Analyzing data

EME solver analysis

setemeanalysis - Script command


Sets calculation parameters in MODE' EME analysis window.

?setemeanalysis;Lists all the parameters in the EME analysis window.
setemeanalysis("property", value);Sets the parameter named "property" to value.


This code will display the properties that can be set, and set the group spans column in the EME analysis window's EME setup section.

# display properties that can be set using setemeanalysis command

# set group spans property to 1 micron (for 3 cell groups)
setemeanalysis("group spans",[1e-6;1e-6;1e-6]);

This code will set up, run and collect the user s-matrix result from the propagation sweep tool in Analysis mode.

# set propagation sweep settings
setemeanalysis("propagation sweep",1);
setemeanalysis("parameter","group span 2");
setemeanalysis("number of points",10);

# run propagation sweep tool

# get propagation sweep result
S = getemesweep('S');

This code will set up, run and export the user s-matrix result from the wavelength sweep tool in Analysis mode to a file named "s_param".

# set wavelength sweep settings
setemeanalysis("wavelength sweep", 1);
setemeanalysis("start wavelength", 1.5e-6);
setemeanalysis("stop wavelength", 1.6e-6);
setemeanalysis("number of wavelength points", 31);
setemeanalysis("calculate group delays", 1);

# run wavelength sweep tool
emesweep("wavelength sweep");

# export the wavelength sweep result

getemeanalysis - Script command


Gets calculation parameters in MODE' EME analysis window.




Lists all the parameters in the analysis window.


Gets the value of the calculation parameter named "property" in EME solver analysis window.


This code will display the values of the "group spans" parameters from the EME setup section of the EME analysis window.

# display the values of the group spans
?getemeanalysis("group spans");


emesweep - Script command


When in Analysis mode using EME solver, runs either propagation sweep tool which sweeps the length of a cell group span or mode convergence sweep tool which sweeps the number of modes. .




emesweep("propagation sweep");

Run propagation sweep.

emesweep("wavelength sweep");

Run wavelength sweep.

emesweep("mode convergence sweep");

Run mode convergence sweep.


This code will set up, run and collect the user s-matrix result from the propagation sweep tool in Analysis mode. The result from the propagation sweep is packaged in a dataset called "S".

# set propagation sweep settings
setemeanalysis("propagation sweep",1);
setemeanalysis("parameter","group span 2");
setemeanalysis("number of points",10);


S = getemesweep('S');

# plot S21 vs group span
s21 = S.s21;
group_span = S.group_span_2;

This code will set up, run and collect the user s-matrix result from the mode convergence sweep tool in Analysis mode. The result from the mode convergence sweep is packaged in a dataset called "S_mode_convergence_sweep".

# set mode convergence sweep settings
start_mode = 4; #set smaller number of modes for convergence test
mode_interval = 1; #set mode interval for convergence test
setnamed("EME","number of modes for all cell groups",25); 
setemeanalysis("mode convergence sweep", 1);
setemeanalysis("start mode", start_mode);
setemeanalysis("mode interval", mode_interval);

# run mode convergence sweep tool
emesweep("mode convergence sweep");

# get mode convergence sweep result
S = getemesweep("S_mode_convergence_sweep");

# plot S21 vs number of modes
s21 = S.s21;
modes = S.modes;
plot(modes, abs(s21)^2);

emepropagate - Script command


Propagates fields for EME profile monitor and calculates s-matrix and user s-matrix results, as well as any error diagnostic results when in Analysis mode using EME solver. This is equivalent to clicking the "eme propagate" button.




Propagate fields and s-matrix results. This is equivalent to the "eme propagate" button in the graphical user interface.


This code will set up the group spans column in the EME analysis window then propagate using the EME solver.

# set group spans to 1 micron
setemeanalysis("group spans",[1e-6;1e-6;1e-6]);

# propagate eme


getemesweep - Script command


Gets the user s-matrix result from a propagation sweep, mode convergence sweep, or perturbative wavelength sweep.




Gets the user s-matrix result from an EME propagation sweep named "S".


Gets the user s-matrix result from an EME mode convergence sweep named "S_mode_convergence_sweep".


Gets the user s-matrix result from an EME wavelength convergence sweep named "S_wavelength_sweep".


This code will set up, run and collect the user s-matrix result from the propagation sweep tool in Analysis mode. The result from the propagation sweep is packaged in a dataset called "S".

# set propagation sweep settings
setemeanalysis("propagation sweep",1);
setemeanalysis("parameter","group span 2");
setemeanalysis("number of points",10);

# run propagation sweep tool

# get propagation sweep result
S = getemesweep('S');

# plot S21 vs group span
s21 = S.s21;
group_span = S.group_span_2;

This code will set up, run and collect the user s-matrix result from the mode convergence sweep tool in Analysis mode. The result from the mode convergence sweep is packaged in a dataset called "S_mode_convergence_sweep".

# set mode convergence sweep settings
start_mode = 4; #set smaller number of modes for convergence test
mode_interval = 1; #set mode interval for convergence test
setnamed("EME","number of modes for all cell groups",25); 
setemeanalysis("mode convergence sweep", 1);
setemeanalysis("start mode", start_mode);
setemeanalysis("mode interval", mode_interval);

# run mode convergence sweep tool
emesweep("mode convergence sweep");

# get mode convergence sweep result
S_mode = getemesweep("S_mode_convergence_sweep");

# plot S21 vs number of modes
s21 = S_mode.s21;
modes = S_mode.modes;
plot(modes, abs(s21)^2);

This code will set up, run and collect the user s-matrix result from the perturbative wavelength convergence sweep tool in Analysis mode. The result from the wavelength convergence sweep is packaged in a dataset called "S_wavelength_sweep".

# set wavelength convergence sweep settings
start_lam = 1.5e-6; #set start wavelength [m]
end_lam = = 1.6e-6; #set end wavelength [m]
lam_res = 100; #set wavelength for convergence test
setnamed("EME","number of modes for all cell groups",25); 
setemeanalysis("wavelength sweep",1);
setemeanalysis("start wavelength",start_lam); 
setemeanalysis("stop wavelength",end_lam);
setemeanalysis("number of wavelength points",lam_res);

 # run wavelength convergence sweep tool
emesweep("wavelength sweep");

 # get mode convergence sweep result
S_lambda = getemesweep("S_wavelength_sweep");

# plot S21 vs number of wavelength
s21 = S_lambda.s21;
lambda = S_lambda.wavelength;
plot(lambda, abs(s21)^2);

exportemesweep - Script command


Exports the EME analysis wavelength sweep result to a file that can load to INTERCONNECT.

exportemesweep("filename", "format");Exports the EME analysis wavelength sweep result to a file that can load to INTERCONNECT with the name "filename". The "format" can be either "lumerical" or "touchstone" formats, and if not specified the "lumerical" format will be used. The "touchstone" format will be format v1.1. 

Note that Touchstone format v1.1 doesn't handle different modes, so the number of "ports" is really the number of effective ports (port/mode combinations).


This code will export the EME wavelength sweep result to the file "s_param".

exportemesweep("s_param", "touchstone");

 FDE solver analysis

setanalysis - Script command


Sets calculation parameters in MODE' FDE and FEEM analysis window.




Lists all the parameters in the analysis window.

setanalysis("property", value);

Sets"property" to value.


To perform a frequency sweep on the first mode and plot the dispersion:


setanalysis("track selected mode",1);
setanalysis("detailed dispersion calculation",1);


plot(c/f*1e6,D*1e6,"Wavelength (um)", "Dispersion (ps/nm/km)");


getanalysis - Script command


Lists the parameters used in MODE' FDE and Finite Element IDE analysis window.




Lists all the parameters in the analysis window.


Returns the current value for the particular property on the analysis window

analysis - Script command


Opens the MODE analysis window corresponding to the active solver (FDE or EME).




Opens the analysis window corresponding to the active solver.


mesh - Script command


Produces a mesh of the current structure that is required to perform a subsequent calculation. In MODE, it produces a d-card called "material" which contains the material properties of the meshed object.

This is equivalent to pressing the "mesh structure" button in the graphical user interface of MODE, or "Mesh" button in Finite Element IDE.




Mesh the current simulation in FDE, DGTD, or FEEM. In MODE, it can be used only with FDE solver. In Finite Element IDE, it meshes the simulation that is present (DGTD or FEEM)


Mesh the current simulation in the desired solver defined by the argument "solver_name".  Argument name is supported only in Finite Element IDE, and the options are "DGTD" and "FEEM".

findmodes - Script command


Calculates the modes supported by the structure using the current calculation settings. This function is the script equivalent to the "Calculate Modes" button. Each mode will be saved as a D-CARD named "modeX", where X is the xth mode found. The D-CARD saves data such as effective index and mode profile.




n will be equal to the number of modes found.


To perform a frequency sweep on the first mode and plot the dispersion:


setanalysis("track selected mode",1);
setanalysis("detailed dispersion calculation",1);


plot(c/f*1e6,D*1e6,"Wavelength (um)", "Dispersion (ps/nm/km)");


nummodes - Script command


Returns the number of eigenmodes found in the FDE solver mode list.




n will be equal to the number of modes found.

selectmode - Script command


Selects a mode from the mode list. All modes found in a simulation are numbered based on their effective index and they are displayed in the mode list in the Eigensolver analysis window.




Select the Nth mode from the mode list.


Select the Nth mode from a scalar matrix argument.


Selects the desired mode where name is a string containing the name of a mode. Modes are named mode1, mode2, ..modeN. This form of the command is compatible with the  bestoverlap  function.


Both these commands select the third mode in the list:


Selects the 3rd, 5th, and 6th modes.


Selects the modes 2 through 5, and 8.


This command selects the mode that has the best overlap with the D-card named "reference"



frequencysweep - Script command


Performs a frequency sweep using the current settings within the frequency analysis tab. Produces a D-CARD called "frequencysweep" that contains dispersion, effective index, and other data for as a function of frequency.




Perform a frequency sweep with the current settings.

This function does not return any data.


To perform a frequency sweep on the first mode and plot the dispersion:


setanalysis("track selected mode",1);
setanalysis("detailed dispersion calculation",1);


plot(c/f*1e6,D*1e6,"Wavelength (um)", "Dispersion (ps/nm/km)");

coupling - Script command


Returns the complex coupling coefficient between two modes. The power coupling can be calculated with the overlap function, or by the following formula.

Power_Coupling = | coupling | 2

Reference: Allan W. Snyder and John D. Love, Optical Waveguide Theory. Chapman & Hall, London, England, 1983.

See the overlap function for more details about overlap and coupling calculations.

Note: coupling command is deprecated, consider using  expand 



out = coupling(mode2, mode1);

  • mode2, mode1: the mode names
  • out: the coupling coefficient

out = coupling(mode2, mode1, x, y);

Mode alignment can be adjusted before coupling is calculated.

  • x offset
  • y offset


This example shows how to use the overlap command to calculate the overlap and power coupling between two modes.


out = overlap("test_mode1","test_mode2");

?out(1);  # overlap
?out(2);  # power coupling
?coupling("test_mode1","test_mode2"); # the complex coupling coefficient
?abs(coupling("test_mode1","test_mode2"))^2; # same as out(2), the power coupling


overlap - Script command


Returns the overlap and power coupling between two modes calculated by the FDE solver or recorded by frequency monitors from a varFDTD simulation. In FDTD, it calculates the overlap and power coupling between the field profiles (modes) recorded by two frequency monitors.

Overlap measures the fraction of electromagnetic fields that overlap between the two field profiles (modes). This is also the fraction of power from mode2 that can propagate in mode1 (for both forward and backward propagating fields). The absolute value of the entire formula is to ensure it is positive.

 overlap =∣∣ ∣∣Re[(∫E1×H∗2⋅dS)(∫E2×H∗1⋅dS)∫E1×H∗1⋅dS]1Re(∫E2×H∗2⋅dS)∣∣ ∣∣




out = overlap(mode2, mode1);

  • mode2, mode1: the mode names (in FDTD, use the names of the frequency monitors, "m1" and "m2" instead)
  • out(1): the mode overlap
  • out(2): the mode power coupling

out = overlap(mode2, mode1, x, y,z);

Mode alignment can be adjusted before overlap is calculated.

  • x offset
  • y offset
  • z offset

The offset is applied to the second mode listed.


This example shows how to use the overlap command to calculate the overlap and power coupling between two modes.

out = overlap("test_mode1","test_mode2");
?out(1);  # overlap
?out(2);  # power coupling

bestoverlap - Script command


Finds the mode with highest (best) overlap between the specified D-CARD and the currently calculated modes in the mode list. Returns the name of the mode with the best overlap. This function is used for tracking the desired mode during parameter sweeps using the FDE solver.

See the  overlap  function for more details about overlap and coupling calculations.



out = bestoverlap("test_mode");

Calculates the best overlap.

  • out: a string containing the name of the mode with the best overlap
  • test_mode: a string containing the name of a D-CARD mode


This example will calculate which of the current modes have the best overlap with the D-CARD named "test_mode". The effective index of the best mode is then returned.

mode_name = bestoverlap("test_mode");
neff = getdata(mode_name,"neff");


bestoverlap2 - Script command


This function is similar to  bestoverlap  but it uses  expand2  to get the necessary parameters, which can be useful when an evanescent mode is involved.



out = bestoverlap2("test_mode");

Calculates the best overlap.

  • out: a string containing the name of the mode with the best overlap
  • test_mode: a string containing the name of a D-CARD mode

out = bestoverlap2("test_mode", x,y,z);

Calculates the best overlap.

  • out: a string containing the name of the mode with the best overlap
  • test_mode: a string containing the name of a D-CARD mode

Mode alignment can be adjusted before best overlap is calculated.

  • x offset
  • y offset
  • z offset

The offset is applied to the test_mode.


This example will calculate which of the current modes have the best overlap with the D-CARD named "test_mode". The effective index of the best mode is then returned.

mode_name = bestoverlap2("test_mode");
neff = getdata(mode_name,"neff");

propagate - Script command


Calculates the resulting mode profile of an arbitrary mode after it has propagated through a waveguide for some distance. This is done by decomposing the mode into modes supported by the waveguide. Each supported mode is then propagated through the waveguide. The resulting modes are then added coherently to give the final mode profile. The modes used in this calculation are obtained from one or more FDE simulations.

See the  overlap  function for more details about overlap and coupling calculations.

Syntax Description

out = propagate(mode, d, n1, n2);

  • mode: the name of the monitor containing the mode to propagate
  • d: distance to propagate
  • n1: minimum index
  • n2: maximum index
  • out: the name of the resulting dataset created by the propagate command

out = propagate(mode, d, n1, n2, x, y);

Mode alignment can be adjusted before propagate is calculated.

  • x offset
  • y offset


This example is adapted from the polarization_rotator.lsf from  polarization rotation. You can download waveguideA.lms and waveguideB.lms from the  polarization rotation page.

The following script takes the first mode on the mode list from waveguide A and propagates this mode in waveguide B a distance of L_rotation. It generates a plot of |E|^2 for the mode from waveguide A and the mode after propagation in waveguide B.

# find the indices of the top 2 modes of waveguide B
n1 = getdata("mode1","neff");
n2 = getdata("mode2","neff");
lambda_0 = c/getdata("mode1","f");

# estimate the propagation length required to rotate polarization
L_rotation = lambda_0/2/real(n1-n2);

# propagate by L_rotation
mode_L = propagate("TE_A",L_rotation,n1,n2);


?getdata(mode_L); # to see a list of the available data
f x y z num_modes Ex Ey Ez Hx
Hy Hz accounted_transmission accounted_reflection 


optimizeposition - Script command


The optimizeposition command calculates the x shift, y shift, and z shift resulting in maximum overlap between the specified mode and d-card when using the FDE solver.

The x shift, y shift, and z shift correspond to the offset in the d-card profile in x, y, and z.

This function also populates the overlap and power coupling as well as the x shift, y shift, and z shift positions in the Overlap analysis tab of the Eigensolver Analysis window, similarly to when you click on the "Optimize position" button in the GUI.

See the  overlap  function for more details about overlap and coupling calculations.



out = optimizeposition(mode number, d-card number);

  • mode number: the mode number in the mode list
  • d-card number: the number of the d-card in the deck

Note that the "shift d-card center" option must be selected in order to use this function.


This example shows how to use the optimizeposition command to calculate the x shift, y shift, and z shift between a specified mode and d-card resulting in maximum overlap, print out the shift values and the optimal overlap and power coupling with the applied shift.

setanalysis("shift d-card center",1);
shift = optimizeposition(4,1); # find x, y, z shift resulting in optimal overlap between
                               # the 4th mode in the mode list and the 1st mode in the deck

?"x shift:"+num2str(shift(1));
?"y shift:"+num2str(shift(2));
?"z shift:"+num2str(shift(3));

out = overlap("mode4","global_mode1",shift(1),shift(2),shift(3));
?"maximum overlap:"+num2str(out(1));
?"maximum power coupling:"+num2str(out(2));

FDTD measurements 

transmission - Script command


Returns the amount of power transmitted through power monitors and profile monitors, normalized to the source power.  A value of 0.3 means that 30% the optical power injected by the source passed through the monitor. Negative values mean the power is flowing in the negative direction.

The frequency domain power transmission is calculated with the following formula.

T(f)=12∫monitorRe(P(f))⋅dS sourcepower(f)




is the normalized transmission as a function of frequency


is the Poynting vector


is the surface normal

The normalization state (cwnorm or nonorm) does not affect the result because of the source power normalization.



out = transmission("mname");

Transmission through monitor mname. It must be obvious from the shape of the monitor which axis is normal to the monitor surface.

out = transmission("mname", option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.


This example shows how to plot the power transmission through a monitor.

m="x2";    # monitor name


transmission_avg - Script command


Returns the total spectral average power through a monitor surface, normalized to the total spectral average of the source. See the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.




is the normalized total spectral average transmission


is the total spectral average Poynting vector


is the surface normal

The normalization state (cwnorm or nonorm) does not affect the result because of the source power normalization.



out = transmission_avg ("monitorname");

Returns the total spectral average transmission through monitorname. It must be obvious from the shape of the monitor which axis is normal to the monitor surface.

out = transmission_avg ("monitorname", option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.


Please refer to transmission and Spectral averaging - Usage


transmission_pavg - Script command


Returns the partial spectral average power through a monitor surface, normalized to the partial spectral average of the source. See the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.



Tpavg is the normalized partial spectral average transmission

is the partial spectral average Poynting vector

dS is the surface normal

The normalization state (cwnorm or nonorm) does not affect the result because of the source power normalization.



out = transmission_pavg ("monitorname");

Returns the partial spectral average transmission through monitorname. It must be obvious from the shape of the monitor which axis is normal to the monitor surface.

out = transmission_pavg ("monitorname", option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.


Please refer to transmission and Spectral averaging - Usage

getsourceangle - Script command


Returns the source angle theta as a function of frequency. Broadband sources inject fields that have a constant in-plane wavevector at all frequencies. This implies injection angle must change as a function of frequency. The in-plane wavevector is chosen such that the incidence angle at the center frequency of the simulation (fsim

) will match the source angle theta (θsim

) specified in the source properties. Higher frequencies will be injected at smaller angles, while lower frequencies will be injected at larger angles. This 'theta vs wavelength' plot in the beam source edit window shows the same function.




theta = getsourceangle( "sourcename", f);

Returns the source angle theta (degrees) as a function of frequency. f is a vector of frequencies (Hz).


This example shows how to get the source injection angle as a function of frequency. The source frequency range is 300-600THz, and the nominal source angle theta is 10 degrees.



 FDTD normalization

nonorm - Script command


Does not normalize the data to the source power. The actual field intensities will be used in all calculations. This function controls the checkbox located in Settings - Normalization state. Note, this command works in both the Layout and Analysis mode.




Use no normalization.

This function does not return any data.


This example shows how to switch to the nonorm state.



cwnorm - Script command


Uses CW normalization. All simulation data will be normalized to the injected source power. Most users prefer to do their analysis in the CW normalization state, since it removes any effect caused by the finite pulse length of the source. It also converts the units of all electromagnetic fields to be the same as in the time domain. Note, this command works in both the Layout and Analysis mode.

This function controls the checkbox located in Settings - Normalization state.




Use CW normalization. Uses the first active source in the Object tree;

This function does not return any data.


norm_option: 1 (first source), 2 (average of all sources)


This example shows how to switch to the cwnorm state.

cwnorm; # normalized to the first active source

cwnorm(1); # normalized to the first active source
cwnorm(2); # normalized to the average of all the sources

sourcenorm - Script command


Returns the source normalization spectrum used to normalize data in the cwnorm state for standard fourier transform quantities. See the Units and normalization page for more information. 



out = sourcenorm(f);

Returns the source normalization spectrum used to normalize data in the cwnorm state at the vector of frequency points f. (f is the frequency in Hz)

If the normalization state is set to 'CWNorm (average)':


  • sj(t): the time signal of the jth active source in the object tree
  • N is the number of active sources then

If the normalization state is set to 'CWNorm (first)':



out = sourcenorm(f, name);

When you enter an additional argument for the source name, it uses the specific source of your choice, rather than the first source or the average of all the sources in the object tree.


This example shows how to reproduce the source spectrum figures shown in the Frequency/Wavelength tab of the source property window.

lambda1 = 0.4e-6; # start wavelength
lambda2 = 0.7e-6; # end wavelength

# get the source spectrum

# get the source time domain signal
time = getdata("source","time");
time_signal = getdata("source","time_signal");

plot(c/f*1e6,spectrum, "wavelength (um)","spectrum vs wavelength");
plot(f/1e12,spectrum, "frequency (THz)","spectrum vs frequency");
plot(time*1e15,time_signal,"time (fs)","amplitude","Source time signal"); 


sourcenorm2_avg - Script command


Returns the source normalization spectrum used to normalize data in the cwnorm state for the total spectral averaged quantities. See the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.

The script function sourcenorm is defined as


If sourcenorm2_avg is called without any arguments, it returns




out = sourcenorm2_avg;

This function returns the source normalization for total spectral averaged quantities.

out = sourcenorm2_avg( "sourcename");

This function makes it possible to perform the normalization using the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all the sources.


Please refer to sourcenorm and Spectral averaging - Usage


sourcenorm2_pavg - Script command


Returns the source normalization spectrum used to normalize data in the cwnorm state for the partial spectral averaged quantities. See the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.

If the source time signal of the jth source in the simulation is sj(t), and N is the number of active sources then


Partial spectral averaging uses a Lorentzian weighting of the following form. Delta is the FWHM of |h|2.


If this function is called without any arguments, it returns




out = sourcenorm2_pavg( f, delta);

This function returns the source normalization for partial spectral averaged quantities.

out = sourcenorm2_pavg( f, delta, "sourcename");

This function makes it possible to perform the normalization using the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all the sources.


Please refer to sourcenorm and Spectral averaging - Usage

dipolepower - Script command


Returns the power injected into the simulation region by a dipole source. In 3D simulations, the units will be in Watts if cwnorm is used, and Watts/Hertz2 if nonorm is used.

The dipolepower script command returns the power that was injected into the simulation region, and is equivalent to measuring the power transmitted out of a small box surrounding the dipole. In contrast, sourcepower will return the power that the dipole would radiate in a homogeneous material. dipolepower and sourcepower are equivalent for dipoles in a homogeneous medium.

Advanced notes:

  • If the dipole is located within a dispersive medium (with a non-zero imaginary part of the refractive index), then the results of this function are not reliable. In such situations, using a box of monitors around the dipole is recommended.
  • Numerical errors in this calculation may become noticeable when very small simulation mesh sizes are used. If the mesh step is the order of, or smaller than, λ/1000, verifying the dipolepower results by measuring the radiated power with a small box of monitors surrounding the dipole is recommended.

Please visit the Support Center for more assistance if you are using a dipole in a dispersive medium.



out = dipolepower(f);

Returns the amount of power radiated by the dipole source, at frequency points f. (f in Hz)

out = dipolepower(f, name);

This option allows you to obtain the power radiated by a single dipole, rather than the sum of all dipoles. This option is only needed for simulations with multiple dipoles.


See the Dipoles - Radiated Power page and the Fluorescence enhancement application example.


sourcepower - Script command


Returns the power injected into the simulation by the source.

Dipole sources

The sourcepower script function returns the power the dipole source would radiate in a homogeneous medium. This quantity can be calculated analytically (see  Dipole source). The actual radiated power is not given by the sourcepower function. The actual radiated power is highly dependant on the surrounding materials since the reflections from the structures will interfere with the fields from the dipole, changing the actual radiated power. To get the actual radiated power, see the  dipolepower  script function.

Other sources (Gaussian, plane wave, mode, etc)

The sourcepower is determined from the equation below. Note that P(f)Source

is the Poynting vector determined from the E, H fields injected by the source. The integral is evaluated over the injection plane of the source.

source powerno_norm(f)=12∫Re(P(f)Source)⋅dS

source powercw_norm(f)=12∫Re(P(f)Source)⋅dS|sourcenorm|2

As stated above, sourcepower gives the amount of power injected into the simulation. The only exception is if the simulation is set up such that there is radiation that travels through the injection plane of the source in the source injection direction (pink arrow). In such cases, the actual amount of power injected by the source will not be given by sourcepower . In this situation, the incident radiation interferes with the source, changing the amount of injected power (similar to what happens for the dipole source). In most cases, this means your simulation is not set up properly.

Notes: Multiple sources and CW normalization

In the case of multiple sources, the sourcepower(f) command will return the sum of all sourcepowers from all sources. Since the value of the sourcenorm depend on the choice of cwnorm option, the calculated sourcepower will also be affected by it.



out = sourcepower(f);

Returns the source power used to normalize transmission calculations at the vector of frequency points f (frequency in Hz). The unit of the source power is Watts if CW norm is used, and Watts/Hertz 2 if no norm is used.

out = sourcepower(f, option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersects such a boundary at x min, y min, or z min. The default value of the option is 2.

out = sourcepower(f, option, name);

This option allows you to obtain the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all sources. This option is only needed for simulations with multiple sources.


This example shows how to calculate the power injected by a source as a function of frequency.

sp=sourcepower(f); # power in Watts, assuming CW norm is on.

This example shows how to use the transmission and sourcepower functions to calculate the power injected by a plane wave source.

# simulation region
set("x span",1e-6); set("y span",1e-6); set("z span",1e-6);
set("x min bc","periodic"); set("y min bc","periodic");
# plane wave source
set("x span",2e-6); set("y span",2e-6);
set("center wavelength",500e-9);
set("wavelength span",0);
# power monitor
set("x span",2e-6); set("y span",2e-6);
# run simulation 
# get results 
f=getdata(m,"f");     # get frequency vector
T=transmission(m);     # get power transmission (fraction of source power)
sp=sourcepower(f);     # get power injected by source (Watts)
# output results
?"Transmitted power (fraction of source power): " +num2str(T);
?"Transmitted power (Watts): " +num2str(T*sp);
?"Source power (Watts): "+num2str(sp);
> Transmitted power (fraction of source power): 0.999986
> Transmitted power (Watts): 1.26203e-015
> Source power (Watts): 1.26204e-015


sourcepower_avg - Script command


Returns the total spectral average power injected into the simulation by the source. See the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.

This script function calculates the following quantities, depending on whether the normalization state is cwnorm or nonorm:



where sourcepower is the quantity returned by the sourcepower script function, s(w) is returned by sourcenorm, and ω=2πf. Typically, this function should be used in the cwnorm state. Also see the sourcenorm2_pavg script function.



out = sourcepower_avg;

Returns the spectrally averaged source power as defined above.

out = sourcepower_avg(option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.

out = sourcepower_avg(option, "sourcename");

This option allows you to obtain the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all sources. This option is only needed for simulations with multiple sources.


Please refer to sourcepower and Spectral averaging - Usage


sourcepower_pavg - Script command


Returns the partial spectral average power injected into the simulation by the source. See the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.

Partial spectral averaging uses a Lorentzian weighting of the form


This script function calculates the following quantities, depending on whether the normalization state is cwnorm or nonorm:

sourcepower−pavgnonorm(f)=∫+∞−∞∣∣h(ω,ω′)∣∣2 sourcepowernonorm(ω)dω

sourcepower−pavgcwnorm(f)=∫+∞0|h(ω,ω′)|2|s(ω)|2 sourcepowercwnorm(ω′)dω′∫+∞0|h(ω,ω′)|2|s(ω)′|2dω′

where sourcepower is the quantity returned by the sourcepower script function, s(w) is returned by sourcenorm, and ω=2πf. Typically, this function should be used in the cwnorm state. Also see the sourcenorm2_pavg script function.



out = sourcepower_pavg(f,df);

Returns the spectrally averaged source power as defined above. The quantity f is the frequency and the quantity df is the frequency range around which the averaging is performed, both in Hz.

out = sourcepower_pavg(f, df,option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.

out = sourcepower_pavg(f,df, option, "sourcename");

This option allows you to obtain the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all sources. This option is only needed for simulations with multiple sources.


Please refer to sourcepower and Spectral averaging - Usage

sourceintensity - Script command


Returns the source power divided by the area of the source. In 3D simulations, the units will be in Watts/m 2 if CW norm is used, and Watts/m 2 /Hertz 2 if No norm is used. This function is often used when normalizing power measurements from simulations with a TFSF source.

In the case of multiple sources, the sourceintensity(f) command will return the sum of all sourceintensity from all sources.



out = sourceintensity(f);

Returns the source intensity at the vector of frequency points f (f is the frequency in Hz).

out = sourceintensity(f, option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.

out = sourceintensity(f, option, name);

This function makes it possible to perform the normalization using the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all the sources.


This example shows how to use the transmission , sourcepower and sourceintensity functions to measure the power injected by a TFSF source. Notice that the monitor is 1/4 the area of the source.

newproject;          # create new simulation
addfdtd;         # add simulation region
set("mesh accuracy",4);
set("x span",2.5e-6);
set("y span",2.5e-6);
set("z span",2.5e-6);
addtfsf;         # add source
set("x span",2e-6);
set("y span",2e-6);
set("z span",2e-6);
set("wavelength span",0);
addpower;         # add monitor (1/4 area of source)
set("x span",1e-6);
set("y span",1e-6);
run;            # run simulation
f=getdata(m,"f");     # get frequency vector
T=transmission(m);     # get power transmission (fraction of source power)
sp=sourcepower(f);     # get power injected by source (Watts)
I=sourceintensity(f);   # get source intensity (Watts/m^2)
area = getdata("source","area"); # get source area (it's not exactly 2um^2 due to finite sized mesh)
# output results
?"Transmitted power (fraction of source power): " +num2str(T);
?"Transmitted power (Watts): " +num2str(T*sp);
?"Source power (Watts): "+num2str(sp);
?"Source intensity (Watts/um^2): " + num2str(I*1e-12);
?"Ensure Intensity*Area=Power: " + num2str(I*area/sp);
> Transmitted power (fraction of source power): 0.235078
> Transmitted power (Watts): 1.24415e-015
> Source power (Watts): 5.2925e-015
> Source intensity (Watts/um^2): 1.30714e-015
> Ensure Intensity*Area=Power: 1


sourceintensity_avg - Script command


Returns the total spectral average intensity injected into the simulation by the source. The average intensity is equal to the average power divided by the source area. See the sourcepower_pavg command and the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.



out = sourceintensity_avg;

Returns the spectrally averaged source intensity as defined above.

out = sourceintensity_avg(option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.

out = sourceintensity_avg(option, "sourcename");

This function makes it possible to perform the normalization using the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all the sources.


Please refer to sourceintensity and Spectral averaging - Usage

sourceintensity_pavg - Script command


Returns the partial spectral average intensity injected into the simulation by the source. The partial average intensity is equal to the partial average power divided by the source area. See the sourcepower_pavg command and the Units and normalization - Spectral averaging section for more information.



out = sourceintensity_pavg (f,df);

Returns the spectrally averaged source power as defined above. The quantity f is the frequency and the quantity df is the frequency range around which the averaging is performed, both in Hz.

out = sourceintensity_pavg(f,df, option);

The additional argument, option, can have a value of 1 or 2. If it is 2, the data is unfolded where possible according to the symmetry or anti-symmetric boundaries if it comes from a monitor that intersect such a boundary at x min, y min or z min. The default value of option is 2.

out = sourceintensity_pavg(f,df, option, "sourcename");

This function makes it possible to perform the normalization using the spectrum of one source, rather than the sum of all the sources.


Please refer to sourceintensity and Spectral averaging - Usage

 FEEM & DGTD measurements



Returns the mode expansion coefficients with respect to two FEEM solver results, or a FEEM solver result and a DGTD 2D frequency monitor result. The script command expects two structs according to the modeoverlap input.



out = modeexpansion(struct1, struct2);

  • struct1: struct name of the struct containing the fields E1 and H1 according to expand/ expand2
  • struct2: struct name of the struct containing the fields E2 and H2 according to expand/ expand2
  • out: mode expansion coefficients a, b, N, P as a struct (cf. expand,expand2)

out = modeexpansion(struct1, struct2, conjugated);

  • The optional bool argument is set to be true by default (cf. expand). If false, the unconjugated fields are used to calculate the mode expansion (cf. expand2).


Using the two structs given in modeoverlap one can calculate the mode expansion coefficients as follows:

?modeexpansion(feem_struct, dgtd_struct);
?modeexpansion(feem_struct, dgtd_struct, false);

Note that bent waveguide FEEM calculations are not supported by this feature.




Returns the overlap between the respective mode profiles (modes) of two FEEM calculations, if given two FEEM solver result structs. The command result is a matrix where each row corresponds to a mode in the struct with the highest polynomial order or highest number of elements, and each column corresponds to a mode in the other struct. If the polynomial order and number of elements are identical in both FEEM calculation, each row corresponds to a mode in the first struct, whereas each column corresponds to the second struct. Note that the FEEM simulation regions must have the same orientation.

Returns the overlap between all modes found in a FEEM calculation and the Fourier-transformed (frequency-domain) field of a DGTD calculation for all frequencies, if given two structs containing a FEEM solver result and a DGTD frequency monitor result, respectively. The command result is a matrix where each row corresponds to a mode in the FEEM struct and each column corresponds to a frequency in the DGTD struct, independent of the order of the input. Note that the FEEM simulation region and the DGTD frequency monitor must have the same orientation apart from the sign.

To construct the input structs, the FEEM solver results of rawFeemFields, rawFeemMesh, and modeproperties are required for a FEEM/FEEM mode overlap. To calculate a FEEM/DGTD mode overlap the frequency monitor results rawDgtdFields and rawDgtdMesh are required in addition. Furthermore, the FEEM simulation region orientation needs to be specified as a vector. The same applies to the DGTD monitor orientation, if in use.



out = modeoverlap(struct1, struct2);

  • struct1: struct name of the struct containing the fields E1 and H1 according to overlap
  • struct2: struct name of the struct containing the fields E2 and H2 according to overlap
  • out: mode overlap matrix

out = modeoverlap(struct1, struct2, conjugated);

  • The optional bool argument is set to be true by default. If false, the unconjugated fields are used to calculate the overlap.


The following example shows how to construct the input structs:

feem_struct = {
    "E": rawFeemFields.E,
    "H": rawFeemFields.H,
    "order": rawFeemMesh.order,
    "connectivity": rawFeemMesh.connectivity,
    "vertices": rawFeemMesh.vertices,
    "normal vector": [0,0,1]
    "DoFt": rawFeemFields.DoFt,
    “DoFz": rawFeemFields.DoFz,
    “kz": modeproperties.DoFz,

dgtd_struct = {
    "E": rawDgtdFields.E,
    "H": rawDgtdFields.H,
    "order": rawDgtdMesh.order,
    "connectivity": rawDgtdMesh.connectivity,
    "vertices": rawDgtdMesh.vertices,
    "normalvector": [0,0,1]

Using the two structs from above, one can calculate the overlap between the FEEM mode profiles and the frequency-domain DGTD fields:

?modeoverlap(feem_struct, dgtd_struct);
?modeoverlap(feem_struct, dgtd_struct, false);

DGTD Raw Fields/Mesh Data

For a given DGTD calculation the 2D frequency monitor now records the raw Fourier-transformed i.e., frequency domain fields rawDgtdFields as well as the raw mesh data rawDgtdMesh.






Electric field

1.      number of components

2.      number of frequencies

3.      number of elements

4.      number of DG nodes

Internal electric field unit


Magnetic field

1.      number of components

2.      number of frequencies

3.      number of elements

4.      number of DG nodes

Internal magnetic field unit






Mesh vertices of the 2D elements lying on the 2D frequency monitor

1.      number of vertices on the 2D mesh

2.      Simulation domain dimension

Internal length unit


Map connecting each 2D element to its respective vertices, which are marked by their row number in the rawDgtdMesh.vertices

data set

1.      number of 2D elements

2.      number of vertices per 2D DG element i.e. 3


FEEM Raw Fields/Mesh Data

For a given FEEM calculation raw i.e., unprocessed mode data rawFeemFields as well as the raw mesh data rawDgtdMesh is now recorded






Electric field

1.      number of components

2.      number of modes

3.      number of elements

4.      number of barycentric FEEM points

Internal electric field unit


Magnetic field

1.      number of components

2.      number of modes

3.      number of elements

4.      number of barycentric FEEM points

Internal magnetic field unit






Mesh vertices of the 2D elements lying on the 2D frequency monitor

1.      number of vertices on the 2D mesh

2.      Simulation domain dimension i.e., 2

Internal length unit


Map connecting each 2D element to its respective vertices, which are marked by their row number in the rawDgtdMesh.vertices

data set

1.      number of 2D elements

2.      number of vertices per 2D FEEM element i.e., 3



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