PREP 语法笔记 7


CEO’s,谓语是earn,宾语是419 times the pay of blue-collar workers,后跟比较结构as compared

to…the ratio42 times their pay的同位语。

CEO’s CEO 的复数形式,以缩写字母组成的专有名词的复数形式可以是加’s 或加 s



比较-compare/contrast 的用法,(as) compared to/withGMAT 没有区分 to with 的区别),省略

了主语和系动词,即 A be compared with/to B,与 in contrast to 都是惯用法,前后比较对象一定

要对等。常见的错误用法有:将 compare 用作主动(when compare…; comparing…),比较对象


句子结构-宾语从句,正式书面语中,宾语从句的引导词 that 不能省略。


(A) compared to的比较对象不对象,前者419 times the pay of blue-collar workers表达的是工资数,

而后者a ratio of是比率。

(B) a ratio that comparescompare不能用主动方式表达,应该是被比较sth be compared to…的省

略形式(省略了主语和系动词,是惯用法);compare to的比较对象不对象,前者419 times the pay of

blue-collar workers表达的是工资数,而后者42 times是比率。

(C)  正确,as compared to比较结构,419 times the pay42 times their pay比较,the ratio…是同位


(D) 缺少that引导宾语从句;indicates CEO’s who…句子结构不完整,缺少谓语,who引导定语从句


(E)  缺少that引导宾语从句;indicates CEO’s earning…句子结构不完整,缺少谓语;compare to

比较对象不对象,前者419 times the pay of blue-collar workers表达的是工资数,而后者42 times



133. (31602-!-item-!-188;#058&004586)


In the past several years, astronomers have detected more than 80 massive planets, most of them

as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle other stars.


(A) most of them as large or larger than Jupiter, which circle

(B) most of them as large or larger than Jupiter and circling

(C) most of them at least as large as Jupiter, circling

(D) mostly at least as large as Jupiter, which circle

(E) mostly as large or larger than Jupiter, circling


句子结构:…, astronomers have detected… planets, … as large as Jupiter, circling…

主语是astronomers,谓语是have detected,宾语是planets,后跟比较结构插入语,现在分词circling




比较,A as… as… or than B;   A at least as as B。常见的错误用法包括:A as… or

than B(少 as; as…as compared to; as… than compared to; as… than 等。

平行对称,注意连词 and 的前后是否有合理且符合原句意思的平行对象。


(A) 缺少第二个asas…as…是完整结构。

(B)  缺少第二个asas…as…是完整结构;and circling没有并列对象。

(C)  正确,them指代planets,现在分词circling作后置定语修饰planets,前面most of them…是插入




(D) mostly是副词,修饰错误。

(E) mostly是副词,修饰错误;缺少第二个asas…as…是完整结构。


134. (31696-!-item-!-188;#058&004702)


Among lower-paid workers, union members are less likely than nonunion members to be enrolled in

lower-end insurance plans imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors to see

more patients, and spend less time with each.


(A) imposing stricter limits on medical services and requiring doctors to see more patients, and


(B) imposing stricter limits on medical services, requiring doctors to see more patients, and


(C) that impose stricter limits on medical services, require doctors to see more patients, and spend

(D) that impose stricter limits on medical services and require doctors to see more patients,


(E) that impose stricter limits on medical services, requiring doctors to see more patients and



句子结构:…, union members are less likely than… to be enrolled in… plans that…







(A) and spend没有平行的对象。

(B) and spending和前面逻辑不平行,spending…应该是作see的伴随状语。

(C) and spend和前面逻辑不平行。

(D)  正确,that引导定语从句修饰紧临的名词plans,说明plans的内容,impose and require是定语从


(E) requiringspending逻辑不平行。


135. (31742-!-item-!-188;#058&004710)


At one time, the majestic American chestnut was so prevalent that it was said a squirrel could jump

from tree to tree without once touching the ground between New York State and Georgia.


(A) so prevalent that it was said a squirrel could

(B) so prevalent that a squirrel was said that it could

(C) so prevalent for a squirrel to be said to be able to

(D) prevalent enough that it was said a squirrel could

(E) prevalent enough for a squirrel to be said to be able to


句子结构:…, the chestnut was so prevalent that it was said a squirrel could jump…

主语是the chestnut,系动词was,表语prevalentso… that…结构。



习惯用语-so that,注意 so… that…的固定搭配,常见的错误选项是将 enough that 搭配。




(A) 正确,that后跟从句表示结果;it was said…中的it是形式主语。

(B) a squirrel was said that…被动语态的表达不如主动更明确。

(C) to be said to被动语态的表达不如主动更明确;so… to be的搭配错误。

(D) enough that搭配错误。

(E) enough to do所表达的含义与原句的so that不同;to be said to被动语态的表达不如主动更明确。


136. (32028-!-item-!-188;#058&005735)


It seems likely that a number of astronomical phenomena, such as the formation of planetary

nebulas, may be caused by the interaction where two stars orbit each other at close range.


(A) may be caused by the interaction where two stars orbit each other

(B) may be caused by the interaction between two stars that each orbit the other

(C) are because of the interaction between two stars that orbit each other

(D) are caused by the interaction of two stars where each is orbiting the other

(E) are caused by the interaction of two stars orbiting each other 


句子结构:It seems likely that … phenomena, …, are caused by the interaction of… 

It作形式主语,that从句的主语是phenomena,谓语是are caused,现在分词orbiting作后置定语修饰





1      语意重复,may likely 所表达的都有可能的含义,不能同时使用。


because of…的表达不及动词形式 cause 更有效。


(A) maylikely语意重复;此处不应该用关系代词where,因为没有明确表示地点。

(B) maylikely语意重复;each…the other搭配错误。

(C) be because of sth不及动词形式be caused by更有效;each…the other搭配错误;where用法错,


(D) where用法错,原因与A选项相同;each…the other搭配错误。

(E)  正确,be caused by简洁有效地表达原因,现在分词orbiting…作后置定语修饰名词stars


137. (32170-!-item-!-188;#058&006029)


The Swedish warship Vasa, sunk in 1628 and raised in 1961, was preserved in the cold water of

Stockholm harbor, where low salinity inhibits the growth of marine borers that in most seas devour

every exposed scrap of a sunken ship's wooden hull.


(A) was preserved in the cold water of Stockholm harbor, where low salinity inhibits

(B) being preserved in the cold water of Stockholm harbor, because the low salinity there is able to


(C) and preserved in the cold water of Stockholm harbor, the low salinity there inhibits

(D) having been preserved in the cold water of Stockholm harbor, whose low salinity inhibits

(E) had been preserved in the cold water of Stockholm harbor, because of low salinity there



句子结构:The warship Vasa, …, was preserved in … harbor, where…

主语是the warship Vasa,并列的现在分词结构sunk in… and raised in…作定语修饰主语,谓语是was











(A) 正确,was preserved是整个句子的谓语,where引导定语从句修饰名词harbor

(B) 整个句子缺少谓语;现在分词结构being preserved…修饰对象不清楚;is able to inhibit与表句


(C) and preserved…sunk and raised逻辑上不平行;整个句子出现两个主语the Swedish warship

Vasathe low salinity

(D) 整个句子缺少谓语;whose通常指代人或事,Stockholm harbor是地点,用关系代词where最恰


(E)  没有时间标志说明需要用过去完成时;because of… inhibiting的表达方式不正确,而且原句也没



138. (32216-!-item-!-188;#058&006031)


According to scientists at the University of Alaska, while the surface temperature of the globe has

risen over the last century by about one degree Fahrenheit, the surface temperature in Alaska,

Siberia, and northwestern Canada has increased in the previous thirty years by about five degrees.


(A) the surface temperature in Alaska, Siberia, and northwestern Canada has increased in the

previous thirty years by about five degrees

(B) the surface temperature in Alaska, Siberia, and northwestern Canada has increased over the

last thirty years by about five degrees

(C) there was an increase in the last thirty years by about five degrees in Alaska, Siberia, and

northwestern Canada

(D) it had increased in Alaska, Siberia, and northwestern Canada by about five degrees over the

previous thirty years

(E) it has increased in Alaska, Siberia, and northwestern Canada over the previous thirty years by

about five degrees


句子结构:According to…, while the surface temperature… has risen…, the surface temperature…

has increased…

While引导状语从句,其主语是temperature,主句主语是temperature in…,谓语是has increased



动词时态,over +   数字 + years,用过去完成时态。


指代一致,单数代词 it 在句中指代出现过的名词,要注意逻辑意思是否合理。


(A) in the previous thirty years应该用一般过去时态,与未划线部分的over the last century也不平行。

(B)  正确,the surface temperature in…与前面的the temperature of the globe对称,has increased

has risen对称,over the last thirty yearsover the last century对称。

(C) there was an increase的表达方式不及动词形式更有效,该句也没有说明increase的发出者,即


(D) it指代temperature of the globe逻辑上不合理,原句是将两个不同temperature进行对比,不能用it




(E) it指代temperature of the globe逻辑上不合理,原因同D选项。


139. (32262-!-item-!-188;#058&006043)


On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees grow,

as seen in the rings visible in the cross sections of their trunks.


(A) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are believed to be the rate that trees


(B) On Earth, among the surest indications of sunspot cycles are, it is believed, the rate of tree


(C) On Earth, the rate at which trees grow is believed to be among the surest indications of sunspot


(D) Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles, believed to be the tree growth rate

(E) Among the surest indications on Earth of sunspot cycles is believed to be the rate at which trees



句子结构:Among… is believed to be…

倒装结构,主语是the rate,由which引导定语从句修饰。







(A) among倒装,主语应该是the rate,所以应该用单数is

(B) among倒装,主语应该是the rate,所以应该用单数istree应该用复数,使未划线部分的their


(C) on earth   放置句首修饰整个句子,不符合逻辑;their                                            的指代存在歧义,离它最近的是                                                                  sunspot

cycles,未划线部分的 as seen 应该要紧跟其修饰的名词。

(D) tree应该用复数,使未划线部分的their有一致的指代对象;谓语结构不完整,应该用is believed


(E)  正确,on Earth修饰indications,主语是the rate,谓语动词用单数is


140. (32308-!-item-!-188;#058&006094)


In human hearing, subtle differences in how the two ears hear a given sound help the listener

determine the qualities of that sound.


(A) in how the two ears hear a given sound help the listener determine

(B) in the two ears hearing a given sound help the listener in determining

(C) in how a sound is heard by the two ears helps the listener determine

(D) between how the two ears hear a given sound helps the listener in determining

(E) between how a sound is heard by the two ears help the listener in determining


句子结构:…, … differences in… help the listener determine…






习惯用语,help to do sth/be helpful in doing sthdifference in/between 的区别。



(A) 正确,difference in sthhelp sb do sth

(B) in the two ears hearing … 去掉how改变原文要表达的含义;help in doing用法错误。

(C)  被动语态的表达没有必要;helps应该是help,因为其主语是复数differences

(D) between应该是用于表达二者之间的含义,用于此处不正确;helps应该是help

(E) between应该是用于表达二者之间的含义,用于此处不正确;被动语态的表达没有必要。


141. (32450-!-item-!-188;#058&006160)


The federal rules aimed at protecting human subjects of medical experiments were established to

ensure that patients must be warned of potential risks and an independent panel would evaluate

the experiment before it was conducted.


(A) must be warned of potential risks and an independent panel would

(B) must be warned of potential risks and that an independent panel

(C) are warned about potential risks and that an independent panel

(D) will be warned about potential risks and an independent panel would

(E) would be warned of potential risks and that an independent panel would 


句子结构:… rules … were established to ensure that… and that …





平行对称-宾语从句,正式书面语中宾语从句的引导词 that 不能省略,并列的宾语从句在形式上尽量



(A) must beensure有语意上的重复;and后面缺少宾语从句引导词thatmust与后面的would不平


(B) must beensure有语意上的重复;ensure后的内容尽量与主句时态一致,过去发生的事情应该


(C) are warned时态不正确,过去发生的事情应该用would

(D) will be时态不正确,与后面的would也不平行;and后面缺少宾语从句引导词that

(E)  正确,emsure that… would and that … would…时态及形式都平行对称。


142. (32496-!-item-!-188;#058&006253)


According to a 1996 study published in the Journal of Human Resources, Americans of Middle

Eastern descent were twice as likely as was the national average to be self-employed.


(A) as was the national average to be self-employed

(B) as the average American to be self-employed

(C) as the national average that they would be self-employed

(D) to be self-employed than was the average American

(E) that they would be self-employed than was the national average


句子结构:According to…, Americans of… were twice as likely as… to be… 比较结构。




比较,A as… as… or than B;   A at least as as B,常见的错误用法有:A as… or

than B(少 as; as…as compared to; as… than compared to; as… than 搭配。

习惯用语-likelybe likely to do it +be likely that 从句。


(A) the national average表达不清楚;was可以省略。

(B)  正确,the average AmericanAmericans of …对称,be likely to do

(C) the national average表达不清楚;be likely that…的正确表达方式是用it作形式主语it+be likely

that…,而不是sth be likely that…they指代对象不清楚。

(D) as… than搭配错误。

(E) as… than搭配错误;be likely that…的正确表达方式是用it作形式主语it+be likely that…,而不是

sth be likely that…was可以省略。


143. (32542-!-item-!-188;#058&006254)


Despite there being no fundamental difference in shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia

from the ones in other parts of Northern Europe, archaeological evidence shows that Viking ships

were lighter, slimmer, faster, and thus probably more seaworthy than the heavier vessels used by

the English at that time.


(A) Despite there being no fundamental difference in shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age

Scandinavia from the ones

(B) Despite no fundamental difference between the shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age

Scandinavia from those

(C) With shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia not fundamentally different from those

(D) With the shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia having no fundamental difference

from the ones

(E) Although shipbuilding traditions in Viking-Age Scandinavia were not fundamentally different

from those


句子结构:Although shipbuilding traditions in… were not … different from those in…, archaeological

evidence shows that…





习惯用语-differencedifference in / different from


(A) despite there being表达方式错误,应该用连词,despite是介词;tradition是抽象名词,用ones


(B) difference in… from …介词搭配错误。

(C) with结构不如用连词接从句的表达方式更有效。

(D) with … doing不如用连词接从句的表达方式更有效;tradition是抽象名词,用ones不恰当。

(E)  正确,although引导让步状语从句,those指代traditions



One/ones 用以避免重复可数名词,在正式谈话或书面语中,不应使用。不能用以取代不可数名词,


The Scottish legal system is not the same as the English system.    (而不用 as the English one



144. (32588-!-item-!-188;#058&006258)


To protect English manufacturers of woolen goods both against American and Irish competition,

England passed the Woolens Act of 1698, which prohibited the export of woolen cloth beyond a

colony's borders.


(A) To protect English manufacturers of woolen goods both against American and Irish competition,

England passed the Woolens Act of 1698

(B) In order to protect English manufacturers of woolen goods against both American and Irish

competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698

(C) In order to protect English manufacturers of woolen goods against American, as well as against

Irish, competition, the Woolens Act of 1698 was passed by England

(D) For protecting English manufacturers of woolen goods against American, as well as Irish,

competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698

(E) For the protection of English manufacturers of woolen goods against both American and Irish

competition, the Woolens Act of 1698, passed by England


句子结构:In order to protect… against both… and… , England passed …Act of 1698, which…

主语是England,谓语是passed,宾语是the Woolens Act of 1698,后跟which引导的定语从句修饰





简洁有效-目的表达,表示目的通常用 to do/in order to do,而不是用 for doing/for+名词。



(A) both… and…连接对象不对称。

(B)  正确,in order to do等于to do

(C) England一词的位置使得未划线部分句子的which指代对象错误。

(D)  表目的用to do/in order to do,而不用for doing

(E)  表目的用to do/in order to do,而不用for +名词;句子谓语结构不完整,应该是was passed被动

语态,否则passed by…只能视为过去分词作后置定语,使整个句子缺少谓语;England一词的位置



145. (32634-!-item-!-188;#058&006269)   [121题同]


When the temperature of a gas is increased, it is either accompanied by an increase in pressure if

the gas is enclosed in a container, or an increase in volume if the gas is able to expand.


(A) When the temperature of a gas is increased, it is either accompanied by an increase in pressure

if the gas is enclosed in a container, or

(B) When the temperature of a gas is increased, it is accompanied either by an increase in pressure

if it is enclosed in a container or

(C) When the temperature of a gas is increased, the increase is either accompanied by an increase

in pressure if the gas is enclosed in a container or by

(D) Any increase in the temperature of a gas is accompanied by either an increase in pressure if it

is enclosed in a container, or by

(E) Any increase in the temperature of a gas is accompanied either by an increase in pressure if the

gas is enclosed in a container or by


146. (32680-!-item-!-188;#058&006281)




Often billed as "The Genius," American pianist, singer, composer, and bandleader Ray Charles is

credited with soul music's early development, a genre based on melding gospel, rhythm and blues,

and jazz.


(A) Charles is credited with soul music's early development, a genre based on melding

(B) Charles is credited with the early development of soul music, being a genre based on melding

(C) Charles is credited with the early development of soul music, a genre based on a melding of

(D) Charles, credited with soul music's early development, a genre that was based on a melding of

(E) Charles, who is credited with the early development of soul music, a genre based on melding


句子结构:Often billed as…, … Ray Charles is credited with… soul music, a genre…

主语是Ray Charles,谓语是is credita genre…soul music的同位语。







(A) a genre…作紧临的名词development的同位语错误;现在分词melding gospel rhythm and blues


(B) being多余;现在分词melding gospel rhythm and bluesand后面的名词jazz不平行。

(C)  正确,a genre…soul music的同位语,动名词a melding ofand后面的名词jazz平行。

(D)  整个句子缺少谓语;a genre…作紧临的名词development的同位语错误。

(E)  整个句子缺少谓语;现在分词melding gospel rhythm and bluesand后面的名词jazz不平行。


补充说明:bill as

Bill: verb. If you bill a person or event as a particular thing, you advertise them in a way that makes

people think they had particular qualities or abilities.       宣传。


147. (32726-!-item-!-188;#058&006292)


By pressing a tiny amount of nitrogen between two diamonds to a pressure of 25 million pounds per

square inch, scientists not only were able to transform the gas into a solid, but they also created a

semiconductor similar to silicon.


(A) not only were able to transform the gas into a solid, but they also created

(B) not only were able to transform the gas into a solid but also creating

(C) were able not only to transform the gas into a solid but to create

(D) were able not only to transform the gas into a solid but also creating

(E) were not only able to transform the gas into a solid, but they were also able to create


句子结构:By pressing… scientists were able not only to … but to… 平行结构。



平行对称-not only… but also…,注意连接对象的形式对称(also 可以省略)。


(A) not only…but also连接对象不对称,but also之间的they多余。

(B) not only…but also连接对象不对称,were able to transform与现在分词creating

(C)  正确,not only to transform… but to create…



(D) not only…but also连接对象不对称,to transform与现在分词creating不对称。

(E) not only…but also连接对象不对称,but also之间的they were多余。


148. (32773-!-item-!-188;#058&006296)


In contrast to some fish eggs requiring months to incubate, the Rio Grande silvery minnow

produces eggs that hatch in about 24 hours, yielding larvae that can swim in just three to four days.


(A) some fish eggs requiring months to incubate

(B) some fish, whose eggs require months to incubate

(C) some fish that have eggs requiring months to incubate

(D) the requirement of months of incubation for some fish eggs

(E) requiring months of incubation, as some fish eggs do


句子结构:In contrast to some fish, …, the Rio Grande silvery minnow…       比较结构。

Whose引导定语从句作插入语修饰名词fish,主语是the Rio Grande silvery minnow



比较-in contrast toin contrast to 是比较惯用法,前后比较对象一定要对等。


(A) fish eggsthe Rio Grande silvery minnow比较对象不对等。

(B)  正确,some fishthe Rio Grande silvery minnow对比。

(C) that have eggs的表达不准确。

(D) the requirementthe Rio Grande silvery minnow比较对象不对等。

(E) requiringthe Rio Grande silvery minnow比较对象不对等;as some fish eggs do改变了原句意



149. (32963-!-item-!-188;#058&006488)


Until Berta and Ernst Scharrer established the concept of neurosecretion in 1928, scientists

believed that either cells secreted hormones, which made them endocrine cells and thus part of the

endocrine system, or conducted electrical impulses, in which case they were nerve cells and thus

part of the nervous system.


(A) either cells secreted hormones, which made them

(B) either cells secreted hormones, making them

(C) either cells secreted hormones and were

(D) cells either secreted hormones, in which case they were

(E) cells either secreted hormones, which made them


句子结构:Until…, scientists believed that cells either…, or…    平行结构。



平行对称-either… or…,连接对象要形式对称。

逻辑表达,which 只能指代名词,不能指代句子;现在分词结构在句尾,要特别注意其修饰对象是否



(A) either… or …连接对象不平行,名词cells与动词conductedwhich只能指代紧临的名词hormones


(B) either… or …连接对象不平行,名词cells与动词conducted;分词结构making存在修饰坡义,可




(C) either… or …连接对象不平行,名词cells与动词conductedand were…的表达方式错误,与后

面的and thus…无法合理连接。

(D) 正确,they指代cells

(E) which只能指代紧临的名词hormones,不符合逻辑意思。


补充说明:in which case,固定搭配,在这种情况下 

in which case: you say in that case or in which case to indicate that what you are going to say is true

if the possible situation that has just been mentioned actually exists. 

Members are concerned that a merger might mean higher costs, in which case they would opposite



150. (33009-!-item-!-188;#058&006530)


The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival

company for $950 million, which is part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer in the

office color-printing market.


(A) million, which is part of a deal that will make

(B) million, a part of a deal that makes

(C) million, part of a deal making

(D) million as a part of a deal to make

(E) million as part of a deal that will make


句子结构:The computer company has announced that it will purchase … as part of a deal that…




逻辑表达,同位语的作用与系动词 be 的作用一样,不同类的东西不能作同位语。不能用中文中的意



(A) which指代million错误。

(B) part of 表示是同位语,但 deal million 不是同类,million 是个数字 number,它的同位语可以是

a number…deal business agreement,用它作同位语的可以是 agreement, contract 等;makes


(C) part of 表示同位语,但 deal million 不是同类,理由与选项 B 相同;分词的形式不能表达出从


(D) to make 的修饰对象有歧义,原句是修饰 deal 的,但不定式的逻辑主语又可以是句子主语。

(E)  介词 as 引导的短语在句中充当状语,如同 The news comes as a shock. You need to be able to

work as part of a team.中的 as 一样。这里 as part of…不是同位语,不需要去指代前面哪一个词或者



151. (33055-!-item-!-188;#058&006544)


Like the thorny ballooning of a frightened pufferfish or the sudden appearance of angry sapphire

hoops for which the blue-ringed octopus is named, so the California newt's display of its red

underbelly is a clear warning that predators ignore at their peril.


(A) so the California newt's display of its red underbelly is a clear warning that predators ignore at

their peril



(B) so it is at their peril that predators ignore the California newt's display of its red underbelly, a

clear warning

(C) the California newt's displaying its red underbelly is a clear warning for predators, so they ignore

it at their peril

(D) the California newt's display of its red underbelly is a clear warning that predators ignore at their


(E) it is at their peril that predators ignore the California newt's display of its red underbelly, a clear



句子结构:Like the thorny ballooning of… or the sudden appearance of… , the California newt's

display of… is a clear warning that...    比较结构。



比较-likelike 比较结构的主句主语必须是与 like 后跟的名词同类,作比较对象。


(A) Like…, so…       搭配错误。

(B) Like…, so…       搭配错误;a clear warning修饰对象不清楚,紧临的名词是underbelly,但其修饰对


(C) ‘s displaying…the thorny ballooning of… or the sudden appearance of…不对称;so表达的因


(D) 正确,like比较结构,the thorny ballooning of… or the sudden appearance of…’s display of…


(E) it is…结构使得like比较结构比较对象不对等;a clear warning修饰对象不清楚



a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune; at one’s peril冒险,处于险境。


152. (33101-!-item-!-188;#058&006547)


Recent research indicates that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as they initially



(A) that two popular arthritis drugs are possibly not as safe as they initially believed

(B) that two popular arthritis drugs may not be as safe as they were initially believed to be

(C) two popular arthritis drugs to possibly not be as safe as it was initially believed

(D) the safety of two popular arthritis drugs may not be as great as it was initially believed

(E) the safety of two popular arthritis drugs not to be as great as they were initially believed to be


句子结构:Recent research indicates that … drugs may not be as safe as…




句子结构-宾语从句,正式书面语中宾语从句中引导词 that 不能省略,常见的错误选项是谓语动词后

sth to do 形式。

指代一致,名词单复数与代词一致,并且要注意 it+be…是否能作形式主语表达原句意思。


(A) they没有指代对象,因为用的是主动语态they believed…,如果they指代drugs,则必须用被动语


(B) 正确,that 引导宾语从句说明 indicate 的内容,as 在这里的作用更类似连词,连接一个主句和一




(C) indicate后面应该跟that引导的宾语从句,indicate sth to do的表达方式错误;单数代词it没有指代


(D) 缺少引导词thatthe safety of…的表达方式罗嗦;单数代词it没有指代对象。

(E)  缺少引导词thatindicate sth to do的表达方式错误;the safety of…的表达方式罗嗦。


153. (33147-!-item-!-188;#058&006555)


A recent United States Census Bureau report shows that there are more than three times as many

households where the children and grandchildren are living in their grandparents' home as

compared to households where the grandparents are living in their children's or grandchildren's



(A) as compared to households where the

(B) as there are households where the

(C) as those whose

(D) than compared to those where the

(E) than there are whose


句子结构:A recent… report shows that there are more than three times as many… as there are …




比较,比较的习惯用法 A as… as… or than B,常见的错误用法有 A as… or than B(少

as; as…as compared to; as… than compared to; as… than 等。



(A) as compared to搭配错误且as…ascompared to结构重复。

(B) 正确,as… as…连接不同的household对比,where引导定语从句修饰households与前面保持对


(C) whose grandparents和前面的where…不对称,household作家庭讲用where指代,而不是whose。。

(D) as… than搭配错误,且as…ascompared to结构重复。

(E) as… than搭配错误;whose grandparents和前面的where…不对称。


154. (33193-!-item-!-188;#058&006626)


Some patients who do not respond to therapies for depression may simply have received

inadequate treatment, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be

effective or having been taken off a drug too soon.


(A) having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been

(B) having, for example, a drug prescription that was ineffective because the dosage was too low,

or being

(C) as, for example, having too low of a dosage of a prescribed drug for it to be effective, or being

(D) when they have, for example, been prescribed too low a drug dosage to be effective, or were

(E) for example, when they have a drug prescription with a dosage too low to be effective, or been


句子结构:Some patients who… may have received inadequate treatment, having been… or having


主语是patients,由who引导的定语从句修饰,宾语是treatment,后由for example引出两个treatment







作用,比如 have 作助动词和实义动词时,就不可以省略。


(A) 正确,having been prescribed… or having been taken off…形式及时态都平行。

(B) having a drug prescriptionbeing taken off不对称,应该都用被动语态。

(C) as连词后面应该跟完整的句子;having…       being…不对称。

(D) 时态上不对称,现在完成时与过去时并列have been prescribed... or were taken off...;没有表达


但原文的意思(尤其是用了for example)是列举了两种inadequate treatment的情况(用了动名词形

式),而不是在什么情况下会receive inadequate treatment

(E)  时态上不对称,与D选项相同;have在本句是实意动词,不能充当or后面需要的助动词have


155. (33239-!-item-!-188;#058&006636)


A different variety of giant tortoise can be found on every island in the Galapagos, each with its own

style of oversized dome and comically scrawny neck.


(A) each with its own style of oversized dome and comically scrawny neck

(B) each with their own styles of oversized domes and comically scrawny necks

(C) each having their own style of oversized dome and comically scrawny neck

(D) all having their own styles of oversized domes and comically scrawny necks

(E) all with their own style of oversized dome and comically scrawny neck


句子结构:A different… tortoise can be found…, each with … and…




句子结构-强调型独立主格:each+名词+名词/形容词/分词/介词,而不是 all


(A) 正确,强调型独立主格:each+介词+名词。

(B) each后面应该跟单数名词,their错误。

(C) each后面应该跟单数名词,their错误;theirstyle单复数不一致。

(D) 独立主格结构应该用each+单数名词,而不是all+复数名词。

(E)  独立主格结构应该用each+单数名词,而不是all+复数名词。


156. (33285-!-item-!-188;#058&006648)


Like English and Italian, each of which have elaborate rules for forming words and sentences, so

sign languages have rules for individual signs and signed sentences.


(A) Like English and Italian, each of which have elaborate rules for forming

(B) Similar to the elaborate rules that English and Italian have to form

(C) Just as English and Italian have elaborate rules for forming

(D) As with English and Italian, both having elaborate rules to form

(E) In the same way that there are elaborate rules used to form English and Italian


句子结构:Just as…, so…    比较结构。




比较,just as A do, so B do 的固定搭配,常见的错误用法包括:拆分固定搭配,以 like/same way/as

with/similar to 等结构混淆。



(A) like…, so…搭配错误;each of…后面应该跟单数形式的has

(B) similar to…, so…搭配错误;elaborate rulessign languages比较对象不对等。

(C)  正确,Just as English and Italian…, so sign languages…English and Italiansign languages


(D) as with…, so…搭配错误。

(E) in the same way that…, so…搭配错误;there be句型使得前后比较对象不对等。


157. (33331-!-item-!-188;#058&006672)     [OG原题:OG10-246OG11-136]


Joachim Raff and Giacomo Meyerbeer are examples of the kind of composer who receives popular

acclaim while living, often goes into decline after death, and never regains popularity again.


(A) often goes into decline after death, and never regains popularity again

(B) whose reputation declines after death and never regains its status again

(C) but whose reputation declines after death and never regains its former status

(D) who declines in reputation after death and who never regained popularity again

(E) then has declined in reputation after death and never regained popularity 


句子结构:Joachim Raff and Giacomo Meyerbeer are … who…, but whose reputation declines…

and never regains… 


语是declines and regains

OG10 解释:

Choice C, the best answer, maintains parallel structure, keeps verb tense consistent, and contains

no redundancies. 

Choice A illogically suggests that it is the composer who goes into decline after death, rather than

the composer's reputation. Choice A may also be faulted for the redundancy of never regains ...


Choice B is not correct. Grammatically, a coordinating conjunction (e.g., "but") is needed to join the

clause whose reputation declines ... with the preceding clause,     who receives popular acclaim....

Furthermore, the phrase never regains... again suffers from redundancy.  

Choices D and E suffer from inconsistency in verb tense. To maintain parallelism the verbs must be

receives... declines... regains.


Verb tense + Parallelism

Faulty parallelism in the relative clause who receives ... goes ... regains ... makes it unclear who or

what is being described. The original clause begins by describing a certain kind of composer. As

written, with who as the subject of goes and regains, the last two descriptions illogically continue

to refer to the kind of composer. Logically it must be the reputation that declines after the

composer's death.

A   Illogically suggests the composer goes into decline after death; redundant again

B    The two clauses are not parallel, lack a coordinating conjunction, and do not describe the

same thing; redundant again

C Correct. This sentence presents the proper logic while maintaining paral el structure and

consistent verb tense.

D  The verb tenses are inconsistent with present tense used in the first phrase; redundant




E The verb tenses are inconsistent with present tense used in the first phrase; to maintain

parallelism, the verbs must be receives ... declines ... regains

The correct answer is C.


158. (33377-!-item-!-188;#058&006720)


The largest trade-book publisher in the United States has announced the creation of a new digital

imprint division, under which it will publish about 20 purely digital works to be sold online as either

electronic books or downloadable copies that can be printed upon purchase.


(A) works to be sold online as either electronic books or

(B) works to sell them online, either as electronic books or

(C) works and it will sell them online as either electronic books or as

(D) works, and selling them online as either electronic books or as

(E) works, and it will sell them online either as electronic books or


句子结构:The… publisher… has announced … division, under which it will… 




句子结构,当句中有连词 and 连接并列结构时要注意其语法上的并列对象与逻辑意思是否相符,常见


平行对称-either… or…,连接对象对称,注意介词的省略或补出。


(A) 正确,to be sold不定式作定语表达被用来网上出售的的意思,等于which will be sold

(B) to sell them表达方式不正确;either… or…连接对象不对称。

(C)  不加逗号的and it will sell中的it多余;either… or…连接对象不对称。

(D) and selling没有平行对象;either … or…连接对象不对称。

(E) “, and it will”这里的逗号与and要连接两个完整的句子并列,即与主句publisher has announced…

并列,无法与定语从句中的will publish并列,除非去掉逗号。a pair of comma是隔开插入语(修饰成

分),不影响整体句子结构,所以”,under which…works,”就成了修饰division的成分,and it will sell…



159. (33521-!-item-!-188;#058&006923)


As the former chair of the planning board for 18 consecutive years and a board member for 28

years, Joan Philkill attended more than 400 meetings and reviewed more than 700 rezoning



(A) As the former

(B) The former

(C) Former

(D) She was

(E) As the


句子结构:As…, Joan Philkill attended… and reviewed…









(A) as the former chair… for 18 consecutive years不符合逻辑,而且主语谓语是attended…,如果是

former chairattended…也是不符合逻辑的。

(B) former用错,原因与A选项相同。

(C)  缺少冠词athe

(D)  两个句子连接不当,缺少连词;chair前面缺少冠词。

(E)  正确。


160. (33567-!-item-!-188;#058&006988)


She was an educator, a builder of institutions and organizations, and a major figure in the Black

church and secular feminist movements as well, so one of the best-known and most well-respected

African Americans of the early twentieth century was Nannie Helen Burroughs.


(A) She was an educator, a builder of institutions and organizations, and a major figure in the Black

church and secular feminist movements as well, so one of the best-known and most well-respected

African Americans of the early twentieth century was Nannie Helen Burroughs. 

  (B) She was an educator, a builder of institutions and organizations, and a major figure in the

Black church and secular feminist movements, and Nannie Helen Burroughs also was one of the

best-known and well-respected African Americans of the early twentieth century.

  (C) As an educator, a builder of institutions and organizations, and a major figure in the Black

church and secular feminist movements, Nannie Helen Burroughs was one of the best-known and

most well-respected African Americans of the early twentieth century.

(D) As an educator, a builder of institutions and organizations, and a major figure in the Black

church and secular feminist movements, one of the best-known and well-respected African

Americans of the early twentieth century was Nannie Helen Burroughs.

(E) Being an educator, a builder of institutions and organizations, and a major figure in the Black

church and secular feminist movements, one of the best-known and most well-respected African

Americans of the early twentieth century was Nannie Helen Burroughs.


句子结构:As…, …, and …, Nannie Helen Burroughs was… 



逻辑表达,as+名词表示作为 being+名词的表达方式更有效,其在句首时,句子主语应该是 as…



(A) so…表达因果关系不符合逻辑;one of … was …的表达方式使得前面的 she 指代不清楚。

(B) and… also was表达递近关系不符合逻辑。

(C)  正确。

(D) as+名词表达作为的意思时,后面主句主语应该是人。

(E) being+名词的表达方式不及as更简洁有效,而且后面的主句主语应该是人。


161. (33613-!-item-!-188;#058&007011)


Unlike the other major planets, Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun

than Neptune is for 20 years out of every 230-year cycle, even though it is commonly described as

the remotest planet in the solar system.


(A) Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit, which is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is

(B) Pluto has a highly eccentric orbit and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is

(C) Pluto's orbit is highly eccentric and is thus closer to the Sun than Neptune



(D) the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric and thus closer to the Sun than Neptune

(E) the orbit of Pluto is highly eccentric, thus closer to the Sun than Neptune is


句子结构:Unlike … planets, Pluto has … and is … than Neptune is … , even though…    比较结构。



比较-unlike,与 like 用法相同,比较对象要对等。





(A) which修饰紧临的名词orbit,不符合逻辑。

(B) 正确,has… and is…      并列谓语,unlike连接比较对象planetsPluto

(C) planetsorbit对比,unlike比较对象不对等;orbit作主语,使句子表达了orbit is closer to…的意



(D) planetsorbit对比,unlike比较对象不对等;orbit作主语,使句子表达了orbit is closer to…的意


(E) planetsorbit对比,unlike比较对象不对等;orbit作主语,使句子表达了orbit is closer to…的意



162. (33659-!-item-!-188;#058&007012)


The government predicts that, for consumers and businesses that make a large number of

long-distance calls, the Federal Communications Commission's recent telephone rate cuts will

greatly reduce costs, though some consumer groups disagree with the government's estimates,

suggesting they are too optimistic.


(A) The government predicts that, for consumers and businesses that make a large number of

long-distance calls, the Federal Communications Commission's recent telephone rate cuts will

greatly reduce costs

(B) The government predicts that costs will be greatly reduced for consumers and businesses that

make a large number of long-distance calls by the Federal Communications Commission's recent

telephone rate cuts

(C) The government's prediction is, for consumers and businesses making a large number of

long-distance calls, costs will be greatly reduced by the recent telephone rate cuts made by the

Federal Communications Commission

(D) For consumers and businesses that make a large number of long-distance calls, the

government's prediction that the Federal Communications Commission's recent telephone rate cuts

will greatly reduce costs

(E) For consumers and businesses making a large number of long-distance calls, the government

predicts that the recent telephone rate cuts that the Federal Communications Commission has

made will greatly reduce costs


句子结构:The government predicts that, for consumers and businesses that …, the FCC's recent

telephone rate cuts will greatly reduce costs, though…, suggesting....

主句主语是the government,谓语predict,后跟that引导宾语从句说明predict的内容。从句主语是rate






逻辑表达,在 GMAT 语法中,主动语态通常优于被动语态,因为被动结构复杂并且不能清楚表达出





(A) 正确,for…而言

(B) cost be reduced by…,被动语态表达不清晰。

(C)  名词prediction不及动词表达更确切;被动语态表达不清晰。

(D)  句子主语是prediction,缺少谓语;介词短语for…修饰对象错误,应该是修饰FCC,而不是the


(E)  介词短语for…修饰对象错误,that引导定语从句修饰rate cuts不及直接用’s rate cuts简洁。


163. (33705-!-item-!-188;#058&007028)       [OG原题:OG10-258]


The British sociologist and activist Barbara Wootton once noted as a humorous example of income

maldistribution that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning

annually exactly what she then earned as director of adult education for London.

(A) that the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo was earning

(B) that the elephant, giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, had been earning

(C) that there was an elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo, and it earned

(D) the elephant that gave rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and was earning

(E) the elephant giving rides to children at the Whipsnade Zoo and that it earned 


句子结构:… Barbara Wootton noted as… that the elephant that… was earning…

Note that… as…因为that从句较长,所以移到句子后面。



Choice A, the best answer, uses the idiomatic construction noted... that and clearly focuses on the

salient information-- a comparison of annual earnings. 

In B, the structure of noted... that the elephant, giving rides ..., had been earning falsely implies that

the reader already knows about the elephant--that is, that the existence of this particular elephant is

not new information. Also, the past perfect had been improperly places the elephant's earning in the

past, prior to Wootton's; consistent verb tense is needed to show that the actions are simultaneous.  

Choice C may be faulted for distortion of meaning and diminished clarity because it suggests that

the point of Wootton's example was the elephant's very existence; comparative earnings are

presented (after and) as incidental detail. 

Choice D is awkward and inexact; the whole circumstance that Wootton "noted" is best expressed

in a clause that begins with that.

Choice E does not use the idiomatic construction noted that x; therefore, and that it earned has no

parallel construction to which it can be joined.

164. (33751-!-item-!-188;#058&007036)

One automobile manufacturer has announced plans to increase the average fuel efficiency of its

sport utility vehicles by 25 percent over the next five years, amounting to roughly five miles per

gallon, and representing the first significant change in the fuel efficiency of any class of passenger

vehicle in almost two decades.


(A) amounting to roughly five miles per gallon, and representing

(B) amounting to roughly five miles per gallon, and it would represent

(C) an increase that would amount to roughly five miles per gallon and it would represent

(D) an increase that would amount to roughly five miles per gallon and would represent



(E) which is an increase amounting to roughly five miles per gallon, representing


句子结构:One automobile manufacturer has announced plans to increase…, an increase that

would … and would… 

An increase that…是概括性同位语从句,修饰前面的句子,从句有并列谓语would amount to… and

would represent…



句子结构,在 GMAT 考试中,有一类典型的句子结构错误是从句内容在语法上与主句并列,所以在

看到句中的连词 and or 时,要注意逻辑上的并列对象与语法上的并列对象是否一致。



(A) 现在分词结构在本句中修饰对象不清楚,and前面不应该有逗号,加了逗号使得and representing


(B) 现在分词结构修饰对象不清楚;and it would represent在语法上应该与主句并列,it指代


(C) and it would represent应该与主句并列,不符合逻辑关系。

(D) 正确,an increase that would… and would…    从句含有并列谓语。

(E) which没有指代对象;分词结构representing…修饰对象不清楚,表达的意思是与amounting一样



165. (33893-!-item-!-188;#058&007190)


Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined

that there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus

many times as rare as China's giant pandas.


(A) Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined

that there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards are thus

many times as rare as

(B) Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100

Arabian leopards left in the wild, researchers have determined, making them many times more rare


(C) There are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild due to poaching and increased

cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined, which makes the leopards many

times more rare compared to

(D) Researchers have determined that, because of being poached and increased cultivation in their

native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, thus making them many

more times as rare as

(E) Researchers have determined that, because of poaching and increased cultivation in their

native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and that these leopards

are thus many times more rare than


句子结构:Researchers have determined that, because of…, …, and that… 

Determined后跟that引导的并列的宾语从句说明determine的内容,because of…作插入语说明原因。



1) 比较-倍数的表达,表达倍数用“… times + more +adj.+than… time as +adj.+than”都正确。

2) 逻辑表达,状语位置不能随意改变。





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