(beginer) 半平面交 UVA 11265 The Sultan's Problem

Problem F
The Sultan’s Problem
Standard Input

Output: Standard Output


Once upon a time, there lived a great sultan, who was very much fond of his wife. He wanted to build a Tajmahal for his wife (ya, our sultan idolized Mughal emperor Shahjahan). But alas, due to budget cuts, loans, dues and many many things, he had no fund to build something so big. So, he decided to build a beautiful garden, inside his palace.


The garden is a rectangular piece of land. All the palace’s water lines run through the garden, thus, dividing it into pieces of varying shapes. He wanted to cover each piece of the land with flowers of same kind.

Figure 1

The figure above shows a sample flower garden. All the lines are straight lines, with two end points on two different edge of the rectangle. Each piece of the garden is covered with the same kind of flowers.


The garden has a small fountain, located at position (x,y). You can assume that, it is not on any of the lines. He wants to fill that piece with her favourite flower. So, he asks you to find the area of that piece.




Input contains around 500 test cases. Each case starts with 5 integers, N, W, H, x, y, the number of lines, width and height of the garden and the location of the fountain. Next N lines each contain 4 integers, x1 y1 x2 y2, the two end points of the line. The end points are always on the boundary of the garden. You can assume that, the fountain is not located on any line.



For each test case, output the case number, with the area of the piece covered with her favourite flower. Print 3 digits after the decimal point.



  • 1 ≤ W, H ≤ 200,000
  • 1 ≤ N ≤ 500


Sample Input

Sample Output

3 100 100 20 30

0 0 100 100

100 0 0 100

0 40 40 100


Case #1: 1780.000







using namespace std;
#define mp make_pair
#define eps 1e-10
const double inf = 1e16;
const double PI = acos(-1.0);
struct Point
	Point(const Point&p) { x = p.x , y = p.y; }
	Point (double xx=0,double yy=0) : x(xx) , y(yy) { }
	double x;
	double y;

typedef Point Vector;
Vector operator+(Vector  v1,Vector  v2) { return Vector(v1.x+v2.x,v1.y+v2.y); }
Vector operator-(Vector  v1,Vector  v2) { return Vector(v1.x-v2.x,v1.y-v2.y); }
Vector operator*(Vector  v, double p) { return Vector(v.x*p,v.y*p); }
Vector operator/(Vector  v,double p) { return Vector(v.x/p,v.y/p); }

int dcmp(double x) 
	if (fabs(x) < eps) return 0;
	return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; 
bool operator < (Point  a,Point  b) { return dcmp(a.x-b.x)<0 || dcmp(a.x-b.x)==0 && dcmp(a.y-b.y)<0; }
bool operator==(const Point & a,const Point & b) 
	return dcmp(a.x-b.x)==0 && dcmp(a.y-b.y)==0;

inline double toRad(double x) { return x * PI/180; }
inline double toDegreed(double rad) { return rad*180/PI; }
double Dot(Vector  A,Vector  B) { return A.x*B.x+A.y*B.y; }
double Length(Vector  A) { return sqrt(Dot(A,A)); }
double Angle(Vector A,Vector B) 
	double cosine = Dot(A,B)/Length(A)/Length(B);
	if (dcmp(cosine-1.0)==0) return 0;
	return acos(cosine); 
double Cross(Vector A,Vector B) { return A.x*B.y-A.y*B.x; }
double Area2(Point a,Point b,Point c) {  return Cross(b-a,c-a); }
double PolyArea(Point *poly, int n)
	double ret = 0;
	for (int i = 1 ; i < n-1 ; ++i) 
		ret += Cross(poly[i]-poly[0],poly[i+1]-poly[0]);
	return ret/2;

Vector Rotate(Vector A,double rad) 
	return Vector(A.x*cos(rad)-A.y*sin(rad),A.x*sin(rad)+A.y*cos(rad));

Vector Normal(Vector A) { double L = Length(A); return Vector(-A.y/L,A.x/L); }

Point GetLineIntersection(Point P,Vector v,Point Q,Vector w)
	Vector u = P-Q;
	double t = Cross(w,u) / Cross(v,w);
	return P+v*t;

double DistanceToLine(Point P,Point A,Point B) 
	Vector v1 = B-A , v2 = P-A;
	return fabs(Cross(v1,v2))/Length(v1);
double DistanceToSegment(Point P,Point A,Point B)
	if (A==B) return Length(P-A);
	Vector v1 = B-A , v2 = P-A , v3 = P-B;
	if (dcmp(Dot(v1,v2)) < 0) return Length(v2);
	else if (dcmp(Dot(v1,v3)) > 0) return Length(v3);
	else return fabs(Cross(v1,v2))/Length(v1);
Point GetLineProjection(Point P,Point A,Point B) 
	Vector v = B-A;
	return A+v*(Dot(v,P-A)/Dot(v,v));
bool SegmentProperIntersection(Point a1,Point a2,Point b1,Point b2) 
	double c1 = Cross(a2-a1,b1-a1) , c2 = Cross(a2-a1,b2-a1) ,
		     c3 = Cross(b2-b1,a1-b1) , c4 = Cross(b2-b1,a2-b1);
	return dcmp(c1)*dcmp(c2) < 0 && dcmp(c3)*dcmp(c4)<0;

bool OnSegment(Point p,Point a,Point b)
	return dcmp(Cross(a-p,b-p))==0 && dcmp(Dot(a-p,b-p)) < 0;

bool OnLine(Point p,Point a,Point b)
	if (p==a || p==b) return true;
	return dcmp(Cross(a-p,b-p))==0;

bool SegmentIntersection(Point a1,Point a2,Point b1,Point b2) 
	if (SegmentProperIntersection(a1,a2,b1,b2)) return true;
	if (OnSegment(a1,b1,b2) || OnSegment(a2,b1,b2)) return true;
	if (OnSegment(b1,a1,a2) || OnSegment(b2,a1,a2)) return true;
	if (a1==b1 || a1==b2 || a2==b1 || a2==b2) return true;
	return false;

//点在多边形内:0:外部 1:内部 -1:线上 -2:在顶点
int isPointInPolygon(Point a,Point *p,int n)
	int wn = 0;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
		if (a==p[i]) return -2; //点重合
		if (OnSegment(a,p[i],p[(i+1)%n])) return -1;
		int k = dcmp(Cross(p[(i+1)%n]-p[i],a-p[i]));
		int d1 = dcmp(p[i].y-a.y);
		int d2 = dcmp(p[(i+1)%n].y-a.y);
		if (k > 0 && d1<=0 && d2>0) ++wn;
		if (k<0 && d2<=0 && d1>0) --wn;
	if (wn!=0) return 1;   //内部
	return 0;                 //外部

struct Line
	Point P;				//直线上任意一点
	Vector v;				// 方向向量。它的左边就是对应的半平面
	double ang;			//极角
	Line() { }
	Line(Point P,Vector v) 
		this->P = P ; this->v = v; 
		ang = atan2(v.y,v.x); 
	bool operator < (const Line& L) const { return ang < L.ang; } //排序用的比较运算符
	Point point(double t) { return v*t+P; }

bool OnLeft(Line L , Point p) { return Cross(L.v,p-L.P) > 0; }

Point GetIntersection(Line a,Line b) 
	Vector u = a.P-b.P;
	double t = Cross(b.v,u) / Cross(a.v,b.v);
	return a.P+a.v*t;

struct Circle 
	Circle() { }
	Point c;
	double r;
	Circle(Point c, double r) : c(c) , r(r) { }
	Point point (double a) { return Point(c.x+cos(a)*r,c.y+sin(a)*r); }

int getLineCircleIntersection(Line L,Circle C,double &t1,double &t2,vector<Point>& sol)
	double a = L.v.x , b = L.P.x-C.c.x , c= L.v.y, d = L.P.y-C.c.y;
	double e = a*a+c*c , f = 2*(a*b+c*d) , g = b*b+d*d-C.r*C.r;
	double delta = f*f-4*e*g;				//判别式		
	if (dcmp(delta) < 0) return 0;		//相离
	if (dcmp(delta)==0) {                   //相切
		t1 = t2 = -f/(2*e); 
		return 1;
	t1 = (-f-sqrt(delta)) / (2*e); sol.push_back(L.point(t1));
	t2 = (-f+sqrt(delta)) / (2*e); sol.push_back(L.point(t2));
	return 2;

double angle(Vector v) { return atan2(v.y,v.x); }

int getCircleCircleIntersection(Circle C1,Circle C2,vector<Point>& sol)
	double d = Length(C1.c-C2.c);
	if (dcmp(d)==0) {
		if (dcmp(C1.r-C2.r)==0) return -1;			//两圆重合
		return 0;
	if (dcmp(C1.r+C2.r-d) < 0) return 0;
	if (dcmp(fabs(C1.r-C2.r)-d) > 0) return 0;

	double a = angle(C2.c-C1.c);
	double da = acos((C1.r*C1.r+d*d-C2.r*C2.r)/(2*C1.r*d));			//向量C1C2的极角
	Point p1 = C1.point(a-da) , p2 = C1.point(a+da);
	if (p1==p2) return 1;
	return 2;

int getTangents(Point p,Circle C,Vector* v)
	Vector u= C.c-p;
	double dist = Length(u);
	if (dist < C.r) return 0;
	else if (dcmp(dist-C.r)==0) {
		v[0] = Rotate(u,PI/2);
		return 1;
	} else {
		double ang = asin(C.r/dist);
		v[0] = Rotate(u,-ang);
		v[1] = Rotate(u,+ang);
		return 2;

int getTangents(Circle A,Circle B,Point* a, Point* b)
	int cnt = 0;
	if (A.r < B.r) { swap(A,B); swap(a,b); }
	double d2 = Dot(A.c-B.c,A.c-B.c);
	double rdiff = A.r-B.r;
	double rsum = A.r+B.r;
	if (dcmp(d2-rdiff*rdiff) < 0) return 0;			//内含

	double base = atan2(B.c.y-A.c.y,B.c.x-A.c.x);
	if (d2==0 && dcmp(A.r-B.r)==0) return -1;	//无限多条切线
	if (dcmp(d2-rdiff*rdiff)==0) {                       //内切,1条切线
		a[cnt] = A.point(base);
		b[cnt] = B.point(base);
		return 1;
	double ang = acos((A.r-B.r)/sqrt(d2));
	a[cnt] = A.point(base+ang); b[cnt] = B.point(base+ang); ++cnt;
	a[cnt] = A.point(base-ang); b[cnt] = B.point(base-ang); ++cnt;
	if (dcmp(d2-rsum*rsum)==0) {                  //一条内公切线
		a[cnt] = A.point(base);
		b[cnt] = B.point(PI+base);
	} else if (dcmp(d2-rsum*rsum)>0) {           //两条公切线
		double ang = acos((A.r+B.r)/sqrt(d2));
		a[cnt] = A.point(base+ang); b[cnt] = B.point(PI+base+ang); ++cnt;
		a[cnt] = A.point(base-ang); b[cnt] = B.point(PI+base-ang); ++cnt;
	return cnt;

//点p和圆的关系: 0:在圆上 1:在圆外 -1:在圆内
int PointCircleRelation(Point p,Circle c) 
	return dcmp(Dot(p-c.c,p-c.c)-c.r*c.r);

bool InCircle(Circle A,Circle B)
	if (dcmp(A.r-B.r)>0) return false;
	double d2 = Dot(A.c-B.c,A.c-B.c);
	double rdiff = A.r-B.r;
	double rsum = A.r+B.r;
	if (dcmp(d2-rdiff*rdiff) <= 0) return true;			//内含或内切或重合
	return false;
double torad(double deg) { return deg/180*PI; }

void get_coord(double R,double lat,double lng,double& x,double& y,double& z)
	lat = torad(lat);
	lng = torad(lng);
	x = R*cos(lat)*cos(lng);
	y = R*cos(lat)*sin(lng);
	z = R*sin(lat);

//凸包:O(nlogn) 得到的凸包逆时针
int ConvexHull(Point* p , int n, Point* ch) 
	int m = 0;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
		while (m>1 && dcmp(Cross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2],p[i]-ch[m-2]))<=0) --m;
		ch[m++] = p[i];
	int k = m;
	for (int i = n-2 ; i >= 0 ; --i) {
		while (m>k && dcmp(Cross(ch[m-1]-ch[m-2],p[i]-ch[m-2]))<=0) --m;
		ch[m++] = p[i];
	if (n > 1) --m;
	return m;

int HalfplaneIntersection(Line* L,int n,Point* poly)
	sort(L,L+n);						     //按极角排序

	int first , last;					   	 //双端队列的第一个元素和最后一个元素的下表
	Point *p = new Point[n];		    //p[i]为q[i]和q[i+1]的交点
	Line *q = new Line[n];		   //双端队列
	q[first=last=0] = L[0];			  //双端队列初始化为只有一个半平面L[0]
	for (int i = 1 ; i < n ; ++i) {
		while (first < last && !OnLeft(L[i],p[last-1])) --last;
		while (first < last && !OnLeft(L[i],p[first])) ++first;
		q[++last] = L[i];
		if (dcmp(Cross(q[last].v,q[last-1].v))==0) {
			if (OnLeft(q[last],L[i].P)) q[last] = L[i];
		if (first < last) p[last-1] = GetIntersection(q[last-1],q[last]);
	while (first < last && !OnLeft(q[first],p[last-1])) --last;
	if (last - first <=1 ) { delete [] p; delete [] q; return 0; }                   //空集(**)
	p[last] = GetIntersection(q[last],q[first]);		//计算首尾两个半平面的交点

	int m = 0;
	for (int i = first ; i <= last ; ++i) poly[m++] = p[i];
	delete [] p; delete[] q;
	return m ;

bool OnLine(Point p,Line L)
	Vector v = p-L.P;
	return dcmp(Cross(v,L.v))==0;

pair<double,double> RotateCalipers(Point* hull,int n)
	hull[n] = hull[0];
	Line L1, L2, L3, L4;
	int q=0, w=0, e=0, r=0;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; ++i) {
		if (dcmp(hull[i].y-hull[q].y)<0) q = i;
		if (dcmp(hull[i].x-hull[w].x)<0) w = i;
		if (dcmp(hull[i].y-hull[e].y)>0) e = i;
		if (dcmp(hull[i].x-hull[r].x)>0) r = i;
	L1 = Line(hull[q],Vector(1,0));
	L2 = Line(hull[w],Vector(0,-1));
	L3 = Line(hull[e],Vector(-1,0));
	L4 = Line(hull[r],Vector(0,1));
	double sum = 0;
	double ansA = inf , ansC = inf;
	while (dcmp(sum-PI/2)<0) {
		double ang = Angle(hull[q+1]-hull[q],L1.v);
		ang = min(ang,Angle(hull[w+1]-hull[w],L2.v));
		ang = min(ang,Angle(hull[e+1]-hull[e],L3.v));
		ang = min(ang,Angle(hull[r+1]-hull[r],L4.v));
		sum += ang;
		L1.v = Rotate(L1.v,ang);
		L2.v = Rotate(L2.v,ang);
		L3.v = Rotate(L3.v,ang);
		L4.v = Rotate(L4.v,ang);
		if (dcmp(ang-Angle(hull[q+1]-hull[q],L1.v))==0) { L1.P = hull[q+1]; q = (q+1)%n; }
		if (dcmp(ang-Angle(hull[w+1]-hull[w],L2.v))==0) { L2.P = hull[w+1]; w = (w+1)%n; }
		if (dcmp(ang-Angle(hull[e+1]-hull[e],L3.v))==0) { L3.P = hull[e+1]; e = (e+1)%n; }
		if (dcmp(ang-Angle(hull[r+1]-hull[r],L4.v))==0) { L4.P = hull[r+1]; r = (r+1)%n; }
		double A = DistanceToLine(L1.P,L3.P,L3.P+L3.v*Length(L1.P-L3.P));
		double B = DistanceToLine(L2.P,L4.P,L4.P+L4.v*Length(L2.P-L4.P));
		ansA = min(ansA,A*B);
		ansC = min(ansC,A+B);
	ansC *= 2;
	return mp(ansA,ansC);
const int maxn = 500+10;
Line L[maxn];
Point p[maxn];
int n , w , h;
Point fountain;

void input()
	L[0] = Line(Point(0,0),Vector(w,0));
	L[1] = Line(Point(w,0),Vector(0,h));
	L[2] = Line(Point(w,h),Vector(-w,0));
	L[3] = Line(Point(0,h),Vector(0,-h));
	for (int i = 4 ; i < n+4 ; ++i) {
		Point a , b;
		L[i] = Line(a,b-a);
		if (!OnLeft(L[i],fountain)) L[i] = Line(b,a-b);

void solve()
	double Area = 0;
	int m = HalfplaneIntersection(L,n+4,p);
	Area = PolyArea(p,m);

int main()
	int k = 0;
	while (scanf("%d",&n)==1) {
		printf("Case #%d: ",k);





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