数字笔记:构建第二个大脑 作者:Tiago Forte(书籍摘要)Digital Notetaking: Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte

Tiago Forte的《数字笔记:构建第二个大脑》揭示了如何利用数字笔记工具提升思考力。第二大脑不仅是记忆辅助,更是思维工具,帮助你快速找到信息,组织知识,保存创新思想。通过Capture、Organize、Distill、Express的CODE方法,提高工作效率,创造性执行。笔记应用程序的多媒体、非正式、开放和行动导向特性使其成为理想工具。随着使用深入,第二大脑可助你发现新关联,孵化想法,塑造独特视角,提高创造力。


Digital Notetaking: Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte (Book Summary) 数字笔记:构建第二个大脑 作者:Tiago Forte(书籍摘要)

About Building a Second Brain (BASB) 关于构建第二大脑 (BASB)

“When youtransform your relationship to information, you will begin to see the technology in your life not just as a storage medium but as a tool for thinking. Like a bicycle for the mind, once we learn how to use it properly, technology can enhance our cognitive abilities and
accelerate us toward our goals far faster than we could ever achieve on our own.”


What is a Second Brain?什么是第二大脑?

  • “Think of your Second Brain as the world’s best personal assistant.”
  • “Think of it as the combination of a study notebook, a personal journal, and a sketchbook for new ideas. It is a multipurpose tool that can adapt to your changing needs over time.”
  • “Your Second Brain is always on, has perfect memory, and can scale to any size. The more you outsource and delegate the jobs of capturing, organizing, and distilling to technology, the more time and energy you’ll have available for the self-expression that only you can do.”
  • “Second Brain” is also known as: “Personal cloud,” “field notes,” “external brain,” “extended mind,” “digital archive,” “digital garden,” “digital commonplace book,” “Zettelkasten” (meaning “slip box” in German, coined by influential sociologist Niklas Luhmann), “Memex” (a word invented by American inventor Vannevar Bush).

The BASB system will teach you how to:BASB系统将教您如何:

  • “Find anything you’ve learned, touched, or thought about in the past within seconds.”
  • “Organize your knowledge and use it to move your projects and goals forward more consistently.”
  • “Save your best thinking so you don’t have to do it again.”
  • “Connect ideas and notice patterns across different areas of your life so you know how to live better.”
  • “Adopt a reliable system that helps you share your work more confidently and with more ease.”
  • “Turn work ‘off’ and relax, knowing you have a trusted system keeping track of all the details.”
  • “Spend less time looking for things, and more time doing the best, most creative work you are capable of.”

Why a digital notetaking app? 为什么选择数字笔记应用程序?

  • Multimedia: “Just like a paper notebook might contain drawings and sketches, quotes and ideas, and even a pasted photo or Post-it, a notes app can store a wide variety of different kinds of content in one place, so you never need to wonder where to put something.”
  • Informal: “Notes are inherently messy, so there’s no need for perfect spelling or polished presentation. This makes it as easy and frictionless as possible to jot things down as soon as they occur to you, which is essential to allow nascent ideas to grow.”
  • Open-ended: “Taking notes is a continuous process that never really ends, and you don’t always know where it might lead. Unlike more specialized kinds of software that are designed to produce a specific kind of output (such as slide decks, spreadsheets, graphics, or videos), notes are ideal for free-form exploration before you have a goal in mind.”
  • Action-oriented: “Unlike a library or research database, personal notes don’t need to be comprehensive or precise. They are designed to help you quickly capture stray thoughts so you can remain focused on the task at hand.”

Second Brain Stages: 大脑第二阶段:

  • “The first way that people tend to use their Second Brain is as a memory aid. They use their digital notes to save facts and ideas that they would have trouble recalling otherwise: takeaways from meetings, quotes from interviews, or the details of a project, for example.”
  • “The second way that people use their Second Brain is to connect ideas together. Their Second Brain evolves from being primarily a memory tool to becoming a thinking tool.”
  • “Eventually, the third and final way that people use their Second Brain is for creating new things. They realize that they have a lot of knowledge on a subject and decide to turn it into something concrete and shareable. Seeing so much supporting material ready and waiting gives them the courage to put their own ideas out there and have a positive impact on others.”

Second Brain Superpowers: 第二种大脑超能力:

  • Make our ideas concrete: “Before we do anything with our ideas, we have to ‘off-load’ them from our minds and put them into concrete form. Only when we declutter our brain of complex ideas can we think clearly and start to work with those ideas effectively … Digital notes aren’t physical, but they are visual. They turn vague concepts into tangible entities that can be observed, rearranged, edited, and combined together.”
  • Reveal new associations between ideas: “In its most practical form, creativity is about connecting ideas together, especially ideas that don’t seem to be connected … By keeping diverse kinds of material in one place, we facilitate this connectivity and increase the likelihood that we’ll notice an unusual association … In our Second Brain we can do the same: mi




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