Very Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for AI


The notion of intelligence can be defined in many ways. Here we define it as theability to take the right decisions, according to some criterion (e.g. survivaland reproduction, for most animals). To take better decisions requires knowledge,in a form that is operational, i.e., can be used to interpret sensory dataand use that information to take decisions.

Artificial Intelligence

Computers already possess some intelligence thanks to all the programs that humanshave crafted and which allow them to “do things” that we consider useful (and thatis basically what we mean for a computer to take the right decisions).But there are many tasks which animals and humans are able to do rather easilybut remain out of reach of computers, at the beginning of the 21st century.Many of these tasks fall under the label of Artificial Intelligence, and includemany perception and control tasks. Why is it that we have failed to write programsfor these tasks? I believe that it is mostly because we do not know explicitly(formally) how to do these tasks, even though our brain (coupled with a body)can do them. Doing those tasks involve knowledge that is currently implicit,but we have information about those tasks through data and examples (e.g. observationsof what a human would do given a particular request or input).How do we get machines to acquire that kind of intelligence? Using data and examples tobuild operational knowledge is what learning is about.

Machine Learning

Machine learning has a long history and numerous textbooks have been written thatdo a good job of covering its main principles. Among the recent ones I suggest:

Here we focus on a few concepts that are most relevant to this course.

Formalization of Learning

First, let us formalize the most common mathematical framework for learning.We are given training examples

{\cal D} = \{z_1, z_2, \ldots, z_n\}

with the z_i being examples sampled from an unknown process P(Z).We are also given a loss functional L which takes as argumenta decision function f and an example z, and returnsa real-valued scalar. We want to minimize the expected value ofL(f,Z) under the unknown generating process P(Z).

Supervised Learning

In supervised learning, each examples is an (input,target) pair: Z=(X,Y)and f takes an X as argument.The most common examples are

  • regression: Y is a real-valued scalar or vector, the output of fis in the same set of values as Y, and we oftentake as loss functional the squared error

L(f,(X,Y)) = ||f(X) - Y||^2

  • classification: Y is a finite integer (e.g. a symbol) corresponding toa class index, and we often take as loss function the negative conditional log-likelihood,with the interpretation that f_i(X) estimates P(Y=i|X):

    L(f,(X,Y)) = -\log f_Y(X)

    where we have the constraints

    f_Y(X) \geq 0 \;\;,\; \sum_i f_i(X) = 1

Unsupervised Learning

In unsupervised learning we are learning a function f which helps tocharacterize the unknown distribution P(Z). Sometimes f isdirectly an estimator of P(Z) itself (this is called density estimation).In many other cases f is an attempt to characterize where the densityconcentrates. Clustering algorithms divide up the input space in regions(often centered around a prototype example or centroid). Some clusteringalgorithms create a hard partition (e.g. the k-means algorithm) while othersconstruct a soft partition (e.g. a Gaussian mixture model) which assignto each Z a probability of belonging to each cluster. Anotherkind of unsupervised learning algorithms are those that construct anew representation for Z. Many deep learning algorithms fallin this category, and so does Principal Components Analysis.

Local Generalization

The vast majority of learning algorithms exploit a single principle for achieving generalization:local generalization. It assumes that if input example x_i is close toinput example x_j, then the corresponding outputs f(x_i) and f(x_j)should also be close. This is basically the principle used to perform localinterpolation. This principle is very powerful, but it has limitations:what if we have to extrapolate? or equivalently, what if the target unknown functionhas many more variations than the number of training examples? in that case thereis no way that local generalization will work, because we need at least as manyexamples as there are ups and downs of the target function, in order to coverthose variations and be able to generalize by this principle.This issue is deeply connected to the so-called curse of dimensionality forthe following reason. When the input space is high-dimensional, it is easy forit to have a number of variations of interest that is exponential in the numberof input dimensions. For example, imagine that we want to distinguish between10 different values of each input variable (each element of the input vector),and that we care about about all the 10^n configurations of thesen variables. Using only local generalization, we need to see at leastone example of each of these 10^n configurations in order tobe able to generalize to all of them.

Distributed versus Local Representation and Non-Local Generalization

A simple-minded binary local representation of integer N is a sequence of B bitssuch that N<B, and all bits are 0 except the N-th one. A simple-mindedbinary distributed representation of integer N is a sequence of log_2 Bbits with the usual binary encoding for N. In this example we seethat distributed representations can be exponentially more efficient than local ones.In general, for learning algorithms, distributed representations have the potentialto capture exponentially more variations than local ones for the same number offree parameters. They hence offer the potential for better generalization becauselearning theory shows that the number of examples needed (to achieve a desireddegree of generalization performance) to tune O(B)effective degrees of freedom is O(B).

Another illustration of the difference between distributed and localrepresentation (and corresponding local and non-local generalization)is with (traditional) clustering versus Principal Component Analysis (PCA)or Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs).The former is local while the latter is distributed. With k-meansclustering we maintain a vector of parameters for each prototype,i.e., one for each of the regions distinguishable by the learner.With PCA we represent the distribution by keeping track of itsmajor directions of variations. Now imagine a simplified interpretationof PCA in which we care mostly, for each direction of variation,whether the projection of the data in that direction is above orbelow a threshold. With d directions, we can thusdistinguish between 2^d regions. RBMs are similar inthat they define d hyper-planes and associate a bitto an indicator of being on one side or the other of each hyper-plane.An RBM therefore associates one inputregion to each configuration of the representation bits(these bits are called the hidden units, in neural network parlance).The number of parameters of the RBM is roughly equal to the number thesebits times the input dimension.Again, we see that the number of regions representableby an RBM or a PCA (distributed representation) can grow exponentially in the number ofparameters, whereas the number of regions representableby traditional clustering (e.g. k-means or Gaussian mixture, local representation)grows only linearly with the number of parameters.Another way to look at this is to realize that an RBM can generalizeto a new region corresponding to a configuration of its hidden unit bitsfor which no example was seen, something not possible for clusteringalgorithms (except in the trivial sense of locally generalizing to that newregions what has been learned for the nearby regions for which exampleshave been seen).

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图像识别技术在病虫害检测中的应用是一个快速发展的领域,它结合了计算机视觉和机器学习算法来自动识别和分类植物上的病虫害。以下是这一技术的一些关键步骤和组成部分: 1. **数据收集**:首先需要收集大量的植物图像数据,这些数据包括健康植物的图像以及受不同病虫害影响的植物图像。 2. **图像预处理**:对收集到的图像进行处理,以提高后续分析的准确性。这可能包括调整亮度、对比度、去噪、裁剪、缩放等。 3. **特征提取**:从图像中提取有助于识别病虫害的特征。这些特征可能包括颜色、纹理、形状、边缘等。 4. **模型训练**:使用机器学习算法(如支持向量机、随机森林、卷积神经网络等)来训练模型。训练过程中,算法会学习如何根据提取的特征来识别不同的病虫害。 5. **模型验证和测试**:在独立的测试集上验证模型的性能,以确保其准确性和泛化能力。 6. **部署和应用**:将训练好的模型部署到实际的病虫害检测系统中,可以是移动应用、网页服务或集成到智能农业设备中。 7. **实时监测**:在实际应用中,系统可以实时接收植物图像,并快速给出病虫害的检测结果。 8. **持续学习**:随着时间的推移,系统可以不断学习新的病虫害样本,以提高其识别能力。 9. **用户界面**:为了方便用户使用,通常会有一个用户友好的界面,显示检测结果,并提供进一步的指导或建议。 这项技术的优势在于它可以快速、准确地识别出病虫害,甚至在早期阶段就能发现问题,从而及时采取措施。此外,它还可以减少对化学农药的依赖,支持可持续农业发展。随着技术的不断进步,图像识别在病虫害检测中的应用将越来越广泛。




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