无人机车辆路径问题文献集合(Vehicle routing problem with drone)

Kuo, R. J., Lu, S. H., Lai, P. Y., & Mara, S. T. W. (2022). Vehicle routing problem with drones considering time windows. Expert Systems with Applications191, 116264.


  • Vehicle routing problem with drones and time window constraints is discussed.
  • A mixed-integer programming formulation is presented.
  • The model is solved with a metaheuristic based on variable neighborhood search.
  • Comparison analysis to the benchmark algorithm is performed.
  • Managerial insights are derived based on the results.

Sacramento, D., Pisinger, D., & Ropke, S. (2019). An adaptive large neighborhood search metaheuristic for the vehicle routing problem with drones. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies102, 289-315.


  • New optimization problem for delivery activities using drones in collaboration with trucks.
  • Fleet of delivery trucks, each of them equipped with a single drone.
  • Focus on cost-minimization objective function with maximum duration time for all routes.
  • Noteworthy cost-savings with respect to the case of only using trucks.
  • Efficient metaheuristic is proposed to solve this problem.

Euchi, J., & Sadok, A. (2021). Hybrid genetic-sweep algorithm to solve the vehicle routing problem with drones. Physical Communication44, 101236.

Abstract:Energy consumption has become a crucial problem in the design of vehicle routing problems, hence the need to use another delivery method powered by batteries. Unmanned aerial vehicles have become fundamental tools in tasks for which man has limited skills that prevent a superlative optimization of time. The increasing use of drones by commercial companies such as Amazon, Google, and DHL has given birth to a new variant of vehicle routing problem (VRP) called VRP with drones (VRPD) which has a positive influence on the environment. Where vehicles and drones are used to deliver packages or goods to customers. In VRPD, vehicles and drones make dependent or independent deliveries. In the case of a dependent delivery, at a given point (customer or depot) the drone takes off from a vehicle to serve a customer and then return to travel with the same vehicle, as long as the capacity and endurance constraints for a drone are satisfied. In the other case, each type of vehicle travels independently to others. A MILP model is presented to describe the problem, and then we confirm the formulation via a CPLEX software with small instances. We propose a hybrid genetic algorithm to solve the VRPD. Experiments are carried out on the instances taken from the literature in different settings. The results show the performance of the proposed algorithm to solve this variant.


A GRASP/VND algorithm for the energy minimizing drone routing problem with pickups and deliveries

Kyriakakis, N. A., Aronis, S., Marinaki, M., & Marinakis, Y. (2023). A GRASP/VND algorithm for the energy minimizing drone routing problem with pickups and deliveries. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 109340.

Vásquez, S. A., Angulo, G., & Klapp, M. A. (2021). An exact solution method for the TSP with drone based on decomposition. Computers & Operations Research127, 105127.

Morandi, N., Leus, R., Matuschke, J., & Yaman, H. (2023). The Traveling Salesman Problem with Drones: The Benefits of Retraversing the Arcs. Transportation Science.

Behroozi, M., & Ma, D. (2023). Last Mile Delivery with Drones and Sharing Economy. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16408

Chu J C, Shui C S, Lin K H. Optimization of trucks and drones in tandem delivery network with drone trajectory planning[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024: 110000.

Chung S H, Sah B, Lee J. Pseudo node insertion method for synchronization in drone-truck combined operations[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024: 109963.


Zandieh, F., Ghannadpour, S. F., & Mazdeh, M. M. (2023). New integrated routing and surveillance model with drones and charging station considerations. European Journal of Operational Research.

Jiang, J., Dai, Y., Yang, F., & Ma, Z. (2024). A multi-visit flexible-docking vehicle routing problem with drones for simultaneous pickup and delivery services. European Journal of Operational Research312(1), 125-137.


  1. Zandieh, F., Ghannadpour, S. F., & Mazdeh, M. M. (2023). Integrated ground vehicle and drone routing with simultaneous surveillance coverage for evading intentional disruption. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review178, 103266.
  2. Gao, J., Zhen, L., Laporte, G., & He, X. (2023). Scheduling trucks and drones for cooperative deliveries. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review178, 103267.

Horbulin, V. P., Hulianytskyi, L. F., & Sergienko, I. V. (2023). Planning of Logistics Missions of the “UAV+ Vehicle” Hybrid Systems. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 1-10.

Boschetti M A, Novellani S. Last‐mile delivery with drone and lockers[J]. Networks.

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