

In March 2008, a regulation was introduced in New York City that required restaurants to provide calorie information on all food purchases. The regulation applied only to restaurants with 15 or more stores nationwide. Researchers assessed the effects of the regulation on individual purchases. The primary outcome was the energy content of individual purchases, based on customers’ register receipts and the information provided on menus within the restaurant.

A random sample of 168 locations of the most popular fast food chains in New York City was obtained. For nine weeks in the spring of 2007 and then again in the spring of 2009, all adult lunchtime customers at the sampled locations were interviewed. In total, 7309 adult customers were interviewed in 2007 and 8489 in 2009. The mean number of calories purchased after the regulation was slightly higher than that before, although the difference was not statistically significant (846v 828; P=0.22).

Which one of the following best describes the above study design?

·a) Non-randomised controlled trial.

·b) Cohort study.

·c) Before and after study.

·d) Cross sectional study.



The above study is best described as a before and after study (answer c).

A non-randomised study evaluates the effectiveness of an intervention, comparing outcomes for those who received the intervention with those who did not. As the name suggests, people are not randomly allocated to comparison groups. People may be allocated using a non-random method—for example, alternate allocation—or be within a group as a result of choice by the study participants themselves. Many types of non-randomised study exist. The study design may be experimental, with researchers deliberately intervening and recording the effects of an intervention. An example of an intervention in an experimental study design is the introduction of a therapeutic regimen by the researchers. Non-randomised studies may also be observational, with researchers observing the effects of peoples’ behaviour on their health. Interventions in observational studies include lifestyle choices such as smoking. Answersa, b, c, and d are all examples of non-randomised study designs.

In a before and after study (answer c), the effects of an intervention are evaluated by comparing the outcomes of study participants investigated before the intervention with those measured afterwards. The participants investigated before and after the intervention may be the same people or different samples. The aim of the above study was to assess the effects of the regulation on the energy content of individual purchases. The distinguishing feature of the study was the time line of events—a sample of residents of New York City were interviewed before the intervention, the regulation was then introduced, and another sample was interviewed afterwards. Because the intervention was deliberate, the above study has an experimental design.

A non-randomised controlled trial (answer a) has an experimental design with the non-random allocation of participants to comparison groups. Typically the two groups would be followed prospectively and investigated concurrently. A non-randomised controlled study design could have been used to study the effects of the regulation described above. A sample of cities would be allocated in a non-random manner to the intervention (implementation of regulation) or control group. A random sample of locations of the most popular fast food chains in each city would then be taken, with all adult lunchtime customers being interviewed over the same period.

A cohort study (answer b) is observational in design. A defined group of people—the cohort—is followed prospectively over a study period and the subsequent medical history of these people recorded. Cohort studies investigate whether cohort members exposed to a risk factor have an increased or decreased risk of disease compared with those members not exposed to the risk factor. For example, a cohort study might investigate whether dietary fibre intake (high or low) was associated with the development of diverticular disease over a 20 year period. Although dietary fibre intake is a lifestyle choice, it is regarded as an intervention.

A cross sectional study (answer d) is carried out at a single point in time, with the purpose of describing peoples’ behaviour, attitudes, or beliefs regarding a particular matter. Two cross sectional studies were undertaken in the above study, one before and another after the regulation. However, because these two cross sectional studies were separated by the intervention, answer c best describes the study design.

Care is needed when interpreting the results of the above study. Any changes in food purchases may not have resulted from the regulation but from other differences between the two samples or periods of observation. For example, there may have been changes in the menus offered and their energy content, or differences in weather may have influenced energy intake. It is also possible that people interviewed before and after the regulation had different dietary preferences. More generally, in non-randomised studies participants are not randomly allocated to groups, so the groups may not be comparable in their demography or characteristics, and this may affect the outcome. Therefore, any differences between the groups in outcome may not result from the intervention but from other differences between the groups.

所以答案是选择  c 


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统计模型:理论和实践》是一本介绍统计模型的理论基础和实际应用的书籍。统计模型是统计学的重要内容之一,通过数学建模来描述和解释现实世界的数据现象。本书系统地介绍了统计模型的基本概念、原理和方法,主要包括参数估计、假设检验、方差分析、回归分析等内容。 首先,本书深入讲解了统计模型的理论基础。它详细解释了概率分布、随机变量、统计量等基本概念,并介绍了常见的概率分布模型,如正态分布、泊松分布等。此外,本书还介绍了极大似然估计、贝叶斯估计等参数估计方法,以及相关的假设检验理论和方法。 其次,本书还着重介绍了统计模型在实践中的应用。它以丰富的案例为例,指导读者如何通过统计模型来分析和解决实际问题。例如,通过方差分析可以分析不同处理组之间的差异,从而评估干预措施的效果;回归分析可以用来探究自变量与因变量之间的关系,预测因变量的取值等。 最后,本书还介绍了一些高级统计模型的应用,如时间序列分析、参数统计等。这些模型可以更准确地描述和解释复杂的数据现象,如金融时间序列的波动、社会经济变量的相互关系等。 总之,《统计模型:理论和实践》为读者提供了系统全面的统计模型知识,既具备了理论基础又强调实践应用。它不仅适用于统计学专业的学生和研究人员,也适用于经济学、金融学、社会学等领域的研究者和实践者。读者通过学习本书,将能够掌握基本的统计模型方法,从而更好地分析和解决实际问题


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