



 * @file    vtkpost.cpp
 * @brief
 * @version
 * @date    Fri 25 Jan 2019 08:22:00 AM CST

#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

/* The last space is necessary. */
const string idmarker = "SCALARS id float 1 ";
const string nmarker  = "DATASET POLYDATA ";
const string pmarker  = "DATASET POLYDATA ";
const string tmarker  = "SCALARS type float 1 ";
const string rmarker  = "SCALARS radius float 1 ";
const string vmarker  = "VECTORS velocity float ";
const string amarker  = "VECTORS omega float ";
const string fmarker  = "VECTORS force float ";
const string fdmarker = "VECTORS fdrag float ";
const string fcmarker = "VECTORS collide float ";

typedef struct {
    int id, type;
    double xo, yo, zo;  // old position
    double xn, yn, zn;  // new position
    double uo, vo, wo;  // old velocity
    double un, vn, wn;  // new velocity
    double du, dv, dw;  // velocity changes
    double mu;          // magitude of velocity changes
    double rp;          // radius
    double auo, avo, awo;   // old angular velocity
    double aun, avn, awn;   // new angular velocity
    double dau, dav, daw;   // angular velocity changes
    double fxo, fyo, fzo;   // old force
    double fxn, fyn, fzn;   // new force
    double fdxo, fdyo, fdzo;    // old drag force
    double fdxn, fdyn, fdzn;    // new drag force
    double fcxo, fcyo, fczo;    // old collide force
    double fcxn, fcyn, fczn;    // new collide force
} Vtkout;

/* Find the mapping relations between reading sequence and the particle id */
map<int, int> find_seq2ids(const char *name);

/* Extract indices from the mapping relations. */
set<int> extract_id(const map<int, int> &mapping);

/* Find common indices between ...1.vtk and ...2.vtk. */
set<int> find_comm_id(
        const set<int> &ids1,
        const set<int> &ids2);

/* Generate mapping relations from reading sequence to common indices */
map<int, int> generate_ids2seq(const set<int> &commids);

/* Read the information of the common partiles in ...1.vtk and ...2.vtk. */
vector<Vtkout> read_comm_info(
        const char *name1,
        const map<int, int> &map1,
        const char *name2,
        const map<int, int> &map2,
        const set<int> &commids,
        const map<int, int> &commids2seq);

/* Write all collected data to a dat file. */
void write_data(const vector<Vtkout> &data);


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    /* Only file name should be modified if necessary. */
    const char *name1 = "./part120000001.vtk";
    const char *name2 = "./part120000002.vtk";

    /* Use map1 and map2 to record the mapping relations between reading
     * sequence and particle indices of file 1 and file2, respectively.*/
    const map<int, int> map1 = find_seq2ids(name1);
    const map<int, int> map2 = find_seq2ids(name2);

    const set<int> ids1 = extract_id(map1);
    const set<int> ids2 = extract_id(map2);
    const int np1 = ids1.size();
    const int np2 = ids2.size();

    cout << "Particle number in file " << name1 << " is " << np1 << endl;
    cout << "Particle number in file " << name2 << " is " << np2 << endl;

    const set<int> commids = find_comm_id(ids1, ids2);
    const map<int, int> ids2seq = generate_ids2seq(commids);
    const int comm_np = commids.size();

    cout << "Common particle number is " << comm_np << endl;

    vector<Vtkout> data =
        read_comm_info(name1, map1, name2, map2, commids, ids2seq);

    /* for (auto it = ids2seq.begin(); it != ids2seq.end(); it++) { */
    /*     cout << it->first << "\t" << it->second << endl; */
    /* } */

    /* for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { */
    /*     cout << data[i].xo << "\t" << data[i].yo << "\t" << data[i].zo << endl; */
    /* } */


    return 0;


/* Find the mapping relations between reading sequence and the particle id */
map<int, int> find_seq2ids(const char *name)

    map<int, int> seq2ids;
    ifstream fin;
    string stmp, line;
    int np, id;

    /* Read all indices in ...1.vtk. */
    fin.open(name, ios::in);

    while (getline(fin, line)) {
        /* Find the particle number in current vtk file. */
        if (line == nmarker) {
            fin >> stmp >> np >> stmp;

        /* Read all indices and insert all indices to a set. */
        if (line == idmarker) {
            for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
                getline(fin, line);
                fin >> id;
                seq2ids.insert(pair<int, int>(i, id));


    return seq2ids;

/* Extract indices from the mapping relations. */
set<int> extract_id(const map<int, int> &mapping)
    set<int> ids;
    for (auto it = mapping.begin(); it != mapping.end(); it++) {

    return ids;

/* Find common indices between ...1.vtk and ...2.vtk. */
set<int> find_comm_id(
        const set<int> &ids1,
        const set<int> &ids2)
    set<int> commids;

    for (auto it = ids2.begin(); it != ids2.end(); it++) {
        if (ids1.find(*it) != ids1.end()) {

    return commids;

/* Generate mapping relations from reading sequence to common indices */
map<int, int> generate_ids2seq(const set<int> &commids)
    int count = 0;
    map<int, int> ids2seq;
    for (auto it = commids.begin(); it != commids.end(); it++) {
        ids2seq.insert(pair<int, int>(*it, count));

    return ids2seq;

/* Read the information of the common partiles in ...1.vtk and ...2.vtk. */
vector<Vtkout> read_comm_info(
        const char *name1,
        const map<int, int> &map1,
        const char *name2,
        const map<int, int> &map2,
        const set<int> &commids,
        const map<int, int> &commids2seq)
    const int np1 = map1.size();
    const int np2 = map2.size();
    const int comm_np = commids.size();

    int itmp;
    double xtmp, ytmp, ztmp, dtmp;
    string stmp, line;
    ifstream fin;
    vector<Vtkout> data(comm_np);

    /* Read all information from ...1.vtk */
    fin.open(name1, ios::in);

    while (getline(fin, line)) {
        if (line == pmarker) {
            cout << "Find pmarker" << endl;
            getline(fin, line);
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].id = m1it->second;
                    data[cit->second].xo = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].yo = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].zo = ztmp;

        if (line == vmarker) {
            cout << "Find vmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].uo = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].vo = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].wo = ztmp;

        if (line == amarker) {
            cout << "Find amarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].auo = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].avo = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].awo = ztmp;

        if (line == fmarker) {
            cout << "Find fmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].fxo = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].fyo = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].fzo = ztmp;

        if (line == fdmarker) {
            cout << "Find fdmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].fdxo = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].fdyo = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].fdzo = ztmp;

        if (line == fcmarker) {
            cout << "Find fcmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].fcxo = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].fcyo = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].fczo = ztmp;

        if (line == tmarker) {
            cout << "Find tmarker" << endl;
            getline(fin, line);
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> itmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].type = itmp;

        if (line == rmarker) {
            cout << "Find rmarker" << endl;
            getline(fin, line);
            for (int i = 0; i < np1; i++) {
                fin >> dtmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m1it = map1.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m1it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m1it->second);
                    data[cit->second].rp = dtmp;


    /* Read all information from ...2.vtk */
    fin.open(name2, ios::in);

    while (getline(fin, line)) {
        if (line == pmarker) {
            cout << "Find pmarker" << endl;
            getline(fin, line);
            for (int i = 0; i < np2; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m2it = map2.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m2it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m2it->second);
                    data[cit->second].xn = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].yn = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].zn = ztmp;

        if (line == vmarker) {
            cout << "Find vmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np2; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m2it = map2.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m2it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m2it->second);
                    data[cit->second].un = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].vn = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].wn = ztmp;

        if (line == amarker) {
            cout << "Find amarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np2; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m2it = map2.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m2it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m2it->second);
                    data[cit->second].aun = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].avn = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].awn = ztmp;

        if (line == fmarker) {
            cout << "Find fmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np2; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m2it = map2.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m2it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m2it->second);
                    data[cit->second].fxn = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].fyn = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].fzn = ztmp;

        if (line == fdmarker) {
            cout << "Find fdmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np2; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m2it = map2.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m2it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m2it->second);
                    data[cit->second].fdxn = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].fdyn = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].fdzn = ztmp;

        if (line == fcmarker) {
            cout << "Find fcmarker" << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < np2; i++) {
                fin >> xtmp >> ytmp >> ztmp;
                map<int, int>::const_iterator m2it = map2.find(i);
                if (commids.find(m2it->second) != commids.end()) {
                    map<int, int>::const_iterator cit = commids2seq.find(m2it->second);
                    data[cit->second].fcxn = xtmp;
                    data[cit->second].fcyn = ytmp;
                    data[cit->second].fczn = ztmp;


    for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++) {
        it->du = it->un - it->uo;
        it->dv = it->vn - it->vo;
        it->dw = it->wn - it->wo;
        it->mu = sqrt(pow(it->du, 2) + pow(it->dv, 2) + pow(it->dw, 2));

        it->dau = it->aun - it->auo;
        it->dav = it->avn - it->avo;
        it->daw = it->awn - it->awo;

    return data;

void write_data(const vector<Vtkout> &data)
    ofstream fout;

    fout << "id" << "\t" << "type" << "\t" << "rp" << "\t"
         << "xo" << "\t" << "yo" << "\t" << "zo" << "\t"
         << "xn" << "\t" << "yn" << "\t" << "zn" << "\t"
         << "uo" << "\t" << "vo" << "\t" << "wo" << "\t"
         << "un" << "\t" << "vn" << "\t" << "wn" << "\t"
         << "du" << "\t" << "dv" << "\t" << "dw" << "\t"
         << "mu" << "\t"
         << "auo" << "\t" << "avo" << "\t" << "awo" << "\t"
         << "aun" << "\t" << "avn" << "\t" << "awn" << "\t"
         << "dau" << "\t" << "dav" << "\t" << "daw" << "\t"
         << "fxo" << "\t" << "fyo" << "\t" << "fzo" << "\t"
         << "fxn" << "\t" << "fyn" << "\t" << "fzn" << "\t"
         << "fdxo" << "\t" << "fdyo" << "\t" << "fdzo" << "\t"
         << "fdxn" << "\t" << "fdyn" << "\t" << "fdzn" << "\t"
         << "fcxo" << "\t" << "fcyo" << "\t" << "fczo" << "\t"
         << "fcxn" << "\t" << "fcyn" << "\t" << "fczn" << "\t"
         << endl;

    for (auto it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); it++) {
        fout << it->id << "\t" << it->type << "\t" << it->rp << "\t"
             << it->xo << "\t" << it->yo << "\t" << it->zo << "\t"
             << it->xn << "\t" << it->yn << "\t" << it->zn << "\t"
             << it->uo << "\t" << it->vo << "\t" << it->wo << "\t"
             << it->un << "\t" << it->vn << "\t" << it->wn << "\t"
             << it->du << "\t" << it->dv << "\t" << it->dw << "\t"
             << it->mu << "\t"
             << it->auo << "\t" << it->avo << "\t" << it->awo << "\t"
             << it->aun << "\t" << it->avn << "\t" << it->awn << "\t"
             << it->dau << "\t" << it->dav << "\t" << it->daw << "\t"
             << it->fxo << "\t" << it->fyo << "\t" << it->fzo << "\t"
             << it->fxn << "\t" << it->fyn << "\t" << it->fzn << "\t"
             << it->fdxo << "\t" << it->fdyo << "\t" << it->fdzo << "\t"
             << it->fdxn << "\t" << it->fdyn << "\t" << it->fdzn << "\t"
             << it->fcxo << "\t" << it->fcyo << "\t" << it->fczo << "\t"
             << it->fcxn << "\t" << it->fcyn << "\t" << it->fczn << "\t"
             << endl;



# Compile:
g++ vtkpost.cpp -std=c++11 -o vtkpost

# Run:

# Abbr. in results:
#    postfix o: old
#    postfix n: new
#    prefix  d: change
#    f: force
#    fd: drag
#    fc: collide
#    ......
#    (also see from line 32 to line 48 in vtkpost.cpp)




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