dc_shell-t -64bit -topo | tee -i lab3.log
1.1 check_library
2. read_db(读取标准单元库文件)
2.1 list_libs(不read_db直接read_verilog再list_libs也是下面的效果)
2.2 Generate a library report file
dc_shell-topo> redirect -help
Usage: redirect # Redirect output of a command to a file
[-append] (Append output to the file)
[-tee] (Tee output to the current output stream)
[-file] (Output to a file (default))
[-compress] (Compress when writing to file)
[-variable] (Output to a variable)
[-channel] (Output to a Tcl channel)
[-bg] (Execute redirected cmd string in background. PID of the background process is returned when this option is used)
[-max_cores max_cores] (Number of cores to use to execute the command in background:
Range: 1 to 8)
target (Name of file/variable target for redirect)
command_string (Command to redirect. Should be in braces {}.)
redirect -file lib.rpt {report_lib cb13fs120_tsmc_max}
2.3 redirect -file lib.rpt {report_lib cb13fs120_tsmc_max}
3. 检查约束文件语法
dcprocheck scripts/MY_DESIGN.con(在linux终端)
read_verilog MY_DESIGN.v
current_design MY_DESIGN
The check_design command checks the internal representation of the current design
for consistency, and issues error and warning messages as appropriate.
5. Apply the constraints file
- 约束文件第一句推荐Reset Design
5.1 check_timing
- 只检查setup,只设置了max delay,所以有这个warning,可以不用care
5.2 report_clock
5.3 report_clock -skew
5.4 report_port verbose
6.set input delay
6.1 sequential logic
- launch clock path + cq + q-sel = 1.4us
- launch clock path(source latency 700ps + network latency 300ps ) + input delay = 1.4us
- input delay = 0.4us
6.2 combinational logic(in2out)
- Tinput delay +Tcomb(2.45us) = T - Tuncertainly(0.15us) - Toutput delay
7.set output delay
7.1 sequential logic
7.2 combinational logic(in2out)
8.write_script 导出MY_DESIGN.cons应用的约束
9. write unmapped/ddc
10.1 启动DC后MAN CMD
10.2 启动DC后CMD -HELP(在dc_shell终端)
11. 在dc_setup.tcl中创建Milkway数据库,新增判断逻辑
- 通过如下cmd,若重复建库不会报错