current affairs 2022-03



1. More Bing Dwen Dwen toys on way to l ______stores.

2. This week, 35,000 toys will be s_____ to Beijing, and up to 100,000 are expected to be available before March 4.

3. Winter Olympics m____ Bing Dwen Dwen  are being restocked to licensed stores to meet the surge in demand.

 4.The organizers have also released a special ____ New Year edition of the Bing Dwen Dwen plush (漂亮) toy.

5.In order to meet the surging demand, the Beijing Olympic organizers have said they would increase the s_____ and factories resumed work early amid the weeklong Lunar New Year holiday to ramp up production.

6.Beijing residents woke up to s_____ scenes on Sunday after heavy snow started falling in the morning. Thanks to timely measures from local authorities, few problems were reported in downtown areas, but snow made some roads slippery.

7.A 27-year-old driver surnamed Yang, from Handan, Hebei province, said he saw one traffic a ___  happen in the capital due to slippery road conditions before finishing work at 9 am on Sunday.

8.Up to 7 c____   of snow was reported in some areas by Sunday morning, with more on the way, it said.

9. I___  of braving the snow on his electric bicycle, he decided to head home after work by taxi, at a cost of about 50 yuan ($7.9), r ___  a tenth of his daily income. He was a bit hesitant to spend the money, but didn't want to c____ a cold.

10.China has a four-tier color-coded weather _  system, with r___  representing the most severe, followed by o_____, yellow and blue.

11.  _____  n. a person who is trained in or good at sports, games, or exercises that require physical skill and strength


self-driving car, also known as an a__   vehicle (AV), driverless car, or r_____ car (robo-car),[1][2][3] is a car incorporating vehicular automation, that is, a ground vehicle that is capable of sensing its environment and moving s___  with little or no human input.[4][5] The future of this technology may have an impact on multiple industries and other circumstances.

Self-driving cars c____ a variety of sensors to perceive(观查 ) their surroundings, such as thermographic camerasradar [雷达]lidar[激光雷达]sonar[声呐], GPSodometry [测量] and inertial  [测量 惯性 ]measurement units.[1][4] Advanced control systems interpret [翻译,实时性  ]sensory information to i_____ appropriate navigation paths, as well as obstacles and relevant signage.[标记][6][7][8][9]

Possible implementations of the technology i_____  personal self-driving vehicles, shared robotaxis [机器人轴], and connected vehicle platoon.[4] Several projects to develop a fully self-driving commercial car are in various stages of development, but there are no self-driving cars —a______  for everyday consumers.

Autonomy in vehicles is often categorized in six levels,[10] according to a system developed by SAE International (SAE J3016, revised periodically).[11] The SAE levels can be roughly understood as Level 0 - no automation; Level 1 - hands on/shared control; Level 2 - hands off; Level 3 - eyes off; Level 4 - mind off, and Level 5 - steering [转向装置]wheel optional.

As of December 2021, vehicles operating at Level 3 and above remain a marginal portion of the market. Waymo became the first service provider to offer driver-less taxi rides to the general public in a part of Phoenix, Arizona in 2020. However, while there is no driver in the car, the vehicles still have remote human overseers.[12] In March 2021, Honda became the first manufacturer to provide a legally approved Level 3 vehicle,[13][14][15] and Toyota operated a potentially Level 4 service around the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Village.[16] Nuro has been allowed to start autonomous commercial delivery operations in California in 2021.[17] In December 2021, Mercedes-Benz became the second manufacturer to receive legal approval for a Level 3 complying with legal requirements.[18]

In China, two publicly accessible trials of robotaxis have been l______, in 2020 in Shenzhen's Pingshan District by Chinese firm AutoX[19] and in 2021 at Shougang Park in Beijing by Baidu, a v_____ for the 2022 Winter Olympics.[20]


China's top 10 advances in life sciences in 2021 unveiled

The China Association for Science and Technology on Monday  1 r____?  the country's 10 most significant advances in the field of life sciences in 2021.

Among the other breakthroughs on the list, a study on synthesizing starch [合成淀粉]from carbon dioxide stood out[突出].

Chinese scientists have developed an 2  a___? method of synthesizing starch from carbon dioxide, the first of its kind globally. The promising [前途、希望的]  3 s____?   is expected to help realize starch workshop production and provides a new technical route for synthesizing complex molecules/mɒlɪkju:lz 非洲/ from carbon dioxide.

Other key 4 a_?    include studies in cross-species infection and transmission of coronavirus, adjuvant /'ædʒʊvənt 辅助的/therapy/θerəpi 治疗疗法/ in locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma, vertebrate/ˈvɜːtɪbrət 脊椎动物/ water-to-land evolutionary pathway/路径途径/, route to denovo/重新再次/ domestication of wild allotetraploid rice, climate-driven flyway /候鸟迁徙所经的路径; /changes and memory-based long-distance migration, and morphological diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti 多样性,差异/of single neurons in molecularly defined cell types.

5 Paralympics can r_____   attention to the rights of the disabled'

6. With the 2022 Beijing Paralympic Games s_____  soon, an International Labor Organization specialist on disability reviewed global efforts on the rights of persons with disabilities.

7. The upcoming Paralympics will provide o____ to increase the visibility of persons with disabilities.

8. Tromel highlighted great challenges as well as opportunities in the digital industry. Training the disabled should help them find p___ in various levels of IT jobs and meet the demands of the market.

9/10.Tromel p_    out that both the ILO and the United Nations have coordinated with their resources and networks to help with the development of persons with disabilities, and China has played an a___  part in such systems.

China's top 10 advances in life sciences in 2021 unveiled -


National forest cover continues to increase

China's mass greening (adj,n,vi)projects have made remarkable achievements over the years and increased forest resources have boosted the country's green economy, the forestry/fɔːrɪstri/ 林业 authority announced on the International Day of Forests this Monday.

Between 2016 and 2020, China planted 64 million hectares/ˈhektɛəz/ of forest, according to the National Forestry and Grassland [草地草原]Administration (NFGA).

With 220 million hectares of forests and forest coverage /新闻报道,覆盖率/at 23.04 percent according to the administration, last year alone/仅仅,独自,孤独地/, 3.6 million hectares were added, more than double the area of Beijing.

China also has the fastest growing forest resources in the world. In 2019, NASA satellites showed that the world is literally /ˈlɪtərəli 文字的,确实的/greener than it was 20 years ago, and that China is leading /主要的/ the increase.

By the end of last year, national forest stock reached 17.56 billion cubic meters with a carbon storage value of 9.2 billion metric tons, according to the administration.

"Afforestation 、/造林/not only helped China become greener but has also contributed to the improvement of living conditions," said Zhang Wei, director of the administration's environment protection and restoration department.

week1 key:

1. licensed 

2.  shipped 

3. mascot / mæskət/ n animal, a toy, etc. that people believe will bring them good luck, or that represents an organization, etc. 吉祥物

4. Lunar/Chinese

5. supply


7. accident

8. centimeters 

9.Instead   roughly catch 

10.warning  red   orange


12. autonomous

13 robotic

14. safely

15. combine

16. identify

17. include

18. available

19. launched

20. venue 


1.released 2. artificial 4. advances 5.raise 6  starting 7. opportunities 8. positions  9.  pointed  10. active

More snow on way for northern China -

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