《欧陆哲学》笔记 - 更新中……


Continental Philosophy - A Very Short Introduction

Simon Crithley

江怡 译



Continental Philosophy.



speculative philosophy



analytic philosophy



Anglo-American philosophy


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Critique Praxis Emancipation

(p5) The question is: does the scientific conception of the world eradicate the need for an answer to the question of the meaning of life? Does the body of knowledge require the appendectomy of wisdom?



(p7) if what is mistaken in much contemporary philosophy is its infatuation with science, which leads to scientism, then the equally mistaken rejection of science leads to obscurantism. One of my closing claims will be that there is a risk of obscurantism in some contemporary Continental philosophy. So, if the risk of contemporary philosophy is scientism, then its obverse reflection is obscurantism. In John Stuart Mill's words, ' the on doctrine is accused of making men beasts, the other lunatics'.



(p9) ...Hegel on the life and death struggle for recognition as part and parcel of the ascent to absolute knowing;


Nietzsche on the death of God and the need for a revaluation of values;


Karl Max on the alienation of human beings under conditions of capitalism and the requirement for an emancipatory and equitable social transformation;


Freud on the unconscious repression at work in dreams, jokes, and slips of the tongue and what that reveals about the irrationality at the heart of mental life;


Heidegger on anxiety, the deadening indifference of inauthentic social life, and the need for an authentic existence;


Satre on bad faith, nausea, and the useless but necessary passion of human freedom;


Albert Camus on the question of suicide in a universe rendered absurd by the death of God


Emmanuel Levinas on the trauma of our infinite responsibilities to others



(p11)That is, the appeal of Continental philosophy is that it seems closer to the grain and detail of human existence. It seems truer to the drama of life, to the stuff of human hopes and fears, and the many little woes and weals to which our flesh is prone.



(p15) Frege was the grandfather of analytic philosophy, Husserl the founder of the phenomenology school... Dummet compares them to the Rhine and Danube, 'which arise quite close to each other and for a time pursue roughly parallel paths, only to diverge in utterly different directions and flow into different seas.' Although it is clear, for Dummet at least, that Frege's Rhine is the right course for thought (while Husserl's Danube debouches into the idealist Black Sea of the Continental tradition), this is an instructive and suggestive image which rather nicely destablizes the distinction between philosophical traditions.




Kant - 1781 - First Critique - Critique of Pure Reason - epistemological issues

Kant - 1799 - Third Critique - Critique of the Power of Judgement - the greater systematic ambitions 


(p57) ... the texts of the Continental tradition make up a kind of documentary archive of philosophical problems, with a distinct relation to their context and our own and marked by a strong consciousness of history. We will use different resources in this archive at different times, depending on the nature of the problems we are confronted with and seeking to think through. But what characterizes many of the texts in this archive is that - like those of Hegel, Marx, and Nietzsche - they are characterized by a strong historical self-consciousness that will not allow them to be read without reference to their context or our own.




(p62) This insight into historicity has the consequence that deep philosophical questions about the meaning and values of human life can no longer legitimately be referred to the traditional topics of speculative metaphysics - God, freedom, and immortality - topics regarded as cognitively meaningless, although morally defensible, by Kant. Rather, the recognition of the essential historicity of philosophy (and philosophers) implies two matters:

  1. the radical finitude of the human subject, i.e. that there is no God-like standpoint or point of reference outside of human experience from which our experience  might be characterized and judged; or, if there is, then we can know nothing about it
  2. the thoroughly contingent or created character of human experience. That is, human experience is all-too-human, it is made and remade by us, and the circumstances of this fabrication are by definition contingent.

Once the human being has been located as a finite subject embedded in an ultimately contingent network of history, culture, and society, then one can begin to understand a feature common to many philosophers in the Continental tradition, namely the demand that things be otherwise. If human experience is a contingent creation, then it can be recreated in other ways. This is the demand for a transformative practice of philosophy, art, poetry, or thinking that would be capable of addressing, criticizing, and ultimately redeeming the present. The demand, then, that runs through much of Continental thought and which continues to inspire philosophers like Habermas and Derrida, is that human beings emancipate themselves from their current conditions, which are conditions not amenable to freedom. As Rousseau said - and this was the rallying cry of the young German and English romantics at the end of the 18th century - 'Man was born free, but is everywhere in chains.' Critique and emancipation are two ends of the same piece of string.




  1. 人的主体的极端有限性,即在人的经验之外,在没有什么类似于上帝的立场或参照点,可以让我们描绘或判断自己的经验,或者,即使存在这种立场或参照点,我们也无法对此有任何了解。
  2. 人的经验的完全基于偶然或构建的特征,也就是说,人的经验完全是人类的,是由我们塑造和再塑造的,这种构建的环境在定义上就是偶然的;



(p72) One might say that the touchstone of philosophy in Continental tradition is the question of praxis: that is to say, our historically and culturally embedded life as finite selves in a world that is of our own making. It is this touchstone of praxis that leads philosophy towards a critique of present condition, as conditions not amenable to freedom, and towards the emancipatory demand that things be otherwise, the demand for a transformative practice of philosophy, art, thinking or politics. Perhaps this fact begins to explain a possibly puzzling feature of philosophy in the Continental tradition, namely the theme of crisis that, in different forms, runs like an underground stream through the traditions of German idealism, Marxism, phenomenology, sychoanalysis, and the Frankfurt School. Such a mood of crisis can also be found in the culturally and politically more self-conscious areas of the analytic tradition.




(p83) It is this declaration of meaninglessness that Nietzsche identifies as nihilism and which he detects in three nascent forms:


1. 'passive nihilism', pessimism, Schoenhauer, 'European Buddhism'

2. 'active nihilism',  Russian anarchism, various extremist political movement

3. 'armchair nihilism', 'Modern society...no longer has the strength to excrete', weariness, apathy, exhaustion and fatigue, the character Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh








(p115)...when I open my eyes and look around at the world I have complete faith that it both exists and is richly meaningful. The problem is that this faith breaks down when I start to reflect on it and ask myselft, 'Well, how can I be certain that there is an external world for me when the evidence of my senses is not always completely reliable?' How does one regain the naivety of the perceptual faith when one has already attained the standpoint of reflection? Merleau-Ponty answers this problem with a notion of what he calls 'hyper-reflection: the pre-theorectical substrate of experience. The point here is the that access to the pre-theorectical level of human experience is not necessarily immediate for human beings like us who have attained the theoretical attitude of the sciences. Phenomenology therefore implies relearning to see the world in all its palpable and practical presence.





scientism 科学主义

obscurantism 蒙昧主义

feminism 女权主义

nihilism 虚无主义

scepticism 怀疑主义

relativism 相对主义

positivism 实证主义

pragmatism 实用主义

empiricism 经验主义

utilitarianism 功利主义

pantheism 泛神论

atheism 无神论

epistemology 认识论

existentialism 存在主义

deconstruction 解构主义

German idealism 德国唯心论


disenchantment 去魅

Immanuel Kant 康德

J. G. Fichte 费希特

G. W. F. Hegel 黑格尔

C. P. Snow 斯诺

Samuel Taylor Coleridge 柯尔律治

Jeremy Bentham 边沁

Edmund Husserl 胡塞尔

Martin Heidegger 海德格尔

Friedrich Nietzsche 尼采

Rudolf Carnap 卡纳普

Rene Descartes 笛卡尔

Blaise Pascal 帕斯卡尔

Max Weber 韦伯

Gottlob Frege 弗雷格

Lidwig Wittgenstein 维特根斯坦

Arthur Schopenhauer 叔本华

Sigmund Freud 佛洛依德

Michael Dummet 达米特

Emmanuel Levinas 列维纳斯

Alexandre Kojéve 科耶夫

Jean-Paul Satre 萨特

Michel Foucault 福柯

Gilles Deleuze 徳勒兹

Louis Althusser 阿尔都塞

Karl Marx 马克思

Jean Jacques Rousseau 卢梭

Richard Rorty 罗蒂


Jurgen Habermas - Knowledge and Human Interests

哈贝马斯 - 《知识与人类旨趣》


Foucault - Madness and Civilization

福柯 - 《疯癫与文明》


Samuel Taylor Coleridge - romanticism

柯尔律治 - 浪漫主义

Jeremy Bentham  - utilitarianism

边沁 - 功利主义

Friedrich Nietzsche - understanding of nihilism

尼采 - 对虚无主义的理解

Rudulf Carnap - Vienna Circle - scientific conception of the world

卡纳普 - 维也纳学派 - 科学的世界观


Martin Heidegger - existential or 'hermeneutic' experience of the world

海德格尔 - 存在主义的或“阐释学”的世界体验

Heidegger's shameful involvement in Nazism



Husserl - Logical Investigations - begins the tradition of phenomenology

胡塞尔 - 《逻辑研究》 -   开创了现象学传统

Frege's revolutionary philosophy of logic and language


pernicious 有害的,恶性的

rumination 反刍,深思,默想

acrimony 尖刻,刻毒

axiomatic 不言自明的,不需证明的

Hellenistic 希腊风格的,希腊文化的

caricature 讽刺







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