AP Autosar overview

AP overview
  • Ap Autosar Architecture(yellow[Non-PF Service], blue[Platform Foundation FCs], red[PF Service FCs])
    columns 5
    a1("AdaptiveApp")  a2("AdaptiveApp")  a3("AdaptiveApp") a4("ASW::XYZ \nNon-PF Service") a5("ASW::ABC \nNon-PF Service")
    ar1("ara::com \nCommunication \nManagement") ar2("ara::rest \nrest") ar3("ara::tsync \nTime Synchronization") ar4("ara::diag \nDiagnostics") ar5("ara::sm service \State \nManagement")
    columns 2
    ar6("IPC") ar7("SingalPDU") ar8("SOME/IP") ar9("DDS")
    ar10("ara::per \nPersistency") ar11("ara::phm \nPlatform Health \nManagement") ar12("ara::log \nLog and Trace") ar13("ara::ucm service \nUpdate and Config \nManagement")
    ar14("ara::core \nCore") ar15("ara::exec \nExecution Management") ar16("ara::lam \nIdentity and Access Management")  ar17("ara::crypto \nCryptography") ar18("ara::nm service \nNetwork \nManagement")
    ar19("POSIX PSE51/C++ STL \nOperating System Interface"):4 space
    m("(Virtual) Machine/Container/Hardware"):5
    classDef APP_STYTE fill:#FFEC9E;
    classDef ARA_STYTE fill:#FFCBCB;
    classDef MACHINE_STYTE fill:#DFD0B8
    class a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 APP_STYTE
    class ar5,ar13,ar18 ARA_STYTE
    class m MACHINE_STYTE
  • AA: Adaptive Applicaton
  • ARA: Autosar Runtime for Adaptive Applications(consists of interfaces provided by FCs)
  • FC*:Functional Clusters(Interfaces: APIs + Services)
    • AP Foundation FCs(API):(Directly call)
    • AP Service FCs(Service):(call via ara::com)
  • Operating Syctem Interface
    • Standard OS interface(POSIX PSE51/C++ STL)
  • Execution Management
    • Lifecycle management of platform(machine) and application(process) incl. privileges of access control and machine states
  • State Management
    • Mainly responsible for the state switching of the entire machine state and its functional groups
    • Notify the EM to perform related state switching
  • Platform Health Management
    • Alive supervision for application
  • Communication Management
    • SOME/IP based including serialization and service discovery
    • publish/subscribe mechanism for intra- and inter-ECU communication
    • Conversion from data signal to service
  • Log And Trace
    • Use AUTOSAR standards DLT, function like Glog, responsible for recording log of AP Autosar
  • Core Types
    • Consisting of only data type and helper function
  • Persistency
    • Provide storage services, including Key-value and stream storage
  • Diagnostic
    • Event management and diagnostic service handing
  • Update and Configure Management
    • Responsible for updating, installing, deleting and saving software records on the adaptive platform
  • Cryptography
    • Provides APIS for common encryption operations and security key management
  • Identity and Access Management
    • Introduce separations of privileges for adaptive applications and prevents privilege escalation during attacks
  • Time Synchronization
    • For time synchronization between two systems, the accuracy can reach sub-microsecond level
  • Network Management
    • Network state switching
Startup Sequence
  • Machine staryup sequence
    • OS->EM->FC->AA
    • EM determines the startup order based on the machine manifest and the execution manifest
  • an AA/FC is a process in OS(single or multiple instances)
    • multiple threads
    • in different states(SM, EM, UCM)
    • communication
      • AA with POSIX OS: PES51
      • AA with AA or AP services: ara::COM
      • AA with AP Foundation: direct interface
  • Manifest(arxml)
    • mainly comtains platform-related information such as recovery operations and service- and libary-related dependencies
    • will be read when deploying and updating application
  • Configuration file
    • mainly contains static infomation such as version information
  • Service interface:(Proxy/skeleton)
    • Method: request & response method, fire & forget method
    • Event
    • Field: Notifier, Getter and Setter
  • Standardization of Arxml: describe services, applications, machines and their configuration
  • Interaction of Arxml: how to exchange design information
  1. Develop platform and configure machine -> generate machine manifest(platform, machine information such as processor model, munbers of core, machine ip address, port, and so on)
  2. Define services -> generate application design -> generate proxy and skeleton files(datatypes, service interfaces, components)
  3. Develop software(implement skeleton by server -> call via proxy by client) -> generate executable
  4. integrate software(configure path to executable file, numbers of instances, startup paramenters, environment variables, scheduling strategy, UID/GID) -> generate execution manifest
  5. Define and configure service instances (service interface + service ID, method ID, event ID) -> generate service instance manifest
  6. SW Package(executable, execution manifest, service instance manifest) -> machine A(deployment, authentication, installation + FCs & AAs startup, configure and shutdown)
  • describe Autosar model
  • support configuration of AP product
  • upload to AP product(combined with corresponding executable)
  1. Application design: describes design-related models
    • datatypes
    • service interfaces
    • defines how to access other modules(COM, PER, PHM, Time Base…)
  2. Machine manifest
    • service discovery configuration(ip address and port)
    • define machine states(on/off/start/restart/shut down)
    • define function group
    • functional clusters configuration
    • available hardware resourses(RAM, processor, numbers of core…)
  3. Execution manifest: makes code indepentant of specific deployment scenarios
    • startup configuration
    • resource management(resource group)
  4. Service instance manifest: SOC(SOME/IP) configuration
    • service interface deployment
    • service instance deployment(service ID, method ID and event ID)
    • E2E protection on configuration
    • cyber security protection on configuration
    • log and trace configuration
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