
h0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device)
# Forward propagate LSTM
out, _ = self.rnn(x, h0)
out = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1)
# Decode the hidden state of the last time step
out = self.fc(out)
return out
Recurrent neural network with GRU (many-to-one)
class RNN_GRU(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_classes):
super(RNN_GRU, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size * sequence_length, num_classes)
def forward(self, x):
# Set initial hidden and cell states
h0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device)
# Forward propagate LSTM
out, _ = self.gru(x, h0)
out = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1)
# Decode the hidden state of the last time step
out = self.fc(out)
return out
Recurrent neural network with LSTM (many-to-one)
class RNN_LSTM(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_classes):
super(RNN_LSTM, self).__init__()
self.hidden_size = hidden_size
self.num_layers = num_layers
self.lstm = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, batch_first=True)
self.fc = nn.Linear(hidden_size * sequence_length, num_classes)
def forward(self, x):
# Set initial hidden and cell states
h0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device)
c0 = torch.zeros(self.num_layers, x.size(0), self.hidden_size).to(device)
# Forward propagate LSTM
out, _ = self.lstm(
x, (h0, c0)
) # out: tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_length, hidden_size)
out = out.reshape(out.shape[0], -1)
# Decode the hidden state of the last time step
out = self.fc(out)
return out
# Load Data
train_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root="dataset/", train=True, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=True)
test_dataset = datasets.MNIST(root="dataset/", train=False, transform=transforms.ToTensor(), download=True)
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
test_loader = DataLoader(dataset=test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True)
# Initialize network (try out just using simple RNN, or GRU, and then compare with LSTM)
model = RNN_LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_classes).to(device)
# Loss and optimizer
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)
# Train Network
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for batch_idx, (data, targets) in enumerate(tqdm(train_loader)):
# Get data to cuda if possible
data =
targets =
# forward
scores = model(data)
loss = criterion(scores, targets)
# backward
# gradient descent update step/adam step
# Check accuracy on training & test to see how good our model
def check_accuracy(loader, model):
num_correct = 0
num_samples = 0
# Set model to eval
with torch.no_grad():
for x, y in loader:
x =
y =
scores = model(x)
_, predictions = scores.max(1)
num_correct += (predictions == y).sum()
num_samples += predictions.size(0)
# Toggle model back to train
return num_correct / num_samples
print(f"Accuracy on training set: {check_accuracy(train_loader, model)*100:2f}")
print(f"Accuracy on test set: {check_accuracy(test_loader, model)*100:.2f}")