【Anaconda Prompt】【windows】查看已经存在的conda环境


conda info --envs


(base) C:\Users\hp>conda info --envs
# conda environments:


conda -V

conda 23.7.4

(base) C:\Users\hp>conda -h
usage: conda-script.py [-h] [--no-plugins] [-V] COMMAND ...

conda is a tool for managing and deploying applications, environments and packages.

  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit.
  --no-plugins        Disable all plugins that are not built into conda.
  -V, --version       Show the conda version number and exit.

  The following built-in and plugins subcommands are available.

    build             Build conda packages from a conda recipe.
    clean             Remove unused packages and caches.
    compare           Compare packages between conda environments.
    config            Modify configuration values in .condarc.
    content-trust     Signing and verification tools for Conda
    convert           Convert pure Python packages to other platforms (a.k.a., subdirs).
    create            Create a new conda environment from a list of specified packages.
    debug             Debug the build or test phases of conda recipes.
    develop           Install a Python package in 'development mode'. Similar to `pip install --editable`.
    doctor            Display a health report for your environment.
    env               See `conda env --help`.
    index             Update package index metadata files. Pending deprecation, use https://github.com/conda/conda-
                      index instead.
    info              Display information about current conda install.
    init              Initialize conda for shell interaction.
    inspect           Tools for inspecting conda packages.
    install           Install a list of packages into a specified conda environment.
    list              List installed packages in a conda environment.
    metapackage       Specialty tool for generating conda metapackage.
    notices           Retrieve latest channel notifications.
    pack              See `conda pack --help`.
    package           Create low-level conda packages. (EXPERIMENTAL)
    remove (uninstall)
                      Remove a list of packages from a specified conda environment.
    rename            Rename an existing environment.
    render            Expand a conda recipe into a platform-specific recipe.
    repo              See `conda repo --help`.
    run               Run an executable in a conda environment.
    search            Search for packages and display associated information using the MatchSpec format.
    server            See `conda server --help`.
    skeleton          Generate boilerplate conda recipes.
    token             See `conda token --help`.
    update (upgrade)  Update conda packages to the latest compatible version.
    verify            See `conda verify --help`.
usage: conda-script.py [-h] [--no-plugins] [-V] COMMAND ...

conda is a tool for managing and deploying applications, environments and packages.

  -h, --help          Show this help message and exit.
  --no-plugins        Disable all plugins that are not built into conda.
  -V, --version       Show the conda version number and exit.
  The following built-in and plugins subcommands are available.
    build             Build conda packages from a conda recipe.
    clean             Remove unused packages and caches.
    compare           Compare packages between conda environments.
    config            Modify configuration values in .condarc.
    content-trust     Signing and verification tools for Conda
    convert           Convert pure Python packages to other platforms (a.k.a., subdirs).
    create            Create a new conda environment from a list of specified packages.
    debug             Debug the build or test phases of conda recipes.
    develop           Install a Python package in 'development mode'. Similar to `pip install --editable`.
    doctor            Display a health report for your environment.
    env               See `conda env --help`.
    index             Update package index metadata files. Pending deprecation, use https://github.com/conda/conda-
                      index instead.
    info              Display information about current conda install.
    init              Initialize conda for shell interaction.
    inspect           Tools for inspecting conda packages.
    install           Install a list of packages into a specified conda environment.
    list              List installed packages in a conda environment.
    metapackage       Specialty tool for generating conda metapackage.
    notices           Retrieve latest channel notifications.
    pack              See `conda pack --help`.
    package           Create low-level conda packages. (EXPERIMENTAL)
    remove (uninstall)
                      Remove a list of packages from a specified conda environment.
    rename            Rename an existing environment.
    render            Expand a conda recipe into a platform-specific recipe.
    repo              See `conda repo --help`.
    run               Run an executable in a conda environment.
    search            Search for packages and display associated information using the MatchSpec format.
    server            See `conda server --help`.
    skeleton          Generate boilerplate conda recipes.
    token             See `conda token --help`.
    update (upgrade)  Update conda packages to the latest compatible version.
    verify            See `conda verify --help`.

The following built-in and plugins subcommands are available.
build Build conda packages from a conda recipe.
clean Remove unused packages and caches.
compare Compare packages between conda environments.
config Modify configuration values in .condarc.
content-trust Signing and verification tools for Conda
convert Convert pure Python packages to other platforms (a.k.a., subdirs).
create Create a new conda environment from a list of specified packages.
debug Debug the build or test phases of conda recipes.
develop Install a Python package in ‘development mode’. Similar to pip install --editable.
doctor Display a health report for your environment.
env See conda env --help.
index Update package index metadata files. Pending deprecation, use https://github.com/conda/conda-
index instead.
info Display information about current conda install.
init Initialize conda for shell interaction.
inspect Tools for inspecting conda packages.
install Install a list of packages into a specified conda environment.
list List installed packages in a conda environment.
metapackage Specialty tool for generating conda metapackage.
notices Retrieve latest channel notifications.
pack See conda pack --help.
package Create low-level conda packages. (EXPERIMENTAL)
remove (uninstall)
Remove a list of packages from a specified conda environment.
rename Rename an existing environment.
render Expand a conda recipe into a platform-specific recipe.
repo See conda repo --help.
run Run an executable in a conda environment.
search Search for packages and display associated information using the MatchSpec format.
server See conda server --help.
skeleton Generate boilerplate conda recipes.
token See conda token --help.
update (upgrade) Update conda packages to the latest compatible version.
verify See conda verify --help.





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