DC lab3



Clock Definition:



3.clock到寄存器的最大延时为300ps+/-30ps,因为+/-30ps,可知clock skew是60ps;(内部latency,总共latency1ns)

4.clock jitter考虑悲观的情况是-40ps;


6.clock transition是120ps;

Register Setup Time:


Input Ports:

1.从端口data1/data2通过组合逻辑S的最大延时是2.2ns;(为了约束S的延时是2.2ns,需要设置input delay,那么Tinputdelay\leq T-Ts-Tuncer-Tsetup=3-2.2-0.15-0.2=0.45

2.F3到达sel端口的最晚到达时间是1.4ns(绝对时间);(input delay是相对时间=外部延时1.4ns-相对延时0.7ns)

Output Ports:
1.out1端口的最大外部组合逻辑时间是420ps,F6的setup时间是80ps,output delay=420ps+80ps=500ps;Toutput delay+Tskew+Tinternal_delay=T

2.最大的内部delay到out2是810ps,那么out2的output delay应该是Toutput_delay\leqslant T-Tinputdelay-Tskew=3-0.81-0.15=2.04

3.out3的外部output delay=0.4ns;

Conbinational Logic:
1.set_max_delay 0.4 -from Cin1* -to Cout*  (伪命令)     

2.set_max_delay 0.4 -from Cin2* -to Cout*  (伪命令)                           

T-Tcomb-Tskew=0.4ns\geqslant Tinputdelay+Toutputdelay,一般这时候Tout和Tin各设0.2ns


#                                 #
#   UNITS                         #
#                                 #

# The unit of time in this library is 1ns 

#                                 #
#   CLEAN-UP                      #
#                                 #

# Remove any existing constraints and attributes

#                                 #
#   CLOCK DEFINITION              #
#                                 #

# A 333Mhz clock is a 3.0ns period:
create_clock -period 3.0 [get_ports clk]

# The maximum clock source latency is 700ps or 0.7ns
set_clock_latency -source  -max 0.7 [get_clocks clk] 

# The maximum clock network latency is 300ps or 0.3 ns:
set_clock_latency -max 0.3 [get_clocks clk]

# Add 60ps of uncertainty to model skew:
#   The spec says: "The maximum insertion delay from the clock port
#   to all the register clock PINS is 300ps +/- 30ps. PINS is the key word here!
#   The +/-30ps clock insertion delay variation to register clock PINS
#   means that, worst case, the launching clock edge can be late by +30ps,
#   and the capture edge can be early by -30ps.
# Add 40ps to model jitter: Here we do NOT double the 40ps, because the spec
#   says that the PERIOD fluctuates +/- 40, so the worst case is when the
#   period is -40.
# Add 50ps for setup margin.
# This equals 150ps or 0.15 ns of total uncertainty.
set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.15 [get_clocks clk]

# The maximum clock transition is 120ps or 0.12ns
set_clock_transition -max 0.12 [get_clocks clk]

#                                 #
#   INPUT PATH TIMING             #
#                                 #

# The maximum "input delay" (external) on ports data1 and data2 is: 
# clock period - clock uncertainty - delay of S - register setup time = 
#     3.0      -      0.15         -     2.2   -      0.2            = 0.45ns
set_input_delay -max  0.45 -clock clk [get_ports data*]  

# The latest arrival time at port sel is 1.4ns (absolute time). The total clock insertion delay or latency to the external 
# registers is 700ps + 300ps or 1.0ns. Therefore, the relative input delay on the port is 1.4 -1.0 = 0.4ns
set_input_delay -max  0.4 -clock clk [get_ports sel]

#                                 #
#   OUTPUT PATH TIMING            #
#                                 #

# The output delay at port out1 is 420ps + 80ps = 500ps or 0.5ns
set_output_delay -max  0.5 -clock clk [get_ports out1*]

# The internal delay to out2 is 810ps. The external capturing clock edge happens 3ns after the launch edge, 
# minus the uncertainty of 0.15ns, or 2.85ns after launch. To constrain the internal delay to 0.81ns the 
# output delay must therefore be constrained to 2.85ns - 0.81ns = 2.04ns.
set_output_delay -max 2.04  -clock clk [get_ports out2*]

# The setup time requirement on port out3 is 400ps or 0.4ns with respect to the capturing register's clock. 
# This is, by definition, the "set_output_delay" value
set_output_delay -max  0.4 -clock clk [get_ports out3*] 

#                                 #
#                                 #

# The maximum delay through the combinational logic is 2.45ns. This can be constrained by pretending that there are 
# launching registers on the input ports Cin1 and Cin2 and capturing registers on the output port Cout, and applying 
# corresponding input and output delays. The sum of the external input and output delay values must be equal to the 
# clock period minus the clock uncertainty minus the maximum combo delay = 3ns - 0.15ns - 2.45ns = 0.4ns. 
# This means that the input and output delay values can be 0.4 and 0.0, or 0.2 and 0.2, or 0.1 and 0.3, etc., respectively.
set_input_delay -max 0.3 -clock clk [get_ports Cin*]
set_output_delay -max 0.1 -clock clk [get_ports Cout*]

#use max delay
#set_max_delay 0.4 -from [get_ports Cin*] -to [get_ports Cout*]





report_lib cb13fs120_tsmc_max >lib.rpt


read_verilog rtl/MY_DESIGN.v   #读rtl文件
current_design TOP  #如果有顶层要定义顶层
source scripts/MY_DESIGN.con   #读约束,没有报任何信息就是没错
#source scripts/MY_DESIGN.con -verbose -echo  所有执行的命令都返回一个信息,如果是1就没问题
check_timing   #检查时序是否完整,这里有warning说21个input端口只有部分有input delay,这是因为只设了max,没有设hold的min时间
compile_ultra #跑综合
report_qor    #报告时钟,面积等信息
write -format verilog -hier -output MY_DESIGN.gv
write -format ddc -hier -output MY_DESIGN.ddc

读出综合后针对网表的约束(注意这里和RTL的约束不一样,例如网表中有些cell RTL中没有)

write_script -output scripts/MY_DESIGN.post.sdc



# Created by write_script -format dctcl on Tue Apr  2 22:46:13 2024


# Set the current_design #
current_design MY_DESIGN

set_units -time ns -resistance kOhm -capacitance pF -voltage V -current uA
set_local_link_library {sc_max.db}
set_register_merging [current_design] 17
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_0/U4] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_0/U3] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_2/U2] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_1/U4] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_1/U3] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_2/U3] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_1/U2] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_2/U4] 
set_map_only [get_cells intadd_0/U2] 
set_register_merging [get_cells {R3_reg[1]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R3_reg[3]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R3_reg[2]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R3_reg[4]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R1_reg[0]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R1_reg[1]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R1_reg[2]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R1_reg[3]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R1_reg[4]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R2_reg[0]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R2_reg[1]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R2_reg[2]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R2_reg[3]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R2_reg[4]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R4_reg[0]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R4_reg[1]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R4_reg[2]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R4_reg[3]}] 17
set_register_merging [get_cells {R4_reg[4]}] 17
set_switching_activity -period 1 -toggle_rate 0.0333333 -static_probability    \
0.5 [get_ports {Cin1[4]}]
create_clock [get_ports clk]  -period 3  -waveform {0 1.5}
set_clock_latency -max 0.3  [get_clocks clk]
set_clock_latency -source -max 0.7  [get_clocks clk]
set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.15  [get_clocks clk]
set_clock_transition -max -rise 0.12 [get_clocks clk]
set_clock_transition -max -fall 0.12 [get_clocks clk]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data1[4]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data1[3]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data1[2]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data1[1]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data1[0]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data2[4]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data2[3]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data2[2]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data2[1]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.45  [get_ports {data2[0]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.4  [get_ports sel]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin1[4]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin1[3]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin1[2]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin1[1]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin1[0]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin2[4]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin2[3]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin2[2]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin2[1]}]
set_input_delay -clock clk  -max 0.3  [get_ports {Cin2[0]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.5  [get_ports {out1[4]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.5  [get_ports {out1[3]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.5  [get_ports {out1[2]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.5  [get_ports {out1[1]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.5  [get_ports {out1[0]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 2.04  [get_ports {out2[4]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 2.04  [get_ports {out2[3]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 2.04  [get_ports {out2[2]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 2.04  [get_ports {out2[1]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 2.04  [get_ports {out2[0]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.4  [get_ports {out3[4]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.4  [get_ports {out3[3]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.4  [get_ports {out3[2]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.4  [get_ports {out3[1]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.4  [get_ports {out3[0]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.1  [get_ports {Cout[4]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.1  [get_ports {Cout[3]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.1  [get_ports {Cout[2]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.1  [get_ports {Cout[1]}]
set_output_delay -clock clk  -max 0.1  [get_ports {Cout[0]}]






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


