Business Conversation

1、          How are you getting on?
2、          How is everything going?
3、          It’s a great honor to meet you.( 很荣幸见到你 )
4、          I’ve often heard about you. 久仰,久仰
5、          I know you very well by reputation. 久闻大名
6、          Haven’t run into you for a long time. 好久没有见到你
7、          I have been looking forward to meeting you.
8、          How are you getting along with your work here?
Meeting( 接待 ) and Parting( 告别 )
1、          Mr. David Smith asked me to come here in his place( 替代 ) to pick you up.
2、          We’ve been anticipating your arrival.
3、          On the eve of your departure, do you have any suggestions or advice? 临走前,
4、          Thank you for your warm reception and hospitality. 盛情款待
5、          Farewell, my friends. It’s time to depart. 再见,朋友们。是分手的时候了。
postpone 推迟              in charge of 负责             schedule 时间表
hospitable 好客的            mention 提及             impress 留下印象
responsible 负责的          supervisor 主管          delay 使 延误
area code 区号           extension 分机号码     conference call 会议电话
hold on 不挂断                           put … through 接通   
out of order 出故障                    domestic call 国内电话
busy 占线                                         overseas call 越洋电话
long distance call             local call             public telephone 公用电话
1、          I’d like to talk to you for an hour or so next Monday. Could you spare the time?
2、          That should be possible, but I can’t give you a definite answer right now, I’m afraid. ( 我还不能给你肯定的答复 )
3、          Let’s make it nine o’clock Friday morning. Would that be convenient for you?
4、          Do you think you could make it Monday afternoon? That would suit me better.
5、          I’m afraid I have to cancel my appointment.
6、          It looks as if I won’t be able to keep the appointment we made.( 不能赴约了 )
7、          I’m afraid not. I’m fully booked up tomorrow. ( 已安排满了 )
8、          Anytime except Monday morning will be all right.
9、          Sorry, Mr. Wang has some unexpected business to attend to, and won’t be able to make your appointment this evening.
Business visit ( 业务拜访 )
general manager               marketing department 市场部
business card                        establish              
inconvenient 妨碍            tie up 缠住
1、          I’d like to see the person in charge of purchasing.
2、          Here’s my business card.
3、          I’d prefer to explain that to him directly.
4、          I’m here to discuss the possibility of establishing business relations with your corporation.
5、          Sorry, I’m a little early. I hope it is not inconvenient.       ( 希望没有妨碍你 )
6、          Sorry to keep you waiting. I was rather tied up just now.     ( 让你久等了。刚才太忙了 )
Marketing & Sales
investigation 调查                  outlet 销售渠道
situation 行情                  entire 整个的
base 根据,依据                  handle  经营                    
push 促销                                   Stage 阶段
suppose 假定                         trial 尝试
appliance 设备                      resolution 毅力、决心
1、          The market situation is better than we expected.
2、          It’s our principle in business “to honor the contract and keep our promise”. “重合同,守信用”是我们经营业务的原则
3、          Could I have some information about the scope of your business?
4、          I’m in the import and export business. 我从事进出口业务
5、          Won’t you have a look at the catalogue and see what interest you?
6、          Marketing on the Internet is becoming popular.
7、          We usually base our projections on the current market.
8、          This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.
9、          I hope this visit of mine will be the beginning of a long and friendly connection between us.
10、      I would suggest that you should find out the likes and dislikes of your customers.
11、      We are satisfied with your success in pushing the sale of our products.
12、      Good morning, sir. I’m a salesman of Sunshine Trading Company. My name is Wang Ling. I wonder if you could spare me half an hour to introduce our business.
13、      For your own resolution. 应该干感谢你的毅力。
Introducing Products
Recommend 推荐                             exhibition 展览
Feature 特点                                     performance 性能
Selection 选择                                  durable 耐久的
Competitor 竞争对手                        flavor 风味
Enclose 封入                                     objective 目的
Outcome 结果                                  fortune 财富
Domestic 国产的                              manual 手的
1、          In the next half an hour or so, I’m going to talk about our new product.
2、          This is our latest development. A product with high performance. We put it on the market just two month ago.
3、          We have a wide selection of colors and designs.
4、          This product is durable. 耐久性强
5、          This product is patented. 申请了专利
6、          This design has got a real China flavor. 真正的中国风味
7、          The objective of my presentation is for you to see the product’s function. ( 介绍 )
8、          If you use this machine your productivity will increase by twenty percent.
9、          A great variety of new products and traditional items are on display at the fair.( 交易会 )
10、      There is no more demand for this product.
Necessity 必需品                             essence 关键
Dependable 可信赖的                      sample 样品
1、          We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality.
2、          The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place. 在市场上的领导地位
3、          As long as the quality is good, it’s all right if the price is a bit higher.
4、          They enjoy good quality reputation in the world.
5、          The quality of our product enjoys a high reputation in oversea market.
6、          Price reduction mustn’t be done at the expense of the quality.
Inquiry 询问 à investigation                       quotation 报价
Estimate 估价                                                    bid 出价
Counter offer 还价                                       indication price 参考价格
Firm offer 实价                                            bottom price 底价
Favorable 优惠                                            gross 大量的
1、          Setting the highest price for a product is not necessarily the realistic way to earn the highest profit.
2、          A 2% reduction is really the best we can do.
3、          I’m sorry that the difference between our price and your counter offer is too wide. It’s impossible for us to entertain your counter offer.
4、          Can we each make some concession? 双方都可以做点让步吗?
5、           In order to conclude business, we’re prepare to cut down our price by 5%.
6、          If you were to place orders with us during summer, our off-peak season, then I could give you a reduction of five percent.
7、          We don’t give any commission in general. 我们一般不给佣金
8、          Buyers wish to buy cheap and sellers wish to sell dear. Everyone has an eye to his own benefit.
9、          Considering our good relationship and future business, we give you a 3% commission.
Order list 订单           place/accept/cancel an order 下订单 ( 接受 / 取消 )
Confirm an order 确认订单         trial order 试订
Intend 打算                                  confirmation 确定
In most case 通常                        prompt 迅速的
Cooperation 合作                        hasten 赶快
1、          How many do you intend to order?
2、          When can we expect your confirmation of the order?
3、          We are pleased to inform you we have begun the execution of your order.    履行
4、          Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it. 考虑到我们之间的长期贸易关系
Make delivery 交货                      ample 充足的
Dispatch 分发                              stipulate 规定
Expedite 加快                              profitable 有利润的
Lost out 亏本                             on schedule 按计划
1、          You may know that time of delivery is a matter of importance to us. 交货时间对我们来说关系重大
2、          I trust that you will make all necessary arrangements to deliver the goods in time.
3、          I believe that the product will reach you in time and in good order and hope they will give you complete satisfaction.
Signing a contract
draw up 签订                   restate  重申                 clause 条款
finalize 最后定下来          go through 检查          settle 决定
abide 坚持、遵守                  faith 诺言                    keep good faith 守信誉 split 分开                            terminate 终止、取消
smoothly 顺利地              signature 签字
1.     Before the formal contract is drawn up we’d like to restate the main points of the agreement.
2.     The entire clause should meet with common understanding.
3.     It’s very important for us to abide by contracts and keep good faith. 重合约、守信用对我们来说十分重要
4.     Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during our negotiation?
5.     Let’s congratulate ourselves for the successful contract.
Front money 预付款                    full payment 全额付款           
installment 分期付款                    terminal payment 定期付款
cash payment 现金付款               practice 惯例
in view of 由于                            procedure 手续
precedent 先例                            balance 余款
formality 手续                              reference 保证人
fluctuate 变动                              document 单据
invoice 发票                                certificate 证明
inspection 检查                            token 标志
1 ” Payment by installments ” is not the usual practice in the world trade.
2 In view of our long friendly relations and the effort you have made in pushing the sales, we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight, however, this should not be taken as a precedent.
3 I have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment.
4 Whom can I ask to give some kind of guarantee?
5 Well, I think we can make an exception for your. We’ll, as a token of friendship, entertain D/A for this sample order. 作为友谊的标志
Insurance 保险
insurance money 保险金                   insured amount 保险金额
insurance coverage 险别                    War Risk 战争险
premium 保险费                               premium rate 保险费率
as for 关于                                       affair 事务
instantaneously 及时地                      hazard 危险
collision 碰撞                                    leakage 渗漏
consignment 货物                              as a rule 按照惯例
insurance guarantee 保险担保                             voyage 航海
1、          The purpose of insurance is to cover risks.
2、          As for the insurance , I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about. 关于保险
3、          I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss. 承担责任
4、          What measures will you take with regard to unpredictable risks?
5、          If anything happens to the goods under insurance, we’ll provide you with the compensation.
6、          In what case is an insurance guarantee granted?
7、          The extra premium involved will be for your account.
After-sale Service 售后服务
warranty 保单                              refund 偿还
improperly 不正常地                   equip 装备
receipt 发票                                 mechanism 机器
1、              This type of TV set has five years guarantee free of charge.免费保修
2、          If it doesn’t work properly, you may bring it back within a month.
3、          How long is the warranty? 保修期多长时间
4、          Within the warranty periods, all repairs are free.
5、          Goods purchased in this shop can be changed within a month, but we don’t exchange any item that is improperly used or damaged by the customer himself.
6、          The warranty is good for 3 years.
7、          The main mechanism carries a three-year warranty.
8、          All repairs are billed at cost. 修理只收成本费
Complaints and Claims 投诉与索赔
inferior 劣质的                            compensation 赔偿
adjust 调解                                  substantial 充分的
1.     We’ll handle your claim appropriately according to the international practice. 依照国际惯例
2.     The goods you sent us are not up to the standard. 符合标准
3.     We would like to adjust this claim by arbitration. 以仲裁的方式
4.     We’ll certainly try to solve the matter to your satisfaction.
5.     In spite of the unfortunate incident, business between us will not be affect anyway.
6.     As it is a matter concerning the insurance, we hope that you will refer the claim to the insurance company or their agent at your end.
7.     Now it is hard to tell who will hold the responsibility for the loss.
Agency 代理
agent 代理                                       selling agent 销售代理
sole agency 独家代理                             general agent 总代理
purchasing agent 采购代理                      agency agreement 代理协议
application 申请                                      appoint 委派
channel 渠道                                           warrant 保证
entrust 委托                                            substantial 大规模的
vigorously 精力充沛的                           turnover 营业额
conservative 保守的                                transfer 转移
have no doubt 坚信                                 restriction 限制
6.     I am willing to handle your exports as an agent.
7.     We have no doubt we can do better this year if you appoint us your selling agent.
8.     Your application for a sole agency for a period of one year is now under our consideration.
9.     After a period of three years the contract may be cancelled at any time without prior notice.
foreign funds 外资                             infrastructure 基础设施
formality 手续                                   joint venture 合资企业
association 章程                                capital-intensive 资金密集型的
technology-intensive 技术密集型       preferential 特惠的
economic zone 经济特区                  proportion 比例
remit                                             remittance 汇款
a feasibility study 可行性报告           exempt 免除
1. We’re expanding the scope of utilizing foreign funds.
2. Foreign investors are encouraged to in infrastructure construction.
3. If you could introduce capital-intensive or technology-intensive projects, you’d enjoy great preferential treatment. 优惠待遇
4. Parties to an equity joint venture will share profits and losses in proportion to their respective contributions.
10. First of all, you’ll have to do a market survey, to choose the right project and to seek a suitable Chinese partner.
11. Can we remit our profit home? 把利润汇回国内
12. The remittance is exempted from income tax. 汇款免征所得税
A visit to a factory
workshop 车间                            overall 工作服
essence 关键                               fancy 喜爱
administrative 行政的                   anniversary 周年
shift 轮班                                     mechanize 机械化
upgrade 升级                              performance 性能
1.     I would be pleased to accompany you to the workshops.
2.     I’ll show you around and explain the operations as we go along.
3.     The competition is very fierce now. How does are factory stand out from all the others?
4.     Thank you for giving me so much of your time and for your patience in answering my questions.
Sales Promotion and Advertising
primarily 首先                              influential 有影响的
campaign 战役                             carry out 开展
appeal 有吸引力的                      false 虚假的
widespread                                 significant 辉煌的
residential 住宅                            commercial 广告节目
absolutely 绝对地                        launch 投放
1.     The function of advertising is primarily to inform and to persuade customers to buy a product or service.
2.     The purpose of our advertising is to draw customers’ interest and keep hold of their attention, so that they may do something in return.
3.     Advertisements are everywhere because media are everywhere.
4.     China ’s advertising industry has been rapidly developing since the country introduced reform and opening up policies, but the industry has also faced a number of problems, such as false advertising, poor quality advertisements and substantial advertising practices.
5.     When we launch a new product, we must bring customers’ attention to it. If we are competing with well-known products, we should start with low prices. Most people will continue to buy a brand they like even if the price goes up.
Job interview
opening 空缺                                          prospect 前途
degree 学历                                            proficiency 熟练
transcript 副本                                        cherish 珍惜、怀有(希望)
perseverance 坚忍不拔                           half-done 做一半
withdraw 退缩                                   eligible 合格的
chief 主要的                                          restore 恢复
merit 功绩                                               permanent 持久的
trainee 受训练的人                                 payroll 工资名单
1.     Could I talk to the manager, please? I understand you have an opening for a secretarial position.
2.     I’m a postgraduate student. Are there any opening in your company?
3.     I received seven years of education in this field and two degrees, a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree in Electronic Engineering – both from the world famous university, Harvard. I have two years of work experience in Electronic Engineering, and the honors and awards listed in my resume are a persuasive proof evidencing my achievements. In fact I have already succeeded in this field, but I hope I’ll be more successful in your company.
4.     I understand your corporation is one of the noted international consultant corporations newly landed in China after China entered WTO, and I think I might be able to do something to help you develop business here.
5.     It’s my duty to accomplish my work.
6.     I’m a person of great perseverance. If I pick up something, I never leave it half-done. I’m strong-willed, and I never withdraw before difficulties. I am ready to help others, because it can not only do others good but also give me a sense of satisfaction.
7.     Apart from the salary, do you give a bonus?
Business Meeting
agenda 议程                           pending 悬而未决的
basically 基本上                     frankly 直率地
1.     Our company will have a meeting concerning the market plan for next year in the third meeting room tomorrow morning.
2.     Everything is on today’s agenda.
3.     I’d like to have decision on this matter in this meeting.
4.     Please welcome Mr. Li to give us a few words.
5.     I’d like to Miss Yang to record the minutes of this meeting.
6.     Now that you mention it, I have to tell you my opinion.
7.     Could I raise a point about this contract? 提点看法
8.     I am basically in favor of it, but the problem should be discussed further. 我基本上同意,但问题还要进一步讨论
9.     Frankly speaking, I’m not happy with the decision.




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