Weighted Interval Scheduling

The Problem

  • We have n n n requests labeled 1 , 2 , . . . , n 1, 2, ..., n 1,2,...,n, with each request i i i 起始时间: s i s_i si ,结束时间: f i f_i fi.
  • Each interval i i i has a value, or weight, v i v_i vi.
  • Two intervals are compatible if they do not overlap.
  • GOAL: select a subset S ⊆ { 1 , 2 , . . . , n } S \subseteq \{1, 2, ..., n\} S{1,2,...,n} of mutually compatible intervals to maximize the sum of the values of the selected intervals ∑ i ∈ S v i \sum_{i \in S}v_i iSvi

Design Algorithm

将结束时间按从小到大排列, f 1 ≤ f 2 ≤ . . . ≤ f n f_1 \leq f_2 \leq ... \leq f_n f1f2...fn。我们称 a request i i i comes before a request j j j if f i < f j f_i < f_j fi<fj

对于一个 request j j j, 定义 p ( j ) p(j) p(j):the largest index i < j i < j i<j such that intervals i i i and j j j are disjoint.
define p(j)
Consider an optimal solution O \mathcal{O} O.
Let O j \mathcal{O}_j Oj denote the optimal solutions of smaller problems of the form { 1 , 2 , . . . , j } \{1, 2, ..., j\} {1,2,...,j}.

对于最后一个 request n n n 只有两种可能性:

  • n ∈ O n n \in \mathcal{O}_n nOn , index 在 p ( n ) p(n) p(n) ~ n n n 之间的 request 都不属于 O n \mathcal{O}_n On
  • n ∉ O n n \notin \mathcal{O}_n n/On, 那么 O n = O n − 1 \mathcal{O}_n = \mathcal{O}_{n-1} On=On1

Let O P T ( j ) OPT(j) OPT(j) denote the value of solution O j \mathcal{O}_j Oj (最优解集包含的 requests 的 values)

定理 (6.1): O P T ( j ) = max ⁡ ( v j + O P T ( p ( j ) ) , O P T ( j − 1 ) ) OPT(j) = \max(v_j + OPT(p(j)), OPT(j-1)) OPT(j)=max(vj+OPT(p(j)),OPT(j1)) .

定理 (6.2): Request j ∈ O j j \in \mathcal{O}_j jOj if and only if
v j + O P T ( p ( j ) ) ≥ O P T ( j − 1 ) v_j + OPT(p(j)) \geq OPT(j-1) vj+OPT(p(j))OPT(j1)


Compute-Opt( j j j)

If j = 0 j=0 j=0 then
\quad Return 0
\quad Return max ⁡ ( v j + Compute-Opt ( p ( j ) ) , Compute-Opt ( j − 1 ) ) \max(v_j+\text{Compute-Opt}(p(j)), \text{Compute-Opt}(j-1)) max(vj+Compute-Opt(p(j)),Compute-Opt(j1))

定理 (6.3): Compute-Opt( j j j) correct compute OPT( j j j) for each j = 1 , 2 , . . . , n j=1, 2, ..., n j=1,2,...,n.
由定义,OPT ( 0 ) = 0 (0)= 0 (0)=0
对于 j > 0 j > 0 j>0, 假设 ∀ i < j \forall i<j i<j Compute-Opt ( j ) (j) (j) = OPT( i i i)
那么,可知 Compute-Opt ( j ) (j) (j) = OPT( p ( j ) p(j) p(j)) 和 Compute-Opt ( j − 1 ) (j-1) (j1) = OPT( j − 1 j-1 j1)
由 定义(6.1) 可得
OPT ( j ) = max ⁡ ( v j + Compute-Opt ( p ( j ) ) , Compute-Opt ( j − 1 ) ) \text{OPT}(j)=\max (v_j+\text{Compute-Opt}(p(j)), \text{Compute-Opt}(j-1)) OPT(j)=max(vj+Compute-Opt(p(j)),Compute-Opt(j1))
      = Compute-Opt ( j ) \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad \quad\,\,\,\,\,= \text{Compute-Opt}(j) =Compute-Opt(j)

对于上面图片中给出的 requests,recursion 如下:

Memorizing Recursion

其实只需要 solve n + 1 n+1 n+1 subproblems: Compute-Opt ( 1 ) \text{Compute-Opt}(1) Compute-Opt(1), …, Compute-Opt ( n ) \text{Compute-Opt}(n) Compute-Opt(n).
Memorizing Recursion 来减少运算。

Maintain an array M [ 0... n ] M[0 ... n] M[0...n]

  • M [ j ] M[j] M[j] will start with the value “empty”
  • but will hold the value of Compute-Opt ( j ) \text{Compute-Opt}(j) Compute-Opt(j) as soon as it is first determined.


M-Compute-Opt( j j j)

\quad If j = 0 j=0 j=0 then
\quad \quad Return 0 0 0
\quad Else if M [ j ] M[j] M[j] is not empty then
\quad \quad Return M [ j ] M[j] M[j]
\quad Else
\quad \quad Define M [ j ] = max ⁡ ( v j + M-Compute-Opt ( p ( j ) ) , M-Compute-Opt ( j − 1 ) ) M[j]=\max (v_j+\text{M-Compute-Opt}(p(j)), \text{M-Compute-Opt}(j-1)) M[j]=max(vj+M-Compute-Opt(p(j)),M-Compute-Opt(j1))
\quad \quad Return M [ j ] M[j] M[j]
\quad Endif

定理 (6.4): The running time of M-Compute-Opt( n n n) is O ( n ) O(n) O(n). (assume the intervals 按照结束时间从小到大排列)

Compute a Solution in Addition to Its Value

之前计算的是 the value of the optimal solution
还想直到 optimal solution 具体包含哪些 intervals

我们可以 maintain an array S S S, 其中 S [ i ] S[i] S[i] 包含 an optimal set of intervals among { 1 , 2 , . . . , i } \{1,2, ..., i\} {1,2,...,i}。但是,每次书写 S [ i ] S[i] S[i] 会 blow up the running time by an additional factor of O ( n ) O(n) O(n) time.

解决方法:可以通过计算得到的 array M M M 中的 value 来 recover the optimal solution。 j ∈ O n j \in \mathcal{O}_n jOn if and only if v j + OPT ( p ( j ) ) ≥ OPT ( j − 1 ) v_j+\text{OPT}(p(j)) \geq \text{OPT}(j-1) vj+OPT(p(j))OPT(j1)


Find-Solution( j j j)

\quad If j = 0 j=0 j=0 then
\quad \quad Output nothing
\quad Else
\quad \quad If v j + M [ p ( j ) ] ≥ M [ j − 1 ] v_j + M[p(j)] \geq M[j-1] vj+M[p(j)]M[j1] then
\quad \quad \quad Output j j j together with the result of Find-Solution ( p ( j ) ) \text{Find-Solution}(p(j)) Find-Solution(p(j))
\quad \quad Else
\quad \quad \quad Output the result of Find-Solution ( j − 1 ) \text{Find-Solution}(j-1) Find-Solution(j1)
\quad \quad Endif
\quad Endif

定理 (6.5): Given the array M M M of the optimal values of the subproblems, Find-Solution \text{Find-Solution} Find-Solution returns an optimal solution in O ( n ) O(n) O(n) time.





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