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翻译 文本生成模型_使用t5建立简单但高级的nlg模型,将数据生成文本

文本生成模型介绍(Introduction)The Data to text generation capability of NLG models is something that I have been exploring since the inception of sequence to sequence models in the field of NLP. The earlier ...

2020-10-15 02:55:31 3835

翻译 变分自动编码器_如何使用聚类性能来改进可变自动编码器的体系结构

变分自动编码器An autoencoder is one of the many different special neural network designs, the main objective of an autoencoder is to learn how to return the same data used to train it. The basic structure of...

2020-10-15 02:46:13 951

翻译 flutter 人脸识别_使用flutter和tensorflow lite进行人脸识别认证

flutter 人脸识别The growth of processing power in devices and Machine learning allows us to create new solutions that a few years ago couldn’t have been achieved. In this case, I want to show an interesti...

2020-10-15 02:35:24 4181

翻译 谷歌分析数据导入4种方式

If you use multiple ad services and platforms to advertise your products, it’s a good idea to combine all ad data in a single interface. This brings some huge advantages:如果您使用多种广告服务和平台来宣传您的产品,则最好将所有广告...

2020-10-15 02:25:07 2007

翻译 python tcp 蝗虫_性能测试与蝗虫的ml服务api

python tcp 蝗虫Hello again, friends! Welcome back to another data science quick tip. Now, when it comes to the full spectrum of data science (discovery to production), this post definitely falls toward ...

2020-10-15 02:14:09 381

翻译 网络优化初学者难吗_通过初学者的强化学习来优化数字体验

网络优化初学者难吗Reinforcement Learning: A technique based on rewards & punishments强化学习:一种基于奖惩的技术Unlike supervised & unsupervised machine learning algorithms, reinforcement learning models run in an ...

2020-10-15 02:03:40 259

翻译 aws 机器学习_我如何为AWS机器学习专业认证做准备

aws 机器学习介绍(Introduction)I have just recently passed my AWS Certified Machine Learning — Speciality exam with over 95%, with about 4 weeks of explicit preparation.我最近刚通过我的AWS认证机器学习-专业考试,合格率超过95%,经过大约4...

2020-10-15 01:52:48 2120

翻译 roc曲线auc面积_性能指标接收机在曲线auc下的操作特性roc面积

roc曲线auc面积ROC曲线(ROC Curve)The Receiver Operating characteristic (ROC) curve is explicitly used for binary classification. However, it can be extended for multiclass classification.接收器工作特性(ROC)曲线明确用于二...

2020-10-15 01:41:51 530

翻译 损失函数作用_损失函数

损失函数作用Loss function describes how efficient the model performs with respect to the expected outcome. Here, the main objective is to minimize the number of misclassifications. The choice of the loss fu...

2020-10-15 01:32:03 1191

翻译 ai人工智能语音分析系统_建立一个人工智能系统以增强财务分析

ai人工智能语音分析系统In the world of finance, you will never run out of reading material. Dozens of documents, reports, and studies show up in your inbox daily demanding your attention. However, not all of the...

2020-10-15 01:21:54 572

翻译 机器学习模型的衡量指标_在机器学习模型中衡量公平性

机器学习模型的衡量指标In our previous article, we gave an in-depth review on how to explain biases in data. The next step in our fairness journey is to dig into how to detect biased machine learning models.在上一篇文...

2020-10-15 01:01:43 3273

翻译 matlab 图像接缝_接缝雕刻算法似乎是无法调整图像大小的方法

matlab 图像接缝介绍(Introduction)In this article, we will be taking a deep dive into an interesting algorithm known as “Seam Carving”. It does a seemingly impossible task of resizing an image without cropp...

2020-10-15 00:52:25 766

翻译 标准卷积和可分离卷积_关于可分离卷积的介绍和文献综述

标准卷积和可分离卷积And why would you want to apply them in your machine learning projects.以及为什么要在机器学习项目中应用它们。By Greta Elvestuen, PhD, Data Scientist consultant at Inmeta Inmeta数据科学家顾问Greta Elvestuen博士Through...

2020-10-15 00:42:35 1072

翻译 朴素贝叶斯 半朴素贝叶斯_您需要了解的有关朴素贝叶斯的所有信息

朴素贝叶斯 半朴素贝叶斯内容(Content)Discriminative Model & Generative Model判别模型和生成模型Main Idea (1): Bayesian Rule主要思想(1):贝叶斯法则Main Idea (2): Conditional independence hypothesis主要思想(2):条件独立性假设Main Idea (3): Con...

2020-10-15 00:32:30 791

翻译 使用Optimalflow Web应用程序构建无代码的自动机器学习模型

In the latest version(0.1.10) of OptimalFlow, it added a “no-code” Web App as an application demo built on OptimalFlow. The web app allows simple click and selection for all of the parameters inside o...

2020-10-15 00:22:36 199

翻译 多标签分类指标

Metrics play quite an important role in the field of Machine Learning or Deep Learning. We start the problems with metric selection as to know the baseline score of a particular model. In this blog, w...

2020-10-15 00:13:16 524

翻译 泰坦尼克号 机器学习_机器学习项目泰坦尼克号问题陈述

泰坦尼克号 机器学习介绍(Introduction)Everyone knows about the Titanic ship as many of the people have seen the Titanic movie and how it reached it’s tragic end on the night of 15th April 1912.A ship which was t...

2020-10-15 00:04:06 1383

翻译 自动标记的主要优点和局限性

Data annotation tools for machine learning are advancing fast. In technical solution engineering at CloudFactory, we’re seeing new tools and new features nearly every month. One emerging feature is au...

2020-10-14 23:53:58 909

翻译 我作为bertelsmann技术和深度学习纳米学位毕业生的经验

One of the responsible things to do when a year is ending is to reflect on it. What accomplishments you have made, what challenges did you face, what did you learn, and how you can make the remainder ...

2020-10-14 23:44:23 477

翻译 单眼测试_单眼鸟瞰自动驾驶语义分割

单眼测试Autonomous driving requires an accurate representation of the environment around the ego vehicle. The environment includes static elements such as road layout and lane structures, and also dynamic...

2020-10-14 23:34:06 3582

翻译 k个最近邻居和k表示聚类有什么区别

Are you confused with the k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and k-means clustering? Let’s try to understand the difference between k-NN and k-means in simple words with examples.重新您与k近邻(K-NN)和K-means聚类困惑? 让我们...

2020-10-11 05:34:31 557

翻译 令牌生成器nlps构建块

The truth is, tokenizers are not that interesting. When I first read the BERT paper, I raced past the WordPiece tokenizing section because it wasn’t as exciting as the rest of the paper. But tokenizat...

2020-10-11 05:23:35 335

翻译 ds判断预测蛋白活性位点_DS Project如何预测Google Apps评分

ds判断预测蛋白活性位点In this article, I share with you my experience in analyzing and predicting the Google Apps ratings. This is one of the tests I had to solve in Data Science interviews. I have to point out...

2020-10-11 05:13:47 1328

翻译 谷歌 colab_如何在Google Colab中使用gpt 2

谷歌 colabFor those who do not have access to the GPT-3 API it is important to remember we can still experiment with and use GPT-2!对于那些无法访问GPT-3 API的人,请务必记住我们仍然可以尝试并使用GPT-2!For everyone who is not fami...

2020-10-11 05:03:23 1282

翻译 遗传算法 退火算法_遗传算法的见解

遗传算法 退火算法We hear about genetic algorithm every now and then but what exactly is this genetic algorithm? And why does it sound so much related to the subject of biology? Does it really use genes or som...

2020-10-11 04:53:09 1568

翻译 twitter 情感分析_使用ulmfit进行Twitter情感分析

twitter 情感分析In today’s modern world, where we are suffering from overloaded data, companies often are gathering tonnes of data regarding customer feedback, shopping behavior, etc. Companies can dexter...

2020-10-11 04:44:03 1172

翻译 pca主成分分析降维_使用主成分分析pca进行降维

pca主成分分析降维An important task to handle dataset with more number of features/dimensions.处理具有更多特征/维数的数据集的一项重要任务。Data keeps on increasing every second and it has become crucial to interpreting insights fr...

2020-10-11 04:33:23 1405

翻译 机器学习预测股市_机器学习在股市中的表现如何

机器学习预测股市When it comes to using machine learning in the stock market, there are multiple approaches a trader can do to utilize ML models. From determining future risk to predicting stock prices, machin...

2020-10-11 04:23:45 1991

翻译 sca优化算法算法_探索不同的优化算法

sca优化算法算法Machine learning is a field of study in the broad spectrum of artificial intelligence (AI) that can make predictions using data without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning ...

2020-10-11 04:14:10 3025

翻译 大小是否对自然语言文本生成很重要

OpenAI GPT-3 has 175 Billion parameters. Microsoft has leapfrogged GPT-3 with Turing-NLG with 1,000 Billion parameters.OpenAI GPT-3具有1,750亿个参数。 微软通过具有1万亿参数的Turing-NLG超越了GPT-3 。Sorry. Wrong. 抱歉。 错误。A...

2020-10-11 04:03:41 301

翻译 组织毫升管道项目

项目结构:要求(Project Structure: Requirements)Enable experimentation with multiple pipelines启用multiple管道的实验Support both alocal execution mode and a deployment execution mode. This ensures the creation of 2...

2020-10-11 03:54:28 128

翻译 深度学习的基本概念概念_使用深度学习概念对狗进行分类

深度学习的基本概念概念This blog post is part of the Udacity Data Scientist Nanodegree program.这篇博客文章是Udacity数据科学家纳米学位计划的一部分。 介绍(Introduction)The World Canine Organization (FCI) is currently listing more than ...

2020-10-11 03:45:27 1073

翻译 深度搜索算法确定人名地名_确定性搜索算法第1部分

深度搜索算法确定人名地名Learning to solve AI Planning Problems with Deterministic Search Algorithms学习使用确定性搜索算法解决AI规划问题Read previous post to understand the generic implementation of Deterministic-search algorithm...

2020-10-11 03:34:41 673

翻译 kyc客户_使用AI OCR计算机视觉工具对kyc进行文档验证

kyc客户AI-OCR is a tool created using Deep Learning and Computer Vision. This tool is useful in the process of Document Verification & KYC for Financial Institutions.AI-OCR是使用深度学习和计算机视觉创建的工具。 该工具在金融...

2020-10-11 03:23:50 1852

翻译 追逃逃避差分游戏

完美的状态信息游戏(Perfect State Information Game)Consider a Perfect State Information (PSI), where the state x is available. The Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system, with the appropriate dimensions, is given ...

2020-10-11 03:14:48 1122

翻译 机器学习大作业 新得体会_机器学习作业不会因为您盯着它们而运行得更快

机器学习大作业 新得体会Free-Photos from Free-Photos在PixabayPixabay上发布As compelling as it is, I do not have time to sit and watch long-running data pipelines clock, models train, and python scripts take care of m...

2020-10-11 03:05:06 275

翻译 cnns_深入研究CNNS的多比特加权量化

cnnsA joint work together with Ido Glanz与Ido Glanz合作Reducing neural network complexity and memory consumption has become a broad and vast field of research aiming to allow both running complex deep m...

2020-10-11 02:55:30 578

翻译 大数据工程师要学的编程_每个数据工程师都应了解的ml编程技巧,第2部分

大数据工程师要学的编程现实世界中的DS(DS IN THE REAL WORLD) 这篇文章是下面提到的继续。(This post is in continuation with the one mentioned below.)In the above post, I have presented some important programming takeaways to know a...

2020-10-11 02:45:31 241

翻译 基于ai的预测_基于AI的预测性维护可增强战备状态,减少飞行故障

基于ai的预测By Philong Duong, Senior Product Manager高级产品经理Philong DuongAs a leading provider of AI-enabled predictive maintenance applications to the Department of Defense (DoD), C3.ai has had the privile...

2020-10-11 02:35:16 1218

翻译 套索回归 岭回归_使用kydavra套索选择器进行回归特征选择

套索回归 岭回归机器学习(Machine Learning)We all know the Occam’s Razor:我们都知道Occam的剃刀:From a set of solutions took the one that is the simplest. 从一组解决方案中选出了最简单的一个。This principle is applied in the regularizatio...

2020-10-11 02:24:56 425



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