【论文记录】Stochastic gradient descent with differentially private updates


  • The sample size required for a target utility level increases with the privacy constraint.
  • Optimization methods for large data sets must also be scalable.
  • SGD algorithms satisfy asymptotic guarantees


  • 主要工作简介:
    \quad In this paper we derive differentially private versions of single-point SGD and mini-batch SGD, and evaluate them on real and synthetic data sets.

  • 更多运用SGD的原因:
    \quad Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithms are simple and satisfy the same asymptotic guarantees as more computationally intensive learning methods.

  • 由于asymptotic guarantees带来的影响:
    \quad to obtain reasonable performance on finite data sets practitioners must take care in setting parameters such as the learning rate (step size) for the updates.

  • 上述影响的应对之策:
    \quad Grouping updates into “minibatches” to alleviate some of this sensitivity and improve the performance of SGD. This can improve the robustness of the updating at a moderate expense in terms of computation, but also introduces the batch size as a free parameter.


  • 优化目标:
    \quad solve a regularized convex optimization problem : w ∗ = argmin w ∈ R d λ 2 ∥ w ∥ 2 + 1 n Σ i = 1 n l ( w , x i , y i ) w^* = \mathop{ \textbf{argmin} } \limits_{ w \in \mathbb{R}^d} \frac{\lambda}{2} \Vert w \Vert ^2 + \frac{1}{n} \mathop{ \Sigma }\limits_{i=1}^n \mathbb{l} (w,x_i,y_i) w=wRdargmin2λw2+n1i=1Σnl(w,xi,yi)
    \quad where w w w is the normal vector to the hyperplane separator, and l \mathbb{l} l is a convex loss function.
    \quad l \mathbb{l} l 选为 logistic loss, 即 l ( w , x , y ) = l o g ( 1 + e − y w T x ) \mathbb{l} (w,x,y)=log(1+e^{-yw^Tx}) l(w,x,y)=log(1+eywTx), 则 ⇒ \Rightarrow Logistic Regression
    \quad l \mathbb{l} l 选为 hinge loss, 即 l ( w , x , y ) = \mathbb{l} (w,x,y)= l(w,x,y)= max ( 0 , 1 − y w T x ) (0,1-yw^Tx) (0,1ywTx), 则 ⇒ \Rightarrow SVM

  • 优化算法:
    \quad SGD with mini-batch updates : w t + 1 = w t − η t ( λ w t + 1 b Σ ( x i , y i ) ∈ B t ▽ l ( w t , x i , y i ) ) w_{t+1} = w_t - \eta_t \Big( \lambda w_t + \frac{1}{b} \mathop{\Sigma}\limits_{ (x_i,y_i) \in B_t} \triangledown \mathbb{l} (w_t,x_i,y_i) \Big) wt+1=wtηt(λwt+b1(xi,yi)BtΣl(wt,xi,yi))
    \quad where η t \eta_t ηt is a learning rate, the update at each step t t t is based on a small subset B t B_t Bt of examples of size b b b.

SGD with Differential Privacy

  • 满足差分隐私的 mini-batch SGD :
    \quad A differentially-private version of the mini-batch update : w t + 1 = w t − η t ( λ w t + 1 b Σ ( x i , y i ) ∈ B t ▽ l ( w t , x i , y i )   + 1 b Z t ) w_{t+1} = w_t - \eta_t \Big( \lambda w_t + \frac{1}{b} \mathop{\Sigma}\limits_{ (x_i,y_i) \in B_t} \triangledown \mathbb{l} (w_t,x_i,y_i) \,+ \frac{1}{b}Z_t \Big) wt+1=wtηt(λwt+b1(xi,yi)BtΣl(wt,xi,yi)+b1Zt)
    \quad where Z t Z_t Zt is a random noise vector in R d \mathbb R ^d Rd drawn independently from the density: ρ ( z ) ∝ e − ( α / 2 ) ∥ z ∥ \rho(z) \propto e^{-(\alpha/2) \|z\|} ρ(z)e(α/2)z

  • 使用上式的 mini-batch update 时, 此种updates满足 α \alpha α-differentially private的条件:
    \quad T h e o r e m   \mathcal{Theorem \,} Theorem If the initialization point w o w_o wo is chosen independent of the sensitive data, the batches B t B_t Bt are disjoint, and if ∥ ▽ l ( w , x , y ) ∥ ≤ 1 \| \triangledown \mathbb l(w,x,y)\| \leq 1 l(w,x,y)1 for all w w w, and all ( x i , y i ) (x_i,y_i) (xi,yi), then SGD with mini-batch updates is α \alpha α-differentially private.


  • 实验现象:
    \quad batch size 为1时DP-SGD的方差比普通的SGD更大。但 batch size 调大后则方差减小了很多。

  • 由此而总结出的经验:
    \quad In terms of objective value, guaranteeing differential privacy can come for “free” using SGD with moderate batch size.

  • 实际上 batch size 带来的影响是先减后增
    \quad increasing the batch size improved the performance of private SGD, but there is a limit , much larger batch sizes actually degrade performance.


  • 数据维度 d d d与隐私保护参数会影响实验所需的数据量:
    \quad Differentially private learning algorithms often have a sample complexity that scales linearly with the data dimension d d d and inversely with the privacy risk α \alpha α. Thus a moderate reduction in α \alpha α or increase in d d d may require more data.


S. Song, K. Chaudhuri, and A. Sarwate. Stochastic gradient descent with differentially private updates. In GlobalSIP Conference, 2013.

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