
Automatic segmentation and inpainting of specular highlights for endoscopic imaging 论文反光检测部分pythonn实现


import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy

from skimage import measure, filters, data

img = cv2.imread('../data/fazhi/95.jpg')
w = img.shape[0]
h = img.shape[1]

# model1
cR = img[:, :, 0]
cG = img[:, :, 1]
cB = img[:, :, 2]

cE = 0.2989 * cR + 0.5870 * cG + 0.1140 * cB

def calc_module1_specular_mask(cE, cG, cB, T1):
    p95_cG = cG * 0.95
    p95_cE = cE * 0.95
    p95_cB = cB * 0.95
    # p95_cG = prctile(cG(:), 95)
    # p95_cB = prctile(cB(:), 95)
    # p95_cE = prctile(cE(:), 95)
    rGE = p95_cG / p95_cE
    rBE = p95_cB / p95_cE
    img_new = np.zeros((w, h, 1))
    for i in range(0, w):
        for j in range(0, h):

            if all([(cG[i][j] > rGE[i][j] * T1), (cB[i][j] > rBE[i][j] * T1), (cE[i][j] > T1)]):
                img_new[i][j] = 255
                img_new[i][j] = 0

    return img_new

module1_specular_mask = calc_module1_specular_mask(cE, cG, cB, T1=240)

# cv2.imshow('s',img)

def calc_centroid_color_info(specular_mask_T2_abs, img):
    kernel = np.ones((2, 2), np.uint8)
    dilated_mask_1 = cv2.erode(specular_mask_T2_abs, kernel, iterations=1)
    kernel = np.ones((4, 4), np.uint8)
    dilated_mask_2 = cv2.erode(specular_mask_T2_abs, kernel, iterations=1)
    centroid_color_area = dilated_mask_2 - dilated_mask_1
    labeled_area = measure.label(centroid_color_area)  # 连通区域标记
    num_region = max(labeled_area.reshape(labeled_area.shape[0] * labeled_area.shape[1]))
    centroid_color_info = []
    for i in range(1, num_region):
        dict = {}
        [row_index, col_index] = np.where(labeled_area == i)
        num_possible_specular_points = len(row_index)
        dict['centroid_row'] = np.mean(row_index)
        dict['centroid_col'] = np.mean(col_index)
        dict['centroid_color'] = np.mean(img[row_index, col_index, :])  ## 不明确

    return centroid_color_info

def calc_distance(x, y, x1, y1):
    distance_to_centroid = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
    return distance_to_centroid

def find_the_nearest_region(centroid_color_info, pixel_row, pixel_col):
    num_region = len(centroid_color_info)
    nearset_region_index = 0
    nearset_distance = 1e6
    for j in range(1, num_region):
        distance_to_centroid = calc_distance(pixel_row, pixel_col, centroid_color_info[j]['centroid_row'],
        if distance_to_centroid < nearset_distance:
            nearset_distance = distance_to_centroid
            nearset_region_index = j

    nearest_region = centroid_color_info[nearset_region_index]
    return nearest_region

def filling_image_using_centroid_color(specular_mask_T2_abs, img):
    # filling possible specular highlights by the centroid color
    centroid_color_info = calc_centroid_color_info(specular_mask_T2_abs, img)
    specular_mask_T2_abss = specular_mask_T2_abs.reshape(specular_mask_T2_abs.shape[0], specular_mask_T2_abs.shape[1])
    [row_index, col_index] = np.where(specular_mask_T2_abss == 255)
    num_possible_specular_points = len(row_index)
    filled_img = img
    for i in range(1, num_possible_specular_points):
        # looking for the nearst centroid color for every specular point
        # and fill it
        nearest_region = find_the_nearest_region(centroid_color_info, row_index[i], col_index[i])
        filled_img[row_index[i], col_index[i], :] = nearest_region['centroid_color']
    return filled_img

def contrast_coeffcient(c):
    mean_c = np.mean(c);
    std_c = np.std(c);
    t = 1 / ((mean_c + std_c) / mean_c)
    return t

def calc_modul2_specular_mask(filled_img, T2_rel, cR, cG, cB):
    R = filled_img[:, :, 0]
    fR = cv2.medianBlur(R, 31)
    fG = cv2.medianBlur(filled_img[:, :, 1], 31)
    fB = cv2.medianBlur(filled_img[:, :, 2], 31)
    filtered_img = np.stack((fR, fG, fB), axis=2)

    for i in range(filled_img.shape[0]):
        for j in range(filled_img.shape[1]):
            if (fR[i][j] < 2.2204e-16):
                fR[i][j] = 1e7
            if (fG[i][j] < 2.2204e-16):
                fG[i][j] = 1e7
            if (fB[i][j] < 2.2204e-16):
                fB[i][j] = 1e7
    tR = contrast_coeffcient(cR)
    tG = contrast_coeffcient(cG)
    tB = contrast_coeffcient(cB)

    max_img = np.stack(((tR * cR / fR), (tG * cG / fG), (tB * cB / fB)), axis=2)
    e_max = np.amax(max_img, 2)
    module2_specular_mask = e_max > T2_rel
    return module2_specular_mask

    # fR(fR <  2.2204e-16) = 1e7
    # fG(fG <  2.2204e-16) = 1e7
    # fB(fB <  2.2204e-16) = 1e7

# model2
specular_mask_T2_abs = calc_module1_specular_mask(cE, cG, cB, T1=190)

filled_img = filling_image_using_centroid_color(specular_mask_T2_abs, img)
module2_specular_mask = calc_modul2_specular_mask(filled_img, T2_rel=1.2, cR=cR, cG=cG, cB=cB)
# module2_specular_mask = np.array(module2_specular_mask)

final_mask = np.zeros((w, h, 1))
for i in range(0, w):
    for j in range(0, h):
        if module2_specular_mask[i][j] == True or module1_specular_mask[i][j] == 255:
            final_mask[i][j][0] = 255
            final_mask[i][j][0] = 0

N_min = 5000
T3 = 5

def postprocessing(final_mask, cE, N_min, T3):
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    final_mask = cv2.erode(final_mask, kernel, iterations=1)
    labeled_area = measure.label(final_mask)
    num_region = np.max(labeled_area[:])
    post_specular_mask = final_mask
    for i in range(1, num_region):
        index = np.where(labeled_area == i)
        if (len(index) >= N_min):
            post_specular_mask[index] = 0

    return post_specular_mask

mask = postprocessing(final_mask, cE, N_min=3000, T3=5)

mg_gray = cv2.imread('../data/fazhi/95.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# 利用图像中要提取的目标区域与其背景在灰度特性上的差异,把图像看作具有不同灰度级的两类区域(目标区域和背景区域)的组合,选取一个比较合理的阈值
thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(mg_gray)

# ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(img,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# 根据阈值分割
TTTT = np.zeros((w, h))
dst = (mg_gray >= thresh) * 255.0

for i in range(0, w):
    for j in range(0, h):
        if mask[i][j] > 0 and dst[i][j] > 0:
            TTTT[i][j] = 255

image2 = np.concatenate([TTTT, mask, dst], axis=1)
#cv2.imwrite(r"D:\code dp\YXTX\data\New\TTTT2.jpg", TTTT)
# plt.imshow(TTTT)
# plt.imshow(mask)
# plt.imshow(dst)


# cv2.imshow('d', module2_specular_mask)
# cv2.waitKey()
# module2_specular_mask = module2_specular_mask*255
# cv2.imshow('6',filled_img)
# plt.imshow(module2_specular_mask)
# #plt.set_camp('binary')
# plt.show()

### inpainting

decay_win_size = 10
decay_cof = 20

def InpainttingArnold2010(mask, img, decay_win_size, decay_cof):
    filled_img = filling_image_using_centroid_color(mask, img)
    cv2.imwrite('../data/New/95filled.jpg', filled_img)
    # plt.set_cmap("binary")
    # plt.imshow(filled_img)
    # plt.show()
    sig = 8
    gaussian_filtered_img = cv2.GaussianBlur(filled_img, (3, 3), sig, sig)

    #mx = imfilter(double(specular_mask), ones(decay_win_size)/decay_cof)
    mx = scipy.ndimage.filters.convolve(mask, np.ones((decay_win_size,decay_win_size))/decay_cof, mode='nearest')
    mx = mx + mask
    mx = (mx > 1) *1
    mx = np.array([mx])
    mx = mx.reshape(w,h,1)
    inpainted_img = mx * (gaussian_filtered_img) + (1 - mx) * img
    return inpainted_img

inpainted_img = InpainttingArnold2010(TTTT, img, decay_win_size, decay_cof)


import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy

from skimage import measure, filters, data

img = cv2.imread('../data/fazhi/8.jpg')
w = img.shape[0]
h = img.shape[1]

# model1
cR = img[:, :, 0]
cG = img[:, :, 1]
cB = img[:, :, 2]

cE = 0.2989 * cR + 0.5870 * cG + 0.1140 * cB

def calc_module1_specular_mask(cE, cG, cB, T1):
    p95_cG = cG * 0.95
    p95_cE = cE * 0.95
    p95_cB = cB * 0.95
    # p95_cG = prctile(cG(:), 95)
    # p95_cB = prctile(cB(:), 95)
    # p95_cE = prctile(cE(:), 95)
    rGE = p95_cG / p95_cE
    rBE = p95_cB / p95_cE
    img_new = np.zeros((w, h, 1))
    for i in range(0, w):
        for j in range(0, h):

            if all([(cG[i][j] > rGE[i][j] * T1), (cB[i][j] > rBE[i][j] * T1), (cE[i][j] > T1)]):
                img_new[i][j] = 255
                img_new[i][j] = 0

    return img_new

module1_specular_mask = calc_module1_specular_mask(cE, cG, cB, T1=240)

# cv2.imshow('s',img)

def calc_centroid_color_info(specular_mask_T2_abs, img):
    kernel = np.ones((4, 4), np.uint8)
    dilated_mask_1 = cv2.erode(specular_mask_T2_abs, kernel, iterations=1)
    kernel = np.ones((6, 6), np.uint8)
    dilated_mask_2 = cv2.erode(specular_mask_T2_abs, kernel, iterations=1)
    centroid_color_area = dilated_mask_2 - dilated_mask_1
    labeled_area = measure.label(centroid_color_area)  # 连通区域标记
    num_region = np.max(labeled_area.reshape(labeled_area.shape[0] * labeled_area.shape[1]))
    centroid_color_info = []
    for i in range(1, num_region):
        dict = {}
        [row_index, col_index] = np.where(labeled_area == i)
        num_possible_specular_points = len(row_index)
        dict['centroid_row'] = np.mean(row_index)
        dict['centroid_col'] = np.mean(col_index)
        ii = img[row_index, col_index, :]
        dict['centroid_color'] = np.mean(ii,axis=0)  ## 不明确

    return centroid_color_info

def calc_distance(x, y, x1, y1):
    distance_to_centroid = np.sqrt((x - x1) ** 2 + (y - y1) ** 2)
    return distance_to_centroid

def find_the_nearest_region(centroid_color_info, pixel_row, pixel_col):
    num_region = len(centroid_color_info)
    nearset_region_index = 0
    nearset_distance = 1e6
    for j in range(1, num_region):
        distance_to_centroid = calc_distance(pixel_row, pixel_col, centroid_color_info[j]['centroid_row'],
        if distance_to_centroid < nearset_distance:
            nearset_distance = distance_to_centroid
            nearset_region_index = j

    nearest_region = centroid_color_info[nearset_region_index]
    return nearest_region

def filling_image_using_centroid_color(specular_mask_T2_abs, img):
    # filling possible specular highlights by the centroid color
    centroid_color_info = calc_centroid_color_info(specular_mask_T2_abs, img)
    specular_mask_T2_abss = specular_mask_T2_abs.reshape(specular_mask_T2_abs.shape[0], specular_mask_T2_abs.shape[1])
    [row_index, col_index] = np.where(specular_mask_T2_abss > 0)
    num_possible_specular_points = len(row_index)
    filled_img = img
    for i in range(1, num_possible_specular_points):
        # looking for the nearst centroid color for every specular point
        # and fill it
        nearest_region = find_the_nearest_region(centroid_color_info, row_index[i], col_index[i])
        filled_img[row_index[i], col_index[i], :] = nearest_region['centroid_color']
    return filled_img

def contrast_coeffcient(c):
    mean_c = np.mean(c);
    std_c = np.std(c);
    t = 1 / ((mean_c + std_c) / mean_c)
    return t

def calc_modul2_specular_mask(filled_img, T2_rel, cR, cG, cB):
    R = filled_img[:, :, 0]
    fR = cv2.medianBlur(R, 31)
    fG = cv2.medianBlur(filled_img[:, :, 1], 31)
    fB = cv2.medianBlur(filled_img[:, :, 2], 31)
    filtered_img = np.stack((fR, fG, fB), axis=2)

    for i in range(filled_img.shape[0]):
        for j in range(filled_img.shape[1]):
            if (fR[i][j] < 2.2204e-16):
                fR[i][j] = 1e7
            if (fG[i][j] < 2.2204e-16):
                fG[i][j] = 1e7
            if (fB[i][j] < 2.2204e-16):
                fB[i][j] = 1e7
    tR = contrast_coeffcient(cR)
    tG = contrast_coeffcient(cG)
    tB = contrast_coeffcient(cB)

    max_img = np.stack(((tR * cR / fR), (tG * cG / fG), (tB * cB / fB)), axis=2)
    e_max = np.amax(max_img, 2)
    module2_specular_mask = e_max > T2_rel
    return module2_specular_mask

    # fR(fR <  2.2204e-16) = 1e7
    # fG(fG <  2.2204e-16) = 1e7
    # fB(fB <  2.2204e-16) = 1e7

# model2
specular_mask_T2_abs = calc_module1_specular_mask(cE, cG, cB, T1=190)

filled_img = filling_image_using_centroid_color(specular_mask_T2_abs, img)
module2_specular_mask = calc_modul2_specular_mask(filled_img, T2_rel=1.2, cR=cR, cG=cG, cB=cB)
# module2_specular_mask = np.array(module2_specular_mask)

final_mask = np.zeros((w, h, 1))
for i in range(0, w):
    for j in range(0, h):
        if module2_specular_mask[i][j] == True or module1_specular_mask[i][j] == 255:
            final_mask[i][j][0] = 255
            final_mask[i][j][0] = 0

N_min = 5000
T3 = 5

def postprocessing(final_mask, cE, N_min, T3):
    kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
    final_mask = cv2.erode(final_mask, kernel, iterations=1)
    labeled_area = measure.label(final_mask)
    num_region = np.max(labeled_area[:])
    post_specular_mask = final_mask
    for i in range(1, num_region):
        index = np.where(labeled_area == i)
        if (len(index) >= N_min):
            post_specular_mask[index] = 0

    return post_specular_mask

mask = postprocessing(final_mask, cE, N_min=3000, T3=5)

mg_gray = cv2.imread('../data/fazhi/8.jpg', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# 利用图像中要提取的目标区域与其背景在灰度特性上的差异,把图像看作具有不同灰度级的两类区域(目标区域和背景区域)的组合,选取一个比较合理的阈值
thresh = filters.threshold_otsu(mg_gray)

# ret,thresh = cv2.threshold(img,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
# 根据阈值分割
TTTT = np.zeros((w, h))
dst = (mg_gray >= thresh) * 255.0

for i in range(0, w):
    for j in range(0, h):
        if mask[i][j] > 0 and dst[i][j] > 0:
            TTTT[i][j] = 255

## 固定阈值

gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (11, 11), 0)

# threshold the image to reveal light regions in the
# blurred image

#y = blurred[:,:,2]/(blurred[:,:,1] + blurred[:,:,2] + blurred[:,:,3])

th = cv2.threshold(blurred, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]

for i in range(0, w):
    for j in range(0, h):
        if TTTT[i][j]>0 or th[i][j]>0:

image2 = np.concatenate([TTTT, mask, dst], axis=1)
#cv2.imwrite(r"D:\code dp\YXTX\data\New\TTTT2.jpg", TTTT)
# plt.imshow(TTTT)
# plt.imshow(mask)
# plt.imshow(dst)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


